Jaqueca de Florida 2022

Jun 11, 2022
Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Mozart 2300

Aula 4 - Classroom 4


Manuel Gutman, Guido Dipietro

Guido Dipietro and Manuel Gutman
WCA Delegates
Cristian Ezequiel Vega and Guido Dipietro
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

El lugar ha sido cambiado

Este campeonato no tendrá 3x3, y consistirá principalmente de categorías a ciegas, incluyendo una media de Fewest Moves.
Los primerizos son bienvenidos, pero sugerimos considerar anotarse a un campeonato diferente.

The venue has been changed

This competition will not hold the 3x3 event, and will consist mainly of Blind events, including a Fewest Moves mean of three.

Newcomers are welcome, but consider registering to a different competition.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 24 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $500 (Argentine Peso).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators can attend paying an entry fee of $400 (Argentine Peso).

Para que su registro sea confirmado, se debe realizar el pago tal como se detalla en la pestaña "Pago/Payment". Luego de realizar el pago, enviar una foto o captura de pantalla de la transacción a la casilla de correo adjunta en la pestaña “Pago”, de lo contrario, su registro NO será aceptado. Contactarse con los organizadores por cualquier pregunta.
El pago deberá realizarse con anticipación, hasta no realizarse el pago el competidor no tendrá asegurado su lugar en el torneo.

For the confirmation of your registration, the full payment of the registration fee must be completed as detailed on the "Pago/Payment" Tab. Upon completing the payment, please send an e-mail with the transaction screenshot and/or details to the confirmation address posted on the "Pago" tab, or else your registration will not be accepted. Contact the organizers if you have any questions.
The payment must be made in advance, until the payment is made the competitor WILL NOT have secured his place in the tournament.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Guido Dipietro won with a mean of 24.00 moves in the 3x3x3 Fewest Moves event. Gael Augusto Lapeyre finished second (32.00) and Theo Goluboff finished third (32.33).

World records: Leandro Martín López‎ Megaminx 29.27 (average).

South American records: Guido Dipietro‎ 3x3x3 Fewest Moves 24.00 (average); Manuel Gutman‎ 5x5x5 Blindfolded 10:40.00 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Blindfolded Manuel Gutman 22.66 DNF Argentina DNFDNF22.66
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Guido Dipietro 23 NR 24.00 SAR Argentina 242523
Clock Gael Augusto Lapeyre 6.38 7.05 Argentina 8.2512.676.386.386.51
Megaminx Leandro Martín López 29.36 30.90 Argentina 31.5234.4930.7930.4029.36
4x4x4 Blindfolded Manuel Gutman 2:26.35 DNF Argentina DNF2:59.562:26.35
5x5x5 Blindfolded Guido Dipietro 7:36.42 DNF Argentina DNF7:36.42DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Manuel Gutman 4/4 6:36 Argentina 4/4 6:36



IMPORTANTE: Por favor, no pagar sin haberse previamente registrado. El registro NO SERÁ ACEPTADO si no consta de estas tres cosas:

  • Registro en este formulario
  • Pago realizado
  • E-mail enviado con el comprobante y nombre y apellido del participante

Los registros serán aceptados en orden de llegada de los pagos hasta completar el cupo de 24 participantes.
Quienes no lleguen a hacerlo quedarán en lista de espera e irán eventualmente entrando por orden de registro a medida que se liberen lugares.
Los competidores en lista de espera que obtengan un potencial lugar serán notificados por e-mail.

El pago de la inscripción ($500 pesos argentinos) se hará mediante transferencia bancaria al siguiente CBU:

Titular: Guido Dipietro
CUIT/CUIL: 20 - 42951122 - 5
Alias: gdipietro.bru
CBU: 14300017 - 13005228850013
NRO. CUENTA: 1300522885001

No se harán devoluciones del dinero bajo ningún concepto.

No se aceptarán pagos antes de la fecha de inicio del registro.

IMPORTANTE: Una vez hecho el pago, se deberá mandar un e-mail con el comprobante y el nombre y apellido del participante a la dirección "dipietroguidowca@gmail.com", con el asunto "Comprobante de pago (Nombre y Apellido) Jaqueca 2022".

Ante cualquier duda, no dude en comunicarse via e-mail a "dipietroguidowca@gmail.com".


