Jisk'a Cubing 2025

Jan 19, 2025
La Paz, Bolivia

Parque de las Culturas

Parque de las Culturas y la Madre Tierra

Salon del parque, al lado del teatro


Josias Sirpa. WhatsApp

Jose Mauricio Colque Mamani, Josias Milan Sirpa Pinto, and Samuel Antonio Cruz Coareti
WCA Delegates
Daniel Delgado Candia, Josias Milan Sirpa Pinto, and Xavier Antonio Balderrama
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

La inscripción está abierta a cualquier persona, de cualquier lugar o edad.

Registration is open to anyone, from anywhere and any age.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Friday, January 17, 2025 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Enrique Adolfo Delgado won with an average of 8.63 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Xavier Antonio Balderrama finished second (9.27) and Johan Mamani Pari finished third (9.59).

Adriana Saavedra Limachi - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 26 14.81 15.47 Bolivia 14.8114.8516.4415.6915.88
First round 25 13.48 16.28 Bolivia 21.1620.8914.4013.5613.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 24 5.59 6.22 Bolivia 8.026.625.976.085.59
Pyraminx Final 15 7.93 9.50 Bolivia 9.219.8811.027.939.40

Albaro Mamani Gutierrez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 53 32.84 38.05 Bolivia 43.4632.8449.4835.7134.99
Pyraminx Final 34 12.55 15.02 Bolivia 12.5515.3121.3414.2515.49

Armando Ruben Cantuta Poma - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 48 27.46 32.33 Bolivia 33.9427.4634.4032.0431.02
2x2x2 Cube First round 45 9.48 11.68 Bolivia 9.4810.4817.8810.3514.21
4x4x4 Cube Final 33 DNF Bolivia DNFDNF
Clock First round 10 15.03 20.69 Bolivia 19.9422.1220.01DNF15.03
Pyraminx Final 27 10.95 13.39 Bolivia 11.7510.9519.5913.0015.41
Skewb Final 22 22.80 Bolivia 22.8033.07

Avril Camila Terrazas - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 52 31.53 36.20 Bolivia 36.1235.6441.0331.5336.83
2x2x2 Cube First round 43 9.57 10.46 Bolivia 9.579.729.8812.9711.78
Skewb Final 15 13.11 15.92 Bolivia 14.8936.9015.1713.1117.71

Brayan Abraham Saavedra - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 66 59.93 1:11.47 Bolivia 1:03.761:21.951:08.6959.93DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 52 12.34 18.15 Bolivia 28.6212.3419.3218.2416.89

Carlos Alejandro Copa Toro - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 16 11.13 12.93 Bolivia 12.5411.1313.2213.0413.73
First round 17 11.51 13.63 Bolivia 14.8013.3614.0813.4511.51
2x2x2 Cube First round 60 2.97 DNF Bolivia 4.66DNFDNF5.932.97
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 45.62 48.12 Bolivia 47.6149.7345.6253.6347.03
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 4:09.36 DNF Bolivia 5:13.86DNF4:09.36
Clock First round 15 23.59 Bolivia 35.1523.59
Pyraminx Final 11 5.46 8.15 Bolivia 10.688.725.468.567.16
Skewb Final 10 6.35 10.33 Bolivia 10.2520.3312.546.358.19

Carlos Fabian Paredes Piriz - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 23 12.55 15.11 Bolivia 15.5614.6412.5515.5015.20
First round 24 14.09 15.91 Bolivia 16.2316.6620.5714.0914.84
2x2x2 Cube First round 30 3.65 6.61 Bolivia 8.115.956.093.657.80
4x4x4 Cube Final 25 1:10.31 Bolivia 1:10.311:37.59
Pyraminx Final 25 11.37 12.98 Bolivia 12.4514.7311.3715.9611.76
Skewb Final 16 11.56 16.92 Bolivia 20.5916.4916.7411.5617.53

