Osijek Re-Open 2021
- Date
- Aug 28 - 29, 2021
- City
- Osijek, Croatia
- Venue
- Address
- Trg Ljudevita Gaja 7, 31000, Osijek
- Details
Natjecanje će biti održano u auli na prvom katu. / Competition will be held in the hall on the first floor.
- Contact
- Organizers
- David Vujasić, Dominik Vidaković, Filip Vuković, and Toni Varga
- WCA Delegates
- Aleksa Radovanović and Dominik Vidaković
- Download all the competition's details as PDF .
- Information
Osijek Re-Open 2021 je petnaesto natjecanje po redu koje se održava u Hrvatskoj od 2011. godine. Bilo tko može sudjelovati, bez obzira na nacionalnost i starost, no svatko mora biti upoznat s WCA Pravilnikom.
Natjecanje je pod organizacijom Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska. Kotizacija pokriva trošak organizacije i najma prostora. Mogući višak kotizacije ide u svrhu razvitka Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska. Članovi Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska plaćaju 2/3 pune cijene kotizacije.
Za više informacija, proučite ostale kartice na stranici natjecanja.
Osijek Re-Open 2021 is the 15th speedcubing competition being held in Croatia since 2011. Anyone can participate, no matter which nationality or age they are, but they need to be familiar with the WCA Regulations.
This competition is being organized by the Speedcubing Association Croatia. Registration fee covers the cost of the organization and venue rental. Any extra money goes directly to support Speedcubing Association Croatia. Members of Speedcubing Association Croatia pay 2/3 of the full registration fee.
For more information, check other tabs on the competition website.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 26
- Registration period
Online registration opened Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 1:00 PM UTC and closed Friday, August 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 30 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is 150 kn (Croatian Kuna).
If your registration is cancelled before Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM UTC you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until Friday, August 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM UTC.
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until Friday, August 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM UTC by contacting the organization team.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Kompletna registracija je prihvaćena onoga trenutka kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom ili za natjecatelja koji se još nije natjecao, ali je ispunio svoj WCA račun sa svim podacima koji sadržavaju sve osobne podatke. Prihvaćanje kompletnih registracija ide po sistemu "tko prvi, njegovo", što znači tko se među prvima registrira, dobija prihvaćenu registraciju.
Nakon uspješne registracije putem WCA računa, Vaša registracija će biti prihvaćena i stajat će 3 radna dana prihvaćena te** ukoliko ne zaprimimo Vašu potvrdu plaćanja u roku od 3 radna dana, registracija se briše i slijedeći na listi čekanja dobija priliku za natjecanje. Isto vrijedi i za onoga koji je prihvaćen s liste čekanja - također ima 3 dana da se obavi plaćanje kotizacije. **Ovo radimo iznimno u ovom slučaju jer očekujemo veći broj registracija, no zbog COVID-19 mjera imamo ograničenje mogućeg broja natjecatelja.
Registracija se isključivo prihvaća ako je plaćena na žiro račun te ako je registracija preko WCA stranice u potpunosti valjana i ispunjena.
Kotizacija za ovo natjecanje iznosi 150 HRK (članovi Udruge plaćaju 100 HRK), koja se plaća direktno na žiro račun Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska, bez obzira u koliko disciplina se natječete.
Kako platiti? Pratite upute na: Registracija i plaćanje
We consider a registration complete, when the WCA ID has been connected to the WCA account, or if the competitor has not competed before, but has a complete WCA account, providing all the personal data. Accepting completed registrations are on a first come first serve basis.
After successful registration with WCA account, your registration will be accepted and will be accepted for 3 business days and ** if we do not receive your payment confirmation within 3 business days*, the registration is deleted and the next competitor on the waiting list gets the opportunity to compete. The same goes for the one who is accepted from the waiting list - he also has 3 days to pay the registration fee. *We do this exceptionally in this case because we expect a larger number of registrations, but due to COVID-19 measures we have a limit on the possible number of competitors. **
Registration is considered full if you paid full registration fee to the bank account and if your WCA registration (via website) is fully correct and valid.
The registration fee is 150 HRK (100 HRK for members of Speedcubing Association Croatia), which must be paid online via bank transfer to Speedcubing Association Croatia, no matter in how many events you will compete.
