Michigan 2018

Aug 10 - 12, 2018
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Palmer Commons and Michigan League

911 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Friday/Saturday - Palmer Commons, Sunday - Michigan League; see the "Home" tab for more info.

Organization team
Blake Thompson and Michigan Cube Club
WCA Delegate
James Hildreth

There is a registration fee of $15 and a limit of 220 competitors. Registration will begin on June 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm EST and it will close on August 5th, 2018 at 11:59pm EST or when the competitor limit is reached.

This competition is open to everyone and spectators may attend for free.

Michigan Cubing Club members may compete for free. Contact us after you have registered.

Visit the competition website to see full registration, schedule, and travel details.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 3:59 AM UTC and closed Monday, August 6, 2018 at 3:59 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Rami Sbahi won with an average of 7.88 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Luke Garrett finished second (8.13) and Drew Brads finished third (8.67).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Rami Sbahi 6.79 7.88 United States 7.849.306.797.448.35
2x2x2 Cube Rami Sbahi 1.21 1.56 United States 1.741.211.492.341.46
4x4x4 Cube Max Xiong (熊锐明) 30.68 33.81 China 32.9733.9034.5630.6838.50
5x5x5 Cube Stanley Chapel 52.67 1:00.18 United States 1:02.901:00.4952.671:02.1557.89
6x6x6 Cube Max Xiong (熊锐明) 1:34.58 1:39.98 China 1:48.181:37.171:34.58
7x7x7 Cube Max Xiong (熊锐明) 2:16.27 2:16.55 China 2:16.472:16.272:16.92
3x3x3 Blindfolded Stanley Chapel 21.81 DNF United States DNF21.81DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Mark Boyanowski 25 25.00 United States 252525
3x3x3 One-Handed Tanzer Balimtas 12.86 13.53 United States 15.4313.7513.0313.8112.86
Clock Stanley Chapel 5.99 6.80 United States 6.765.996.077.58DNF
Megaminx Andy Denney 38.01 42.64 United States 38.6146.5638.0156.3342.74
Pyraminx Drew Brads 2.31 2.66 United States 2.313.052.472.822.70
Skewb Mason Langenderfer 2.75 3.81 United States 7.493.983.532.753.93
Square-1 Stanley Chapel 8.75 11.28 United States 13.6211.2211.658.7510.97
4x4x4 Blindfolded Stanley Chapel 1:57.29 DNF United States 1:57.29DNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Stanley Chapel 3:47.94 DNF United States DNF3:47.94DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Stanley Chapel 22/25 51:23 United States 22/25 51:23
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 64 advance to next round
Second roundAo510:00.00Top 24 advance to next round
Semi FinalAo510:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 16 advance to next round
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:30.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00Top 12 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao53:30.002 attempts to get < 2:30.00
6x6x6 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo36:00.001 attempt to get < 4:00.00
7x7x7 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo38:00.001 attempt to get < 6:00.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst roundBo35:00.00
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinalMo31 hour
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundBo2 / Ao51:30.002 attempts to get < 45.00Top 12 advance to next round
ClockFinalBo2 / Ao545.002 attempts to get < 20.00
MegaminxFinalBo2 / Ao54:00.002 attempts to get < 2:30.00
PyraminxFirst roundBo2 / Ao51:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00Top 12 advance to next round
SkewbFirst roundBo2 / Ao51:00.002 attempts to get < 30.00Top 13 advance to next round
Square-1First roundBo2 / Ao51:30.002 attempts to get < 45.00Top 12 advance to next round
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinalBo31:00:00.00 cumulative*
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinalBo31:00:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinalBo110:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00

* On Friday and Saturday, we will be in the Great Lakes Room in Palmer Commons, 100 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
* On Sunday, we will be in the 2nd floor Ballrom in the Michigan League, 911 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

NOTE: If you are not competing on a given day, you do not need to show up on that day. For example, if you are only doing events that are held on Sunday you are not required to show up on Saturday.

Competition FAQ

Registration Fee:
* There is a $15 flat fee for this competition to help pay for the venue, equipment, and other costs.
* There is a competitor limit of 220 competitors.

