NCSU Wolfpack 2024

Nov 10, 2024
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

North Carolina State University Talley Student Union

2610 Cates Ave, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606

Piedmont Ballroom on the third level (one floor up from main level/entrances)

Organization team
CubingUSA Treasurer and Ethan Coolidge
WCA Delegates
Cady Shields, Dalton Padgett, and Zachary Ochs
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

This competition is recognized as an official World Cube Association competition. Therefore, all competitors must be familiar with the WCA regulations. If you are new to competing, please refer to the New Competitors tab.

Events: 3x3, 4x4, 6x6, Clock, and Skewb

Please always include your name and competition name in any email that you send to us.
All competitors must read the "Competitor Information" tab prior to registering.
Please read all tabs prior to the competition and regularly check your email for updates from us. All contact will be made by email.

Minors are required to have an adult present per University rules.

This competition is supported by CubingUSA.

Main event
Competitor limit
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 80 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $50 (United States Dollar).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 70% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.

  • To register for this competition, you must pay in full in advance through Stripe. Your registration is not complete until you pay.
  • You do not have a spot at the competition until you receive a confirmation email with the subject line: "Your registration for Wolfpack Fall 2024" has been accepted." Do not make travel plans until you receive the acceptance email.
  • After the competition reaches 80 complete registrations, a waitlist will be created. You must pay to be placed on the waitlist. If you are at the top of the waiting list and someone cancels their registration, you will receive an email from the organizers stating that your registration is accepted. The email address that will be used is the one linked to your WCA account. Please make sure that the email linked to your WCA account is one you check regularly.
  • After the competition, all competitors on the waiting list will recieve a refund for the registration cost minus tax.
  • If the competition reaches its competitor limit and when registration closes, no additional registrations will be accepted. No exceptions.
  • To cancel your registration, please email the organizers with your name telling them you want to cancel your registration.
  • If you are interested in being on staff for this competition please apply via the staff application (which will be posted once registration opens)

All Competitors

Competitor Check-In and Tutorial
Competitors should check in at 8:30AM. This is where you will receive your nametag and group assignments.
The Competitor Tutorial is mandatory for new competitors (and parents) and strongly reccommended for all competitors. The Competitor Tutorial is at 9:00 AM.

Expectations and Clarifications

  • You are expected to be familiar with the WCA Regulations and Guidelines. Article A is most important for speedsolving events
  • You are expected to help judge. You should judge for at least one group of every event you compete in. You may be assigned to judge throughout the day. You may be disqualified if you refuse to judge when asked.
  • If you want a refresher on how to compete or judge, you can read the WCA Competitor Tutorial.
  • You must NOT talk about scrambles or what specific algorithm(s) you did while the event is still in progress. This is considered cheating and grounds for disqualification (Regulation 2g3)
  • Make sure all screens of any cameras or phones you have on the table are facing away from you and do not touch them during the attempt; otherwise, this will result in a DNF (Regulation 2i2). Electronic/bluetooth cubes (ex. Giiker cube, GOcube, GAN356i) are not permitted under the same regulation.
  • Please treat the venue with respect. Pick up any trash, and leave the venue better than how you found it.
  • We are not responsible for your belongings or puzzles. Keep track of your own belongings/puzzles and be respectful of others and their belongings.


  • Please be mindful of how many people you bring with you to the competition. Space is limited.
  • Flash photography is NOT allowed in the venue, as it is very distracting.

Live Results & Schedule

  • You can find live results for the competition on WCA Live. A few days after the competition, the results will be uploaded to WCA officially.
  • We reserve the right to alter the schedule in any way. We may alter the number of competitors proceeding to the next round. We may eliminate a round altogether. This all depends on if we run ahead or behind of the planned schedule.
  • We may start a round early. Please make sure you are at the venue at least 20 minutes prior to an event you are competing in.
  • We will be using regulation 9p3 for all final rounds. If you are not present when a final starts, you will be withdrawn from that final.

Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Per University Policy. Delegates and organizers are NOT responsible for your child
The Organizers, WCA, and venue do not hold any responsibility or liability if you become ill or injured. You are attending this competition at your own risk.

People You Should Know
Your WCA Delegates for this competition are Cady Shields, Zachary Ochs, and Dalton Padgett. Your Organizer is Ethan Coolidge. Ask them if you have any questions throughout the day! Please know that all Delegates, Organizers, and Competition Staff are unpaid volunteers.

For those of you new to cubing, WELCOME!
We just ask you know a couple things before coming to compete...

First, please be familiar with the WCA Regulations, found here:

In accordance with the WCA Competition Safety Policy, competing procedures will be altered. We will go over those changes during the Competitor Tutorial in the morning. However, this video will help explain most of what any cuber competing for the first time will need to know. It is highly suggested that parents watch this video as well.

A written competitor tutorial can be found here.

If you have any questions after this video, we will be having a new competitor tutorial in the morning of the competition. That would be the perfect time to ask those questions and clear up any confusion.

If you are stoked to compete and ready to sign up, head over to the registration tab, click register, and fill out the information it asks for. This will help you get set up the WCA's system and one step closer to your first official solve!


  • Please bring some form of identification. This will be used to verify your name, birthday, and nationality. (something like a passport or school ID).
  • Please be familiar with all of WCA's regulations, most importantly Article A. If you have any questions about the regulations, feel free to ask us.
  • In each event we will have rounds. We will take the top competitors on to the subsequent rounds. After a round is completed, results will be entered into WCA Live. Your name will be highlighted if you made it to the next round.
  • Each round will be divided into groups to help them run more efficiently. We will call the groups in order. Please bring your solved puzzle up to the station with your scorecard. We are allowed to deny you the ability to compete if you do not come up when your assigned group is called.

Click the FAQ tab to find the answers to commonly asked questions.

Q: Do I use my own cube to compete?
A: YES! You are responsible providing your own hardware in order to compete.

Q: What are some examples of puzzles that are not allowed?
A: Electronic cubes (such as Giiker, GOcube, or GAN356i), carbon fiber stickers, significantly damaged stickers, faces missing stickers (note: completely stickerless cubes are allowed), and/or cubes missing pieces. Please see Article 3 of the regulations for more details.

Q: Are Delegates, Organizers, and Competition Staff paid?
A: No, no one is paid for their work. Delegates, Organizers, and Staff are all unpaid volunteers who do this in our free time often at our own expense.

Q: Are spectators allowed?
A: Yes spectators are permitted. Please be mindful of how many people ypu bring to the venue as that contributes to crowding.

Q: I have a question, who should I contact?
A: If you have any questions about this competition, please email the organizers and be sure to include your name in the email.

Q: What is the average age of competitors at these events?
A: All ages are welcome, but in general competitors are between 10 and 25 years old. Don't let this stop you though - everyone can and should cube! There will be competitors of all ages present.

Q: How fast do you have to be to compete?
A: If you can solve the standard 3x3x3 Cube in under 10 minutes, then you should compete! Other events often have cutoffs or time limits. Please see the Events Tab to learn about those events.

Q: What is the competition like?
A: Competitions are a bunch of tables where nerds like us get to sit and discuss our favorite thing - cubes! Of course there is also competing, which will occupy one side of the competition hall, where you will see lots of timers flickering with contestants' new personal bests. Most competitions have a break for lunch, and the competing is split up into groups, as to better organize who competes when. (Check the Groups tab and listen at the competition for more info on this.)

Q: How do I find results?
A: All results are posted on the WCA page a couple days after the competition finishes. However, for the day of the competition, go to WCA Live to find information about current events. This is also where you will find information about the 2nd and 3rd rounds of events. Results have to be entered in by hand and will not appear immediately on WCA Live; please be patient with us as we work to upload results as quickly as possible.

