Lincolnshire Autumn 2024

6x6x6 Cube Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Daniel Partridge 2022PART02 United Kingdom 1:32.79 108 1:23.65 78
2 Jacob Chambers 2017CHAM09 United Kingdom 1:33.14 113 1:24.84 93
3 Noah Calderon-Kamata 2022CALD07 United Kingdom 1:52.56 507 1:47.73 611
4 Alan Fang 2023FANG02 United Kingdom 2:19.88 1733 2:11.47 1792
5 George Carpenter 2011CARP01 United Kingdom 2:37.27 2748 2:16.53 2132
6 Adam Swaine 2017SWAI01 United Kingdom 2:49.48 3529 2:33.42 3189
7 James Kyoichi Curry (ジェイムス 恭一) 2023CURR06 United Kingdom 2:51.83 3681 2:37.59 3463
8 Ada Cooke 2020COOK03 United Kingdom 2:54.60 3863 2:41.18 3738
9 AJ Nicholls 2015NICH04 United Kingdom 3:08.93 4792 2:57.33 4886
10 Scott Hunter 2024HUNT04 United Kingdom 3:21.44 5587 3:05.64 5474
11 Sam Spendla 2015SPEN01 United Kingdom 3:59.77 7399 3:37.78 7511
12 Chris Bonnello 2019BONN05 United Kingdom 4:00.65 7422 3:34.28 7304
13 Seamus Murphy 2023MURP03 United Kingdom 4:35.99 8364 4:26.40 9830
Philip Dubois 2022DUBO01 United Kingdom 6:18.15 12490
Jacob Price United Kingdom
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