Important Notes:

  • No outside food is allowed at the venues. There will be a slightly longer lunch break to accomodate.
  • Spectators may attend for free.
  • Michigan Cubing Club members may compete for free. Contact us after you have registered.
  • Registration will be closed at 11:59:59 PM on August 12th. Registration for this competition MUST be completed ONLINE. Your registration is not complete until you have paid the registration fee and your name appears under the competitors tab.

*Registration on the WCA website must be manually approved. Please allow up to 48 hours after payment for us to approve your registration before contacting us. *

This competition is recognized as an official World Cube Association competition. Therefore, all competitors must be familiar with the WCA regulations
If you would like an in depth tutorial of what it is like when competing, please watch this video. Shoutout to Chris Olson for such an awesome tutorial.
You may also want to check out CubingUSA's Competitor Tutorial.

Travel and Venue Information

The Friday and Saturday events will take place in the Great Lakes Room in Palmer Commons (Google Maps Link).

Palmer Drive Parking Structure is directly across from Palmer Commons, and visitor parking is priced at $0.70 per half-hour.

The Sunday events will take place in the 2nd floor Ballroom of the Michigan League (Google Maps Link).

Street parking in Ann Arbor is free on Sundays, but it is difficult to predict whether the parking garages will be free. Maynard and Thayer are two of the closest parking garages, but events in Ann Arbor might affect the pricing and availability of these.


There are two hotels that you can reserve on campus, the Bell Tower Inn and the Campus Inn. These two hotels are generally expensive, however, and you can find much better deals if you stay off-campus. To see rates and locations, click here.

Air Travel

If you are planning on flying, fly into DTW. There is a very reasonable shuttle service from DTW to Ann Arbor, check out rates and times at AirRide's website. Roundtrip is $22 for adults, and any accompanying children 17 and under ride for free. This service drops you off at the Central Campus Transit Center, which is within walking distance of the venue.


Time Event Format Time Limit
8:30 3x3 Fewest Moves Attempt #1 Mean of 3 60:00 / 80 Moves
9:45 4x4 BLD Final Best of 3 60:00 Cumulative
11:15 3x3 Fewest Moves Attempt #2 Mean of 3 60:00 / 80 Moves
12:30 Lunch
1:15 3x3 Multi-BLD Final Best of 1 10:00/Cube up to 60:00
2:45 3x3 Fewest Moves Attempt #3 Mean of 3 60:00 / 80 Moves
4:00 5x5 BLD Final Best of 3 60:00 Cumulative
5:30 Done


Time Event Format Cutoff Time Limit
8:30 3x3 One-Handed Combined Round 1 Best of 2 / Average of 5 0:45 1:30
9:45 6x6 Combined Final Best of 1 / Mean of 3 4:00 6:00
10:30 5x5 Combined Final Best of 2 / Average of 5 2:30 3:30
11:45 Square-1 Combined Round 1 Best of 2 / Average of 5 0:45 1:30
12:30 Lunch
1:15 3x3 BLD Round 1 Best of 3 5:00
2:00 4x4 Combined Round 1 Best of 2 / Average of 5 1:30 2:30
3:15 7x7 Combined Final Best of 1 / Mean of 3 6:00 8:00
4:00 Megaminx Combined Final Best of 2 / Average of 5 2:30 4:00
5:00 Clock Combined Final Best of 2 / Average of 5 0:20 0:45
5:45 Done


Time Event Format Cutoff Time Limit Advancing
8:30 Pyraminx Combined Round 1 Best of 2 / Average of 5 0:30 1:00
10:00 3x3 Round 1 Average of 5 10:00
11:30 4x4 Final Average of 5 2:30 Top 12
12:00 Lunch
12:45 2x2 Round 1 Average of 5 1:00
2:15 3x3 Round 2 Average of 5 10:00 Top 64
3:00 Skewb Combined Round 1 Best of 2 / Average of 5 0:30 1:00
4:00 3x3 Round 3 Average of 5 10:00 Top 24
4:30 2x2 Final Average of 5 1:00 Top 16
4:40 Pyraminx Final Average of 5 1:00 Top 12
4:50 Skewb Final Average of 5 1:00 Top 12
5:00 3x3 BLD Final Best of 3 5:00 Top 12
5:15 Square-1 Final Average of 5 1:30 Top 12
5:25 3x3 One-Handed Final Average of 5 1:00 Top 12
5:35 3x3 Final Average of 5 10:00 Top 12
5:45 Awards