Carol Ayelen Cantuta Poma - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 64 50.27 58.05 Bolivia 50.271:03.721:07.5750.5259.90
2x2x2 Cube First round 53 12.69 22.07 Bolivia 22.1625.9032.0512.6918.14
Clock First round 16 23.98 Bolivia 23.98DNF

Cristhian Alcon Chipana - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 10.77 11.82 Bolivia 10.7711.0312.7511.6712.95
Second round 11 9.96 12.20 Bolivia 11.609.9611.3813.6314.51
First round 11 10.55 12.54 Bolivia 10.5513.2418.7711.9512.43
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 3.46 4.53 Bolivia 3.915.253.467.624.42
First round 12 3.71 4.59 Bolivia 4.124.763.718.294.88
4x4x4 Cube Final 18 54.39 59.10 Bolivia 1:01.041:15.4954.401:01.8654.39

Cristofer Sebastian Aparicio Lopez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 17 9.95 13.02 Bolivia 14.1413.1013.719.9512.25
First round 30 12.85 17.58 Bolivia DNF14.7823.1412.8514.81
2x2x2 Cube First round 18 3.41 5.10 Bolivia 4.493.414.266.5510.24
4x4x4 Cube Final 15 50.47 54.80 Bolivia 56.241:03.8556.3751.8050.47

Damián Amilkar Vicente Tordoya - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 9.03 11.14 Bolivia 11.669.0313.5611.1410.62
Second round 12 11.33 12.21 Bolivia 12.4012.5913.0811.6311.33
First round 8 10.22 11.96 Bolivia 11.8611.86DNF12.1510.22
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 2.66 3.38 Bolivia 3.325.302.662.963.85
First round 6 2.80 4.09 Bolivia 6.052.825.922.803.54
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 42.22 45.47 Bolivia 48.2244.5242.2243.6748.39
Pyraminx Final 5 4.67 6.27 Bolivia 5.397.826.067.374.67
Skewb Final 9 7.37 9.93 Bolivia 16.859.927.377.5412.33

Daniel C. Bedoya - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 11 9.46 12.97 Bolivia 15.1212.739.4612.0914.08
Second round 4 9.07 10.17 Bolivia 11.9210.189.079.9910.33
First round 5 9.24 10.42 Bolivia 13.769.6810.119.2411.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 21 2.57 5.67 Bolivia 2.5714.267.656.562.79
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 34.67 38.89 Bolivia 38.0838.8134.6739.7940.26

Daniel Delgado Candia - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 19 10.93 13.96 Bolivia 15.9016.8513.8112.1610.93
First round 15 10.39 13.54 Bolivia 12.4015.3810.3912.8418.48
2x2x2 Cube First round 28 5.09 6.34 Bolivia 6.865.096.775.38DNF
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 38.35 42.10 Bolivia 44.3441.9444.2838.3540.08
Skewb Final 11 11.40 12.95 Bolivia 13.0216.8711.5614.2711.40

Diego Nicolas Clavijo Martinez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Clock First round 17 24.69 Bolivia 24.69DNF

Eddy Luis Ibarra Varela - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 54 26.82 38.51 Bolivia 41.9541.9926.8231.60DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 50 5.49 14.98 Bolivia 13.4514.125.4917.3820.27
Clock First round 13 15.35 DNF Bolivia DNF17.3815.35DNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 28 7.04 13.51 Bolivia 18.3714.3913.4612.697.04

Elvis Alejandro Loayza Viscarra - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 32 13.46 20.01 Bolivia 22.8719.8319.7213.4620.49
First round 31 16.34 17.79 Bolivia 17.14DNF16.3417.0319.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 27 6.11 6.33 Bolivia 6.366.526.116.136.51

Emanuel Limber Apaza Herrera - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 35 16.85 20.86 Bolivia 18.5916.85DNF20.5723.41
2x2x2 Cube First round 35 4.75 7.28 Bolivia 7.7610.196.714.757.36

