St-Méloir-des-Ondes Breizh Open 2024

Note: This competition is ongoing. You can check the live results here!

Pyraminx Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Maël Tran 2023TRAN19 France 3.34 960 2.70 2570
2 Félix Merle 2022MERL02 France 3.73 1360 3.20 4203
3 Louis Presti 2017PRES04 France 3.86 1527 2.84 2973
4 Antonin Leprince 2023LEPR01 France 4.22 2056 2.85 3009
5 Ilian Chambreuil 2023CHAM15 France 4.63 2798 3.04 3640
6 Arthur Pruvel 2022PRUV01 France 5.28 4216 3.70 6275
7 Bastien Ferraud 2022FERR16 France 5.65 5176 3.11 3878
8 Ivan Vanek 2015VANE01 United States 5.80 5579 3.80 6709
9 Arthur Provot 2018PROV01 France 5.87 5778 1.41 233
10 Gaspard Borgne Hubert 2024HUBE01 France 5.89 5835 5.43 16463
11 Anton Piau 2008PIAU01 France 6.14 6585 3.47 5283
12 Malo Coraboeuf 2019CORA01 France 6.50 7792 4.05 7971
13 Alexandre Filipot 2024FILI04 France 7.17 10321 4.48 10236
14 Cléa Bouliere Petibon 2023PETI02 France 7.59 12146 5.24 15088
15 Lena Cogat 2022COGA01 France 7.61 12229 5.07 13921
16 Maxime Lefebvre 2019LEFE02 France 7.61 12229 5.12 14236
17 Alban Delestre 2024DELE05 France 7.78 13042 3.77 6571
18 Anton Hebert-Baron 2021HEBE01 France 7.79 13088 5.11 14185
19 PX Durel 2016DURE02 France 8.38 16171 6.22 22576
20 Clément Tanguy 2018TANG21 France 8.63 17583 6.71 26748
21 Kilian Farrell 2016FARR02 France 9.03 19883 5.72 18598
22 Alois Cochard--Neel 2024COCH02 France 10.14 26890 6.22 22576
23 Félix Audy 2021AUDY01 France 11.06 33132 6.18 22256
24 Ewenn Fanciullino-Gualandris 2023FANC01 France 11.26 34532 8.60 43960
25 Matthieu Le Roy 2022ROYM01 France 12.57 44128 9.20 49632
26 Côme Ruberte 2024RUBE04 France 13.28 49163 11.82 70834
27 Mickaël Paquer 2013PAQU01 France 14.90 59700 8.48 42840
28 Enora Luiggi 2024LUIG03 France 15.84 65312 12.08 72608
29 Nolwenn Borgne 2024BORG07 France 20.44 84726 15.74 90562
30 Marie-Azélie Davigo 2024DAVI20 France 24.80 93652 16.20 91987
31 Rodolphe Lefebvre-Villette 2022LEFE01 France 25.95 95143 18.48 97443
32 Rodolphe Pruvel 2023PRUV01 France 26.05 95245 18.89 98170
33 David Traparic 2018TRAP01 France 28.89 97840 13.37 80322
34 Tifenn Le Roy 2024ROYT02 France 32.44 99718 18.00 96502
35 Timothy Hubert 2024HUBE04 France 1:41.03 102956 54.92 107315
Jules Arzur France
Louis-Marie Mohin 2024MOHI03 France
Octave Gueguen France
Paul de la Pinsonnais France
Thomas Capelotar France
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