[Cancelled] Lviv Spring Days 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

4x4x4 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Oleksii Lasiichuk (Олексій Ласійчук) 2018LASI01 Ukraine 34.32 1241 29.89 1376
2 Oleksandr Seniuk (Олександр Сенюк) 2017SENI01 Ukraine 36.37 1869 30.32 1516
3 Nazar Slobodian (Назар Слободян) 2023SLOB01 Ukraine 42.45 4738 38.00 5586
Zakhar Shapron (Захар Шапронь) 2018SHAR17 Ukraine 1:46.78 51037
Ivan Gerasimov (Іван Герасімов) 2019GERA07 Ukraine 1:49.10 51974
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