Swisscubing Cup Final 2018
- Date
- Dec 8 - 9, 2018
- City
- Luzern, Switzerland
- Venue
- Address
- Moosmattstrasse 4 6005 Luzern
- Details
Grosser Saal
- Contact
- Organizers
- Swisscubing and Tobias Peter
- WCA Delegates
- Oleg Gritsenko and Reto Bubendorf
- Download all the competition's details as PDF .
- Information
The SC Cup Final is part of the Swisscubing Cup 2018, made of 4 competitions during the whole year. Check out on for the details of the other editions.
Das SC Cup Final ist Teil des Swisscubing Cup 2018. Dieser besteht aus 4 Competitions über das ganze Jahr verteilt. Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, besuche
Le SC Cup Final fait partie du Swisscubing Cup 2018, qui consiste de 4 compétitions tout au long de l'année. Allez voir sur pour plus d'informations sur les autres autres manches.
SC Cup Final da parte della Swisscubing Cup 2018, che è composta da 4 competizioni tenute durante l'anno. Qui ( trovi le informazioni relative alle altre edizioni.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 103
- Registration period
Online registration opened Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 12:00 AM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 120 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is CHF15 (Swiss Franc).
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Bezahlt wird vor Ort.
Ein Teilnehmer der sich registriert hat aber nicht teilnimmt, muss die Gebühren bei seiner nächsten Competition in der Schweiz bezahlen.[EN]
You will have to pay on site.
A competitor who registers and doesn't show up will have to compensate this fee at his next competition in Switzerland.[FR]
Le coût de participation sera payé sur place.
Un compétiteur qui s'est inscrit sans venir à la compétition doit payer les frais de participation à sa prochaine compétition en Suisse.[IT]
Il costo della partecipazione è da pagare alla gara.
Un concorrente che si regista senza venire alla gara deve pagare la quota di partecipazione alla sua prossima gara in Svizerra. - Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Philipp Weyer won with an average of 6.86 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Feliks Zemdegs finished second (7.21) and Alexandre Carlier finished third (7.79).
European records: Michał Pleskowicz 3x3x3 One-Handed 10.71 (average); Philipp Weyer 3x3x3 Cube 6.06 (average).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Philipp Weyer | 5.60 | 6.86 | Germany | 6.66 | 7.74 | 6.18 | 5.60 | 7.96 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | Michał Pleskowicz | 2.06 | 2.81 | Poland | 3.83 | 2.06 | 2.31 | 3.26 | 2.85 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Feliks Zemdegs | 20.69 | 23.81 | Australia | 21.50 | 20.69 | 26.85 | 23.38 | 26.56 | |||
6x6x6 Cube | Feliks Zemdegs | 1:21.55 | 1:24.60 | Australia | 1:24.02 | 1:28.23 | 1:21.55 | |||||
7x7x7 Cube | Feliks Zemdegs | 1:56.61 | 2:06.51 | Australia | 1:56.61 | 2:11.37 | 2:11.56 | |||||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | Hari Anirudh | 25.62 | DNF | India | DNF | 26.91 | 25.62 | |||||
3x3x3 One-Handed | Feliks Zemdegs | 9.95 | 11.22 | Australia | 10.54 | 12.26 | 10.99 | 9.95 | 12.12 | |||
Pyraminx | Samuel Simko | 1.96 | 3.04 | Slovakia | 3.89 | 2.38 | 1.96 | 2.84 | DNF | |||
3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Oleg Gritsenko | 18/19 56:47 | Russia | 17/19 56:17 | 18/19 56:47 | 18/19 57:46 |
Event | Round | Format | Time limit | Cutoff | Proceed |
3x3x3 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 75% advance to next round | |
Second round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round | ||
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 5:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 1:45.00 | Top 12 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 3:00.00 | |||
