Finnish Championship 2018

May 11 - 13, 2018
Espoo, Finland

Opinmäen oppimiskeskus

Lillhemtintie 1, 02250 Espoo

First floor


Speedcubing Finland

Niko Ronkainen and Tomi Ronkainen
WCA Delegates
Niko Ronkainen, Reto Bubendorf, and Tomi Ronkainen

Sisäänpääsymaksu katsojille: 10€ (kaikki päivät)

Kilpailijoiden täytyy ilmoittaa etukäteen katsojien nimet Tomi Ronkaiselle 9.5. mennessä.

Entrance fee for spectators: 10€ (all days)

Competitors must inform Tomi Ronkainen in advance with the names of the spectators by May 9.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).

Registration fee is 10€. Registration at door is not possible. Payments will be done during registration at the competition.
Rekisteröitymismaksu 10 €. Ei Jälki-ilmoittautumisia kisapaikalla. Maksu maksetaan kisapaikalla ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Amos Nordman won with an average of 9.58 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Kari Hyttinen finished second (9.67) and Linus Laurén finished third (10.59).

World records: Reto Bubendorf‎ 3x3x3 Fewest Moves 24.00 (average).

European records: Amos Nordman‎ Megaminx 34.17 (single) and Megaminx 37.03 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Amos Nordman 8.79 9.58 Finland 9.0110.439.298.7912.26
2x2x2 Cube Linus Laurén 1.71 1.99 Finland 1.981.713.082.281.71
4x4x4 Cube Amos Nordman 28.73 NR 34.51 Finland 35.3939.2034.9228.7333.23
5x5x5 Cube Amos Nordman 59.18 NR 1:07.84 Finland 1:05.491:11.761:11.911:06.2659.18
6x6x6 Cube Amos Nordman 2:24.19 2:28.21 Finland 2:24.192:32.222:28.22
7x7x7 Cube Niko Ronkainen 3:46.86 3:54.82 Finland 4:07.753:46.863:49.84
3x3x3 Blindfolded Timo Norrkniivilä 1:03.93 DNF Finland DNF1:08.231:03.93
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Reto Bubendorf 22 24.00 WR Finland 222426
3x3x3 One-Handed Amos Nordman 14.46 15.78 Finland 14.4615.3715.50DNF16.48
Clock Niko Ronkainen 6.26 6.61 Finland 6.436.606.266.81DNF
Megaminx Amos Nordman 34.17 ER 37.03 ER Finland 35.9843.1237.9037.2034.17
Pyraminx Oscar Roth Andersen 2.66 3.29 Denmark 2.663.012.794.504.08
Skewb Linus Laurén 3.38 4.76 Finland 3.388.715.884.573.83
Square-1 Linus Laurén 9.14 11.32 Finland 9.1413.1112.2810.5011.19
5x5x5 Blindfolded Timo Norrkniivilä 15:53.00 DNF Finland DNF15:53.00DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Timo Norrkniivilä 15/19 52:37 Finland DNF15/19 52:37
3x3x3 With Feet Linus Laurén 42.24 51.47 Finland 42.2448.2054.2951.9356.37

Friday / Perjantai

16:00 FMC- 1st attempt Final Mean of 3
17:10 Multiple Blindfolded - 1st attempt Final Best of 2 10 min/cube up to 60:00
18:30 3x3 with feet Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 1:30 3:00 6
19:00 3x3 with feet Final Average of 5 3:00
19:25 FMC - 2nd attempt Final Mean of 3

Saturday / Lauantai

8:00 FMC - 3rd attempt Final Mean of 3
8:10 Registration
9:30 5x5 Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 2:30 5:00 16
10:20 6x6 Combined 1st round Best of 1/Mean of 3 4:00 10:00 6 Finns
11:25 7x7 Combined 1st round Best of 1/Mean of 3 6:00 10:00 6 Finns
12:25 Lunch - Lounastauko
13:25 4x4 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 30:00 cumulative
14:10 Square-1 Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:40 1:30 12
14:50 Clock Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:20 1:00 12
15:35 5x5 2nd round Average of 5 5:00 8 Finns
16:05 6x6 Final Mean of 3 10:00
16:35 7x7 Final Mean of 3 10:00
17:10 Square-1 2nd round Average of 5 1:30 6 Finns
17:30 Clock 2nd round Average of 5 1:00 6 Finns
18:05 Square-1 Final Average of 5 1:30
18:20 Clock Final Average of 5 1:00
18:50 5x5 Final Average of 5 5:00
19:05 5x5 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 60:00 cumulative

