[Cancelled] Fast Fingers Switzerland 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single, sort by average

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Hari Anirudh 2013ANIR01 India 23.14 76 19.42 90
2 Andrew Tan Jing Bang 2019BANG01 Singapore 32.96 224 23.92 209
3 Willem Klose 2017KLOS01 Germany 37.48 288 26.76 288
4 Oleg Gritsenko 2011GRIT01 Russia 34.52 238 31.00 380
5 Tobias Peter 2014PETE03 Switzerland 45.51 369 31.64 396
6 Hannah Minas 2017MINA04 Switzerland 55.93 515 38.44 551
7 Alwin Rölz 2016ROLZ01 Switzerland 1:22.37 890 54.03 1015
8 Raphael Riener 2017RIEN01 Austria 1:26.71 961 1:16.22 1675
9 Laura Mellier 2017MELL02 Switzerland 2:56.21 2170 1:36.12 2368
10 Theo Mayer 2012MAYE01 Switzerland 2:52.40 2126 1:53.01 2966
11 Ioannis Papadopoulos 2013PAPA01 Greece 4:57.32 7989
12 Mike Ditton 2018DITT02 Switzerland 5:00.78 8054
Sophia Schmoll 2018SCHM05 Germany
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