6x6x6 Cube | First round | Bo1 / Mo3 | 10:00.00 | 1 attempt to get < 5:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round |
Final | Mo3 | 7:00.00 | |||
7x7x7 Cube | First round | Bo1 / Mo3 | 10:00.00 | 1 attempt to get < 7:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round |
Final | Mo3 | 10:00.00 | |||
3x3x3 Blindfolded | First round | Bo3 | 20:00.00 cumulative* | Top 12 advance to next round | |
Final | Bo3 | 15:00.00 cumulative* | |||
3x3x3 One-Handed | First round | Bo2 / Ao5 | 5:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 1:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round |
Final | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | |||
Pyraminx | First round | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | Top 12 advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | |||
3x3x3 Multi-Blind | Final | Bo3 | 10:00.00 per cube, up to 60:00.00 |
Moosmattstrasse 4, 6005 Luzern, Schweiz
Reise / Travel
Mit dem Auto / by Car
1h20m von Bern / 1h10m von Basel / 1h10m von Zürich
1h20m from Bern / 1h10m from Basel / 1h10m from Zürich
1h20m de Berne / 1h10m de Bâle / 1h10m de Zurich
Mit dem ÖV / by public transport
Endstation: Luzern Bahnhof (10m zu Fuss bis zur Venue)
1h von Bern / 1h von Basel / 45m von Zürich
Final station: Luzern Bahnhof (10m to walk to the venue)
1h from Bern / 1h from Basel / 45m from Zürich
Terminus: Luzern Bahnhof (10m de marche à la salle)
1h de Berne / 1h de Bâle / 45m de Zurich
Unterkunft / Accomodation
Der Swisscubing Cup / The Swisscubing Cup / Le Swisscubing Cup / Il Swisscubing Cup
[EN] The SC Cup Final is part of the Swisscubing Cup 2018, made of 4 competitions during the whole year. Check out on for the details.
[FR] Le SC Cup Final fait partie du Swisscubing Cup 2018, qui consiste de 4 compétitions tout au long de l'année. Allez voir sur pour plus d'informations sur les autres autres manches.
[DE] Das SC Cup Final ist Teil des Swisscubing Cup 2018. Dieser besteht aus 4 Competitions über das ganze Jahr verteilt. Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, besuche
[IT] SC Cup Final da parte della Swisscubing Cup 2018, che è composta da 4 competizioni tenute durante l'anno. Qui ( trovi le informazioni relative alle altre edizioni.
Swisscubing Cup 2018 Ranking
EN, FR, IT below / plus bas / più giù
Informationen für Erstteilnehmer
Falls dies deine erste Competition ist an der du teilnimmst ist es wichtig dass du dich mit den Regulations, also den offiziellen WCA-Regeln, bekannt machst. Zusätzlich empfehlen wir dir, dieses Video zum Ablauf einer Competition zu schauen: Competing Tutorial.
Wir werden an der Competition ein 'Judging Tutorial' abhalten, in welchem wir dir alle wichtigen Informationen nochmals praktisch aufzeigen.
Erstteilnehmer müssen ein Identifikationsdokument mitnehmen um Name, Nationalität und Geburtsdatum zu bestätigen. Akzeptiert werden ID, Pass, Geburtsurkunden, Führerausweis etc. Kurz, alles was Name, Nationalität und Geburtsdatum bezeugt.
Informationen für alle Teilnehmer
- Bitte hilf zu judgen! Die Organisation beruht auf der Mithilfe der Teilnehmer. Auch Eltern sind herzlich eingeladen zu judgen, es ist wirklich nicht schwierig und hilft allen enorm. Schau auf deiner 'Personal Card', dass du an der Competition bekommst, nach, wann du judgen oder scramblen musst. Bitte melde dich auch freiwillig wenn wir nach Judges rufen.
- Fotografieren mit Blitz ist nicht erlaubt da es die Teilnehmer extrem stört.
- Wenn du zuschauen möchtest, beachte bitte den Mindestabstand von 1.5m den es laut Regulation 7b einzuhalten gilt.
- Bitte behandle die Venue mit Respekt. Entsorge deinen Müll fachgerecht und halte deinen Platz sauber.
- An einer Competition gibt es immer tausende von Puzzles. Behalte deshalb deine Puzzles im Auge und lasse sie möglichst nicht herumliegen.
- Laufen Blind-Events, bitten wir dich ruhig zu sein da jedes Geräusch die Teilnehmer stören kann.
