Rubik's Irish Championship FMC 2024

Jun 29, 2024
Multiple Cities, Ireland

Multiple Venues

Multiple Venues

See the Locations tab for details

Organization team
Speedcubing Ireland
WCA Delegates
Kevin Timmons, Mary Hennessy, Seán O'Toole, and Simon Kelly
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

This is the FMC only competition of Irish Championship 2024.

As FMC is not being held at Irish Championship 2024, this is your chance to become Ireland's Fewest Moves Champion!

Please see all the tabs to see the locations and information of each venue.

You do not need to attend Irish Championship 2024 in Waterford to become the Irish FMC National Champion.

This competition is not recommended for newcomers

Please Note: As this is the Irish Championship, only competitors who represent Ireland will be eligible for prizes. The competition remains open for all nationalities to compete.
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Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM UTC and closed Monday, June 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Adam Bermingham won with a mean of 28.33 moves in the 3x3x3 Fewest Moves event. Cillian Hainbach finished second (36.00) and Rory Menary finished third (37.00).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Adam Bermingham 27 28.33 NR Ireland 312727
EventRoundFormatTime limitProceed
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinalMo31 hour
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Multiple Venues , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is Europe/Dublin.
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

Waiting List

The following competitors are on the waiting list:

Waiting List Policy

Once the competitor limit has been reached, competitors will be added to the waiting list in order of paid registrations.
If an accepted competitor pulls out of the competition, the next competitor on the waiting list will be accepted. We will also contact you by email if you are on the waiting list and a spot opens up for you.
Once the refund date has passed (see General info tab), waiting list competitors will have their registrations deleted and their registration fee refunded.

If registration is closed, competitors can no longer be added to the waiting list.

If your registration has been accepted and you no longer intend on competing, please contact us ASAP so we may allocate your spot to the next person on the waiting list. If the refund date has not yet passed, you will receive a refund according to the refund policy.

New Competitors

If you are a new competitor, it is important that you are familiar with the Regulations. The regulations are very long and are quite a lot to take in so there is also this video you can watch which covers the basics very well. We recommend you watch this before attending. We will also be holding an introduction to competing as per the Schedule which we recommend you attend as well.

New competitors must bring some form of ID to show at the competition to confirm the name, the country they wish to compete for, and the date of birth registered with. The usual items of ID that people bring are Passports, Birth Certificates, Driver's Licenses, etc. As long as it has your name, date of birth, and country, then it will be fine.

If you have any questions, we recommend that you check the FAQ in case it has been asked before. But you are more than welcome to contact us at the link on the General Info page.

Information for All Competitors

  • Please help judge! We rely very heavily on regular competitors to make the competition run to schedule. It is not very difficult to do, and even parents and non-cubers can do it! If you'd like to learn the procedure then we will explain it during the introduction to competing, and if you still don't quite understand we can show you during the rounds as well. And you may judge whenever you want.
  • However, if you are competing in an event then you are expected to help judge for that event. Obviously you need time to warm-up so we would really appreciate if you can help out the group immediately following the one you compete in. For example, if you are competing in group 2, please help to judge for group 3, etc. If there are only 2 groups, you would be expected to help for the other group.
  • No flash photography under any circumstance within the venue. It is extremely distracting for competitors.
  • If you are a spectator, please stay 1.5m away from competitors at all times as per Regulation 7b.
  • Please treat the venue with respect, put all of your rubbish in bins, black bin bags, or take it home with you and keep your area tidy.
  • There are thousands of puzzles at these events, make sure to keep yours together so you don't lose them! Keeping them in a bag and looking after it at all times is recommended.
  • During blindfolded events, please stay silent within the venue. These events require a high amount of concentration and any noise can be distracting. We will announce when the silence will begin and when you may talk within the venue again.

MultiBlind Competitors
All puzzles for multiblind are to be submitted early to allow time for scrambling. Please see the schedule for details.

Live results at the competition are provided courtesy of WCA Live!

Please note that the results may not be entered immediately. It is important that the competition is running smoothly before we can enter data. Sometimes there might be a delay of up to an hour before the results for a round are entered.

There may be a photographer present at our events and by attending you give us permission to use any photos you appear in on our website or for marketing purposes.

Speedcubing Ireland does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent permitted by law for:
* any loss or damage to any personal property
* personal injury or illness suffered by you at a Speedcubing Ireland event

Attending this event is at the attendees own risk and by attending you agree not to bring any claim against the organisers of this event.

Children under 16 years old should be accompanied by an adult.

Q: How do I register?
A: First you need to make sure you have created a WCA account. You can do this by going to the sign-up page and creating an account. Once you have created the account and confirmed your email address, go to the Register section for this competition and follow the instructions carefully.

