Pocos Cupos Bogotá II 2023

Jul 20, 2023
Bogotá, Colombia

Salón Comunal Edificio Calle 123

Calle 123 # 11 A 33

Communal living


Francia Perez

Francia Perez
WCA Delegate
Dennis Rosero
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.


Francia Pérez


Salón Comunal Edificio Calle 123

Registration period

Online registration opened Monday, June 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM UTC and closed Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

South American records: Gabriel Santiago Velez Gonzalez‎ 7x7x7 Cube 2:14.86 (average).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
4x4x4 Cube Gabriel Santiago Velez Gonzalez 30.02 31.15 Colombia 30.3030.0231.3731.78DNF
5x5x5 Cube Gabriel Santiago Velez Gonzalez 47.60 NR 55.38 Colombia 1:02.0247.6056.2653.3256.56
6x6x6 Cube Gabriel Santiago Velez Gonzalez 1:31.17 1:36.30 Colombia 1:40.691:37.031:31.17
7x7x7 Cube Gabriel Santiago Velez Gonzalez 2:08.52 2:14.86 SAR Colombia 2:08.522:14.842:21.23
3x3x3 Blindfolded Ramses Amaya 29.21 DNF Colombia 35.13DNF29.21
Megaminx Jose Daniel Cobo Torres 33.44 37.29 Colombia 39.0442.1933.4438.8234.00
Square-1 Hector David Martinez Argaez 8.71 10.95 Colombia 9.7613.038.7110.0613.13
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao51:30.002 attempts to get < 1:10.00Top 8 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:45.002 attempts to get < 2:15.00Top 8 advance to next round
6x6x6 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo34:00.001 attempt to get < 3:30.00
7x7x7 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo35:00.001 attempt to get < 4:30.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinalBo315:00.00 cumulative*
MegaminxFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:30.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00Top 8 advance to next round
Square-1First roundBo2 / Ao51:00.002 attempts to get < 45.00Top 8 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Salón Comunal Edificio Calle 123 , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is America/Bogota.
Time Zone
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Para nuestro torneo Pocos Cupos, se premiará con medallas a los tres primeros de cada uno de los eventos y, adicionalmente se premiará a los tres mejores cuberos del torneo. Según lo recaudado y gastado se podría dar dinero como parte de los premios a los tres mejores cuberos del torneo.

El ganador del torneo será quien obtenga menos puntos. El puntaje se otorgará de acuerdo con la posición ocupada en cada una de las pruebas en las que se participe (p.ej. 1 punto al primer lugar, 2 al segundo lugar, 3 al tercer lugar, 10 al décimo lugar). En caso de no participar en alguna prueba, se otorgarán los puntos correspondientes al último lugar más 1 punto (+1).

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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