Swiss Nationals 2024

Oct 4 - 6, 2024
Basel (BS), Switzerland

St. Jakobshalle Basel

St. Jakobs-Strasse 390, 4052 Basel

Halle 3



WCA Delegates
Daniel Houghton, Fabian Settelen, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Mattia Pasquini, Oleg Gritsenko, and Thomas Pierroz
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

[DE] Bitte gebe bei der Anmeldung im Bemerkungsfeld an, ob du ein T-Shirt für die Swiss Nationals kaufen möchtest oder nicht. Wenn du ein T-Shirt kaufen möchtest, gib uns bitte deine grösse an und ob du ein T-Shirt in weiss oder cardinal-rot möchtest. Vor Ort wird es nur eine sehr geringe, limitierte Anzahl T-shirts zu kaufen geben. Die Kosten für das T-Shirt betragen: CHF 25.00. Die kosten sind bei der Registration zu begleichen. Wir müssen die T-Shirts bis zum 08.09.2024 vorbestellen.

[EN] When registering, please indicate in the comments field whether you would like to buy a T-shirt for the Swiss Nationals or not. If you would like to buy a T-shirt, please let us know your size and if you want the T-shirt in white or cardinal-red. There will only be a very small, limited number of T-shirts available for purchase on site. The cost of the T-shirt is: CHF 25.00. You will pay the T-shirt at the registration desk. We must pre-order the T-shirts by 08.09.2024.

[DE] Da dies die offizielle Speedcubing Schweizer-Meisterschaft ist, qualifizieren sich die jeweils besten 12 Schweizer der vorherigen Runde sowie alle Teilnehmer anderer Nationalitäten dazwischen für die jeweiligen Finals.

[EN] As these are the official Swiss Speedcubing Championship, the best 12 Swiss competitors of the previous round as well as all participants of other nationalities in between qualify for the respective finals.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 200 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is CHF30 (Swiss Franc).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Competitors may only register for events that they are already qualified for.


Bitte gebe bei der Anmeldung im Bemerkungsfeld an, ob du ein T-Shirt für die Swiss Nationals kaufen möchtest oder nicht. Wenn du ein T-Shirt kaufen möchtest, gib uns bitte deine grösse an und ob du ein T-Shirt in weiss oder cardinal-rot möchtest. Vor Ort wird es nur eine sehr geringe, limitierte Anzahl T-shirts zu kaufen geben. Die Kosten für das T-Shirt betragen: CHF 25.00. Die kosten sind bei der Registration zu begleichen. Wir müssen die T-Shirts bis zum 08.09.2024 vorbestellen.

Quando state registrando, per favore indicate nel commento se si desidera acquistare una maglietta per Swiss Nationals oppure no. Se vorresti comprare questa maglietta, per favore indicate anche la taglia e se si desidera una maglietta bianca o rosso cardinale. Ci saranno un numero molto limitato di magliette disponibili per acquistare in loco.
Il costo delle magliette è: 25.00 CHF
Le magliette devono essere preordinate entro il 08.09.2024.

When registering, please indicate in the comments field whether you would like to buy a T-shirt for the Swiss Nationals or not. If you would like to buy a T-shirt, please let us know your size and if you want the T-shirt in white or cardinal-red. There will only be a very small, limited number of T-shirts available for purchase on site. The cost of the T-shirt is: CHF 25.00. You will pay the T-shirt at the registration desk. We must pre-order the T-shirts by 08.09.2024.


- Die Anmeldung kostet 30 CHF (oder 30 €), Die Zahlung erfolgt BEIM WETTBEWERB.
- Teilnehmer die sich registrieren aber nicht kommen, müssen eine Entschädigung von 30.- CHF (oder 30 €) bei ihrer nächsten Competition in der Schweiz bezahlen.

- La registrazione costa 30 CHF (oppure 30 €), il pagamento verrà effettuato ALLA COMPETIZIONE.
- Un partecipante che si registra ma non si presenta alla competizione, dovrà pagare ulteriore 30 CHF alla sua prossima competizione in Svizzera.

- Registration fee is set at 30.- (or 30 €), The payment will be done AT THE COMPETITION.
- A competitor who registers and doesn't show up at the competition will have to pay a compensation of 30.- CHF (or 30 €) at his next competition in Switzerland.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Richard Delacoste won with an average of 6.45 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Alwin Rölz finished second (6.89) and Eden Robinson-Rechavi finished third (7.38).

