CubingUSA Heartland Championship 2019

Mar 9 - 10, 2019
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Cedar Rapids Convention Complex

350 First Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52401, USA

Exhibit Hall A and Taft B are on the first floor. To get to Room 310 take the elevator to the third floor.

Organization team
Brandon Mikel, David Woner, Garrett Webster, and Walker Welch
WCA Delegates
Brandon Mikel, David Woner, and Walker Welch
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, February 3, 2019 at 6:00 PM UTC and closed Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 3:59 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

David Nguyen won with an average of 8.18 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Brian Johnson finished second (8.31) and Kennan LeJeune finished third (9.05).

North American records: Carter Kucala‎ Skewb 1.39 (single).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube David Nguyen 6.47 8.18 United States 6.639.506.478.849.06
2x2x2 Cube Brian Johnson 1.61 2.03 United States
4x4x4 Cube Brian Johnson 27.90 33.18 United States 35.2734.0731.1727.9034.31
5x5x5 Cube John Brechon 54.34 59.42 United States 1:04.7656.6854.341:02.1759.42
6x6x6 Cube John Brechon 1:42.86 1:52.21 United States 1:42.862:02.901:50.88
7x7x7 Cube John Brechon 2:37.78 2:42.93 United States 2:37.782:52.572:38.43
3x3x3 Blindfolded Cale Schoon 32.31 DNF United States 32.31DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Walker Welch 21 United States 21
3x3x3 One-Handed Brody Lassner 11.40 13.85 United States 13.2911.4014.9013.3615.11
Clock Joshua Feran 6.47 6.85 United States 7.056.866.656.477.64
Megaminx John Brechon 49.85 54.68 United States 57.1955.3951.4558.0649.85
Pyraminx Simon Kellum 1.75 3.34 United States 1.754.332.763.633.62
Skewb Cale Schoon 1.81 3.02 United States 3.402.533.133.671.81
Square-1 Cale Schoon 8.87 11.44 United States 8.8712.8313.919.4612.04
4x4x4 Blindfolded Cale Schoon 1:52.13 DNF United States DNF1:52.132:29.67
5x5x5 Blindfolded Cale Schoon 4:22.53 DNF United States 5:09.134:22.53DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Will Cerne 14/15 58:21 United States 14/15 58:21
3x3x3 With Feet Carter Kucala 34.66 41.78 United States 53.6740.8243.0434.6641.49
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 60 advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 40 advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00Top 40 advance to next round
Second roundBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00
5x5x5 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao54:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao54:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00
6x6x6 CubeFirst roundBo1 / Mo37:00.001 attempt to get < 4:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo1 / Mo37:00.001 attempt to get < 4:00.00
7x7x7 CubeFirst roundBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 6:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 6:00.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst roundBo310:00.00 cumulative*Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo310:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinalBo11 hour
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00
ClockFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00
MegaminxFirst roundBo2 / Ao54:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao54:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00
PyraminxFirst roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
SkewbFirst roundAo52:00.00Top 40 advance to next round
Second roundAo52:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
Square-1First roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinalBo330:00.00 cumulative*
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinalBo31:00:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinalBo110:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00
3x3x3 With FeetFinalBo2 / Ao56:00.002 attempts to get < 2:30.00
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Cedar Rapids Convention Complex , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is America/Chicago.
Exhibit Hall A Main Stage
Room 310
Exhibit Hall A Side Stage
Taft B
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

Heartland Regional Titles

Here is a link to the CubingUSA site that has information on all Regional Competitions.

We will be offering Heartland Regional Titles to Competitors who are from these States in the Heartland Region.
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota

You also can use this link and follow the instructions at the top of the page to fullfill your requirements to link your state to your profile.
You must do this by March 8th in order to be eligable for Regional Titles.

Image description

The Doubletree by Hilton Cedar Rapids has been amazing in their help on finding a venue for our Regional Championships.
They also have a great deal on hotel rooms for the competition that you can stay in!

The Deadline for the Hotel Discount is March 1st, 2019!

Staying in the hotel has a lot of perks including:
- Staying at the same hotel as other Cubers at the competition.
- Best deal in Downtown Cedar Rapids
- Helps the Organization Team fund the event.

Here is the link for the Hotel Discount!


There is a parking ramp that costs $0.75/hour up to $12.00 for the day. This ramp has skywalk access to the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. There is also valet parking which charges $22/day. Street parking is available, but limited in the area.