Enrique Adolfo Delgado - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 6.77 8.63 Bolivia 8.718.358.828.976.77
Second round 1 8.38 9.28 Bolivia 10.848.388.5414.188.45
First round 1 7.30 8.03 Bolivia 8.238.467.307.3910.01
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 4.03 4.67 Bolivia
First round 5 3.27 3.87 Bolivia 3.994.083.274.363.53
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 31.76 35.14 Bolivia 37.5732.1531.7639.3035.69
Pyraminx Final 6 5.36 6.30 Bolivia 5.366.4910.365.696.72
Skewb Final 12 5.75 13.43 Bolivia 15.0011.3716.635.7513.92

Fabian Rafael Castillo Zabaleta - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 18 10.99 13.65 Bolivia 12.9314.4815.9510.9913.53
First round 14 12.25 13.07 Bolivia 12.7012.2514.0812.4214.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 22 5.41 6.04 Bolivia 6.467.286.065.415.59
4x4x4 Cube Final 23 55.37 1:02.16 Bolivia 1:00.0855.371:03.491:02.911:47.96
Pyraminx Final 22 10.32 12.04 Bolivia 14.4711.2512.5812.2910.32
Skewb Final 23 24.04 Bolivia 24.0429.09

Favio Sergio Aruquipa Coro - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 67 1:12.17 1:18.25 Bolivia 1:28.651:18.871:19.631:12.171:16.24

Gabriel Alejandro Ramallo Baudoin - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 15 10.24 12.89 Bolivia 15.7214.9910.2411.7511.93
First round 18 11.82 13.74 Bolivia 12.8516.2913.5911.8214.77
2x2x2 Cube First round 13 3.35 4.62 Bolivia 5.845.293.683.354.90
4x4x4 Cube Final 27 1:22.42 Bolivia 1:30.941:22.42
Pyraminx Final 41 11.76 19.49 Bolivia 11.7612.8020.9125.5824.75

Henry Ramirez Escobar - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 12 11.37 13.20 Bolivia 13.9312.7422.2611.3712.93
Second round 10 11.07 12.16 Bolivia 12.5113.9411.0712.0711.91
First round 21 12.31 14.27 Bolivia 14.1615.0513.5912.3116.49
2x2x2 Cube First round 14 3.16 4.70 Bolivia 5.654.045.893.164.42
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 41.65 48.31 Bolivia 41.6548.501:00.2047.1249.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 DNF DNF Bolivia DNFDNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 4 4.88 5.51 Bolivia 4.885.185.975.38DNF
Skewb Final 21 21.26 Bolivia 21.26DNF

Ian Daniel Guarachi Calani - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 57 39.19 41.24 Bolivia 42.4139.1939.6442.5341.66
2x2x2 Cube First round 58 27.77 58.74 Bolivia 56.2727.771:13.431:30.1046.51
Pyraminx Final 39 17.25 18.49 Bolivia 37.0617.7017.2519.7717.99

Ignacio Echeverria Ramos - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 62 45.35 50.15 Bolivia 45.3555.6946.5050.8553.09
2x2x2 Cube First round 59 1:02.76 2:05.23 Bolivia 3:16.172:49.871:02.761:44.171:41.64
Pyraminx Final 40 15.42 19.41 Bolivia 23.1915.4217.2520.3420.64

Irvin Jose Diaz Huanca - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 56 28.85 40.97 Bolivia 28.8543.8237.9242.2642.72
2x2x2 Cube First round 48 12.81 13.49 Bolivia 20.6513.6912.8912.8113.88
4x4x4 Cube Final 33 DNF Bolivia DNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 23 11.11 12.24 Bolivia 12.9016.5112.5411.2811.11

Jacqueline Rocío Calle Quiroz - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 50 24.11 32.99 Bolivia 30.8436.8624.1134.9133.22
2x2x2 Cube First round 46 8.38 12.35 Bolivia 12.1312.98DNF8.3811.94
Clock First round 7 13.41 15.07 Bolivia 16.8917.2113.4114.5613.75
Pyraminx Final 45 20.54 Bolivia 20.5421.34
Skewb Final 26 35.77 Bolivia 39.5735.77

