Ticino: Back to One Handed 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 50 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

3x3x3 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Richard Delacoste 2015DELA05 Switzerland 5.95 65 4.63 98
2 Andrey Che 2015CHEA01 Russia 6.35 129 4.34 50
3 Daniel Sartori 2019SART01 Italy 6.44 142 4.90 171
4 Eden Robinson-Rechavi 2022ROBI05 Switzerland 6.55 166 4.56 78
5 Dhruva Sai Meruva 2021MERU01 Switzerland 7.21 455 5.55 451
6 Samuel Simko 2016SIMK01 Slovakia 7.33 529 5.96 828
7 Lukas Berruti 2022BERR06 Lithuania 8.17 1417 6.34 1284
8 Tobias Peter 2014PETE03 Switzerland 8.43 1816 6.53 1636
9 Sandro Mattenberger 2017MATT06 Switzerland 8.74 2433 6.96 2470
10 Silvan Venzin 2021VENZ01 Switzerland 9.02 3099 7.45 3693
11 Valentin Perrez 2022PERR01 Switzerland 9.17 3444 7.32 3335
12 Matteo Provasi 2009PROV01 Italy 9.85 5421 7.54 3956
13 Ismaele Chiarella 2022CHIA12 Italy 9.86 5458 8.39 7151
14 Mattia Pasquini 2019PASQ01 Switzerland 10.26 6899 8.23 6455
15 Piernicola Scalzi 2018SCAL03 Italy 10.30 7071 8.68 8481
16 Roman Sokolovskyi 2021SOKO03 Ukraine 10.49 7812 8.09 5909
17 Loris Boldi 2022BOLD01 Italy 10.79 9043 8.49 7598
18 Flurin König 2019KONI03 Switzerland 10.97 9811 8.96 9890
19 Giosuele Chiarella 2022CHIA11 Italy 11.66 13258 7.97 5471
20 Jan Rey 2017REYJ01 Switzerland 11.82 14113 9.86 15034
21 Adriano Pallares 2018PALL03 Spain 11.91 14586 9.94 15550
22 Remo Decio 2020DECI01 Switzerland 11.95 14818 9.85 14988
23 Daniel Rimner 2023RIMN01 Germany 11.99 15026 10.94 22426
24 Stefan Loosli 2013LOOS01 Switzerland 13.42 23567 11.07 23375
25 Jordan Crippa 2019CRIP01 Italy 13.66 25148 11.14 23895
26 Simone Dalle Fratte 2022FRAT01 Italy 14.08 27953 11.17 24164
27 Mattia Bastan 2024BAST03 Italy 14.08 27953 11.53 27007
28 Jack Lachat 2023LACH02 Switzerland 14.17 28535 12.02 31021
29 Joël Bevacqua 2023BEVA02 Switzerland 14.80 32876 11.75 28807
30 Oleg Gritsenko 2011GRIT01 Russia 15.01 34331 11.76 28902
31 Nicolas Schmied 2017SCHM13 Switzerland 17.15 49346 12.81 37618
32 Ariel Gisler 2023GISL01 Switzerland 18.52 58516 15.19 57255
33 Nicole Hauser 2022HAUS03 Switzerland 19.68 65991 14.58 52345
34 Enrico Bedocchi 2023BEDO03 Italy 20.07 68450 18.01 78859
35 Alina Arranhado 2024ARRA01 Germany 21.58 77794 16.02 63842
36 Michael Schaufelberger 2022SCHA03 Switzerland 23.08 86633 19.11 86715
37 Leonardo Giuntini 2024GIUN01 Italy 24.82 96445 20.17 93923
38 Léon Antonio Darwin Mangiola 2024MANG12 Switzerland 25.21 98610 17.40 74381
39 Marc Brem 2022BREM02 Switzerland 31.00 125914 22.58 109525
40 Ben Schaufelberger 2022SCHA11 Switzerland 40.43 159411 32.10 155348
41 Nea Aeschbacher 2024AESC01 Switzerland 51.40 186219 38.49 177037
42 Lena Schaufelberger 2024SCHA15 Switzerland 1:44.97 226752 1:31.94 232207
Eric Tiandao Li China
Giada Zolla Switzerland
Hryhorii Kuroiedov 2024KURO06 Ukraine
Teseo Rizzo Switzerland
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