[Cancelled] Fast Fingers Switzerland 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Alwin Rölz 2016ROLZ01 Switzerland 10.51 78 7.98 74
2 Patrick Hetco 2011HETC01 Germany 11.38 170 8.06 84
3 Tobias Peter 2014PETE03 Switzerland 12.43 359 9.95 454
4 Levin Houghton 2016HOUG01 Switzerland 14.04 898 11.63 1263
5 Dominic Lumsden 2016LUMS01 United Kingdom 16.04 2066 11.68 1300
6 Daniel Brem 2019BREM02 Switzerland 16.16 2155 11.76 1345
7 Theo Mayer 2012MAYE01 Switzerland 17.78 3504 13.29 2595
8 Philipp Senser 2019SENS02 Switzerland 18.10 3851 14.54 3914
9 Maximilian Elsener 2019ELSE02 Switzerland 18.12 3872 15.68 5314
10 Mike Ditton 2018DITT02 Switzerland 18.68 4411 16.87 6915
11 Laura Mellier 2017MELL02 Switzerland 19.10 4859 15.54 5131
12 Nicolás Truijens 2019TRUI01 Switzerland 19.89 5704 16.76 6765
13 Stefan Huber 2007HUBE01 Austria 21.68 7813 17.59 8018
14 Marc Lorünser 2019LORU01 Austria 23.66 10463 20.02 11952
15 Willem Klose 2017KLOS01 Germany 24.68 11852 18.94 10154
16 Hannah Minas 2017MINA04 Switzerland 25.99 13754 21.44 14409
17 Alasdair Paton 2015PATO01 United Kingdom 27.00 15205 22.91 17003
18 Raphael Riener 2017RIEN01 Austria 27.39 15767 17.64 8091
19 Andrew Tan Jing Bang 2019BANG01 Singapore 27.57 16039 21.45 14431
20 Oleg Gritsenko 2011GRIT01 Russia 28.21 16909 19.40 10958
21 Marco Syfrig 2015SYFR01 Switzerland 29.88 19186 21.97 15406
22 Raffael Alexander de Araujo 2016ARAU01 Brazil 30.09 19444 19.63 11322
23 Lias Marty 2019MART63 Switzerland 34.52 25138 29.21 27241
24 Kevin Sulser 2015SULS01 Switzerland 35.73 26543 32.29 31636
25 Felix Koller 2019KOLL01 Switzerland 43.59 34542 31.62 30716
26 Severin Sprenger 2019SPRE02 Switzerland 47.40 37379 41.30 41332
27 Thomas Stadler 2006STAD01 Switzerland 55.90 41648 41.68 41648
Surya Balaje Raam 2019RAAM01 India 1:37.49 59566
Dennis Delano Brunner 2019BRUN09 Switzerland
Yonas Beyer Germany
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