Jesús Sebastián Guzmán Pacheco - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 47 21.68 30.32 Bolivia 21.6851.7530.3229.6630.97

Jhammil Asier Terrazas Espinoza - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 20 11.42 13.99 Bolivia 14.6514.7011.4212.6115.76
First round 27 14.62 16.58 Bolivia 14.6215.8915.8920.8517.97
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 3.88 5.97 Bolivia 6.24DNF4.753.886.93
First round 9 3.72 4.24 Bolivia 5.463.814.903.724.00
4x4x4 Cube Final 14 48.18 54.31 Bolivia 1:03.4648.1852.8059.6550.47
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 DNF DNF Bolivia DNFDNFDNS
Pyraminx Final 20 10.05 11.46 Bolivia 11.8412.0913.4810.0510.44
Skewb Final 13 10.23 14.08 Bolivia 22.9812.9816.1110.2313.14

Jhersson Cabezas Luizaga - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 14 11.47 12.85 Bolivia 12.6511.4712.5515.9713.35
First round 13 11.72 12.83 Bolivia 11.7211.9914.6514.9311.86
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 3.01 3.52 Bolivia 4.673.363.543.013.66
First round 11 2.49 4.36 Bolivia 5.192.495.843.044.86
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 41.03 42.36 Bolivia 43.7741.1150.3641.0342.21
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 4:23.29 DNF Bolivia 4:23.29DNFDNF
Clock Final 4 5.50 8.45 Bolivia 5.506.96DNF10.737.66
First round 5 5.21 NR 10.65 Bolivia DNF6.475.2114.3811.10
Pyraminx Final 2 3.23 4.38 Bolivia 3.234.994.444.264.44
Skewb Final 3 5.40 5.69 Bolivia 6.225.405.755.565.77

Joaquin Alejandro Bustillos Echeverria - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 63 45.18 56.74 Bolivia 45.181:05.0647.011:05.5058.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 54 10.56 24.67 Bolivia 40.3829.4120.2610.5624.34
Pyraminx Final 42 17.86 20.33 Bolivia 22.9817.8619.1533.7418.86

JoaquÍn Alejandro MartÍnez García - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 49 24.22 32.35 Bolivia 30.7834.2324.2233.5132.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 42 8.94 10.04 Bolivia 12.5210.1010.969.078.94
Skewb Final 18 13.84 17.68 Bolivia 22.5113.8419.4018.2815.37

Joaquín Andrés Eyzaguirre Quisbert - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 60 29.31 41.97 Bolivia 29.3145.3943.7036.81DNF
2x2x2 Cube First round 56 25.31 43.21 Bolivia 55.0546.9535.8625.3146.82
Pyraminx Final 37 15.22 17.76 Bolivia 18.7619.1817.0815.2217.45

Joel Fabricio Limachi Valdez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 36 16.58 21.83 Bolivia 24.1124.0427.2317.3516.58
2x2x2 Cube First round 25 4.45 6.30 Bolivia 4.457.767.624.886.40
4x4x4 Cube Final 32 1:40.99 Bolivia 1:40.99DNF
Pyraminx Final 24 10.13 12.88 Bolivia 18.6912.8413.2212.5810.13
Skewb Final 24 26.03 Bolivia 44.4426.03

Johan Mamani Pari - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 8.76 9.59 Bolivia 10.8010.369.488.948.76
Second round 5 8.57 10.50 Bolivia 9.628.5713.549.4512.44
First round 3 9.75 10.09 Bolivia 10.149.869.7510.2611.90
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 2.43 3.84 Bolivia 4.323.332.433.874.47
First round 1 2.59 3.68 Bolivia 3.794.653.822.593.43
4x4x4 Cube Final 13 45.84 51.22 Bolivia 54.9653.2851.6845.8448.71
Clock First round 14 22.67 Bolivia 22.67DNF
Pyraminx Final 16 4.80 9.74 Bolivia 10.9110.427.8811.714.80

