FMC Ukraine-Italy 2024


Main event
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and will close .

Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is no competitor limit.
The base registration fee for this competition is 200 ₴ (Ukrainian Hryvnia).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of 200 ₴ (Ukrainian Hryvnia).

Після реєстрації ви отримаєте лист з інформацією щодо сплати.

For payment details, visit Locations tab. After registration, you will receive e-mail with payment information for the Kyiv and Lviv venues. Payment for the Muggiò and Rome venues will be done on site.

УВАГА: Це змагання зі збірки на кількість ходів в декількох локаціях. Щоб полегшити роботу організаторів, ви маєте вказати локацію яку ви збираєтесь відвідати у коментарях до реєстрації. Реєстрації без вказаної локації НЕ БУДУТЬ ПІДТВЕРДЖЕНІ. Ми також рекомендуємо перевіряти ліміт на реєстрацію вашої локації.

Якщо ви хочете змінити вашу локацію після реєстрації, зв'яжіться з нами.

ATTENTION: This is an FMC competition with multiple locations. In order to make the organisers' job easier, you must write which location you will be attending in the registration comments. Registrations without a specified location WILL NOT BE APPROVED. We also recommend that you check your location's competitor limit.

After the competitor limit has been reached, you will be put on a waiting list. Each venue will have its own waiting list.
If someone on the competitor list resigns, the first person on the waiting list will be accepted and will receive a confirmation email.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until Friday, July 12th at 23:59 CEST.

If you want to change your location once you have registered, please contact us.

City Venue Address Competitors limit Competitors registered Contact Delegate Registration fee Payment Info
Lviv Mriy Diy School 12e Ugurska Street 12 4 Ihor Kastranets Ihor Kastranets 200 UAH Payment on site
Kyiv Rivvorking Dniprovska Embankment, 12 18 3 Yura Riabov Roman Ostapenko 200 UAH Via email
Muggiò, Monza e Brianza Oratorio S. Carlo Via S. Carlo 1, 20835 Muggiò MB 15 4 Cubing Italy Tommaso Raposio 5 EUR Payment on site
Roma (Borghesiana) Private Residence address will be shared via email 10 5 Cubing Italy Marco Rota 5 EUR Payment on site

Image description

Che cos'è?

Cubing Italy è un'associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro, gestita interamente da volontari e finalizzata all'organizzazione di eventi e attività legate al mondo dello speedcubing in Italia.
Queste attività si concentrano su:

  • Organizzazione di gare di speedcubing.
  • Realizzazione annuale del Campionato Italiano.
  • Eventi online.
  • Far conoscere appassionati e mantenere una community sana e accogliente.

Le competizioni sono approvati dalla World Cube Association (WCA), l'associazione internazionale di cui Cubing Italy adotta Valori e Missione e dalla quale è riconosciuta come Organizzazione Regionale per l'Italia.


  • Attrezzatura: forniamo cronometri, stackmat, tappetini, display e tutta l'attrezzatura necessaria per organizzare un evento di speedcubing.
  • Consulenza: Offriamo la nostra conoscenza ed esperienza sul mondo dello speedcubing e dei cubi di Rubik
  • Diffusione: Promuoviamo e pubblicizziamo eventi delle comunità locali legati allo speedcubing.
  • Supporto: Aiutiamo gli organizzatori durante l'intero processo organizzativo.


In quanto organizzazione no-profit gestita al 100% da volontari, apprezziamo ogni tuoi contributo per aiutare il mondo dello Speedcubing in Italia a crescere.
Puoi sostenerci facendo una donazione (Paypal o bonifico bancario a Cubing Italy all'IBAN IT86W0623001627000046643274), oppure associandoti gratuitamente cliccando qui ricevendo i seguenti vantaggi:

  • 10€ di sconto su tutti gli eventi organizzati da Cubing Italy.
  • Diritto di voto nell'assemblea annuale.
  • Avviso via e-mail dei nuovi eventi di speedcubing in Italia.

Se desideri organizzare una competizione, inviaci una mail a
Discuteremo la proposta e ti guideremo attraverso tutti i passaggi necessari per dare vita all'evento!

Seguici sui social!

Instagram: @cubingitaly
Facebook: Cubing Italy
YouTube: Cubing Italy
Telegram: Cubing Italy

Image description

What is it?

Cubing Italy is a non-profit cultural association entirely run by volunteers, aimed at organizing events and activities related to the world of speedcubing in Italy.
These activities focus on:

  • Organization of speedcubing competitions.
  • Annual realization of the Italian Championship.
  • Online events.
  • Connecting people and maintaining a healthy and welcoming community.

The competitions are approved by the World Cube Association (WCA), the international association of which Cubing Italy adopts Values and Mission and by which it is recognized as a Regional Organization for Italy.


  • Equipment: We provide stopwatches, stackmat timers, mats, displays, and all the necessary equipment to organize great speedcubing event.
  • Consulting: We offer our knowledge and experience about the world of speedcubing and Rubik's Cubes
  • Diffusion: We promote and publicize events of local communities related to speedcubing.
  • Support: We help organizers throughout the whole organization process.


As a non-profit organization that works with 100% volunteers, we appreciate your contributions to help the world of Speedcubing in Italy grow.
You can support us by making a donation (Paypal or bank transfer to Cubing Italy at IBAN IT86W0623001627000046643274), or by becoming a member for free by clicking here, which will give you following advantages:

  • 10€ discount on all events organized by Cubing Italy.
  • Voting rights in the yearly meeting.
  • Notice via e-mail of the new speedcubing events in Italy.

If you wish to organize a competition, send us an email at
We will discuss the proposal and guide you through all the necessary step to bring the event to life!

Follow us on social media!

Instagram: @cubingitaly
Facebook: Cubing Italy
YouTube: Cubing Italy
Telegram: Cubing Italy

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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