Q: Why am I not on the competitors list yet?
A: Registrations must be approved manually, so please give us time to accept your registration. Registration is likely to fill very quickly for this competition. Registrations are accepted in the order of payment. A waitlist will form once 80 registrants have paid. Even if you register the same day that registration opens, the competition might already be full. If you have additional concerns please email us.

Q: Are there age or gender divisions?
A: Nope! All competitors compete in the same division.

Q: Can I have fun at this event?
A: HECK YES! Cubing is amazing, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the competition!

NC State University Talley Student Union
2610 Cates Ave,
Raleigh, North Carolina 27606

Room Details: Piedmont Ballroom on the 3rd level (1 floor up from where you walk in)

Lunch: Meals are not provided. However, there is a multitude of restaurants located in Talley. This included pizza, sandwiches, burgers, coffee, burritos, and more. For off-campus dining options, Hillsborough Street on the northern edge of campus has numerous restaurants.

Parking: We suggest parking in the Coliseum Parking Deck (201 Jensen Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606).
From the parking deck, walk down Dunn Ave. Walk in the doors under the large silver sculpture on the roof. The Rubik's Cube on the map below is the entrance. Take the stairs as you walk in. The competition is located on floor 3 of Talley Student Union, but that is only one floor up from where you walk in. Elevators are located in the lobby of Talley.

Live results can be found on WCA Live.

Results from the competition will be submitted and uploaded officially to WCA within a week after the competition.

Groups: will be on your nametag

The new Southeast Cubing website is home to all kinds of information about cubing in the Southeast including:

Southeast Cubing is also on social media!

If you are interested in joining the volunteer staff for this competition, you can apply below:

Staff Application

Staff members are expected to spend most of the day helping out, especially with the following tasks:
- Scrambling
- Running
- Data entry

In exchange for your hard work, we'll refund your registration fee after the competition. Please be aware if the competition does not fill to a reasonable number of competitors, we may not be able to offer staff benefits. Please note that due to budget restraints (expensive venue) that lunch is not included for staff at this competition

Please note that we may receive more staff applications than we are able to accept, so we apologize in advance if you are not selected.

Registration now closed. No one else can be added to the waiting list.

Below is the Waitling List Policy:

After the competition reaches 80 complete registrations, a waitlist will be created. You must pay to be placed on the waitlist. If you are at the top of the waiting list and someone cancels their registration, you will receive an email from the organizers stating that your registration is accepted. The email address that will be used is the one linked to your WCA account. Please make sure that the email linked to your WCA account is one you check regularly.

  • You do not have a spot at the competition until you receive a confirmation email with the subject line: "Your registration for NCSU Wolfpack 2024 has been accepted." Do not make travel plans until you receive the acceptance email and see your name on the competitors list.
  • After the competition, all competitors on the waiting list will recieve a refund for the registration cost minus processing fees.
  • If the competition reaches its competitor limit and when registration closes, no additional registrations will be accepted. No exceptions.

Registration is now closed. Please do not email us to be placed on the waitlist. Those who email will not be able to be placed on the waitlist since there is already a long waitlist and registration is no longer open. No exceptions.

Below is the current waiting list

Last updated: 1:15pm on 10/25/24

  1. Alex Vernon
  2. Mayson Frye
  3. Jack Clarkson
  4. Brayden Ciborowski
  5. Merritt Pace
  6. Liam Mayle
  7. Terrell Wade
  8. Anish Premnath
  9. Luke Lloyd
  10. Logan McClure
  11. Jackson Lesan
  12. Savannah Knott
  13. Kiaansh Sinha
  14. Joel Kurian Mathew
  15. Freddie Lee Jones III
  16. Emerson Wheeler
  17. Silas Starling
  18. Arjun Sujay Sankar
  19. Maximiliano Vicci

It is unlikely that those beyond position 20 on the waitlist will make it into the competition.

Those on the waitlist may and should cancel at any point if you are unable to attend. This is greatly appreciated as it is helpful to those behind you on the waitlist. Anyone cancelling their registration while on the waitlist will be given a full refund of the registration fee minus processinf fees.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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