Osijek Open 2022
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 40 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 150 kn (Croatian Kuna).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Spectators are only permitted as companions of competitors.
Ukoliko nemate važeću EU COVID potvrdu, ne možete pristupiti prostorima natjecanja zbog pravila stožera civilne zaštite Republike Hrvatske o javnim okupljanjima. MORATE posjedovati EU COVID potvrdu kako biste se mogli natjecati na ovom natjecanju. Provjerite COVID dio na stranici za više informacija.
Kompletna registracija je prihvaćena onoga trenutka kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom ili za natjecatelja koji se još nije natjecao, ali je ispunio svoj WCA račun sa svim podacima koji sadržavaju sve osobne podatke. Prihvaćanje kompletnih registracija ide po sistemu "tko prvi, njegovo", što znači tko se među prvima registrira, dobija prihvaćenu registraciju.
Nakon uspješne registracije putem WCA računa, Vaša registracija će biti prihvaćena i stajat će 3 radna dana prihvaćena te ukoliko ne zaprimimo Vašu potvrdu plaćanja u roku od 3 radna dana, registracija se briše i slijedeći na listi čekanja dobija priliku za natjecanje. Isto vrijedi i za onoga koji je prihvaćen s liste čekanja - također ima 3 dana da se obavi plaćanje kotizacije. Ovo radimo iznimno u ovom slučaju jer očekujemo veći broj registracija, no zbog COVID-19 mjera imamo ograničenje mogućeg broja natjecatelja.
Registracija se isključivo prihvaća ako je plaćena na žiro račun te ako je registracija preko WCA stranice u potpunosti valjana i ispunjena.
Kotizacija za ovo natjecanje iznosi 150 HRK, koja se plaća direktno na žiro račun Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska, bez obzira u koliko disciplina se natječete.
Kako platiti? Pratite upute na: Registracija i plaćanje
Natjecatelj sa sobom može povesti samo JEDNOG gosta na natjecanje. Ime tog gosta potrebno je napisati u komentar kada se budete registrirali.
If you don't posses EU COVID Pass, you are not permitted to enter the venue due to Croatia's COVID-19 measures for public gatherings. You MUST posses EU COVID Pass to compete at this competition. Check COVID tab for more information.
We consider a registration complete, when the WCA ID has been connected to the WCA account, or if the competitor has not competed before, but has a complete WCA account, providing all the personal data. Accepting completed registrations are on a first come first serve basis.
After successful registration with WCA account, your registration will be accepted and will be accepted for 3 business days and if we do not receive your payment confirmation within 3 business days, the registration is deleted and the next competitor on the waiting list gets the opportunity to compete. The same goes for the one who is accepted from the waiting list - he also has 3 days to pay the registration fee. *We do this exceptionally in this case because we expect a larger number of registrations, but due to COVID-19 measures we have a limit on the possible number of competitors. *
Registration is considered full if you paid full registration fee to the bank account and if your WCA registration (via website) is fully correct and valid.
The registration fee is 150 HRK, which must be paid online via bank transfer to Speedcubing Association Croatia, no matter in how many events you will compete.
How to pay? Follow the instructions here: Registration & Payment
A competitor can bring only ONE guest with him. The name of the guest should be put into a comment when registering.