Jose Lima - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 39 20.14 23.00 Bolivia 25.4422.2121.3433.0420.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 36 7.37 8.54 Bolivia 7.457.3710.6611.887.52
4x4x4 Cube Final 31 1:35.86 Bolivia 1:35.861:56.16
Pyraminx Final 32 11.92 14.40 Bolivia 11.9214.8419.5212.0216.35

Jose Mauricio Colque Mamani - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 29 15.50 18.05 Bolivia 21.8415.7515.5021.9016.57
First round 26 15.88 16.47 Bolivia 15.8816.6816.6420.2716.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 20 3.40 5.57 Bolivia 6.065.627.273.405.03
4x4x4 Cube Final 17 49.77 57.67 Bolivia 1:02.9551.7449.7758.321:06.38
Clock Final 6 10.06 12.55 Bolivia 14.3216.5410.0612.0411.30
First round 6 10.72 12.75 Bolivia 16.8413.7012.1510.7212.39
Pyraminx Final 3 4.36 5.19 Bolivia 4.366.555.195.884.51
Skewb Final 20 14.72 20.35 Bolivia 24.9019.4225.0614.7216.73

Josias Milan Sirpa Pinto - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 3 8.47 10.15 Bolivia 9.8311.049.588.4711.89
First round 4 8.76 10.38 Bolivia 11.548.7610.1110.2410.79
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 32.21 34.73 Bolivia 32.2136.1234.8933.1837.11
Skewb Final 1 3.95 4.03 Bolivia 4.043.974.763.954.08

Josías Arratia Cruz - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 44 21.32 26.66 Bolivia 21.3226.8426.9729.5226.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 51 14.01 17.93 Bolivia 17.1421.6914.0141.8114.97

Kamila Alejandra Vargas Aguilar - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 65 45.63 1:09.08 Bolivia 45.6356.021:05.062:08.471:26.15
2x2x2 Cube First round 57 21.26 53.35 Bolivia 24.232:12.1021.261:46.5129.30
Pyraminx Final 46 21.11 Bolivia 21.1125.75

Kevin Gustavo Sebastián Flores Bazagoitia - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 10.08 10.74 Bolivia 10.2510.8011.1813.3610.08
Second round 13 10.41 12.51 Bolivia 12.1212.7410.4114.1312.67
First round 12 11.63 12.79 Bolivia 12.7712.3513.2515.4811.63
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 3.93 4.76 Bolivia 4.624.376.055.293.93
First round 2 2.61 3.69 Bolivia 4.492.615.312.963.62
4x4x4 Cube Final 22 53.84 1:01.99 Bolivia 1:08.5053.841:00.8957.701:07.37
Pyraminx Final 8 4.38 7.56 Bolivia 7.067.8712.887.754.38
Skewb Final 7 6.42 8.76 Bolivia 12.696.427.998.849.44

Leonel Fabricio Velarde Florian - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 55 32.82 40.69 Bolivia 42.0545.3139.0340.9832.82
2x2x2 Cube First round 44 7.56 11.05 Bolivia 11.7612.269.137.5618.12
Clock First round 18 30.14 Bolivia 31.5730.14
Pyraminx Final 31 12.20 14.26 Bolivia 12.2112.2030.2612.7817.79

Luis Alejandro Torrez Surco - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 41 20.03 23.08 Bolivia 22.6122.4633.3220.0324.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 38 6.77 8.73 Bolivia 9.9312.826.778.437.84

Luzio Batuani Conde - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 9.01 9.81 Bolivia 9.7710.07DNF9.589.01
Second round 2 8.40 9.76 Bolivia 9.179.8712.0410.248.40
First round 7 8.81 11.31 Bolivia 12.6811.8410.7611.338.81
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 2.64 3.12 Bolivia 2.953.902.672.643.73
First round 3 3.28 3.73 Bolivia 3.393.995.063.283.80
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 31.37 35.11 Bolivia 31.3742.6434.4338.9631.95
Pyraminx Final 10 5.47 7.92 Bolivia