IMPORTANT: Please do not pay before registering for the competition. The registation WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED unless these three requirements are met:

  • Registration on this form
  • Payment of 500 Argentinian Pesos
  • Receipt of the payment + competitor's full name to whom it belongs, sent by e-mail

Registrations will be accepted in order of payment until the competitor limit of 24 is reached.
Those who don't manage to do so in time will be moved to a waiting list until a spot is freed.
Competitors in the waiting list who get a potential spot will be notified by e-mail.

The payment ($500 Argentinian Pesos) shall be made as a bank transfer to the following account:

Holder: Guido Dipietro
CUIT/CUIL: 20 - 42951122 - 5
Alias: gdipietro.bru
CBU: 14300017 - 13005228850013
Account number: 1300522885001

No refunds shall be made whatsoever.

No payments will be accepted before the registration opens.

IMPORTANT: Once the payment has been completed, an e-mail shall be sent to "dipietroguidowca@gmail.com" with the receipt attached, and the subject "Jaqueca 2022 receipt (Name and Surname)".

Don't hesitate to ask any questions to "dipietroguidowca@gmail.com".


Varios colectivos llegan a la zona, pero no todos tienen paradas en zonas cercanas a la Facultad.
Las líneas con parada en la puerta son: 7 (a Samoré), 47, 101, 114, 145 (a UTN).

Cuidado con los ramales del 7 y del 145.
Recomendamos tomar alguna de esas, en caso de ir en transporte público.


Several bus lines get to the area, but not all of them have stops nearby the venue.
Those that have a stop right at the front door are: 7 (to Samoré), 47, 101, 114, 145 (to UTN).

Careful with branch lines of line 7 and 145.
We recommend that you take one of those, if you decide to go in public transportation.


El lugar cuenta con un buffet con varias opciones para desayunar, almorzar, merendar, o comer algo durante el día.


The venue has a buffet with several different options for breakfast, lunch, or to grab a snack during the day.

