Swiss Science Open 2019

Sep 7 - 8, 2019
Winterthur, Switzerland

Swiss Science Center

Technoramastrasse 1, 8404 Winterthur

Technorama Winterthur, Foyer im 2.Stock (2nd floor)

Swiss Science Open 2019 website

Thomas Stadler
WCA Delegate
Tobias Peter
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Die Swiss Science Open 2019 im Technorama werden nicht nur für Teilnehmer sondern auch für alle registrierten Gäste ein Erlebnis werden. Alle Teilnehmer und registrierten Gäste erhalten für 15CHF für Sa+So freien Eintritt ins Technorama. Dort erwarten euch neben der Speedcubing Competition im Foyer ganz viele Versuche aus der Welt der Physik, welche ihr ausprobieren könnt.
Registriert euch und alle eure Begleitpersonen (Gäste) um für 2 Tage den freien Eintritt ins Technorama zu bekommen.

The Swiss Science Open 2019 in the Technorama will be an experience not only for participants but also for all registered guests. All participants and registered guests receive for 15CHF for Sa + Sun free admission to the Technorama. In addition to the Speedcubing Competition in the foyer, you can expect many experiments from the world of physics, which you can try out.
Register yourself and all your escorts (guests) to get free admission to the Technorama for 2 days.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 12:00 PM UTC and closed Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Leon Schmidtchen won with an average of 9.19 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Julian Bürgi finished second (9.49) and Dominic Lumsden finished third (9.73).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Leon Schmidtchen 8.10 9.19 Germany 8.4010.109.408.109.77
2x2x2 Cube Tobias Peter 1.96 2.74 Switzerland 2.056.321.963.332.84
4x4x4 Cube Leon Schmidtchen 27.73 32.61 Germany 28.8327.7337.5234.7134.30
5x5x5 Cube Leon Schmidtchen 1:00.33 1:04.56 Germany 1:04.681:00.331:07.971:01.021:11.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded Tobias Peter 48.37 DNF Switzerland DNFDNF48.37
3x3x3 One-Handed Tobias Peter 12.42 14.19 Switzerland 14.5115.2917.0612.4212.76
Megaminx Daniel Grabski 52.78 55.11 Austria 52.7855.3157.3653.3456.67
Pyraminx Dominik Fürer 2.79 4.33 Switzerland 4.912.794.163.917.09
Skewb Yannic Waser 3.79 4.62 Switzerland 4.463.794.197.915.22
Square-1 Laura Mellier 11.54 12.42 Switzerland 12.0611.5411.7713.42DNF
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo52:00.00Top 75% advance to next round
Second roundAo51:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
4x4x4 CubeFirst roundBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:45.00Top 12 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao55:00.002 attempts to get < 3:00.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst roundBo315:00.00 cumulative*Top 12 advance to next round
FinalBo315:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst roundBo2 / Ao52:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00Top 12 advance to next round
MegaminxFinalBo2 / Ao55:00.002 attempts to get < 3:00.00
PyraminxFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
SkewbFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 12 advance to next round
Square-1FinalBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:30.00
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Swiss Science Center , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is Europe/Zurich.
Time Zone
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Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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