Manuel Alejandro Pumacahua Loayza - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 61 37.62 43.75 Bolivia 51.5042.7237.6248.1840.34
2x2x2 Cube First round 55 19.79 41.45 Bolivia 43.31DNF32.8548.1919.79
Pyraminx Final 44 15.01 DNF Bolivia 44.0015.0145.80DNFDNF

Marianela Fernández Mamani - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 42 21.77 23.65 Bolivia 22.9221.7726.1622.8625.16
2x2x2 Cube First round 39 5.79 8.75 Bolivia 10.955.799.0815.316.21
Pyraminx Final 29 10.48 13.52 Bolivia DNF13.5712.1814.8210.48

Martín Rodrigo Calle Quiroz - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 43 16.96 23.74 Bolivia 21.5728.2125.8723.7816.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 33 6.22 6.98 Bolivia 8.796.896.227.196.87
4x4x4 Cube Final 29 1:32.62 Bolivia 1:55.271:32.62
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 DNF DNF Bolivia DNFDNFDNF
Clock Final 3 6.42 7.48 Bolivia 7.527.516.427.42DNF
First round 1 5.81 6.49 NR Bolivia 6.026.606.855.816.90
Pyraminx Final 26 8.87 13.10 Bolivia 12.5817.499.2419.818.87
Skewb Final 14 8.36 14.15 Bolivia 19.6016.1013.3113.048.36

Mateo Alejandro Teran Coca - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 46 24.49 29.24 Bolivia 29.1329.3729.2124.491:04.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 41 7.82 9.98 Bolivia 7.829.9311.6511.258.76
Pyraminx Final 43 14.75 24.87 Bolivia 31.8317.3825.3937.6714.75
Skewb Final 19 14.67 17.97 Bolivia 14.6731.7515.7621.2116.93

Mateo Julián Aspiazu Chana - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 51 21.90 33.94 Bolivia 21.9038.0526.3537.4140.31
Pyraminx Final 35 14.18 16.46 Bolivia 14.1815.2622.4015.8518.28

Mateo Luciano Padilla Mendez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 37 19.64 22.22 Bolivia 24.4419.6421.6425.2520.57
2x2x2 Cube First round 37 7.23 8.57 Bolivia 8.528.688.529.337.23
4x4x4 Cube Final 26 1:17.15 Bolivia 1:27.201:17.15
Pyraminx Final 33 11.86 14.41 Bolivia 17.6913.1623.0312.3711.86

Matias Bilbao La Vieja Maldonado - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 40 21.95 23.01 Bolivia 23.3521.9522.5123.1725.71
2x2x2 Cube First round 23 5.58 6.22 Bolivia 5.785.739.127.165.58
4x4x4 Cube Final 33 DNF Bolivia DNFDNF
Pyraminx Final 17 7.14 10.29 Bolivia 11.537.149.8512.789.48
Skewb Final 17 12.37 17.31 Bolivia 15.4422.3418.2718.2112.37

Matias Franco Echeverria Ramos - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 9.74 10.62 Bolivia 12.6110.209.9711.699.74
Second round 7 10.40 11.03 Bolivia 11.1812.0110.8910.4011.03
First round 6 8.42 11.28 Bolivia DNF10.9710.9411.948.42
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 4.00 4.82 Bolivia
First round 7 2.62 4.11 Bolivia 5.783.365.392.623.59
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 45.31 48.64 Bolivia 50.1649.9549.1546.8345.31
Pyraminx Final 12 6.27 8.64 Bolivia 6.2710.196.369.999.58

Matias Gonzalo Rivero Zambrana - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 38 17.28 22.53 Bolivia 19.0723.0927.1117.2825.43
2x2x2 Cube First round 40 5.69 9.92 Bolivia 11.379.788.6111.845.69
Pyraminx Final 14 6.76 9.44 Bolivia 7.509.8610.9712.166.76

