East Berlin Favorites PA 2024

Clock Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Evan Liu 2009LIUE01 United States 4.59 195 3.48 158
2 Ledger Ramirez 2022RAMI15 United States 4.98 294 4.29 416
3 Kevin Liu 2023LIUK02 United States 5.64 472 4.22 390
4 Adam Beatty 2024BEAT01 United States 6.66 859 5.52 978
5 Andrew Clippinger 2016CLIP01 United States 7.14 1119 6.35 1547
6 Leland Pak 2023PAKL02 United States 7.32 1223 5.76 1123
7 Jeffrey Chen 2023CHEJ07 United States 8.20 1797 7.77 2668
8 Pierce Tickle 2022TICK01 United States 9.10 2426 7.61 2512
9 Caden Oxenrider 2023OXEN01 United States 10.33 3416 8.97 3847
10 Tyler Smith 2017SMIT08 United States 20.53 10645 14.84 9535
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