Sunday / Sunnuntai

8:00 3x3 Multiple Blindfolded - 2nd attempt Final Best of 2 10 min/cube up to 60:00
8:10 Registration
9:30 3x3 1st round Average of 5 10:00 32
10:45 2x2 Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:12 1:00 32
11:25 Pyraminx Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:12 1:00 24
12:05 Skewb Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:12 1:00 24
12:45 3x3 OH Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 0:35 1:30 24
13:15 Lunch - Lounastauko
14:00 3x3 Blindfolded 1st round Best of 3 10:00 cumulative 6 Finns
14:20 4x4 Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 1:30 3:00 24
14:55 Megaminx Combined 1st round Best of 2/Average of 5 1:40 3:30 12
15:25 3x3 2nd round Average of 5 10:00 16
15:45 2x2 2nd round Average of 5 1:00 16
16:05 Pyraminx 2nd round Average of 5 1:00 12
16:25 Skewb 2nd round Average of 5 1:00 12
16:45 3x3 OH 2nd round Average of 5 1:30 12
17:05 2x2 Final Average of 5 1:00
17:15 Pyraminx Final Average of 5 1:00
17:25 Skewb Final Average of 5 1:00
17:35 Megaminx 2nd round Average of 5 3:30 6 Finns
17:50 4x4 2nd round Average of 5 3:00 12
18:10 Megaminx Final Average of 5 3:30
18:25 3x3 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 10:00 cumulative
18:35 3x3 OH Final Average of 5 1:30
18:50 4x4 Final Average of 5 3:00
19:05 3x3 Final Average of 5 10:00
19:45 Awards

Kisapaikka on Opinmäen koulutus- ja vapaa-ajan keskus.
Samassa yhteydessä järjestään 2-päiväiset tanssiurheilun SM-kisat.
Katsojien lipulla pääsee seuraamaan molempia tapahtumia.
Paikalle odotetaan 800 - 1000 katsojaa ja kilpailijaa.
Alueella maksuton paikoitus.

The venue is Opinmäen koulutus- ja vapaa-ajan keskus.
The competition is held alongside 2 day dance sports Finnish Championship.
A spectator ticket includes entry to both events.
We're expecting 800 - 1000 spectators and competitors.
The venue has free parking.

Each competitor must be familiar with and understand the WCA Regulations before the competition.
The WCA regulations are available here

You can have a look at this video to get a basic overview of the regulations.

Jokaisen kilpailijan pitää tuntea ja ymmärtää WCA:n säännöt ennen kilpailuun osallistumista.
WCA:n kilpailun suomenkieliset säännöt löydät täältä

Ennen kilpailua rekisteröinnin jälkeen järjestetään kilpailu- ja tuomarointiopastus, johon jokaisen uuden kilpailijan tulee osallistua.

Kilpalijat maksavat ilmoittautumismaksun lauantaina tai sunnuntaina (jos kilpailee vain sunnuntaina) lipunmyynnissä.
Katsojat lunastavat pääsylippunsa lauantaina tai sunnuntaina (jos tulee katsomaan vain sunnuntaina) lipunmyynnissä.
Sekä kilpailijat että katsojat saavat pääsyrannekkeet kisapaikalle.

Lipunmyynnissä on nimilista kilpailijoista ja ilmoitetuista katsojista. Sanokaa lipunmyynnissä tulevanne Rubik-SM-kisaan ja nimenne, saadaksenne liput alennettuun hintaan.

Competitors will pay the registration fee at the ticket sale on Saturday or Sunday.
Spectators can redeem their ticket at the ticket sale on Saturday or Sunday.
Both competitors and spectators will receive a wristband required to enter the venue.

The ticket sale has a list of competitors and registered spectators. State your name and mention the Finnish Championship cubing competition at the ticket sale in order to receive discounted tickets.

Kisapaikalla on tarjolla lounasta, hinta 10 € (Lounasvaihtoehtoja on muutamia ja hintaan kuuluu myös salaatti, leipä ja kahvi).
Lisäksi kahvila, josta pikkupurtavaa ja virvokkeita.

Lunch is available at the venue, price 10€ (A few different options; salad, bread and coffee are included).
In addition there is a cafe with snacks and refreshments.

Omalla autolla:
Pääset kisapaikalle Kehä II:lta Henttaan liittymästä. Navigaattoriin osoitteeksi: Espoo, Lillhemtintie 1.
Paikoitus: kisapaikalla liikenteen ohjaus ja kaksi paikoitusaluetta.

Metrolla, jää pois Niittykummun asemalla, josta joko bussilla (10 min) tai kävellen reilu puoli tuntia (n. 3 km).

118 Tapiola-Niittykumpu-Opinmäki-Espoon keskus-Kauklahti
118B Tapiola-Niittykumpu-Opinmäki
532 Leppävaara-Opinmäki-Matinkylä
533 Järvenperä-Kauniainen-Nihtisilta-Opinmäki-Matinkylä

By car:
Exit Kehä II towards Henttaa. Address for satnav: Espoo, Lillhemtintie 1.
Parking: follow traffic control to two parking areas.

By public transport:
Travel by metro to Niittykumpu and either take a bus (10 min) or walk 3 km to the venue (~30 min).

By Bus:
118 Tapiola-Niittykumpu-Opinmäki-Espoon keskus-Kauklahti
118B Tapiola-Niittykumpu-Opinmäki
532 Leppävaara-Opinmäki-Matinkylä
533 Järvenperä-Kauniainen-Nihtisilta-Opinmäki-Matinkylä

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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