New Competitor Information
If you are a new competitor, it is important that you are familiar with the Regulations. The regulations are very long and are quite a lot to take in so don't worry if you don't remember it all! Because of this, we have a video that explains the competing procedure which we recommend to watch before attending: Competing Tutorial. We will also be holding an introduction to competing as per the Schedule which we recommend you attend as well.
New competitors must bring some form of ID to show at the competition to confirm the name, the country they wish to compete for, and the date of birth registered with. The usual items of ID that people bring are Passports, Birth Certificates, Driver's Licenses, etc. As long as it has your name, date of birth, and country, then it will be fine.
If you have any questions, we recommend that you check the FAQ in case it has been asked before. But you are more than welcome to contact us at the link on the General Info page.
Information for All Competitors
- Please help judge! We rely very heavily on regular competitors to make the competition run to schedule. It is not very difficult to do, and even parents can do it! If you'd like to learn the procedure then we will explain it during the introduction to competing, and if you still don't quite understand we can show you during the rounds as well. And you may judge whenever you want.
- However, if you are competing in an event then you are expected to help judge for that event. Check your personal schedule that you will receive at the competition or the 'Groups'-Tab to see when you have to judge.
- No flash photography under any circumstance within the venue. It is extremely distracting for competitors.
- If you are a spectator, please stay 1.5m away from competitors at all times as per Regulation 7b.
- Please treat the venue with respect, put all of your rubbish in bins, black bin bags, or take it home with you and keep your area tidy.
- There are thousands of puzzles at these events, make sure to keep yours together so you don't lose them! Keeping them in a bag and looking after it at all times is recommended.
- During blindfolded events, please stay silent within the venue. These events require a high amount of concentration and any noise can be distracting. We will announce when the silence will begin and when you may talk within the venue again.
Informations pour les personnes participant pour la première fois
Si c’est la première compétition à laquelle tu participes, il est important que tu prennes le temps de lire le réglement, ce sont les règles officielles. De plus, nous te conseillons de regarder cette vidéo concernant le déroulement d’une compétition : Competing Tutorial
Durant la compétition, il y aura un “Judging Tutorial” durant lequel nous te montrerons les principales informations de manière pratique.
Les personnes participant pour la première fois doivent apporter un document d’identité pour confirmer leur nom, nationalité et date de naissance. Nous acceptons les cartes d’identité, les passeports, les permis de conduire, les certificats de naissance etc., en bref tout ce qui peut prouver le nom, la nationalité et la date de naissance.
Informations pour tous les participants
- Aide s’il te plaît pour juger! L’organisation dépend de l’aide des participants. Les parents sont également invités à juger, ce n’est pas difficile et cela aide énormément. Contrôles sur ta carte personnelle, que tu reçois à la compétition, quand tu dois juger ou mélanger. Annonces-toi s’il te plaît spontanément quand nous demandons des juges supplémentaires. -Il est interdit de photographier avec un flash, cela gène beaucoup les compétiteurs.
- En tant que spectateur, respecte s’il te plaît la distance minimum de 1,5 m avec le compétiteur : Regulation 7b
- Traite le local avec respect. Jette tes déchets de manière adéquate et garde ta place propre.
- À une compétition, il y a toujours des milliers de cubes. Garde tes cubes à l’oeil et ne les laisse si possible pas traîner.
- Durant les épreuves à l’aveugle, nous te demandons d’être le plus silencieux possible, chaque bruit pouvant déranger les compétiteurs.
Informazioni per i nuovi concorrenti
Se sei un nuove concorrente, è importante di conoscere bene il Regulations. Il regolamento è molto lungo è ce ne sono molti da conoscere dunque non preoccuparti se non ti ricordi di tutte! Per questo motivo, abbiamo un video che spiega la procedura delle gare che raccomandiamo di vedere prima di competere: Competing Tutorial. Faremo anche un’introduzione secondo il programma che raccomandiamo anche di seguire.
**I nuovi concorrenti devono portare un documento da mostrare alla gara per confermare il nome, il paese per cui vogliono competere e la data di nascita usati nell’iscrizione. I documenti portati di solito sono passaporti, certificati di nascita, patenti di guida, etc. Se c’è il nome, la data di nascita e il paese va bene.