Matias Raúl Angulo Gutierrez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 21 13.64 14.31 Bolivia 13.6415.7014.5614.2714.11
First round 23 13.07 15.29 Bolivia 13.5916.0216.3216.2713.07
4x4x4 Cube Final 20 52.13 1:01.89 Bolivia 1:10.0558.231:00.201:07.2552.13
Clock First round 12 6.06 DNF Bolivia 7.726.06DNFDNF6.06
Pyraminx Final 7 4.96 6.45 Bolivia 6.378.614.965.507.49
Skewb Final 2 4.17 5.22 Bolivia 4.176.368.184.544.76

Michael Gabriel Chavez Quenta - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 45 23.49 26.70 Bolivia 26.5728.3423.4925.5827.96
2x2x2 Cube First round 49 10.64 13.99 Bolivia 10.6416.2411.8813.8417.56

Nahuel Obando Boller - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 10.02 10.88 Bolivia 10.5711.9514.1210.0210.11
Second round 9 11.08 11.99 Bolivia 15.9312.6211.3911.0811.96
First round 10 10.29 12.40 Bolivia 14.08DNF12.3910.7210.29
2x2x2 Cube First round 31 5.89 6.79 Bolivia 6.577.286.655.897.15
4x4x4 Cube Final 19 47.60 1:01.30 Bolivia 47.601:02.7158.921:02.281:06.02
Pyraminx Final 1 3.09 4.01 Bolivia 3.093.974.735.493.32
Skewb Final 25 31.36 Bolivia 31.3639.65

Nelson Rodrigo Rios - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 30 16.22 18.23 Bolivia 16.2217.8218.4918.3820.20
First round 29 15.00 17.00 Bolivia 17.9121.5716.0817.0115.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 34 5.12 7.22 Bolivia 7.686.685.127.29DNF
4x4x4 Cube Final 21 52.39 1:01.92 Bolivia 1:09.7352.3958.5957.44DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 4:49.74 DNF Bolivia 4:58.94DNF4:49.74
Pyraminx Final 38 8.56 18.23 Bolivia 14.718.5619.21DNF20.78

Nilo Erick Huanca Hilario - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 27 10.46 16.11 Bolivia 15.8419.3929.8613.1110.46
First round 9 10.86 12.16 Bolivia 11.0411.7710.8616.3013.67
2x2x2 Cube First round 26 4.62 6.32 Bolivia 7.044.625.958.325.98
Pyraminx Final 30 10.20 13.91 Bolivia 10.2013.4812.3916.4115.86

Pedro Josue Chambi Ventura - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 28 13.57 16.97 Bolivia 20.4715.4315.9213.5719.56
First round 28 12.31 16.74 Bolivia 12.3116.1419.6323.1414.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 16 3.15 4.90 Bolivia 5.705.
4x4x4 Cube Final 24 59.24 1:04.60 Bolivia 1:05.4559.241:05.551:06.531:02.80
Clock Final 2 5.33 6.95 Bolivia 5.337.076.53DNF7.25
First round 3 6.40 8.14 Bolivia 6.40DNF7.449.117.86
Pyraminx Final 9 4.99 7.64 Bolivia 6.687.518.739.094.99
Skewb Final 5 7.14 8.57 Bolivia

Rafael Fernando Vasquez Gallo - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 34 14.70 20.58 Bolivia 25.1720.9927.7714.7015.59
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 3.04 4.19 Bolivia 3.044.633.574.387.51
First round 10 2.64 4.28 Bolivia 4.833.982.644.994.04
4x4x4 Cube Final 30 1:33.49 Bolivia 1:33.49DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 DNF DNF Bolivia DNFDNFDNS
Clock Final 1 6.21 6.86 Bolivia 6.217.747.116.467.01
First round 2 6.56 6.70 Bolivia 6.816.566.73DNF6.56
Pyraminx Final 19 10.30 11.43 Bolivia 12.1713.4510.3010.6311.48