  • For events formatted as an Average of 5, the Cutoff is the time that the competitor must beat in at least one of the first two attempts in order to complete an average. If the Cutoff is not achieved, the format of the event becomes a Best of 2, meaning that competitor may not complete the last 3 solves of the average.
  • For events formatted as an Mean of 3, the Cutoff is the time that the competitor must beat in the first attempt in order to complete a mean. If the Cutoff is not achieved, the format of the event becomes a Best of 1, meaning that the competitor may not complete the last 2 solves of the mean.
  • The Time Limit is the maximum amount of time allowed to complete each attempt.
  • The WCA Regulations contain more in-depth descriptions of the Cutoff and Time Limit.
  • The number of competitors who proceed to the next round is based on the rankings from the previous round of the respective event.
  • The schedule is subject to change prior to the competition.

This competition is sponsored by TheCubicle.us! Thanks to them for the continued support!

Image description

Scroll down for groups sorted by name (instead of this giant chart)

2x2 3x3 3x3 OH 3x3 BLD 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 Clock Megaminx Pyraminx Skewb Square-1
Abdolla Hegazy 9 10 3 3 2 1
Adam Johnson 10 11 3 2
Allen Gustrowsky 1 12 4 3
Aly Hegazy 2 1 4 4 4
Anderson Young 3 2 5 5
Andrew Cirincione 4 3 5 1 1 2
Andrew Hoffman 5 4 6 6
Andy Denney 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Anthony LoCicero 6 5 7 6
Anthony Segyde 7 6 7 4 8 7
Avery Shum 8 7 5 8 1 8
Ben Zoller 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
Benjamin Pugh 9 8 6 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 4
Blake Thompson 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
Braeden McKillen 10 9 3 2
Brandon Manke 1 10 2 4
Brandon Satterstrom 4 2 4
Brayden Beckman 2 11 5 3
Brendan Gowder 3 12
Bryce Moore 4 1 7 6 4 1
Cameron Turner 5 2 3 3 2 7 5
Carlos Perez-Hijar 6 3 8 4 4 3 2 6 2
Carson Walters 7 4 5 8 7
Carter Koch 9 6 1 6 3 2 1
Carter Thomas 8 5 1 8
Chandler Webb 10 7 2 1 7 5 4 3 2
Charles Favreau Fardon 1 8
Christopher Chan 2 9 3 8 6 4
Christopher Mester 3 10 4 5
Collin Wendt 4 11 6 3
Cooper Groat 5 12 1 7
Dakshin Devanand 6 1 5 2 3 8 4
Daniel Pavelich 9 4 6 3 1 1 3 4 4 2 7 4
Daniel Suh 7 2 5 3
Daniel T. Jonsson 8 3 1 6
Darren Tang 10 5 7 2 4 2 2 4 1 3 8
David Jiang 4 5 4 1 4 4 4 4
David Young 1 6 8 5 3
Derek Kong 2 7 1 1 6 4 3 1 1 2 4 1 1
Destin Shulfer 3 8 2 7 5 2 3 5 2 2
Dominic Heising 3 2 8 6 4 2 3 4 3
Drew Brads 5 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 8 5
Dustin DuRocher 4 9 6 3
Elias Rabe 5 10 4 1 4 7 4 4
Elijah Miller 6 11 8 5
Eric Malapanes 12
Ethan Barker 7 1 5 2 1 1 6
Evan Haroldson 8 2 3
Frank Rhoades 9 3 6 4 1