Cedar Rapids is the home to the Eastern Iowa Airport (CID). The airport is only an 11 minute drive to the DoubleTree by Hilton. If you are lodging at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, there is a free shuttle service available. You can call 319-731-4444 for details. Uber service is available in Cedar Rapids and there is another shuttle service available here.

We are no longer accepting applications for staff.

We will notify you if your Staff Application was accepted or declined.

Some perks of being on Staff:
- Staff Shirt
- Registration Fee Waived
- Staff Lunch Provided

Image description

Thank you to TheCubicle for sponsoring this competition! They will be providing gift cards as prizes. Check out their store for all your cubing needs.

Certificates for the top 3 in each event and Heartland Champion will be given as prizes.

Name 4x4 Helping 4x4 OH Helping OH 5BLD Pyraminx Helping Pyraminx 2x2 Helping 2x2 6x6 Helping 6x6
Adam Fenn 1 J3 7 J9 1 J3
Alex Rahe 8 J10 2 J4
Andrew Tyberg 7 J1 5 J7 9 J1 3 J5 3
Anuj Jani 8 J2 6 J8 10 J2 4 J6 4
Ayden Paulsen 2 J4 8 J10 1 J3 5 J7
Ben Fischer 2 J4 7 J9
Bennett Bamsey 7 J1 5 J7 4 J6 8 J10 3
Bennett Capelle 4 J6 10 J2 3 6 J8 1 J5
Brandon Mikel 5
Brandon Satterstrom 1
Brian Johnson 5 J7 1 J3 3 J5 7 J9 2 J6
Brody Lassner 6 J8 2 J4 4 J6 8 J10 5 J1
Brody Schoon 4 J6 5 J7 9 J1
Caden James
Cale Schoon 3 1 1 9 7 5
Caleb Patten 3 J5 6 J8 10 J2
Carter Bitz 7 R1 5 J7 10 J2 3 J5 6 J2
Carter Kucala 1 3 J5 1 9 7 5 J3
Cat Madish 8 J10 3 J5
Chris Van Der Brink 8 J2 6 J8 9 J1 4 J6 3
Christopher Billups 7 J9 1 J3
Christopher McGalliard 1 J3 2 J4 4
Christopher Olson 6 3 1 1
Cole Wohlgemuth 2 J4 8 J10 2 J4 5 J7 1 J5
Connor Lyons 3 J5 9 J1 4 6 J8 2 J6
Cooper Swailes 7 J9
David Jiang (蒋濬哲) 7 5 3 3 2
David Mortenson 4 J6 10 J2 4 J6 8 J10 5 J4
David Nguyen 5 9 10 3
David Woner 8 7 3 4 4
Derrek Campbell 4 J6 5 J7 9 J1
Desmond Christopher Jasurda 5 J7 1 J3 6 J8 10 J2
Elliot Norris 5 J7 1 J3 7 J9 1 J3
Eric Waldbillig 2 4 J6 1 10 8 6 J1
Eric Zhao 2 6 1 2 1
Ethan Bryant 3 J5 8 J10 2 J4
Ethan Norris 6 J8 9 J1 3 J5
Evan Klein 6 R8 2 J4 10 J2 4 J6 6 J2
Finn X. Gotcher 4 J6 1 J3 5 J7
Hayden Bosman 7 J1 5 J7 3 6 J8 1 J5
Ian Southa 7 J1 5 J7 3 J5 7 R9 2 J6
Isaac Twedt-Ball 8 J2 6 J8 4 J6 8 J10
Jake Geren 1 9 1 2
Jake Philipak 5 J7 9 J1
Jason Ryan 1 J3 7 J9 7 J9 1 J3
Jensen Birdwell 8 J2 6 J8 6 J8 10 J2
John Benwell 1 J3 7 J9 8 J10 2 J4 3
John Brechon 4 2 1 10 8 6
John F. Kronkvist 2 J4 9 J1 3 J5 6 J1
