Side Events in Nyack 2024

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Parker Trager 2016TRAG01 United States 11.20 134 7.67 52
2 Minghao Zhang 2024ZHAN06 China 11.23 140 9.19 237
3 Anthony Jiang 2021JIAN07 United States 11.62 192 9.90 405
4 Noah Kim 2018KIMN04 United States 11.74 213 8.95 196
5 Jaylen Myles 2021MYLE01 United States 11.88 230 10.21 508
6 Ayden Dincher 2022DINC01 United States 12.65 383 11.15 904
7 Carson Widjaja 2018WIDJ01 United States 12.90 441 10.27 527
8 Levi Gibson 2018GIBS04 United States 13.08 504 10.09 465
9 Alex Niedland 2018NIED01 United States 13.93 803 11.32 997
10 Aaron Jake Wong 2021WONG02 United States 15.05 1315 12.10 1478
11 Krish Shah-Nathwani 2015SHAH09 United States 15.17 1387 11.25 964
12 Quinn Maloney 2023MALO01 United States 16.06 1953 13.25 2412
13 Benjamin Wiginton 2022WIGI01 United States 16.30 2114 12.89 2112
14 Eli Ozsvath 2022OZSV01 United States 16.49 2250 14.87 4133
15 Saisabari Ramesh 2021RAME01 United States 16.65 2374 14.31 3483
16 Carter Williams 2021WILL06 United States 17.06 2719 12.38 1700
17 Samuel Fang 2014FANG01 United States 17.09 2740 12.21 1563
18 Elias Diaz 2023DIAZ43 United States 17.78 3335 14.67 3880
19 Margot Audero 2017MARR02 United States 17.97 3522 13.52 2687
20 Alex Maass 2011MAAS01 United States 18.52 4038 16.78 6522
21 Benji Shahaf 2022SHAH41 United States 19.02 4542 14.34 3513
22 Eli Rogers 2022ROGE05 United States 19.06 4581 16.75 6485
23 Yuval Segall 2022SEGA07 Israel 19.26 4784 15.80 5226
24 Yuki Nagai 2022NAGA02 United States 19.52 5057 14.36 3543
25 Nina Ozsvath 2022OZSV03 United States 20.33 5993 17.69 7841
26 Tamar Ozsvath 2022OZSV04 United States 20.68 6366 16.02 5516
27 Matthew Liong 2023LION02 Indonesia 20.69 6377 18.26 8697
28 Joseph Guzman 2015GUZM03 United States 20.88 6592 19.27 10299
29 Clement D. Tucker 2022TUCK09 United States 22.60 8629 18.55 9125
30 Elliot Voigt 2023VOIG02 United States 23.05 9224 18.06 8383
31 Bryan Chen 2022CHEN26 United States 23.49 9812 20.31 11966
32 Sula Mareska 2019MARE07 United States 23.96 10441 17.35 7357
33 Steven Wintringham 2015WINT02 United States 24.24 10797 18.09 8423
34 Matthew Joel Degala 2022DEGA01 United States 24.33 10928 18.51 9056
35 Samuel Krasne 2022KRAS02 United States 26.03 13305 22.22 15279
36 Michael Miloslavskiy 2023MILO01 United States 26.15 13458 20.07 11563
37 Nathaniel Guerrero 2023GUER01 United States 26.37 13752 21.58 14106
38 Donovan Redo 2022REDO01 United States 26.68 14218 22.34 15449
39 Ian Liong 2023LION01 Indonesia 28.33 16450 22.50 15704
40 Can Uzun 2023UZUN04 Turkey 28.38 16518 22.80 16195
41 Vincent Li 2022LIVI03 United States 28.40 16547 21.02 13156
42 Achira Jet Wong 2018WONG07 United States 29.59 18122 23.66 17612
43 Angelo Terpening 2019TERP01 United States 31.63 20743 25.28 20292
44 Isaac Wiginton 2022WIGI02 United States 32.53 21955 23.28 16976
45 Nicholas Trofimov 2019TROF04 United States 33.62 23275 26.87 22783
46 Jonathan Offer 2022OFFE01 Israel 34.12 23876 29.49 26750
47 Ryan Kern 2024KERN01 United States 36.57 26629 28.84 25837
48 Andy Simpson 2022SIMP04 United States 36.83 26920 31.36 29391
49 Jalen Shareef 2024SHAR07 United States 38.07 28283 32.19 30488
50 Tamar Bober-Tsafrir 2023BOBE01 United States 38.57 28847 30.01 27485
51 Samuel Kim 2023KIMS13 United States 43.91 33745 38.50 37649
52 Miles Schwarz 2024SCHW07 United States 58.04 41063 49.84 45941
53 Joseph Zaiden 2024ZAID03 United States 1:03.53 42495 58.78 50005
Siddhu Nagarajan 2022NAGA08 United States 51.80 47012
Oskar Pfitsch Kawinski 2024KAWI01 United States 54.07 48069
Isaias Callirgos 2022CALL14 United States 55.81 48816
Ali Gebai 2022GEBA01 United States
Evan Dambal 2024DAMB01 United States
Lukas Voigt 2024VOIG01 United States
Mohamad Gebai 2022GEBA02 United States
Ryan Jian 2023JIAN18 United States
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