Rafael Morales Yujra - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 25 13.73 15.42 Bolivia 15.2313.7315.4016.4815.62
First round 22 14.01 14.89 Bolivia 16.0314.0114.2814.3716.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 19 3.28 5.53 Bolivia 7.174.476.203.285.91
Pyraminx Final 18 9.22 10.78 Bolivia 11.1210.579.2211.4610.65

Rodrigo Alan Calle Medina - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 58 34.37 41.72 Bolivia 50.42DNF34.3736.8037.95
2x2x2 Cube First round 47 8.93 13.06 Bolivia 11.77DNF13.1314.288.93

Rodrigo Saúl Mendieta Villegas - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 32 14.70 18.42 Bolivia 18.9714.7016.9426.4319.36
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 3.47 4.16 Bolivia DNF3.474.274.074.14
First round 8 3.30 4.14 Bolivia 3.973.953.304.674.50
Clock First round 11 16.82 21.17 Bolivia 19.96DNF23.7019.8416.82

Ronald Manuel Cuenca Cruz - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 22 12.12 15.09 Bolivia 14.2617.6313.3922.9812.12
First round 19 12.59 13.90 Bolivia DNF12.7813.4415.4812.59
2x2x2 Cube First round 32 3.35 6.88 Bolivia 6.057.767.423.357.16
4x4x4 Cube Final 16 46.22 57.09 Bolivia 46.221:00.6552.931:04.9657.70

Samuel Antonio Cruz Coareti - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 10.38 12.94 Bolivia 14.6611.9910.3818.9012.17
Second round 8 10.86 11.98 Bolivia 12.4314.0412.4111.1110.86
First round 20 12.79 14.26 Bolivia 13.3914.5112.7914.8819.42
2x2x2 Cube First round 17 2.71 5.02 Bolivia
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 36.32 45.75 Bolivia 45.8243.6636.3247.7852.15
Clock Final 5 8.67 9.86 Bolivia 9.8710.889.4710.238.67
First round 4 9.34 10.37 Bolivia 11.1012.4410.319.349.69

Santiago German Rivero Zambrana - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 59 34.55 41.96 Bolivia 34.5545.5241.2442.4142.24
Pyraminx Final 36 12.52 17.05 Bolivia 22.0118.6712.5214.0718.41

Stefano Gabriel Gottret Fernandez - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 24 13.89 15.39 Bolivia 16.2413.8915.7714.16DNF
First round 16 11.28 13.61 Bolivia 13.8511.2814.3412.6414.52
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 2.64 4.07 Bolivia 2.643.524.334.36DNF
First round 4 2.47 3.83 Bolivia 4.854.713.342.473.45
Clock First round 9 14.13 19.25 Bolivia 20.6714.13DNF20.5416.53
Pyraminx Final 13 7.10 8.79 Bolivia 8.808.997.108.58DNF
Skewb Final 4 5.75 8.05 Bolivia DNF6.8410.045.757.26

Xavier Antonio Balderrama - Bolivia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 8.38 9.27 Bolivia 9.588.809.4310.378.38
Second round 6 9.32 10.96 Bolivia 10.6310.4011.8412.259.32
First round 2 8.79 9.63 Bolivia 10.019.3010.349.588.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 15 4.01 4.82 Bolivia 5.264.07DNF4.015.14
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 36.04 47.31 Bolivia 45.9946.8749.0850.8136.04
Skewb Final 6 7.84 8.58 Bolivia 9.887.8413.237.937.92

Yorick Brommer - Netherlands WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 31 16.77 19.59 Netherlands 19.9220.9725.4117.8816.77
First round 33 18.71 20.32 Netherlands 23.0019.9519.7918.7121.21
2x2x2 Cube First round 29 5.71 6.60 Netherlands 7.366.40DNF6.055.71
4x4x4 Cube Final 28 1:31.08 Netherlands 1:31.08DNF
Clock First round 8 16.03 18.08 Netherlands 18.4116.0316.7720.3619.05
Pyraminx Final 21 7.83 12.03 Netherlands 10.3517.5613.5312.217.83
Skewb Final 8 5.55 9.20 Netherlands 12.685.5514.187.467.46
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