Jinhua New Year's Day 2018

Jan 1, 2018
Jinhua, Zhejiang, China

The Heiner Business Hotel

No. 1029, Wuzhou Street, Wucheng District

On the 9th floor

Jinhua New Year's Day 2018 website

Jinhua Cube Association

WCA Delegate
Xiaobo Jin (金晓波)

Please check the competition website for details and registration.

Main event
Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Lukas Shelley won with an average of 8.68 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Jiayu Wang (王佳宇) finished second (9.26) and Wong Kin Lok (黃健樂) finished third (9.40).

Asian records: Zijia Feng (冯子甲)‎ Square-1 8.24 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Lukas Shelley 8.10 8.68 Denmark 8.568.109.898.149.34
2x2x2 Cube Jack Pan (潘杰康) 1.69 2.00 China 2.081.741.692.182.17
5x5x5 Cube Xuming Wang (王旭明) 53.05 1:02.38 China DNF1:01.9953.051:00.961:04.20
6x6x6 Cube Anyu Zhang (张安宇) 1:47.62 1:53.29 China 1:47.621:51.342:00.91
7x7x7 Cube Wong Kin Lok (黃健樂) 2:33.66 2:36.17 Hong Kong, China 2:33.662:37.082:37.77
Clock Zijia Feng (冯子甲) 5.57 6.11 China 5.975.74DNF6.625.57
Square-1 Zijia Feng (冯子甲) 7.47 8.24 AsR China 7.9312.507.477.908.90
3x3x3 With Feet Chengming Su (苏成明) 31.54 36.51 China 40.0736.7731.5442.0432.69
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 48 advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao52:30.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00
6x6x6 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo35:00.001 attempt to get < 3:30.00
7x7x7 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo37:00.001 attempt to get < 5:00.00
ClockFirst roundBo2 / Ao540.002 attempts to get < 20.00Top 12 advance to next round
Square-1FinalBo2 / Ao51:00.002 attempts to get < 40.00
3x3x3 With FeetFinalBo2 / Ao55:00.002 attempts to get < 3:00.00

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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