[Cancelled] Osaka Spring 2021

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.



The competition is cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

WCA official competition is held in Osaka.
The number of persons in the venue is controlled. If you are not a competitor or their guest and you want to observe the competition, please be sure to email the organization team in advance. We will inform you whether you can enter the venue about one week before the competition.

Main event
Competitor limit
Number of times bookmarked
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 42 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is ¥4,000 (Japanese Yen).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

参加費と支払方法 / Registration fees and Payment

Basement fee for this competition is 4000JPY. Fees for additional events is 1000JPY for each.
Basement fee includes the fee for 3x3x3 cube.
You will pay the the registration fees by cash at reception of the competition day.

参加資格 / Qualification

No Qualification required for entry.
See "Events" Tab for Cutoff and Time Limit for each events.

COVID-19の感染対策 / Countermeasures for COVID-19
COVID-19の感染対策については、WCA Competition Safety Policyを準拠し、これに加えていくつか独自の対策を行います。

In addition to WCA Competition Safety Policy, we set some original countermeasures. For more details, please see "Countermeasures for COVID-19" tab in this competition page.

キャンセル待ちリスト / Waiting List

Upon registering you will receive an email stating “Your registration Osaka Spring 2021 is submitted and pending approval”. This does NOT mean that you are on the registration list. You will be on the registration list after the registration is approved.
Registrations of competitor will be approved based on the order of registration. Once the competitor limit has filled, the waiting list will be opened. New registrations will be added to a waitlist and sorted in the order of registration too. Waitlisted competitors will only be accepted provided one of the accepted competitors withdraw from the competition. All competitors still on the waiting list after May 1st, 2021 AM 0:00 JST(GMT + 9 hours) will be removed. You may enquire about your position on the waiting list by emailing the organization team at osakaspring2021@speedcubing.or.jp.

参加申し込みの内容変更・取り消し / Changing/Deleting Registration

If you can no longer make the competition you may request to withdraw. If you would like to change your registration (e.g. changing events you compete, number of guests) or withdraw from the competition, please email the organization team at osakaspring2021@speedcubing.or.jp. Withdrawing enables competitors on the waiting list to attend the competition.


  • 18歳未満の方の参加には、保護者の同意が必要です。
  • 個人情報の取扱は、WCAプライバシーポリシーに準じます。
  • 参加者の計測結果、名前、国籍、性別はインターネット上に公開されます。
  • 生年月日および連絡先は、本人の同意なく公開されません。
  • 広報活動や記録を目的に、撮影した写真や映像を大会運営者のHPなどで使用することがあります。
  • 各種メディアにより、大会の様子が撮影されたり、大会参加者が取材を受けることがあります。
  • COVID-19感染予防対策により、大会の中止がイベント直前に告知される場合があります。

Please agree the following precautions before registration:

  • If you are under 18 years of age, please get the consent of your parent before registration.
  • Personal data treatment follows WCA Privacy Statement.
  • Participant's name (full name), nationality, and gender will be disclosed on the Internet.
  • Birth date and contact information will not be disclosed to the outside without the consent of the person.
  • For the purpose of recording and PR, organizer may take photos / videos of the competition and use them on the website, SNS etc.
  • Competition may be filmed, and competitor may be interviewed by some media.
  • Competition may be canceled even after your registration is approved from some reason related to COVID-19.


This tab may be updated later.

WCA Competition Safety Policy(英語原典) と非公式日本語訳を基本原則とし、さらに以下の項目を必ず守っていただきます。

  • 参加者同士が十分な距離を保つことのできるよう、ご協力をお願いします。
  • 会場内には消毒液を設置します。会場への入場時や大会の最中に、必要に応じてお使いください。
  • 会場では常にマスクの着用をお願いいたします。顔に密着しないタイプのフェイスガードは、飛沫拡散防止効果が低いためマスクの代替として認めません。
  • 風邪の症状が見られたり、発熱があったりした場合には、来場をお控えください。
  • 競技に使用するパズルを提出する前に、ウェットティッシュなどで表面の消毒を行ってください。
  • 大会当日、競技者間で競技に必要なパズルの貸し借りを行うことはできません。競技に必要なパズルは必ず持参してください。
  • 大会当日は競技時の署名等に使用する自分専用の筆記具をご持参ください。



Competitors must follow WCA Competition Safety Policy and additional countermeasures as follows.

  • Please keep enough distance with other attendees.
  • We will set hand-sanitizers in the venue. Please sanitize your hands when you enter the competing room and at regular intervals throughout the competition.
  • Please wear facial masks at the venue. Some kind of face guards which have clearance from your skin is not permitted.
  • Please don't come to the venue if you show any symptoms of sickness including COVID-19.
  • Please disinfect your puzzles before submitting, at the start of the round.
  • All the competitors must bring your own puzzles and must not borrow puzzles from other attendees.
  • All the attendees must bring their own pens.

And, additional notes as below.

  • Please install COCOA, contact-confirming application by Japanese goverment.
  • We kindly ask for your cooperation with the Osaka Corona chase system.
  • One Guest is only permitted for each competitor, and should be informed in advance.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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