Joseph Ong 3 J5 9 J1 10 J2 4 J6 5 J3
Josh Crook 4 J6 10 J2 4 5 J7
Joshua Beck 2 1
Joshua Feran 1 3 1 9 7 5
Kennan LeJeune 3 8 2
Kris Stuart 7 J9 6 J8
Lemmy Bosman 1 J3 7 J9
Marlone Barcheski 2 J4 8 J10
Mattan Golay 5 J7 5 J7 9 J1
Max Walaszek 6 J8 2 J4 6 J8 10 J2 1 J5
Michael Conard 7 J1 5 J7 9 J1 3 J5 6 J4
Mike Bitz
Nate McCarthy 2 J4 8 J10 1 J3 2 J6
Nathan Jennings 3 J5 2 J4
Nathan Popov 8 J2 6 J8 10 J2 4 J6 3
Nic Napier 1 J3 7 J9 2 J4 5 J7 4
Nicolas Bibik 3 J5 9 J1 3 6 J8 5 J1
Noah Simcox 2 J4 8 J10 3 J5 7 J9
Oliver Thompson 4 J6 10 J2 4 J6 8 J10
Owen Hjerpe 3 J5 9 J1 5 J7 9 J1 6 J2
Parker Sherman 5 J7 3 J5 6 J8 10 J2
Peter Weyers 4 J6 10 J2 7 J9 1 J3 1 J5
Peyton Lehman 5 J7 1 J3 8 J10 2 J4 2 J6
Phillip Johnson 6 J8 4 J6 8 J10 3 J5 5 J3
Phisher Winn 2 10 3 5
Rachel Feran 3 1 2 6 3
Reagan Stock 4 J6 10 J2 4 J6
Ryan Johnson 7 J1 5 J7 3 5 J7 6 J4
Sarah Cook 4 2 7 9 4
Seth Fregien 8 J2 4 J6 4 6 J8
Shane David 1 J3 2 J4 5 J7 5 J1
Simon Kellum 5 4 8 10 1
Stephen Griggs 6 9 7 9 2
Tim Sebolt 2 J4 8 J10 2 J4 6 J8 6 J2
Trevor Schepanski 6 J8 2 J4 5 J7 9 J1
Tristan Hastings 3 J5 6 J8 10 J2
Troy Lehman 7 J9 1 J3
Tyler Bitz 8 J10 2 J4
Tyler Johnson 4 J6 10 J2 7 J9 3 J5 2 J6
Tyler Robinson 5 J7 3 J5 9 J1 4 J6 6 J3
Tyler Schepanski 6 J8 2 J4 1 J3 5 J7
Walker Welch 2 1 1 10 8 4
Will Cerne 3 R5 1 1 9 7 5 R4
William Grooms 1 J3 6 J8
Yusuf Ragab 2 R4 8 J10 10 J2 4 J6 4
Zach Metzler 4 J6 8 R10
Zachary Johnson 1 J3 7 J9 5 J7 9 J1
Zeke Mackay 8 J2 6 J8 6 J8 10 J2 1 J5
Name Megaminx Helping Megaminx Sq-1 Helping Sq-1 3x3 Helping 3x3 5x5 Helping 5x5 MBLD 7x7 Helping 7x7 Clock Helping Clock 3BLD Helping 3BLD
Adam Fenn 8 J10 8 J2
Alex Rahe 9 J11
Andrew Tyberg 2 R4 3 J5 11 J3 3 R5 2 J4 6 J2
Anuj Jani J1 12 J2 4
Ayden Paulsen 10 J12
Ben Fischer 8 J10
Bennett Bamsey 6 1 J3 1 J3 5 R7 4 S6 J2
Bennett Capelle 5 J1 2 J4 6 J8 6 J4 J1
Brandon Mikel 6 5 1
Brandon Satterstrom 1 7 2 1
Brian Johnson 6 2 J4 5 J7 7 R1 2 J4 6 1 J3
Brody Lassner 3 J5 5 6 J8 8 J2 5 J3 J1 3
Brody Schoon 1 J3 9 R11 4 J6
Caden James 10 J12
Cale Schoon 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 2
Caleb Patten 3 J5
Carter Bitz 4 J6 6 11 J3 3 J5 1 R3 6 2 J4
Carter Kucala 3 J5 5 7 R9 1 R3 2 6 5 4
Cat Madish 7 J9
Chris Van Der Brink 2 J4 12 J2 4 J6 1 J3 5 1 J3
Christopher Billups 8 J10
Christopher McGalliard 1 J3 1 J3 5 J7 3 J5 1 J1
Christopher Olson 3 3 1
Cole Wohlgemuth 2 J4 3 J5 4 J6 6 J8 6 J2
Connor Lyons 6 2 J4 5 J7 7 J1 3 J4 J1
Cooper Swailes 9 J11