How to pay? Follow the instructions here: Registration & Payment
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Lir Ukaj won with an average of 7.68 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Gábor Slezák finished second (9.53) and Hrvoje Mavriček finished third (9.75).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Lir Ukaj | 7.37 | 7.68 | Kosovo | 7.37 | 7.79 | 7.44 | 7.81 | 8.78 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | Lir Ukaj | 2.49 | 2.96 | Kosovo | 2.79 | 3.37 | 2.73 | 2.49 | 4.25 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Gergely Novotni | 27.71 | 32.76 | Hungary | 33.30 | 27.71 | 31.25 | 40.05 | 33.74 | |||
5x5x5 Cube | David Vujasić | 1:05.36 | 1:08.07 | Croatia | 1:05.36 | 1:05.42 | 1:09.29 | 1:12.57 | 1:09.49 | |||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Jakov Srečković | 1:31.89 | DNF | Croatia | DNF | 1:31.89 | DNF | |||||
3x3x3 One-Handed | Ábris Galler | 10.49 | 12.03 | Hungary | 12.87 | 12.53 | 10.68 | 10.49 | 13.78 | |||
Megaminx | Gergely Novotni | 37.34 | NR | 40.38 | NR | Hungary | 54.81 | 40.08 | 37.34 | 40.56 | 40.50 | |
Pyraminx | Gergely Novotni | 2.84 | 3.59 | Hungary | 3.02 | 6.22 | 3.32 | 2.84 | 4.43 | |||
Skewb | Bence Kiácz | 3.81 | 3.95 | Hungary | 4.14 | 6.78 | 3.90 | 3.82 | 3.81 | |||
Square-1 | Bence Kiácz | 11.40 | 15.00 | Hungary | 11.40 | 15.69 | 22.30 | 15.20 | 14.12 |
Event | Round | Format | Time limit | Cutoff | Proceed |
3x3x3 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 5:00.00 | Top 75% advance to next round | |
Second round | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | Top 10 advance to next round | ||
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | Top 75% advance to next round | |
Second round | Ao5 | 30.00 | Top 10 advance to next round | ||
Final | Ao5 | 30.00 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 5:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 1:20.00 | Top 75% advance to next round |
Second round | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round | ||
Final | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | |||
5x5x5 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 4:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 2:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | |||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Final | Bo3 | 12:00.00 cumulative* | ||
3x3x3 One-Handed | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 2:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 45.00 | Top 8 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | |||
Megaminx | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 4:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 2:00.00 | Top 6 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | |||
Pyraminx | First round | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 30.00 | |||
Skewb | First round | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | Top 8 advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 30.00 | |||
Square-1 | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 2:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 45.00 | Top 6 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 |
Valjanje registracije će se prihvatiti onim redom kojim su i primljene.
Zadnji rok za registraciju i promjene za "Osijek Re-Open 2021" je: 20. kolovoza 2021. 19:00 (UTC)
Registracija se smatra potpunom nakon što se ispuni registracijska forma na WCA stranici i nakon što se plati puni iznos kotizacije.
Kotizacija za ovo natjecanje iznosi 150 HRK (hrvatska kuna). Članovi Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska plaćaju kotizaciju od 100 HRK (popust zbog članstva). Valuta plaćanja preferirana - hrvatska kuna (kontaktirajte nas s valjanim razlogom ako želite platiti u Euru)! Ukoliko plaćate u euru, molimo uplatite 20€ zbog dodatnih naknada koje nam naša banka uzima za transakcije u eurima.
Zbog mnogih upita kako platiti kotizaciju u kunama ako plaćate van Hrvatske, ovim putem preporučamo korištenje servisa Wise (poznat prije kao TransferWise). Preko njega, možete odabrati da nama sjedne u kunama, a Vama se isti taj iznos u valuti po izboru skida s računa. Ne zaboravite u njemu navesti referencu - vaše ime i prezime i ime natjecanja!
Povrat novca je moguć u iznosu od 50% kotizacije do datuma 18. kolovoza u 19:00 po UTC vremenskoj zoni.