A1 A2 A3
Guido Dipietro U' R' B L D B R2 B R' F2 R' B2 U2 B2 F R2 L2 B' L2 B L2 B R2 F2 U' L B2 R' F' R2 L2 B U' D R2 U' D' R2 B U2 F' D F' U2 F' B U2 B' L2 F U' L' F D' B2 D L2 D R2 F2 L2 U F2 U' F2 L D L2 F2 U2 B2 U'
Gael Augusto Lapeyre L' U F' D2 B2 R2 U2 B U B' U R U' R' U R' U' B L B' R B L' B' U L' F U2 U' R F U' F' D F U F' R' D L' D' R F' D' F D L2 D F D' F' D F D F' R2 B' R2 B U' F2 L' F L' R F2 L' U R2 D' R' D F2 U D' R' D2 R U' D B' R' B D' B' R B D2 B' R' B D B' R B D2
Theo Goluboff U' L U' L2 U2 F U2 F' U2 F U2 F' U' B' U B2 U' F' U B' U' F U2 D F D B2 U R' L' F U2 D2 L' D' L D2 L2 B2 L' D2 L' D2 L B2 L2 F L F' B' D B R D R' U' R D R' L D' R' B' R2 B R2 L2 D' B' U2 R B2 R' U' B' U2 D2 F' R' F D2 B' L B' L' B2 U' B U B' D' B U F2 U' D2 R
Damián Campos B2 U2 L D' L' F L' F2 U' L U L' U' L U L' U' R B' R' B U' F' U F U L' U2 R U R' U2 L2 F' L B2 L' F L B2 L2 U B2 U' x2 L U' L' U L U L' F2 U2 F2 R U F R' U R U2 B U B' y F R U R' U' F' R' F R' B2 R F' R' B2 R2 U' R' F' B2 D R' U' F' U' R' U' R U F' L F L' U' R U R' U' L U L' R U' R' F R' F' R y L' U' L U' L' U2 L2 U L' U L U2 L' U2
Luka Arce González L F' R' D2 F U D R' B' R' B R' U R F' L2 F U R U R' D2 L U L' D2 L U L2 B' R B' R' B2 L B2 U' B' U' B U B U B U' B U2 U' D2 B2 R D' L2 D2 B D L D L' U F D F' U' D2 F D' F2 R F R2 B' L B' L' B2 D2 R D2 R' B R D R' D' R' B' R2 R' B2 F' D R' F' B' U B U2 R' U' R U2 L' U' L R U' R' F U2 F' U2 F U2 F' R' U' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' U R
Manuel Oribe U' B L U B U' D2 B2 R D R' B D B' D R' B R B2 L' F L' F' L2 B D' R2 B2 R' F' R B2 R' F B R2 D F2 B' D' B' D U R' D B' D' B2 R2 D' U2 R L' D2 R' L F L2 D B L B' L2 D' L B L B' L' F R' F' R2 B' R' B2 R B R'
Aaron Scarpati Curin L F' R' B2 D R U' R D U2 F' U' F D U F U F' U' L U L' U2 R' F R F' R' U' R' F R U R U' F' U2 y R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' x2 y L2 R F D' R' F R U' R U R2 F R F' y' L U' L' U L U L' y' R' U2 R U R' U' R U2 R U' R' U' F' U F y2 L F R' F' L' F R F' y F' R2 L' D F' L' R' U R y' U2 R' U' R U F U' F' U F U' R' F' R2 U2 R' U R U R' y R B R' F R B' R' F' U'
Julian Schaffhauser L U F R' B U' L U' L' U2 L' U' F2 R2 L2 D R D L2 F2 L R' D2 L' R U L B2 R F' U F2 B' D' B' L2 B' D' B D' B' D B F' D2 F D' F' D F R' D2 R D R' D R B2 U B U' B L2 F' D F L2 R' U R U2 R2 B2 R B2 R' U2 L U L' U2 L U2 L2 U' L U' L' U2 L U' F2 D' F' D F' R2 B U' B' R2 F2 L' F D' L2 R'
Leonardo Ezequiel Cruz D' B L R' F' D' R U' B' D2 B R' D' R D' R' D R D' F' D' F D F' D' F D2 L D L' U D2 L' F U' B2 D' F B' U' F2 U' F' U' F2 U2 B' F' R B' F2 D' F' B R F' B U' B2 F2 D' F' B R2 F' B U' R2 F' B U2 F' B R2 F' D' B' R D2 R D' R2 B' L2 B2 L R2 F' R U2 R B2 R' U' R B R' U' R U2 R' U' R B U' B' U B U' B' U B U' B' R' U2 R L' B' R L' D' L' R F2 L R' D' L R' B2 R L' R2 U2 L2 U2 D2 L2 D2 L2 D2
Nicolás Campanario B2 U L U' B U L2 U2 R D' R D2 R' B' R2 B D' F' R2 F2 R' F' U' R2 U R' U R2 U U' R' U' R U D' R2 U R' U R U' R U' R2 U' D B2 U' D2 B2 R B D L D L' D R D R2 D' R L D' L' D L D2 L' D2 L D L' D2 L' F L F' B D B' D' B D' B' F D' B D B' F' D2 U' L2 U2 L U2 L U2 L2 U' L' D' B' L' B L' D L2 F L' F' L U' L' U L U' L2 F2 U L B' L' B R B L B' R' U R' D' R' U' F2 R'
Federico da Fonseca L B2 F' R' D' L' F' U F2 U F2 U2 F B' U B U R U' R' U' F' U F U' R' U R2 B' R' B F U F' U F U' F' U' F' L F L' R2 B2 R F R' B2 R F' R U B2 D2 U' B2 R B x2 U R U' R2 U R U' L U' L' R U R' U R U' R L U' L' U L U L' U' B U' B L U2 L' y' F2 R U' R' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R F2 U' R2 U B U F U F D' R2 D' R D R U' D R' D' U R' F R' F2 U F U' B' R' B R' B' R B R B U' B' U D2 B2 D F D' B2 D F' D R2
Luis Fernando Landauro Salamanca R' F' B' L' U' F' B' D B D2 L D L R' D R U2 L' D' U2 D2 x2 U' B U B' U' B U2 B U' F' L F L2 U L B2 R' F R U L2 U2 R D' L D L' B' D B F D F' L' F L F' R' D R F' R F R' x2 U' F' L F' L2 U L U L' U' L F2 U' R U R' U' D R2 U' R U' R' U R' U R2 D' B2 R' F' D R' F' L' U L B' U B R U' R' U F' L F L' U R U2 R2 F R F' R' U' R U2 R' U R F' U2 F U2 F' L F U F' U' F' L' F2
Carolina Visentin U' B' L F2 L' F' U' F R2 D U B' U' B U' B D2 U' B2 R D' L' D2 L' B z2 R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' U R U' R' F' U F R U R' U R U' z2 D' L' D' L D' L' R' D2 R F D2 F' D2
Romina Peretti

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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