Gavin Dorr 10 4 2
Griffin Parsons 1 5 7 3 7 1
Hector Najar 2 6
Husain Khuraibet 3 7 8 4 8
Ian Spurlock 4 8
Isaac Haley 5 9 5 2 5 1
Jack Engledow 6 10 1 1 6 3 2
Jack Gordon 7 11
Jack Manzo 8 12 2 2 7 4 1 3 2 1 6 2 3
James Hildreth 6 7 6 2 6 6 1 1 3 1 6 6 1
Jasmine Bouchard 9 1 3 8 5 2 7 3 4
Jason Majewski 2
Jeremy Filar 3
John Eppley 7 8 7 1 7 1 2 2 4 2 7 7 2
Jonah Santa Maria 10 4 8 4
Jordan Seigel 1 5 4 1 6 1 5 1
Joshua Ponce 2 6 2 6
Kayla Brown 3 7 3 7
Kemal Demirer 4 8
Krish Tailor 5 9 4 8
Kyle Keating 10
Landyn Bisard 6 11 5 2 3 5 1 2
Lennon Young 8 9 8 8 2 3 3 3 8 8 3
Lincoln Cha 7 12 6
Logan Bellinger 8 1 7 2
Lucas Malloy 1 4 2 5
Lucas Meder 10 3 1 4
Lucas Neufeld 9 2 6 3 1 4 8 3
Lukas Brave 2 5 7
Luke Garrett 3 6 8 4 3 1 3 6 3
Luke Holsopple 4 7 1 4 7
Marco Yang 5 8 2 1 5 2 2 4 4 2 5 8 4
Marcus Malapanes 6 9 1
Mark Boyanowski 9 10 1 2 1 3 4 4 1 4 1 1 4
Mason Bellinger 7 10 6
Mason Langenderfer 10 11 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1
Matteo Hosdil 8 11 6 2
Matthew Mayernik 9 12 7
Matthew Stiles 10 1 7 3 3
Max Xiong 1 2 3 2 8 4 4 1 1 3 8 3 1
Micah Barker 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 4
Micah Brookes 3 4 5
Mohit Aurobinth Chandrasekar 4 5 2
Moshi Tang 5 6 2
Natapong Kanema 6 7 5 3 5 3 6 2
Nathan Dwyer 12 3 5 2 2 2
Nathan Haas 7 8 6 4 6 1 4 7 3
Nicholas Johnson 8 9
Nicholas Livingstone 5
Nithin Ramkumar 9 10
Noah Griffith 10 11 7 5 6 8
Omar Alshenawy 1 12 8
Prithiv Kumar 2 1 1 6 1 2 7 1
Rachel Feran 1 1 3 4 6 3 3 3 2 3
Rami Sbahi 2 2 4 2 5 1 4 4 4 3 4 3 3
Rex Holsztynski 2 8
Robert Kelly 3 3 2 7 2 1
Ryan DeLine 3 3 5 1 1
Ryan Wu 4 4 3 1 8 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 4
Samuel Majewski 5 5
Sarah Strong 4 2 1 2 4
Seth Rowell 6 6 4 1 4 2 3 4 3 3
Siddhant Prayaga 6 7
Simon Kellum 7 8 5 2 2 5 4 1 4 4 1
Sonny Martinez 8 9 5 5
Stanley Chapel 4 5 6 2 6 3 1 2 3 1 5 4 4
Steven Wintringham 9 10 6 3 6 3 4 1 2 6 6 2
Tanzer Balimtas 10 11 7 1 4 1 4 1
Tim Krupinski 5 6 7 7 4 6 5
Timothy Townley 1 12 8 2 5 2 1 2 2 3 7 7 3
Tyler Brodzinski 6 7 8 1 8 4 2 3 1 2 7 6 1
Tyler Farr 2 1 1 8 8 4
Tyson Holderbaum 3 2 6 1 1
Van Husted IV 4 3 2 2
Varun Yalavarthi 5 4 1 7 4 3 3 1
Yoji Ogura 6 5 4
Yuxuan Chen 7 8 1 1 5 3 4 2 3 8 7 2
Zaara Yasmeen Iqbal 7 6
Zachary Castrigano 8 7 4
Zachary Garber 8 9 2 2 6 4 1 3 4 1 8 3

Abdolla Hegazy
2x2: 9
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 3
4x4: 3
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 1

Adam Johnson
2x2: 10
3x3: 11
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 2

Allen Gustrowsky
2x2: 1
3x3: 12
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 3

Aly Hegazy
2x2: 2
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 4
4x4: 4
Skewb: 4

Anderson Young
2x2: 3
3x3: 2
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 5