U slučaju otkazivanja natjecanja zbog COVID-19 ili određenih drugih razloga, povrat novca će biti moguć, no oduzet će se naknada za transfer novca koju nam banka naplaćuje. To bi trebalo iznositi oko 10 HRK tako da bi se trebalo vratiti 140 HRK nazad), no ukoliko do toga dođe - svi će biti obavješteni mailom kako bi vratili novac.
Nakon uspješne registracije putem WCA računa, Vaša registracija će biti prihvaćena i stajat će 3 radna dana prihvaćena te ukoliko ne zaprimimo Vašu potvrdu plaćanja u roku od 3 dana, registracija se briše i slijedeći na listi čekanja dobija priliku za natjecanje. Isto vrijedi i za onoga koji je prihvaćen s liste čekanja - također ima 3 radna dana da se obavi plaćanje kotizacije. Ovo radimo iznimno u ovom slučaju jer očekujemo veći broj registracija, no zbog COVID-19 mjera imamo ograničenje mogućeg broja natjecatelja. Ukoliko se nalazite na listi čekanja nije potrebno plaćati kotizaciju dok ne prihvatimo Vašu registraciju!
Molimo da čim obavite plaćanje da pošaljete PDF dokument koji sadrži potvrdu i opis plaćanja na e-mail kontakt@speedcubinghrvatska.hr. To nam služi kao dokaz da ste obavili plaćanje. Ako i nakon poslane potvrde ne primimo novac na račun, kontaktirat ćemo Vas još jedanput da provjerite s bankom status transfera. Ukoliko i nakon toga ne primimo novac, Vaša registracija će biti automatski obrisana.
Napomena: PayPal ne prihvaćamo!
Podaci za plaćanje kotizacije:
IBAN (žiro račun): HR60 2360 0001 1027 543 63
Napomena (Opis plaćanja): Vaše ime i prezime - Osijek Re-Open 2021
Adresa: Udruga Speedcubing Hrvatska
Martina Divalta 64
31000 Osijek
Ukoliko imate bilo kakvo pitanje oko plaćanja kotizacije ili želite promijeniti nešto oko svoje registracije, molimo Vas napišite e-mail na kontakt@speedcubinghrvatska.hr i organizatori će Vam odgovoriti što je prije moguće.
Kako biste se registrirali za ovo natjecanje, morate imati WCA račun.
1. Nemam račun.
1.1. Nikad nisam bio/la na WCA natjecanju.
U ovom slučaju, morate kreirati novi WCA račun na stranici i ispuniti sve potrebne podatke (ime i prezime, datum rođenja, spol i država) i potvrditi svoju e-mail adresu. Nakon što je Vaš račun potvrđen, možete se registrirati za natjecanje!
1.2. Bio/la sam na WCA natjecanju, no nemam WCA račun.
Pratite korak 1.1., ali za zadnji korak spojite svoj WCA ID sa svojim računom. Kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom, možete se registrirati za natjecanje! Uzmite u obzir: WCA računi bez WCA ID-a se ne mogu registrirati!
2. Imam WCA račun.
2.1. WCA ID mi nije još povezan.
Prijavite se u Vaš račun i zatražite spajanje WCA ID-a s Vašim računom preko svog najbližeg Delegata. Kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom, možete se registrirati za natjecanje! Uzmite u obzir: WCA računi bez WCA ID-a se ne mogu registrirati!
2.2. Već imam WCA račun i povezan mi je s WCA ID-om.
Jednostavno se prijavite i registrirajte!
Napomena: dodajte ime jednog gosta u komentar registracije zbog evidencije prisutnih ljudi na natjecanju u cilju sprječavanja širenja COVID-19.
Valid registrations will be accepted in the order we receive them.
The deadline of registration and changes for “Osijek Re-Open 2021” is: 20th of August, 2021 19:00 (UTC)
Registration is considered completed after filling out the registration form and paying the registration fee.
The registration fee for this competition is 150 HRK (Croatian Kuna). Members of the Speedcubing Association Croatia are paying 100 HRK (membership discount). The registration is preffered to be paid in Croatian currency HRK (contact us with valid reason if you want to use Euro).
If you decide to pay in Euros, please pay 20€ due to our bank charging additional fees for transfers using Euro. Thank you for understanding!
