Ticino: Back to One Handed 2024

Note: The competitor limit for this competition is 50 and it has already been reached. If you register, your registration will be placed on a waiting list. It may not be approved unless a spot frees up.

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Richard Delacoste 2015DELA05 Switzerland 43.97 19 37.80 12
2 Daniel Sartori 2019SART01 Italy 52.19 178 43.08 77
3 Paolo Marino 2021MARI04 Italy 52.43 187 46.37 183
4 Silvan Venzin 2021VENZ01 Switzerland 59.04 601 51.21 475
5 Tobias Peter 2014PETE03 Switzerland 1:00.94 761 54.62 771
6 Fabian Tomasovic 2020TOMA01 Italy 1:06.18 1308 59.70 1338
7 Lukas Berruti 2022BERR06 Lithuania 1:07.03 1421 1:01.10 1545
8 Valentin Perrez 2022PERR01 Switzerland 1:17.34 3083 1:13.04 3859
9 Sandro Mattenberger 2017MATT06 Switzerland 1:18.44 3317 1:11.46 3494
10 Matteo Provasi 2009PROV01 Italy 1:18.74 3378 1:06.09 2411
11 Remo Decio 2020DECI01 Switzerland 1:21.42 3916 1:07.08 2614
12 Ismaele Chiarella 2022CHIA12 Italy 1:22.83 4224 1:13.32 3931
13 Adriano Pallares 2018PALL03 Spain 1:31.47 6225 1:26.31 7318
14 Stefan Loosli 2013LOOS01 Switzerland 1:36.17 7426 1:27.43 7621
15 Jordan Crippa 2019CRIP01 Italy 1:40.13 8474 1:23.37 6502
16 Dhruva Sai Meruva 2021MERU01 Switzerland 1:41.02 8689 1:27.78 7718
17 Mattia Pasquini 2019PASQ01 Switzerland 1:43.93 9391 1:31.47 8756
18 Flurin König 2019KONI03 Switzerland 1:44.03 9418 1:29.37 8144
19 Roman Sokolovskyi 2021SOKO03 Ukraine 1:49.01 10675 1:26.35 7332
20 Simone Dalle Fratte 2022FRAT01 Italy 1:58.21 12769 1:48.51 13385
21 Nicolas Schmied 2017SCHM13 Switzerland 1:59.27 12980 1:45.60 12682
22 Joël Bevacqua 2023BEVA02 Switzerland 1:59.85 13120 1:40.46 11292
23 Oleg Gritsenko 2011GRIT01 Russia 2:00.01 13154 1:43.40 12069
24 Loris Boldi 2022BOLD01 Italy 2:00.37 13230 1:51.96 14281
25 Jack Lachat 2023LACH02 Switzerland 2:36.81 18363 2:16.04 19442
Enrico Bedocchi 2023BEDO03 Italy 2:15.80 19398
Michael Schaufelberger 2022SCHA03 Switzerland 2:37.05 23081
Christopher Liam Fässler 2023FASS01 Switzerland 2:38.18 23281
Marc Brem 2022BREM02 Switzerland 2:49.34 24924
Giosuele Chiarella 2022CHIA11 Italy 3:01.21 26342
Daniel Rimner 2023RIMN01 Germany
Teseo Rizzo Switzerland
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