Andrew Cirincione
2x2: 4
3x3: 3
4x4: 5
5x5: 1
6x6: 1
7x7: 2

Andrew Hoffman
2x2: 5
3x3: 4
4x4: 6
Pyraminx: 6

Andy Denney
2x2: 1
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 1
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 1
5x5: 1
6x6: 1
7x7: 1
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 1
Square-1: 1

Anthony LoCicero
2x2: 6
3x3: 5
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 6

Anthony Segyde
2x2: 7
3x3: 6
4x4: 7
Clock: 4
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 7

Avery Shum
2x2: 8
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 8
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 8

Ben Zoller
2x2: 2
3x3: 2
3x3 OH: 2
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 2
5x5: 2
6x6: 2
7x7: 2
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 2
Square-1: 2

Benjamin Pugh
2x2: 9
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 1
5x5: 2
6x6: 2
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 1
Square-1: 4

Blake Thompson
2x2: 3
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 3
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 3
5x5: 3
6x6: 3
7x7: 3
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 3
Square-1: 3

Braeden McKillen
2x2: 10
3x3: 9
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 2

Brandon Manke
2x2: 1
3x3: 10
4x4: 2
Pyraminx: 4

Brandon Satterstrom
3x3: 4
3x3 BLD: 2
Square-1: 4

Brayden Beckman
2x2: 2
3x3: 11
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 3

Brendan Gowder
2x2: 3
3x3: 12

Bryce Moore
2x2: 4
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 7
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 4
Square-1: 1

Cameron Turner
2x2: 5
3x3: 2
4x4: 3
5x5: 3
Clock: 2
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 5

Carlos Perez-Hijar
2x2: 6
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 8
4x4: 4
5x5: 4
6x6: 3
Megaminx: 2
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 2

Carson Walters
2x2: 7
3x3: 4
4x4: 5
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 7

Carter Koch
2x2: 9
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 1
4x4: 6
Clock: 3
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 1

Carter Thomas
2x2: 8
3x3: 5
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 8

Chandler Webb
2x2: 10
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 2
4x4: 7
5x5: 5
6x6: 4
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 2

Charles Favreau Fardon
2x2: 1
3x3: 8

Christopher Chan
2x2: 2
3x3: 9
3x3 OH: 3
4x4: 8
5x5: 6
Pyraminx: 4

Christopher Mester
2x2: 3
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 4
Pyraminx: 5

Collin Wendt
2x2: 4
3x3: 11
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 3

Cooper Groat
2x2: 5
3x3: 12
4x4: 1
Pyraminx: 7

Dakshin Devanand
2x2: 6
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 4

Daniel Pavelich
2x2: 9
3x3: 4
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 3
5x5: 1
6x6: 1
7x7: 3
Clock: 4
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 4

Daniel Suh
2x2: 7
3x3: 2
Skewb: 5
Square-1: 3

Daniel T. Jonsson
2x2: 8
3x3: 3
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 6

Darren Tang
2x2: 10
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 7
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 4
5x5: 2
6x6: 2
7x7: 4
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 8

David Jiang
2x2: 4
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 4
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 4
5x5: 4
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 4

David Young
2x2: 1
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 8
4x4: 5
5x5: 3

Derek Kong
2x2: 2
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 1
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 6
5x5: 4
6x6: 3
7x7: 1
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 1
Square-1: 1

Destin Shulfer
2x2: 3
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 2
4x4: 7
5x5: 5
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 2
Square-1: 2

Dominic Heising
3x3 OH: 3
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 8
5x5: 6
6x6: 4
7x7: 2
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 4
Square-1: 3

Drew Brads
2x2: 5
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 5
5x5: 5
6x6: 4
7x7: 4
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 5

Dustin DuRocher
2x2: 4
3x3: 9
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 3

Elias Rabe
2x2: 5
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 4
4x4: 1
Clock: 4
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 4
Square-1: 4

Elijah Miller
2x2: 6
3x3: 11
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 5

Eric Malapanes
3x3: 12

Ethan Barker
2x2: 7
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 2
Clock: 1
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 6

Evan Haroldson
2x2: 8
3x3: 2
4x4: 3

Frank Rhoades
2x2: 9
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 4
5x5: 1

Gavin Dorr
2x2: 10
3x3: 4
Pyraminx: 2

Griffin Parsons
2x2: 1
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 7
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 1