David Jiang (蒋濬哲) 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3
David Mortenson 4 J6 6 8 J10 2 R4 2 2 J6 J3 3
David Nguyen 6 11 5 4
David Woner 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2
Derrek Campbell 9 J11
Desmond Christopher Jasurda 1 J3 3 J5
Elliot Norris J2 6 8 J2
Eric Waldbillig 3 J5 5 7 J9 1 J3 2 5 6 4
Eric Zhao 5 5 12 6 1 5
Ethan Bryant 5 J1 7 J9
Ethan Norris 1 J3 2 J4 8 J10 3 J5
Evan Klein 4 J6 6 8 S10 2 J4 2 6 R2 5 4
Finn X. Gotcher 11 J1 3 J5 4 J6
Hayden Bosman 2 J4 4 12 J2 4 J6 6 J2 J3
Ian Southa 4 S6 3 J5 5 J7 4 J6 2 J4
Isaac Twedt-Ball 5 R2 1 2 J4 6 J8 J3
Jake Geren 1 9 7 4
Jake Philipak 10 J12
Jason Ryan J1 10 3 J5
Jensen Birdwell J1 3
John Benwell 1 J3 4 J6 5 J7 7 J1 3 J5 1 3 J1
John Brechon 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 1
John F. Kronkvist 3 J5 2 2 1 J2 4 J6 2 J4
Joseph Ong 3 J5 5 6 J8 8 J2 4 J6 2 J2
Josh Crook 6 J2 11 J1 3 J5 J1
Joshua Beck
Joshua Feran 3 5 4 3 2 6 6 4
Kennan LeJeune 6 6 10 8 2
Kris Stuart J2 4
Lemmy Bosman 5 J7
Marlone Barcheski 6 J8
Mattan Golay 7 J9
Max Walaszek 1 J3 3 J5 12 J4 4 J6 3 J5 1 J3
Michael Conard 5 R1 1 1 1 1 3 J5 1 J3
Mike Bitz J1 8
Nate McCarthy 2 J4 4 J6 4 J6 5 J7 2 4 J6
Nathan Jennings 9 J11
Nathan Popov 6 J2 4 J6 6 R8 1 3 J5
Nic Napier 1 J3 3 J5 5 J7 7 J1 4 J6 2 J1
Nicolas Bibik 3 J5 6 6 J8 8 J2 3 J5 1 J2
Noah Simcox J2 10
Oliver Thompson 3 J5 3 J5
Owen Hjerpe 4 J6 6 11 J3 3 J5 4 J6 2 4
Parker Sherman 5 J1 4 J6
Peter Weyers 4 J6 6 12 J4 4 J6 2 J4 5 2 J4
Peyton Lehman 1 J3 3 J5 3 J5 5 J7 5 J1 J3 3
Phillip Johnson 6 J2 3 J5 6 J8 6 J2
Phisher Winn 1 1 9 7 1
Rachel Feran 4 4 4 3 5
Reagan Stock 5 J8
Ryan Johnson 3 3 J5 5 J7 7 J1 5 R1 J3 4
Sarah Cook 1 11 5 5 1
Seth Fregien J2 6 8 R2
Shane David 6 J2 10 J12 2 J4 5 J1
Simon Kellum 2 2 1 1 1 2 6 3
Stephen Griggs 5 5 5 6 2 6 4
Tim Sebolt 4 J6 5 11 J3 3 J5 4 J6 2 3 J1
Trevor Schepanski 2 J4 4 J6 12 J4 4 J6
Tristan Hastings 6 J8
Troy Lehman 7 J1
Tyler Bitz J1 8
Tyler Johnson 5 J1 1 J3 5 J7 2 4 J6 J2
Tyler Robinson 3 J5 6 7 J9 1 J3 2 6 J4 3
Tyler Schepanski 9 J11
Walker Welch 2 2 2 2 5 5 3
Will Cerne 4 4 J6 2 2 1 1 3 J5 1 J3
William Grooms 10 J12 4 J6
Yusuf Ragab 5 2 J4 2 J4 4 R6 2 5 4 J2
Zach Metzler J2 12
Zachary Johnson 4 J6 6 J8 J4 1
Zeke Mackay 2 J4 4 J6 2 2 1 3 R5 R2 2 J4
Name Skewb Helping Skewb Feet Helping Feet 2x2 R2 Helping 2x2 R2 3x3 R2 Helping 3x3 R2 Skewb R2 Helping Skewb R2 4x4 R2 Helping 4x4 R2
Adam Fenn
Alex Rahe
Andrew Tyberg 1 J3 S2 1 J3 4 4 J2
