Narva Open 2018
- Date
- Apr 28, 2018
- City
- Narva, Estonia
- Venue
The Diocesan Administration Building
- Address
- Vabaduse 20, 20303 Narva, Estonia
- Details
On the second floor in main hall.
- Contact
- Organizer
- Aleksandr Tepljakov
- WCA Delegates
- Andreas Pung and Ivo Kruusamägi
- Information
Refer to tabs for more information.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 33
- Registration period
Online registration opened Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Friday, April 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 40 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €5 (Euro).
Participation fee is 5€ for those who pre-register well in advance on the WCA website. If you register on or after April 1, participation fee will be 10€. If the competitor limit has been reached, confirmation emails will be sent out about two weeks before the competition. In order to finalize your registration, it is mandatory to follow the instructions noted in the email. Please check your spam folder and have a look at your inbox multiple times before the competition. No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Osavõtutasu on 5€ neile, kes registreeruvad varakult WCA veebilehel. Kui te registreerute 1. aprillil või peale seda, siis osavõtutasu on 10€. Kui võistlejate limiit on saavutatud, siis saadetakse kõigile kinnitusmeilid umbes kaks nädalat enne võistlust. Registreerumise kinnitamiseks on kohustuslik järgida meilis välja toodud juhiseid. Palun kontrollige oma spämmikausta ning vaadake oma meili mitu korda enne võistlust. Kohapeal registreerumine pole lubatud.
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Daniel Wallin won with an average of 8.93 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Vilius Ribinskas finished second (11.26) and Alfred Saidlo finished third (11.49).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Daniel Wallin | 7.46 | 8.93 | Sweden | 9.41 | 8.28 | 10.13 | 9.09 | 7.46 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | Aleksandr Beznogov | 1.97 | 2.29 | Russia | 2.36 | 1.97 | 2.50 | 2.02 | 3.13 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Daniel Wallin | 30.66 | 32.94 | Sweden | 35.12 | 32.31 | 33.68 | 30.66 | 32.84 | |||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Daniel Wallin | 46.88 | DNF | Sweden | 46.88 | 58.18 | DNF | |||||
3x3x3 One-Handed | Daniel Wallin | 12.59 | 16.35 | Sweden | 23.75 | 15.28 | 15.06 | 18.72 | 12.59 | |||
Clock | Dmitry Kryuzban | 7.09 | 8.26 | Russia | 7.09 | 9.03 | 7.38 | 11.96 | 8.36 | |||
Pyraminx | Dmitry Kryuzban | 2.97 | 3.50 | Russia | 4.02 | 3.21 | 3.40 | 2.97 | 3.88 | |||
Skewb | Daniel Wallin | 3.06 | 3.62 | Sweden | 3.43 | 5.86 | 3.06 | 3.63 | 3.81 |
Event | Round | Format | Time limit | Proceed |
3x3x3 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round |
Second round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
2x2x2 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
4x4x4 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 5 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Final | Bo3 | 20:00.00 cumulative* | |
3x3x3 One-Handed | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
Clock | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 5 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
Pyraminx | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | ||
Skewb | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 |
General information
Participation fee is 5€ for those who pre-register well in advance on the WCA website. If you register on or after April 21, participation fee will be 10€. You can pay on the spot, when you arrive at the venue. Payments are made only in cash. We strongly advise competitors to pre-register on the WCA website well in advance in order to secure a spot at the competition. No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Waiting list
A limit of 40 competitors has been set due to venue size restrictions. If the limit has been reached, you will be put to a waiting list. If a registered competitor withdraws their registration then the next competitor from the waiting list will be accepted.
Confirmation email
If the competitor limit has been reached, confirmation emails will be sent out about two weeks before the competition. In order to finalize your registration, it is mandatory to follow the instructions noted in the email. Please check your spam folder and have a look at your inbox multiple times before the competition.
- Register on the WCA website, because on-site registration is not allowed.
- Follow confirmation email instructions.
- Pay 5€ or 10€, depending on your registration date.
Osavõtutasu on 5€ neile, kes registreeruvad varakult WCA veebilehel. Kui te registreerute 21. aprillil või peale seda, siis osavõtutasu on 10€. Maksta saab kohapeal, kui saabute võistluspaika ja ainult sularahas. Me soovitame tungivalt võistlejatel varakult registreeruda WCA veebilehel, et kindlustada endale koht võistlusel. Kohapeal registreerumine pole lubatud.
Seoses võistluspaiga suurusega on osalejate limiidiks määratud 40 võistlejat. Kui limiit on saavutatud, siis pannakse teid ootejärjekorda. Kui registreerunud võistleja tühistab oma registreeringu, siis järjekorras järgmine võistleja lubatakse võistlema.