World records: Dhruva Sai Meruva‎ 3x3x3 One-Handed 5.66 (single).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Richard Delacoste 6.31 6.45 Switzerland 6.327.566.466.576.31
2 Alwin Rölz 6.53 6.89 Switzerland 6.606.707.376.5310.15
3 Eden Robinson-Rechavi 6.35 7.38 Switzerland 6.357.638.007.417.11

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Herman Westerlund Kalland 1.93 2.44 Norway 1.933.912.263.052.01
2 Reto Bubendorf 1.98 2.53 Switzerland 2.402.722.483.331.98
3 Julen Simón Iriarte 1.85 2.67 Spain 2.593.953.312.121.85

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Richard Delacoste 24.45 27.08 Switzerland 25.7127.9524.4527.5931.89
2 Herman Westerlund Kalland 25.24 27.39 Norway 28.6226.0425.2427.5029.98
3 Alwin Rölz 26.23 29.56 Switzerland 31.6826.6530.3426.2333.04

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Richard Delacoste 41.04 44.81 Switzerland 47.0248.4641.0446.3441.06
2 Alwin Rölz 48.72 55.75 Switzerland 52.111:03.4055.6548.7259.48
3 Herman Westerlund Kalland 52.83 56.30 Norway 57.4756.9952.8359.3854.45

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Richard Delacoste 1:26.07 1:26.98 Switzerland 1:26.371:26.071:28.50
2 Alwin Rölz 1:31.89 1:33.51 Switzerland 1:31.891:34.781:33.86
3 Valentin Hoffmann 1:41.38 1:49.50 France 1:56.971:41.381:50.14

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Richard Delacoste 1:59.35 2:01.51 NR Switzerland 2:02.351:59.352:02.84
2 Alwin Rölz 2:22.55 2:23.65 Switzerland 2:22.552:23.552:24.86
3 Julian Bürgi 2:42.05 2:48.23 Switzerland 2:48.122:42.052:54.52

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Alistair Robequin 31.85 DNF Switzerland 41.1431.85DNF
2 Tobias Peter 38.34 DNF Switzerland DNF38.34DNF
3 Hannah Minas 44.08 DNF Switzerland 1:06.3944.08DNF

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Dhruva Sai Meruva 5.66 WR 9.57 Switzerland 12.259.7710.025.668.93
2 Eden Robinson-Rechavi 8.07 9.64 Switzerland 8.798.0714.919.3010.83
3 Alwin Rölz 9.77 11.36 Switzerland 11.1113.419.7711.6611.31


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Daniel Rimner 2.94 3.76 Germany 4.273.673.753.862.94
2 Flurin König 4.14 4.50 Switzerland 4.494.604.415.224.14
3 Herman Westerlund Kalland 4.08 5.13 Norway


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Timo Günthardt 37.34 39.96 Switzerland 41.2140.0938.5837.3444.43
2 Alwin Rölz 41.70 43.52 Switzerland 42.5141.7047.3743.0544.99
3 Herman Westerlund Kalland 38.79 44.14 Norway 47.7844.6850.3639.9538.79


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Daniel Brem 1.82 2.08 NR Switzerland 1.822.791.892.012.35
2 Stian Nystad Østli 1.93 2.39 Norway 2.323.242.071.932.77
3 Nils Rödel 2.36 2.72 France 2.364.812.852.452.85


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Daniel Brem 2.03 2.67 NR Switzerland 3.052.603.332.372.03
2 Alwin Rölz 2.63 3.59 Switzerland 2.633.204.323.265.85
3 Timo Günthardt 2.29 3.75 Switzerland 3.544.735.452.292.97


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Herman Westerlund Kalland 7.91 8.32 Norway 11.877.918.508.378.09
2 Levin Houghton 8.13 10.64 Switzerland 8.139.2612.4115.0810.25
3 Timo Günthardt 9.14 10.75 Switzerland 12.9911.7410.0710.459.14

4x4x4 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Fabian Settelen 5:52.88 DNF Switzerland DNF5:52.88DNF
2 Angelo Melera 6:01.85 6:40.18 Switzerland 7:45.116:13.576:01.85
3 Adamo Sabbadin 6:32.11 DNF Switzerland 6:32.11DNFDNF

5x5x5 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Fabian Settelen 12:54.00 DNF Switzerland 13:12.0012:54.00DNF
2 Angelo Melera 13:42.00 DNF Switzerland 19:04.0013:42.00DNF
3 Hollwann Leon 21:25.00 DNF Colombia DNF21:25.00DNS

3x3x3 Multi-Blind

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Angelo Melera 20/22 57:14 Switzerland 20/22 57:14
2 Fabian Settelen 15/17 58:09 Switzerland 15/17 58:09
3 Tobias Peter 10/15 56:49 Switzerland 10/15 56:49
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