As we had many inquiries on how to pay the fee if you live outside Croatia, we are recommending using a service called Wise (known before asTransferWise). With Wise, you can pay in any currency they support and you can pick that the recipient recieves different currency. You can chose that we receive exactly 150 HRK and Wise will convert that in any currency which you have picked. Do not forget to add the reference with your name and surname and the name of the competition!
Refund is possible in amount of 50% of the total registration fee until 18th of August, 2021 19:00 UTC.
In case of cancellation of the competition due to COVID-19 or certain other reasons, a refund will be possible, but the fee for the transfer of money charged by our bank will be deducted. That should be around 10 HRK (so you should get around 140 HRK back), but if that happens - everyone will be notified by email to proceed with the refund.
After successful registration with WCA account, your registration will be accepted and will be accepted for 3 business days and if we do not receive your payment confirmation within 3 business days, the registration is deleted and the next competitor on the waiting list gets the opportunity to compete. The same goes for the one who is accepted from the waiting list - he also has 3 days to pay the registration fee. We do this exceptionally in this case because we expect a larger number of registrations, but due to COVID-19 measures we have a limit on the possible number of competitors. In case you find yourself in the waiting list you don't need to pay the registration fee until we accept your registration!
Please send a PDF document containing the description and proof of the payment to e-mail kontakt@speedcubinghrvatska.hr as soon as you make the payment. This serves as proof that you have made the payment. If we do not receive the money on the bank account after you sent the confirmation, we will contact you once again to check the transfer status with the bank. If we still do not receive the money, your registration will be automatically deleted.
Note: PayPal is not accepted!
Data for Payment:
IBAN: HR60 2360 0001 1027 543 63
Subject (or Reference): Your Name and Surname - Osijek Re-Open 2021
Address: Udruga Speedcubing Hrvatska
Martina Divalta 64
31000 Osijek
If you have any questions in regard with paying the registration fee, or if you would like to change your registration, please write an e-mail to the kontakt@speedcubinghrvatska.hr and organizers will get back to you as soon as possible.
For registering to the competition, you will have to have a WCA account.
1. I don’t have an account.
1.1. I have never been to a WCA competition before.
In this case, you need to create an account here, and fill in all the information required (first and last name, date of birth, gender and country), and confirm your e-mail address. After your account is validated, you can register to the competition!
1.2. I have been to a WCA competition, but I don’t have a WCA account yet.
Follow 1.1. but as the last step, request your WCA ID in your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!
2. I have a WCA account already.
2.1. It is not linked to my WCA ID yet.
Log into your account and request your WCA ID to be linked to your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!
2.2. I have a WCA account and it is linked to my WCA account.
Simply sign in and register! :)
Note: add the name of one guest to the registration comment to keep track of the people present at the competition in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Najvažniji kriterij za sudjelovanje na natjecanju je poznavanje WCA Pravilnika.
Zbog trenutne situacije pandemije COVID-19, SVI natjecatelji moraju prisustovati natjecateljskom tutorijalu prije početka natjecanja.
Možete pronaći trenutni Pravilnik i Smjernice na slijedećim poveznicama:
WCA Pravilnik
WCA Smjernice
WCA Politika sigurnosti natjecanja (COVID-19)
Također, možete provjeriti WCA Natjecateljski tutorijal.
Molimo Vas da ih pročitate prije natjecanja!
The most important criteria of the participation for the competition is the knowledge of the WCA Regulations.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, ALL competitors must attend the competition tutorial before the start of the competiton.
You can find the current Regulations and Guidelines via the links below:
WCA Regulations
WCA Guidelines
WCA Competition Safety Policy
You can also check WCA Competition Tutorial.
Please read this before the competition!
COVID-19 Pravila
Ove sigurnosne mjere biti će na snazi za vrijeme natjecanja:
- Natjecatelji mogu povesti samo jednog gosta.
- Natjecatelj NE SMIJE doći na ovo natjecanje ako ima bilo koje COVID-19 simptome ili ako je bio u kontaktu s osobom koja je pozitivna na COVID-19.
- Natjecatelji MORAJU nositi zaštitnu masku za lice pravilno (da prekriva nos i usta) tijekom cijelog natjecanja. Jedina iznimka bit će tijekom ručka.
- Dezinfekcijska sredstva biti će dostupna na nekoliko mjesta u dvorani.
- Preporučeno je da natjecatelj na natjecanje donese svoju kemijsku olovku.