Anuj Jani 3 J5
Ayden Paulsen 7 J1
Ben Fischer
Bennett Bamsey 2 J4 2 J4 2 J4 2 2
Bennett Capelle 8 J2 1 4 3 J1 3
Brandon Mikel 1
Brandon Satterstrom
Brian Johnson 3 J5 4 3 5 1 1
Brody Lassner 4 J1 1 J3 1 R3 1 1 R3
Brody Schoon 7 J1 2 R4 4 J2
Caden James
Cale Schoon 1 3 3 5 1 1 Scramble Mega F
Caleb Patten 8 J2
Carter Bitz 1 J3 J2 1 J3 2 J4 2 R4 4
Carter Kucala 5 4 4 6 2 2
Cat Madish 7 J1
Chris Van Der Brink 2 J4 2 J4 3 J5 3 3
Christopher Billups
Christopher McGalliard 4 J2 1 J3 J1 J4
Christopher Olson 4 3 3
Cole Wohlgemuth 3 2 J4 4 J6 1 Scramble Mega F
Connor Lyons 8 J2 1 J3 5 J1 3
Cooper Swailes 7 J1
David Jiang (蒋濬哲) 2 2 4 4 3 3
David Mortenson 4 J6 4 4 J6 4 4
David Nguyen 2 1 2
David Woner 3 4 1 6 2 1
Derrek Campbell 8 J2
Desmond Christopher Jasurda 6 J8
Elliot Norris 4
Eric Waldbillig 6 2 J4 3 6 4 2
Eric Zhao 4 3 2 2 4 4
Ethan Bryant 7 J1
Ethan Norris 8 J2
Evan Klein 1 J3 J1 1 R3 3 J5 2 Scramble Mega F
Finn X. Gotcher 5 J7
Hayden Bosman 6 J8 3 3
Ian Southa 2 J4 2 J4 1 1 R3 3
Isaac Twedt-Ball 7 J1
Jake Geren 3 4
Jake Philipak
Jason Ryan 3 2 J4 2 J4
Jensen Birdwell 4 4 J2 3
John Benwell 8 J2 J2 4 J1
John Brechon 1 3 3 5 1 2
John F. Kronkvist 5 J7 2 J4 J1 1 J3
Joseph Ong 1 J3 3 J1 4 J6 4
Josh Crook 1 J3 2 J4
Joshua Beck
Joshua Feran 3 4 2 6 2 1
Kennan LeJeune 2 4 1 3 3
Kris Stuart 6 J2
Lemmy Bosman 2 J4
Marlone Barcheski
Mattan Golay 3 J5 2 J4
Max Walaszek 2 J4 2 J4 2 3 J1 4
Michael Conard 6 J8 1 R3 5 R1 R1
Mike Bitz
Nate McCarthy 5 J7
Nathan Jennings 4 J6
Nathan Popov 7 J1 3 J5 3
Nic Napier 3 J1 5 J1 4 J1
Nicolas Bibik 8 J2 1 J2
Noah Simcox 4 2 J4 4 J6 4 4
Oliver Thompson 2 J4
Owen Hjerpe 3 J5 2 J4 3 4 J2
Parker Sherman 1 J3 1 J3 1 J3
Peter Weyers 4 J6 J2 J1 1 1 J3 3
Peyton Lehman 2 J4 2 J4 5 J1
Phillip Johnson 5 J7 6 J2 4 R2
Phisher Winn 5 1 2
Rachel Feran 6 3
Reagan Stock 6 J8 3 3 J1
Ryan Johnson 3 J5 1 J3
Sarah Cook 3 2
Seth Fregien 4 2 J4 2 2
Shane David 1 J3 6 J2 2 R4
Simon Kellum 4 4 1 6 1 1
Stephen Griggs 1 3 5 2
Tim Sebolt 7 J1 J1 1 3 J5 3 J3
Trevor Schepanski 8 J2 4 4 J2
Tristan Hastings 6 J8 5 J2
Troy Lehman
Tyler Bitz 1 J3
Tyler Johnson 2 J4 1 J3 2 2 J4 4
Tyler Robinson 3 J5 J2 4 1 J3 1 1
Tyler Schepanski 2 J4 6 J2
Walker Welch 5 3 3 5 1 1
Will Cerne 5 2 S4 4 6 4 3
William Grooms 3 J5
Yusuf Ragab 4 J6 J1 4 2 J3 2 J3 3
Zach Metzler 1 J3 1 J3
Zachary Johnson 4 J6 1
Zeke Mackay 6 1 J3 3 4 J6 4 3

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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