Nacionales Argentinas 2022

Oct 7 - 9, 2022
Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina

Vecinal Mariano Comas

Urquiza 3605

Planta baja


Contacto organización

Bautista Bonazzola and Romina Peretti
WCA Delegates
Cristian Ezequiel Vega and Guido Dipietro
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Las Nacionales Argentinas 2022 serán la tercera edición del Campeonato Nacional Argentino, el cual tomará lugar en la ciudad de Santa Fe. Constará de tres días y se podrá competir en 17 categorías distintas. Recomendamos leer todos los apartados de la página para resolver sus dudas y evitar inconvenientes; para consultas puntuales, contactar al equipo organizador. Rogamos puntualidad y recomendamos llegar al menos 15 minutos antes de cualquier categoría en la que se vaya a participar.

Nacionales Argentinas 2022 will be the third edition of Argentinian National Championship. It will be held in the span of three days and it will feature all seventeen WCA events. We recommend reading each and every section of this page in order to avoid inconveniences; for any specific doubts or questions, please contact the organization team.
We ask for punctuality and recommend competitors to arrive at least 15 minutes before any event in which they wish to participate.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Theo Goluboff won with an average of 7.72 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Vicenzo Guerino Cecchini finished second (7.88) and Bautista Bonazzola finished third (8.00).

South American records: Bautista Bonazzola‎ 6x6x6 Cube 1:35.21 (average); Manuel Gutman‎ 5x5x5 Blindfolded 7:35.94 (average).

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