Efterårscubing i Hvidovre 2024

Nov 16 - 17, 2024
Hvidovre, Denmark

Frydenhøjhallen, Pauserummet

Egevolden 106c, 2650 Hvidovre

Brug hovedindgangen til Frydenhøjhallen. Bag ved skolen. Lokalet er på første sal

Organization team
Daniel Vædele Egdal, Lucas Hansen, Malte Oliver Bøgh Kjøller, Martin Vædele Egdal, Thomas Sonnenberg Jarner, and Victor Valentin Glyrskov
WCA Delegates
Callum James Goodyear-Jørgensen, Clément Cherblanc, Daniel Vædele Egdal, and Malte Oliver Bøgh Kjøller
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
Competitor limit
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and will close .

Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 80 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 50 kr. (Danish Krone).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of 20 kr. (Danish Krone).

Tilmelding er gratis for borgere bosat i Hvidovre kommune. Skriv 'Hvidovre' i tilmeldingskommentaren.

Registration is free for residents of Hvidovre municipality. Write 'Hvidovre' in the registraion comment (this will be verified).

Grupper vil være tilgængeligt på https://www.competitiongroups.com tættere på konkurrencen.
Der er vil være brug for mange frivillige dommere, specielt i alle efterfølgende runder! Forældre er generelt meget velkomne til at hjælpe til også!
Alle deltagere vil blive siddende ved samme station under gennemføringen af deres gennemsnit i en gruppe.
Husk at når du skriver under for et forsøg (om du er blander, dommer eller deltager) at bruge dit tilmeldings ID. Det står på oversigten ovenfor. Forældre kan skrive et '+' efter deres barns ID.
There will be needed a lot of volunteers, especially for all of the proceeding rounds! Parents are in general very welcome to help judge!
All of the competitors will be seated with the station during the duration of their average in a group.
Remember when you are signing for an attempt (scrambling, judging or competiting) to use your registration ID. You can find that in the link above. Parents can write a '+' after their child's ID.

Du vil kunne finde live resultater på WCA Live, når konkurrencen går i gang. Vi vil prøve at få resultaterne op så hurtigt som muligt, men det er desværre ikke altid de er oppe med det samme, da vi prioritere at konkurrencen kører efter tidsplanen! Husk de tider der står på WCA Live er ikke de endelige resultater, og ændringer kan forekomme.
De endelige resultater for konkurrence burde være uploadet på konkurrence siden dagen efter konkurrencen.

You will be able to find the live results on WCA Live when the competition start. We always try to get the results up as fast as possible, but we prioritise making sure the competition runs smoothly and according to the schedule. Remember the results on WCA Live are not final, and changes might occur.
The final results of the competition should be uploaded on the competition page the day after the competition.

Alle deltagere skal have statsborgerskab for det land de deltager under. Det vil altså sige, at hvis man har dansk statsborgerskab deltager man under Danmark. Hvis man har statsborgerskab for et andet land, så deltager man under det. Hvis man har dobbeltstatsborgerskab, vælger man selv hvilket land, man repræsenterer af de lande man er statsborger af.
Hvis man har opnået nyt statsborgerskab, kan man skifte nationalitiet på WCA til sin første konkurrence i kalenderåret. Kontakt den Delegerede for konkurrencen for at gøre det. Hvis man aldrig har haft statsborgerskab for det land man deltager under, eller ikke har længere, skal man også kontakte den Delegerede for at få det fikset.
Ligegyldigt hvilket land du repræsenterer, er du mere end velkommen til at tilmelde dig konkurrencen! Alle WCA konkurrencer er åbne for alle nationer.
All competitors must have citizenship of the country they are representing when competing. This means that if you are a Danish citizen you will represent Denmark as a competitor. If you have citizenship of another country you will compete under that country. If you have dual citizenship you may choose which country to represent of those you are a citizen of.
If you have obtained citizenship of another country you may have this updated at your first WCA competition in the year. Contact the Delegate to do this. If you have never held citizenship of the country you are representing on the WCA, or you no longer hold citizenship of the country, you must contact the Delegate of the competition to have this updated.
Regardless of the country you represent you are more than welcome to register for the competition! All WCA competitions are open for all nations.

Offentlig transport
Fra København H kan du tage et S-tog med linje "A" mod Hundige St., Køge St. eller Solrød Strand St. (Kører ca hvert 10-20 minut, tager ca 14 minutter) til Avedøre St. Derefter går du ca 700 meter (ca 8-10 minutters gang) til venuet (Egevolden 106c, 2650 Hvidovre)
For en mere præcis rute for dig, skal du tjekke rejseplanen.
Der er gratis parkeringspladser meget tæt på venuet.
Public transport
From Copenhagen Central Station you can take an S-Train with the 'A' line going towards Hundige, Køge or Solrød Strand and then jump off at Avedøre Station. From there you will have to walk about 8-10 minutes.
For a more suited route for you, you may have a look at the journeyplanner.
There are free parking spaces very close to the venue.

Ca 800 meter til 1 kilometer væk (ca 10-12 minutters gang) fra venuet ligger der:
Netto: Har åbent fra 07:00 til 22:00 hver dag.
Lidl: Har åbent fra 08:00 til 21:30 hver dag.
Kebab Huset: Har åbent fra 10:00 til 21:00 hver dag.
Oasen Pizzaria: Har åbent fra 11:00 til 22:00 hver dag.
Konya Slagter & Shawarma Haus: Har åbent 10:00 til 22:00 alle dage, undtagen søndag 11:00 til 21:00.
Bago Frugt & Grønt: Har åbent fra 08:00 til 20:00 hver dag.
Burger Station: Har åbent fra 14:00 til 20:00 tirsdag til torsdag, 14:00 til 21:00 fredag til søndag og lukket alle mandage.

Around 800 meters to 1 kilometer away (around 10-12 minutes) from the venue there are several options:
Netto: Open from 7 AM to 10 PM every day.
Lidl: Open from 8 AM to 9:30 PM every day.
Kebab Huset: Open from 10 AM to 9:00 PM every day.
Oasen Pizzaria: Open from 11 AM to 10 PM every day.
Konya Slagter & Shawarma Haus: Open from 10 AM to 10 PM everyday, except for Sunday: 11:00 AM to 9 PM.
Bago Frugt & Grønt: Open from 8 AM to 8 PM every day.
Burger Station: Open from 2 PM to 8 PM Tuesday to Thursday, 2 PM to 9 PM Friday to Sunday, and closes all Mondays.

DSF Logo
Dansk Speedcubing Forening (DSF) står delvist for alle konkurrencer i Danmark. Du kan finde vores hjemmeside her, Facebook side her og Facebook gruppe her.
Enhver person med dansk statsborgerskab (eller har fast bopæl i Danmark), der deltager i en officiel konkurrence i Danmark, har ret til at blive medlem af DSF. Medlemskabet varer 14 måneder og kan administreres gennem denne side.
Danish Speedcubing Association (in Danish DSF) is in part responsible for all competitions in Denmark. You can find our website here, Facebook page here, and our Facebook group here.
Every person competing in Denmark with Danish citizenship (or living in Denmark), has the right to become a member of the DSF. The membership lasts 14 months.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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