Kjeller Open 2024

Nov 16 - 17, 2024
Kjeller, Norway

Kjeller School

Kunnskapsveien 19, 2007 Kjeller

See map in the Info / Venue tab

Organization team
Lars Thomas Bredland and Ulrik Bredland
WCA Delegates
Jacob Oliver Bruun, Jakob Jernsletten, Lars Johan Folde, Ulrik Bredland, and Vidar Norstein Klungre
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

The competition is open to anybody who is interested.

Main event
Competitor limit
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and will close .

Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 150 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 125 kr (Norwegian Krone).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 80% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Each registered competitor has to be manually accepted by the organization team. After this is done, a confirmation email is sent to the competitor. This may take up to a few days.
Bring some form of identification (with picture, nationality and birthday) if you are new to competitions.

Hver registrerte deltaker må godkjennes manuelt av arrangørene. Etter at dette har blitt gjort, vil deltakeren motta en e-post med bekreftelse. Dette kan ta opp til noen dager.
Ta med identifikasjon (med bilde, nasjonalitet og fødselsdato) hvis du er ny.

Welcome to Kjeller Open
Welcome to Kjeller Open at Kjeller school in Kjeller - Norway.
Everyone who knows how to solve the cube are most welcome to compete!

Member of NKF
Norges Kubeforbund (NKF) has a hand in all Norwegian competitions, and you can help out by becoming a member (100 NOK).
To become a member: Follow the instructions on NKFs Homepage.

Rules and Regulations
We are using the official rules and regulations from WCA. If you are new to cubing competitions, please have a look through the rules here.

There will be a kiosk available on site to buy some drinks, food, fruits and snacks. Payment will be made though VIPPS.

Competitors will get free lunch in form of some bread, butter and jam in the kiosk area during the announced lunch-breaks.

Some pupils attending Kjeller school have extreme allergy toward nuts so nothing containing nuts are allowed on the premises!


From Oslo to Lillestrøm:
Jump on any lines going east (preferably with first stop Lillestrøm); R10 Lillehammer, L12 Eidsvoll, L13 Dal, L14 Kongsvinger. Se more info at NSB.no or #Ruter / ruter.no
From Oslo Airport / Gardermoen to Lillestrøm:
All trains going towards Oslo stops in Lillestrøm (R10, L12, L13, etc). The local trains uses a few minutes more than the Airport-train, but is a lot cheaper :-)

Lillestrøm to Kjeller school:
Bus “100 Kjeller” or “842 Skedsmokorset” from Lillestrøm terminal to the stop called "Kjeller" (se stoppested i kart).
The 100-bus departs from a platform outside the teminal building.

Walking from Lillestrøm to Kjeller takes about half an hour.

Det er ikke mulig å overnatte i lokalet, men det er flere steder å overnatte i Lillestrøm eller Oslo. Her er tre forslag til hotell med enkleste kollektivtransport til Kjeller skole.


It is not possible to sleep over on the venue, but there are several hotels in Lillestrøm. The train from Oslo is just 10 minutes, so staying in the center of Oslo is not a problem either!
A couple of avaiable hotels in Lillestrøm:

Unofficial Events

We are hosting unofficial events at this competition. No registration is needed other than for SpeedFM, and you can compete whenever you want.
They will happen parallell to the main competition, and you can go and compete at any time (as long as you're not skipping staffing or your own solves).

Here's the official unofficial page

We are planning to host the following events, although more might be added:
Team Blind, SpeedFM, Face Turning Octahedron (FTO), Kilominx, Mirror Blocks, 2-4 relay, and Magic.

You can find the rules here: https://cubingcontests.com/rules
SpeedFM rules:

  • SpeedFM (Speed Fewest Moves) will be held in a bracket format, single elimination
  • To compete, you need a 3x3 each, and a chess clock (an app works best from experience)
  • Set the timer to 2 minutes with no incrementation
  • Person A starts the time for Person B, who then proceeds to scramble Person A's cube
  • When Person B is happy with their scramble, they touch the clock so Person A's time start running, in which they scramble Person B's cube
  • When Person A is happy with their scramble, they touch the clock again so Person B's time runs.
  • Now, Person B and Person A takes turn doing 1 move on their puzzle. They can only do their move when their time is running
  • You must fully release the puzzle before touching the timer
  • Person X wins if they solve their cube before Person Y, or if Person Y's timer runs out.

1. You need to find your own judge. Tip: find someone that also does an unofficial event, then you can judge each other.
2. FTO has a final on Saturday evening (top 4). This means that if you want to compete in FTO, you have to do so before the last official event is done. If you compete in FTO, you will get priority for doing that event over someone who wants to do an event they could do another time.
3. Team Blind will have a final which will go head to head before the 3x3 final on Sunday (top 4 teams). You have until lunch is done on Sunday to compete.
4. SpeedFM will be held in a brackets format, and top 2 will go up against each other head to head on Sunday. Make sure you have done all your matches before the final on Sunday!

SpeedFM registration: https://forms.gle/6M5WvZ3F1ztRDdyz5

Unofficial Events

Nordicube sponser konkurransen med premier til podiumene.

3x3 podium: 150kr/75kr/50kr til første/andre/tredje plass
Andre offisielle grener: 100kr/75kr/50kr til første/andre/tredje plass
Uoffisielle grener: 50kr til vinner

Nordicube har også salg av kuber på konkurransen.

Nordicube is sponsoring the competition with prizes to the podiums.

3x3 podium: 150NOK/75NOK/50NOK to first/second/third place
Other official events: 100NOK/75NOK/50NOK to first/second/third place
Unofficial events: 50NOK to the winner

Nordicube will be selling cubes at the competition.

New System

All this information will be explained at the competition, but please read up on it here.
Looking at the schedule, you might notice that we have round 1 of 2x2 and pyraminx in parallell, and round 1 of 4x4 and 3x3 One-Handed in parallell.
We will not run both events in the normal way at the same time. Instead, the idea is that we run group 1 of the events that are in parallell, at the same time. This means that as a competitor, you get to decide which event you want to do when, and you can remain seated for all 10 solves. This gives you the choice to for example use one event as a "warm up" event for the other one, or you may start with the event you care most about, then when you're done you can cool off with the other one.

This will be the first time we try this system, but we hope the extra time at the table will allow you to really get in the zone! We hope and believe it will be fun to try out, but worst case it's not as good as imagined. Only 4 out of 20 rounds are affected, so the risk shouldn't be too high.

NB: This also means you will have to staff both events, which will take a bit longer than normal, but in turn it also gives you more free time for the groups you are not staffing for (which you for example may use to compete in the unofficial events).

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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