Osijek Open 2017

Feb 25 - 26, 2017
Osijek, Croatia

III. Gimnazija Osijek

Kamila Firingera 14, HR-31000 Osijek

PE room, follow the signs


Osijek Open 2017 organization team

David Vujasić, Dominik Vidaković, Niki Placskó, and Olivér Perge
WCA Delegates
Niki Placskó and Olivér Perge

Registration fee is 50 HRK/day. For more information, check out the tabs!

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 7:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, February 17, 2017 at 9:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Hunor Bózsing won with an average of 8.97 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Keaton Ellis finished second (9.08) and Hunor Mogyorósi finished third (10.01).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Hunor Bózsing 8.73 8.97 Hungary 9.0811.008.978.738.87
2x2x2 Cube Staš Zupanc 1.95 2.44 NR Slovenia 2.092.541.954.202.70
4x4x4 Cube Hunor Bózsing 30.94 33.98 NR Hungary 31.7040.8430.9436.8333.41
5x5x5 Cube Hunor Bózsing 1:06.83 1:11.30 Hungary 1:08.671:19.151:06.831:15.251:09.97
6x6x6 Cube Bence Barát 2:12.17 2:16.02 Hungary 2:18.872:12.172:17.02
7x7x7 Cube Bence Barát 3:02.12 3:10.22 Hungary 3:02.123:21.603:06.95
3x3x3 Blindfolded Ádám Barta 26.82 DNF Hungary 26.82DNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Keaton Ellis 12.16 12.84 United States 13.5712.5613.0012.9512.16
Clock Niki Placskó 9.03 10.09 Hungary 9.509.5011.289.0311.91
Megaminx Matic Omulec 45.01 51.78 Slovenia 52.2950.1354.3652.9145.01
Pyraminx Jure Gregorc 4.48 5.58 Slovenia 6.084.4813.265.385.29
Skewb David Vujasić 3.20 NR 5.06 NR Croatia 8.853.
Square-1 Keaton Ellis 15.10 18.31 United States 19.2630.0115.1018.7016.96
4x4x4 Blindfolded Ádám Barta 3:29.71 DNF Hungary 3:29.71DNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Ádám Barta 9/9 25:32 Hungary 9/9 25:32
3x3x3 With Feet Dominik Vidaković 1:00.33 NR 1:36.79 NR Croatia 2:16.011:34.021:00.33
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00
Second roundAo510:00.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00
Second roundAo510:00.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00
6x6x6 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 3:30.00
7x7x7 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 5:00.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinalBo310:00.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00
ClockFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 20.00
MegaminxFinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 1:45.00
PyraminxFirst roundAo510:00.00
SkewbFirst roundAo510:00.00
Square-1FinalBo2 / Ao510:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinalBo310:00.00
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinalBo110:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00
3x3x3 With FeetFinalBo1 / Mo310:00.001 attempt to get < 3:00.00

Osijek Open 2017 is the 7th speedcubing competition being held in Croatia since 2011. Anyone can participate, no matter which nationality or age they are, but they need to be familiar with the WCA Regulations.

Registration fee (paid on site): 50 HRK/day
Date: February 25-26, 2017
Competitors limit: 36 people
Venue: III Gimnazija Osijek (PE Room, follow the signs)
Address: Kamila Firingera 14, 31000 Osijek, Croatia

If you register to the competition, but don't show up (and don't let us know before the deadline of the online registration), afterwards you can only take part at competitions organised by us, if you pay this registration fee as well.

Event list:

  • Rubik's Cube
  • 4x4 Cube
  • 5x5 Cube
  • 2x2 Cube
  • Rubik's Cube: Blindfolded
  • Rubik's Cube: One-Handed
  • Rubik's Cube: With Feet
  • Megaminx
  • Pyraminx
  • Square-1
  • Rubik's Clock
  • Skewb
  • 6x6 Cube
  • 7x7 Cube
  • 4x4 Cube: Blindfolded
  • Rubik's Cube: Multiple Blindfolded

Besides podium medals for all events, additional awards will be given to the following events/winners with following amounts of gift cards provided by SpeedCubeShop:

3x3 Cube - 1st place: 15 USD
3x3 Cube - 2nd place: 10 USD
3x3 Cube - 3rd place: 5 USD
3x3 Cube - fastest single solve among Croatian competitors: 5 USD
2x2 Cube - 1st place: 15 USD
4x4 Cube - 1st place: 15 USD
5x5 Cube - 1st place: 10 USD
Rubik's Cube: One-Handed - 1st place: 10 USD
Rubik's Cube: Blindfolded - 1st place: 5 USD


Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed Duration
8:45 Registration
9:15 3x3 Multiple Blindfolded Final Best of 1 (submit cubes until 9:00) 10:00/cube (max: 60:00) - 1h
10:15 7x7 Cube Combined Final Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 5:30) 10:00 - 50min
11:05 6x6 Cube Combined Final Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 3:40) 8:00 - 45min
11:50 Competition tutorial 10min
12:00 5x5 Cube Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 2:00) 5:00 - 50min
12:50 Skewb First Round Average of 5 1:00 8 25min
13:15 Pyraminx First Round Average of 5 1:00 8 25min
13:40 Lunch 1h
14:40 3x3 With Feet Combined Final Mean of 3 (Best of 1 < 3:00) 8:00 - 30min
15:10 Square - 1 Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:50) 3:00 - 40min
15:50 Megaminx Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 1:50) 5:00 - 45min
16:35 Rubik's Clock Combined Final Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:20 ) 1:00 - 35min
17:10 Skewb Final Average of 5 1:00 - 10min
17:20 Pyraminx Final Average of 5 1:00 - 10min


Start time Event Round Format Time limit Proceed Duration
9:00 Registration
9:15 4x4 Blindfolded Final Best of 3 (bring cubes until 9:10) Cumulative 30:00 - 35min
9:50 Competition tutorial 15min
10:05 Rubik's Cube First Round Average of 5 10:00 75% 45min
10:50 2x2 Cube First Round Average of 5 5:00 75% 30min
11:20 3x3 One-Handed Combined First Round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 0:50) 3:00 8 35 min
11:55 4x4 Cube Combined First Round Average of 5 (Best of 2 < 1:20) 4:00 8 45min
12:40 Lunch 1h
13:40 3x3 Blindfolded Combined Final Best of 3 Cumulative 12:00 - 40min
14:20 Rubik's Cube Second Round Average of 5 1:00 10 30min
14:50 2x2 Cube Second Round Average of 5 1:00 10 20min
15:10 3x3 One-Handed Final Average of 5 1:00 - 15min
15:25 4x4 Cube Final Average of 5 2:00 - 15min
15:40 2x2 Cube Final Average of 5 1:00 - 10min
15:50 Rubik's Cube Final Average of 5 1:00 - 30min
16:20 Winner's Ceremony

Schedule can be changed according to the number of registered competitors.

For registering to the competition, you will have to have a WCA account.

1. I don’t have an account.
1.1. I have never been to a WCA competition before.
In this case, you need to create an account here, and fill in all the information required (first and last name, date of birth, gender and country), and confirm your e-mail address. After your account is validated, you can register to the competition!

1.2.* I have been to a WCA competition, but I don’t have a WCA account yet.*
Follow 1.1. but as the last step, request your WCA ID in your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!

2. I have a WCA account already.
2.1. It is not linked to my WCA ID yet.
Log into your account and request your WCA ID to be linked to your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!

2.2. I have a WCA account and it is linked to my WCA account.
Simply sign in and register!

Valid registrations will be accepted in the order we receive them.
After you registered, if you would like to change your event, please send an e-mail to the following address: croatia.cubing@gmail.com

The deadline of registration and changes for “Osijek Open 2017” is: 17th of February, 2017. 23:59 (CET)

If it turns out that you cannot attend, please cancel your registration by sending us an e-mail. Thank you!

If you register to the competition, but don't show up (and don't let us know before the deadline of the online registration), afterwards you can only take part at competitions organised by us, if you pay this registration fee as well.

The most important criteria of the participation for the competition is the knowledge of the WCA Regulation.

You can find the current regulations and guideline on the link below:

WCA Regulations
WCA Guidelines

Please make sure to read them before the competition!

Image description

III. Gimnazija Osijek

Image description


If you have any questions or concerns about the competition feel free to ask us on the croatia.cubing@gmail.com e-mail address and we will answer you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, prepare yourself and practice! See you in Osijek!

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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