- Nakon što je natjecatelj završio sa slaganjem, sudac će dezinficirati stanicu s dezinfekcijskom maramicom.
- Nakon svakog pokušaja, umjesto da sudac stavi slagalicu u posudu, natjecatelj će biti zamoljen da to sam učini na kraju svojeg pokušaja.
Detaljnija pravila i preporuke napisana su ovdje.
Zbog COVID-19 pravila koja će biti na snazi natjecanje će se odvijati na prilagođeni način opisan u prijašnjem dokumentu stoga SVI natjecatelji moraju prisustovati natjecateljskom tutorijalu prije početka natjecanja.
Natjecatelji koji se ne drže ovih pravila mogu biti diskvalificirani s natjecanja, prema procjeni WCA Delegata.
Za vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 na snazi su posebne restrikcije za putovanje u Hrvatsku i iz Hrvatske. Različita pravila vrijede za različite zemlje iz kojih natjecatelji dolaze te su pravila podložna promjenama u kratkom vremenu ovisno o stanju pandemije u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Stoga vam preporučamo nekoliko stranica na kojima možete dobiti točne i ažurne informacije o zahtjevima koje morate ispuniti kako biste mogli ući u Hrvatsku.
Re-open EU
Na ovoj stranici možete vidjeti trenutno stanje pandemije i zahtjeve za ulazak u Hrvatsku, ali i ostalih zemalja Europske unije kroz koje eventualno morate proći kako biste došli do Hrvatske. Stranica je dostupna na više jezika.
Na ovoj stranici možete pronaći najnovije vijesti i stanje pandemije koronaivrusa u Hrvatskoj. Slično kao na prethodnoj stranici, možete vidjeti zahtjeve za ulazak u Hrvatsku, no možete pronaći i podatke o centrima gdje se možete testirati na COVID-19 ukoliko je to potrebno te sve važne vijesti i informacije za osobe koje dolaze u Hrvatsku. Stranica je dostupna i na engleskom jeziku.
Molimo vas da pažljivo čitate i pratite upute za ulazak i kretanje u Hrvatskoj. Otkazivanje vaše registracije nakon završetka roka za registraciju u slučaju nepovoljnih uvjeta za ulazak u Hrvatsku neće biti moguće.
COVID-19 Rules
These safety measures will be in place during this competition:
- Competitors can bring only one guest.
- A Competitor MUST NOT attend this competition if he has any COVID-19 symptoms or if he has been in contact with someone that is COVID-19 positive.
- Competitors MUST wear a face mask correctly (over nose and mouth) during the entire competition. The only exception will be during lunch break.
- Hand sanitizers will be available throughout the venue.
- It is recommended that the competitor brings his own pen to the competition.
- After the competitor is finished with solving the judge will disinfect the station with a disinfection wipe.
- After every attempt, rather than the judge putting the puzzle in the cover, the competitor is asked to put the cube into the cover at the end of the attempt.
Detailed rules and recommendations are listed here.
Because of these COVID-19 rules competing will be a bit different from the usual style, as described in the document above, which is why ALL competitors must attend the competition tutorial before the start of the competiton.
Competitors that don't follow these rules may be disqualified from the competition, at the discretion of the WCA Delegate.
During the COVID-19 pandemic there are special restrictions on travel to Croatia and out of Croatia. Different rules apply to different countries from which the competitors come from and those rules are subject to change in a short period of time depending on the state of the pandemic in Croatia and the world. Because of that, we recommend you a few sites on which you can get valid and updated informations on the requirements you need to meet to enter Croatia.
Re-open EU
On this site you can see the current state of the pandemic and the requirements for entering Croatia, as well as other states of the European union that you may transit through on your to Croatia. The site is available on many different languages.
On this site you can find the latest news and the state of the pandemic in Croatia. Similar to the former site, you can see the requirements for entering Croatia as well as the information about the COVID-19 testing centers where you can test yourself if needed and all other news and information for people coming to Croatia. The site is available on english as well.
Please carefully read and follow these sites for entering and moving in Croatia. Canceling your registration after the registration deadline in the case of unfavorable restrictions for entering Croatia will not be possible.
Ovogodišnji partneri su / This year's partners are:
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).
The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.