Hector Najar
2x2: 2
3x3: 6

Husain Khuraibet
2x2: 3
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 8
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 8

Ian Spurlock
2x2: 4
3x3: 8

Isaac Haley
2x2: 5
3x3: 9
4x4: 5
5x5: 2
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 1

Jack Engledow
2x2: 6
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 1
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 6
5x5: 3
Square-1: 2

Jack Gordon
2x2: 7
3x3: 11

Jack Manzo
2x2: 8
3x3: 12
3x3 OH: 2
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 7
5x5: 4
6x6: 1
7x7: 3
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 2
Square-1: 3

James Hildreth
2x2: 6
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 6
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 6
5x5: 6
6x6: 1
7x7: 1
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 1

Jasmine Bouchard
2x2: 9
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 3
4x4: 8
5x5: 5
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 3
Square-1: 4

Jason Majewski
3x3: 2

Jeremy Filar
3x3: 3

John Eppley
2x2: 7
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 7
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 7
5x5: 1
6x6: 2
7x7: 2
Clock: 4
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 2

Jonah Santa Maria
2x2: 10
3x3: 4
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 4

Jordan Seigel
2x2: 1
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 4
4x4: 1
5x5: 6
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 5
Square-1: 1

Joshua Ponce
2x2: 2
3x3: 6
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 6

Kayla Brown
2x2: 3
3x3: 7
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 7

Kemal Demirer
2x2: 4
3x3: 8

Krish Tailor
2x2: 5
3x3: 9
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 8

Kyle Keating
3x3: 10

Landyn Bisard
2x2: 6
3x3: 11
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 1
Square-1: 2

Lennon Young
2x2: 8
3x3: 9
3x3 OH: 8
4x4: 8
5x5: 2
6x6: 3
7x7: 3
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 8
Square-1: 3

Lincoln Cha
2x2: 7
3x3: 12
Pyraminx: 6

Logan Bellinger
2x2: 8
3x3: 1
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 2

Lucas Malloy
2x2: 1
3x3: 4
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 5

Lucas Meder
2x2: 10
3x3: 3
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 4

Lucas Neufeld
2x2: 9
3x3: 2
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 3
5x5: 1
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 3

Lukas Brave
2x2: 2
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 7

Luke Garrett
2x2: 3
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 8
4x4: 4
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 3

Luke Holsopple
2x2: 4
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 1
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 7

Marco Yang
2x2: 5
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 2
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 5
5x5: 2
6x6: 2
7x7: 4
Clock: 4
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 8
Square-1: 4

Marcus Malapanes
2x2: 6
3x3: 9
Skewb: 1

Mark Boyanowski
2x2: 9
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 1
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 1
5x5: 3
6x6: 4
7x7: 4
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 1
Square-1: 4

Mason Bellinger
2x2: 7
3x3: 10
Pyraminx: 6

Mason Langenderfer
2x2: 10
3x3: 11
3x3 OH: 2
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 2
5x5: 4
6x6: 1
7x7: 1
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 2
Square-1: 1

Matteo Hosdil
2x2: 8
3x3: 11
4x4: 6
Skewb: 2

Matthew Mayernik
2x2: 9
3x3: 12
Pyraminx: 7

Matthew Stiles
2x2: 10
3x3: 1
4x4: 7
5x5: 3
6x6: 3

Max Xiong
2x2: 1
3x3: 2
3x3 OH: 3
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 8
5x5: 4
6x6: 4
7x7: 1
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 3
Square-1: 1

Micah Barker
2x2: 2
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 4
4x4: 1
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 4

Micah Brookes
2x2: 3
3x3: 4
Skewb: 5

Mohit Aurobinth Chandrasekar
2x2: 4
3x3: 5
Pyraminx: 2

Moshi Tang
2x2: 5
3x3: 6
4x4: 2

Natapong Kanema
2x2: 6
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 5
4x4: 3
5x5: 5
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 2

Nathan Dwyer
3x3: 12
4x4: 3
5x5: 5
6x6: 2
7x7: 2
Square-1: 2

Nathan Haas
2x2: 7
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 4
5x5: 6
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 3