Se hai delle domande, raccomandiamo di guardare la FAQ se è già stato chiesto. Ma sei più che benvenuto a contattarci dal link nella pagina delle informazioni generali.
Informazioni per tutti concorrenti
- Per favore aiuta a giudicare! Facciamo molto affidamento sui concorrenti normali per rispettare il programma della gara. Non è difficile da fare, e anche i genitori possono farlo! Se vuoi imparare come farlo, lo spiegheremo mentre l’introduzione, e se non capisci possiamo mostrarlo durante i round. E puoi giudicare quando vuoi.
- Però, se sei in competizione per un evento, dovresti giudicare per quell’evento. Dai un’occhiata al tuo programma personale che riceverai alla gara o la scheda “gruppi” per vedere quando dovresti giudicare.
- Vietato fotografare con il flash in qualsiasi circostanza all'interno della sede. È estremamente fastidioso per i concorrenti.
- Se sei uno spettatore, per favore Si prega di rimanere a 1,5 m di distanza dalla concorrenza in ogni momento come da Regulation 7b.
- Si prega di trattare la seda con rispetto, metti tutti i tuoi rifiuti nella pattumiera, oppure portali a casa con te e mantieni la tua zona in ordine.
- Ci sono molti puzzles in questi eventi, assicurati di mantenere il tuo insieme in modo da non perderli! Si raccomanda di tenerli in una borsa e di controllarli sempre.
- Durante gli eventi senza vedere, si prega di rimanere in silenzio all'interno della sede. Questi eventi richiedono un'elevata concentrazione e qualsiasi rumore può essere fonte di distrazione. Annunceremo quando inizierà il silenzio e quando potremo parlare di nuovo all'interno del locale.
Kontakt / Contact
Das Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 ist eine Speedcubing Competition organisiert von Swisscubing und delegiert von Reto Bubendorf.
Kontaktiere uns bei Fragen oder wenn wir dir sonst helfen können jederzeit über Wir würden uns freuen dir helfen zu können!
Wir hoffen mit dieser Competition viele neue Speedcuber an eine Competition zu locken und Ihnen eine Teilnahme zu ermöglichen.
Herzlich eingeladen sind auch Teilnehmer aus dem Ausland um diesem Event einen Internationalen Touch zu geben.
The Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 is a speedcubing competition organised by Swisscubing and delegated by Reto Bubendorf.
We are happy to answer your questions or help you in any other way if you write a mail to
With this competition we hope to attract a lot of new local cubers and give them a chance to compete.
We also warmly invite competitors who come from abroad to give this event an exciting international mixture.
Le Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 est une compétition de speedcubing organisée par Swisscubing et déléguée par Reto Bubendorf.
Si tu as des questions ou que nous pouvons t'aider d'une autre manière, n'hésite pas à nous contacter : Nous serons ravi de pouvoir t'aider.
Avec cette compétition, nous espérons attirer beaucoup de cubeurs locaux et de leur donner l'occasion de participer à leur première compétition de speedcubing.
En addition, nous invitons également les compétiteurs qui viennent depuis plus loin afin de rendre cette compétition très multiculturelle.
Il Swisscubing Cup Final 2018 è una competizione di speedcubing organizzata da Swisscubing e delegata da Reto Bubendorf.
Siamo felici di rispondere alle vostre domande o di aiutarvi in altro modo se scrivete una mail a
Con questa competizione speriamo di attrarre molti cubers locali e dare loro la possibilità di gareggiare.
Invitiamo calorosamente anche partecipanti che vengono dall'estero di modo da alzare il livello della competizione.
Gruppen / Groups
Personal Cards
[DE] Du wirst an der Competition einen Badge mit deiner 'Personal Card' bekommen.
[EN] You will get a Badge with you 'Personal Card' at the competition.
[FR] Tu recevras un badge avec ta "Carte personnelle" lors de ton arrivée à la compétition.
Sponsoren / Sponsors
Diese Competition wird gesponsert von // This competiton is sponsored by // Cette compétition est sponsorisée par
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).
The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.