Side Events in Nyack 2024

3x3x3 Fewest Moves Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Krish Shah-Nathwani 2015SHAH09 United States 21.67 13 19 23
2 Levi Gibson 2018GIBS04 United States 22.00 22 16 1
3 Erik Johnson 2007JOHN02 United States 27.67 239 20 48
4 Alex Maass 2011MAAS01 United States 27.67 239 23 220
5 Elliot Wiecek 2016WIEC02 United States 27.67 239 25 415
6 Saisabari Ramesh 2021RAME01 United States 28.67 311 24 322
7 Eli Rogers 2022ROGE05 United States 32.67 780 30 1331
8 Margot Audero 2017MARR02 United States 33.00 816 30 1331
9 Steven Wintringham 2015WINT02 United States 35.33 1186 27 685
10 Samuel Fang 2014FANG01 United States 35.33 1186 32 1867
11 Eli Ozsvath 2022OZSV01 United States 39.33 1975 33 2159
12 Parker Trager 2016TRAG01 United States 40.67 2262 30 1331
13 Angelo Terpening 2019TERP01 United States 54.67 4236 47 6999
Carter Williams 2021WILL06 United States 36 3139
Sula Mareska 2019MARE07 United States 38 3872
Alex Niedland 2018NIED01 United States 44 6041
Matthew Liong 2023LION02 Indonesia 56 9004
Tamar Ozsvath 2022OZSV04 United States 58 9244
Nina Ozsvath 2022OZSV03 United States 62 9614
Andy Simpson 2022SIMP04 United States
Ayden Dincher 2022DINC01 United States
Benji Shahaf 2022SHAH41 United States
Carson Widjaja 2018WIDJ01 United States
Clement D. Tucker 2022TUCK09 United States
Ian Liong 2023LION01 Indonesia
Jalen Shareef 2024SHAR07 United States
Joseph Guzman 2015GUZM03 United States
Joseph Zaiden 2024ZAID03 United States
Matthew Joel Degala 2022DEGA01 United States
Michael Miloslavskiy 2023MILO01 United States
Nathaniel Guerrero 2023GUER01 United States
Oskar Pfitsch Kawinski 2024KAWI01 United States
Quinn Maloney 2023MALO01 United States
Vincent Li 2022LIVI03 United States
Yuki Nagai 2022NAGA02 United States
Yuval Segall 2022SEGA07 Israel
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