Nicholas Johnson
2x2: 8
3x3: 9

Nicholas Livingstone
Pyraminx: 5

Nithin Ramkumar
2x2: 9
3x3: 10

Noah Griffith
2x2: 10
3x3: 11
3x3 OH: 7
4x4: 5
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 8

Omar Alshenawy
2x2: 1
3x3: 12
3x3 OH: 8

Prithiv Kumar
2x2: 2
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 1
4x4: 6
5x5: 1
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 1

Rachel Feran
2x2: 1
3x3: 1
3x3 OH: 3
4x4: 4
5x5: 6
6x6: 3
7x7: 3
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 3

Rami Sbahi
2x2: 2
3x3: 2
3x3 OH: 4
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 5
5x5: 1
6x6: 4
7x7: 4
Clock: 4
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 3
Square-1: 3

Rex Holsztynski
3x3: 2
Pyraminx: 8

Robert Kelly
2x2: 3
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 2
4x4: 7
5x5: 2
Pyraminx: 1

Ryan DeLine
2x2: 3
3x3: 3
3x3 OH: 5
3x3 BLD: 1
Clock: 1

Ryan Wu
2x2: 4
3x3: 4
3x3 OH: 3
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 8
5x5: 3
6x6: 1
7x7: 2
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 2
Square-1: 4

Samuel Majewski
2x2: 5
3x3: 5

Sarah Strong
3x3: 4
5x5: 2
7x7: 1
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 4

Seth Rowell
2x2: 6
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 4
4x4: 1
5x5: 4
6x6: 2
7x7: 3
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 3

Siddhant Prayaga
3x3: 7

Simon Kellum
2x2: 7
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 5
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 2
5x5: 5
Clock: 4
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 4
Skewb: 4
Square-1: 1

Sonny Martinez
2x2: 8
3x3: 9
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 5

Stanley Chapel
2x2: 4
3x3: 5
3x3 OH: 6
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 6
5x5: 3
6x6: 1
7x7: 2
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 1
Pyraminx: 5
Skewb: 4
Square-1: 4

Steven Wintringham
2x2: 9
3x3: 10
3x3 OH: 6
4x4: 3
5x5: 6
6x6: 3
7x7: 4
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 2

Tanzer Balimtas
2x2: 10
3x3: 11
3x3 OH: 7
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 4
5x5: 1
6x6: 4
7x7: 1

Tim Krupinski
2x2: 5
3x3: 6
3x3 OH: 7
4x4: 7
Clock: 4
Pyraminx: 6
Skewb: 5

Timothy Townley
2x2: 1
3x3: 12
3x3 OH: 8
3x3 BLD: 2
4x4: 5
5x5: 2
6x6: 1
7x7: 2
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 3

Tyler Brodzinski
2x2: 6
3x3: 7
3x3 OH: 8
3x3 BLD: 1
4x4: 8
5x5: 4
6x6: 2
7x7: 3
Clock: 1
Megaminx: 2
Pyraminx: 7
Skewb: 6
Square-1: 1

Tyler Farr
2x2: 2
3x3: 1
3x3 BLD: 1
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 8
Square-1: 4

Tyson Holderbaum
2x2: 3
3x3: 2
4x4: 6
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 1

Van Husted IV
2x2: 4
3x3: 3
Pyraminx: 2
Skewb: 2

Varun Yalavarthi
2x2: 5
3x3: 4
3x3 OH: 1
4x4: 7
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 3
Skewb: 3
Square-1: 1

Yoji Ogura
2x2: 6
3x3: 5
Skewb: 4

Yuxuan Chen
2x2: 7
3x3: 8
3x3 OH: 1
4x4: 1
5x5: 5
6x6: 3
7x7: 4
Clock: 2
Megaminx: 3
Pyraminx: 8
Skewb: 7
Square-1: 2

Zaara Yasmeen Iqbal
2x2: 7
3x3: 6

Zachary Castrigano
2x2: 8
3x3: 7
Pyraminx: 4

Zachary Garber
2x2: 8
3x3: 9
3x3 OH: 2
4x4: 2
5x5: 6
6x6: 4
7x7: 1
Clock: 3
Megaminx: 4
Pyraminx: 1
Skewb: 8
Square-1: 3

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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