Q: Why am I not on the registration list yet?
A: Please make sure that you have followed the instructions in the Register section. You could also be on the waiting list. The competitor limit can be found on the General Info page, and you can see the number on accepted competitors on the Competitors page. If you have done everything correctly and the competition is not full then just be patient. We have to manually approve registrations and the organisers aren't available all the time. If you believe you have followed the steps correctly but still are not on the registration list after 2 days, then feel free to email us at the contact link on the General Info page.

Q: Can I change the events I am registered for?
A: As long as registration is still open, yes you are allowed to change events. However there is only one event at this competition: Fewest Moves.

Q: I am no longer able to attend, what do I do?
A: The first thing you need to do is tell us as soon as you know via the contact link on the General Info page. Competitions generally fill up quite quickly and letting us know that you can't attend means we can add someone from the waiting list.

Q: If I do not attend do I get a refund?
A: If you inform us you are no longer attending and registration is still open, we will issue a refund in line with this competitions refund policy. If you do not tell us you are not attending then you will receive no refund.

Q: How efficient do I have to be to compete?
A: As per regulation ?? fewest moves solutions must be at most 80 moves.

Q: Are there different age categories?
A: All competitors compete on the same level and all ages are welcome. In general most are aged 10-20 but we have plenty of regulars who are older or younger than this!

Q: Do I use my own cubes to compete?
A: Yes! Make sure to bring cubes for all events you are competing in and look after them, you don't want them to go missing.

Q: Can I come only to spectate?
A: This is not a spectator friendly competition. The event consists of people reading a scramble, scrambling a cube, and writing down a solution. It's almost like an exam Only guests of competitors will be allowed to attend due to space restrictions.

Q: When do I arrive at the competition?
A: We recommend you turn up at least 15 minutes before your first event, you can check when this is on the Schedule tab. This will give you enough time to register, find a seat, and warm-up.

Q: What do I do when I arrive?
A: The first thing you do when you arrive is find the registration desk if registration is open. If you arrive before registration opens, we will make an announcement as to when it does open. If there is nobody present at the registration desk then find a staff member and we will make sure to register you.

Q: When can I leave the competition?
A: You are more than welcome to leave whenever you want. If you have no more events left then you are not required to stay.

Q: How do I find results?
A: All the results will be found on this page a couple of days after the competition, once they have all been checked and uploaded. If you are looking for live results, they can all be found on the Live Results tab.

This competition will be happening simultaneously across multiple venues

Location Venue Address Venue Limit Delegate(s)
Cork Room G17, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork 20 Mary Hennessy, Kevin Timmons
Dublin Room 4050A, Arts Block, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 35 Simon Kelly, Seán O'Toole

The Cork Venue is Room G17, Western Gateway Building, UCC, Western Road, Cork, T12 XF62.

Car: Parking is available at the Western Gateway Building, where it is €2 on exit.

Bus: If you are coming from Cork city center the 208, 205 and the 220 buses will bring you to a UCC entrance.

Train: If you are arriving by train, there is the 205 bus which will bring you from Kent station to one of the entrances of UCC. Alternatively you could walk from the train station into Cork city and get any of the buses mentioned above.

The Cork venue Competitor limit is 20 competitors
Cork Competitors:
1. Cormac Finke
2. Ben Timmons
3. Ronan Finke
4. Conor Smith
5. Mary Hennessy
6. Mykyta Grytsenko (Микита Гриценко)
7. Colm McCarthy
8. Aidan Browne
9. Iollan Walsh
10. Nuadha Walsh
11. Jack Corr
12. Jamie Blennerhassett
13. Oscar Green
14. Leny De Pablo Hosty

The Dublin Venue is in Trinity College Dublin, Room 4050A, Arts Block, College Green, Dublin

This competition takes place on the same day as Dublin pride. It is highly likely that there will be significant disruption to roads, bus services, and luas services.

Car: The closest car park is located on Trinity Street, there are also many other carparks nearby

Bus: Almost any bus that travels through the city centre travel close to the venue.

Train: Pearse train station is only a few minutes by foot away from the venue

Luas The Trinity or Dawson stops on the green line are directly outside Trinity campus.

The Dublin Venue Limit is 35 competitors
**Dublin Competitors

1. Namuun Natsagdorj
2. Adam Bermingham
3. Rían Burke
4. Jane Kelly
5. Sean O'Toole
6. Simon Kelly
7. Kalin Doherty
8. Cillian Hainbach
9. Mark Gregan
10. William Carey
11. Ciarán Beahan
12. Richard Madden
13. Logan Tully
14. Edward Connell
15. Tommaso Raposio
16. Alexandros Fokianos
17. Khaled Al-Hathlool
18. Miłosz Andzel
19. Finian Hogan
20. Rory Menary
21. Luke Daniel Savage

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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