Kui võistlejate limiit on saavutatud, siis saadetakse kõigile kinnitusmeilid umbes kaks nädalat enne võistlust. Registreerumise kinnitamiseks on kohustuslik järgida meilis välja toodud juhiseid. Palun kontrollige oma spämmikausta ning vaadake oma meili mitu korda enne võistlust.
- Registreeruge WCA veebilehel, sest kohapeal registreerumine pole lubatud.
- Järgige kinnitusmeilis toodud juhiseid.
- Makske kohapeal sularahas 5€ või 10€, vastavalt teie registreerimise kuupäevale.
Saturday / Laupäev - 28 April
NB! Updated on April 17.
Time | Event | Ala |
9:30 - 10:00 | Venue opened | Avatakse sissepääs |
10:00 - 10:20 | Opening of the competition and instructions for newcomers | Võistluse avamine ja instruktaaž |
10:20 - 11:00 | 3x3, first round | 3x3, esimene voor |
11:00 - 11:35 | 2x2, first round | 2x2, esimene voor |
11:35 - 12:20 | 3x3 one-handed, first round | 3x3 ühe käega, esimene voor |
12:20 - 13:30 | 4x4, first round | 4x4, eelvoor |
13:30 - 13:55 | Pyraminx, first round | Püraminks, esimene voor |
13:55 - 14:25 | Skewb, first round | Skewb, esimene voor |
14:25 - 14:55 | Clock, first round | Clock, esimene voor |
14:55 - 15:05 | Group photo | Ühispilt |
15:05 - 15:50 | Lunch | Lõuna |
15:50 - 16:05 | 3x3, second round | 3x3, teine voor |
16:05 - 16:15 | Skewb, final | Skewb, finaal |
16:15 - 16:25 | Pyraminx, final | Püraminks, finaal |
16:25 - 16:40 | 2x2, final | 2x2, finaal |
16:40 - 17:05 | 4x4, final | 4x4, finaal |
17:05 - 17:20 | Clock, final | Clock, finaal |
17:20 - 17:45 | 3x3 BLD, final | 3x3 BLD, finaal |
17:45 - 18:00 | 3x3 one-handed, final | 3x3 ühe käega, finaal |
18:00 - 18:10 | 3x3, final | 3x3, finaal |
18:10 - 19:00 | Awarding ceremony and group photo | Autasustamine ja ühispilt |
The default time limit of 10 minutes applies if not stated otherwise. There are no cutoffs and therefore no combined rounds either. There is a cumulative time limit of 20 minutes in 3x3 blindfolded.
Live results will be available on the Cubecomps website!
Reaalajas tulemused pannakse üles Cubecompsi koduleheküljele!
Event | Rounds | Format | Time limit | Advancing competitors |
3x3x3 Cube | 3 | Average of 5 | 12, 8 | |
2x2x2 Cube | 2 | Average of 5 | 8 | |
4x4x4 Cube | 2 | Average of 5 | 5 | |
3x3x3 Blindfolded | 1 | Best of 3 | Cumulative 20 min | |
3x3x3 One-Handed | 2 | Average of 5 | 8 | |
Pyraminx | 2 | Average of 5 | 8 | |
Skewb | 2 | Average of 5 | 8 | |
Clock | 2 | Average of 5 | 5 |
The default time limit of 10 minutes applies if not stated otherwise. There are no cutoffs and therefore no combined rounds either. There is a cumulative time limit of 20 minutes in 3x3 blindfolded.
Each competitor must be familiar with and understand the WCA Regulations before the competition. Regulations are available on the WCA website. You can have a look at this video to get a basic overview of the regulations. Each first time competitor must have a valid form of ID with them for identification.
Iga võistleja peab tundma ja aru saama WCA regulatsioonidest enne võistlust. Regulatsioonid on kättesaadavad WCA veebilehel. Vaadake seda videot, et saada põhiline ülevaade regulatsioonidest. Eestikeelne võistlemisjuhend on saadaval siin. Igal uuel võistlejal peab olema kaasas isikut tõendav dokument.
General information
The competition will be held at The Diocesan Administration Building. The address is Vabaduse 20, Narva. Look it on a map:
In the building of the competition there will be a buffet, but if you want, you can visit Fama Keskus or Pärl (Hariduse 5c):
Arriving and leaving by bus:
TPilet (Estonian bus lines)
Lux Express (International bus line)
Simple Express (Bus line)
Hansa liinid (Bus line)
All buses arrive at Narva bus station (Vaksali 25). Have a look at it on a map:
The venue is 20 minutes away from Narva bus station.
You can arrive by train:
Train station is here (Vaksali 22):
The venue is 20 minutes away from Narva train station.
Parking in Narva is free. You can park near Fama Keskus.
You can book a hotel here:
But I recommend hotel Inger because it is the closest to competition venue.
Группа соревнований VK Тут вы найдете всю инормацию на русском языке.
Так же вы можете написать организатору и получить ответы на интересующие вас вопросы.
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.