Tokyo Challenge V 2023







Tokyo Challenge V 2023(本大会 / 以下、V大会)、Tokyo Challenge BLD I 2023 (以下、BLD I大会) 及びTokyo Challenge IV 2023(以下、IV大会) はWCA シリーズ大会です。
BLD I大会、IV大会およびV大会のうち1つの大会だけに参加できます。






Speed Cubing Challenge aims to "challenge" as many people as possible to break their own records.

In recent years, WCA competition has received far more applications than it can accommodate, and it is frequently the case that there are not enough applicants to accommodate all of them.
To alleviate this situation, we aim to increase the total number of participants by holding series competitions in different regions at the same time.

WCA Series Competitions

WCA series Competitions are a series of multiple competitions, and you can** only** participate in one of them.
If you apply for more than one series, only the one with the earliest application date will be accepted, and the others will be invalid.

Tokyo Challenge V 2023 (This Competition / hereinafter referred to as Competition V) ,Tokyo Challenge BLD I 2023 (Competition BLD I) and Tokyo Challenge IV 2023 (Competition IV) are WCA series competitions.
You can participate in only one of the BLD I, IV and V competitions.

Requirements for non-competitors

Space is limited in the venue and our priority is allowing as many competitors as possible to compete within our limited venue space.
It is not possible to watch the competition on the day of the event.
Competitors may bring at most one (1) guest. Competitors over the age of 18 are encouraged to come without a guest.
If you need additional guest, please register as a visitor. (1,000 yen per visitors)
Please note that due to the limited number of people in the venue, visitors may not be allowed to visit.

Supporters Wanted

In order to make Speed Cubing Challenge more sustainable and stable, we need people to support the event. Therefore, we would like to ask competitors and parents of competitors who are interested in supporting the event to become "supporters". The role of a supporter on the day of the event will be to set up the venue, reception, call-outs, input and print records, disinfect the tables, and clean up. Supporters are asked to cooperate within the scope that does not affect their own competitions or their children's competitions.
We will inform you of how to apply for supporters at a later date.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 3:00 AM UTC and closed Friday, March 24, 2023 at 1:00 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Amey Gaba won with an average of 8.95 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Shunsuke Komoda (古茂田俊介) finished second (8.98) and Kounosuke Udou (有働幸之助) finished third (9.60).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Amey Gaba 8.12 8.95 India 8.128.699.639.868.52
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao55:00.002 attempts to get < 2:00.00


  • すべての来場者に新型コロナワクチンの接種を強く推奨します。
  • 不織布マスクを常に着用することを強く推奨します。
  • 競技参加者の同伴者や見学者は事前申請制で、原則として競技参加者 1 人につき 1 名のみが認められます。事前申請のない同伴者は入場をお断りする場合があります。
  • 風邪や発熱などの症状がある場合には来場しないでください
  • 本人に症状がなくとも、検査が陽性あるいは濃厚接触者と判明した等の理由で隔離が必要と判断される場合には来場しないでください。
  • 他者との間には十分な距離を保ち、密を避けてください。

All attendees are required to follow below and instructions of the organizing team for the sake of health and safety.
If you have any particular reason to be treated specially, please be sure to inform us in advance.

  • All attendees are strongly recommended to be fully vaccinated.
  • Strongly recommended to wear a non-woven face mask always to prevent the spread of droplets.
  • Competitors may bring at most one guest. No external spectators are allowed, only those coming with a confirmed competitor will be allowed in the venue.
  • Please do not attend the competition if you have symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.
  • Please do not attend the competition if your isolation deemed to necessary because of a positive or prolonged exposure to someone with the virus.
  • Please keep a sufficient distance and avoid close contact with others.


No awards will be given to the top competitors.
All participants will receive a record certificate.

Assignment table is below. Assignment of Judge / Scrambler will be announced during the competition. Thank you for your cooperation.

WCA 大会に参加すると、あなたの個人情報の一部(名前、国籍、性別)と WCA 競技結果を含むプロフィールがこのように公開されます
このため、初回参加時には WCA アカウントに登録する名前、国籍、性別、生年月日などの個人情報を確認するための身分証の提示を WCA 代理人より求める場合があります。予めご了承ください。

After you participate in your first WCA competition, your profile will be made publicly like this link, including some of your personal information (name, nationality, and gender) and your WCA competition results.
(Your date of birth will remain private, and registration of your photo is depends on your preference.)
For this reason, the WCA Delegate may ask you to present identification proof to verify your name, nationality, gender, date of birth that will be registered in your WCA account when you first join the WCA competition.


Feel free ask us if you have any question after find Frequently Asked Questions.



Notes for the venue

As a precaution against new coronavirus infection, please ensure that you follow all government, municipal and venue rules.
Please ensure that you do not disturb other public users in the vicinity of the venue.
If you cause inconvenience to other people by, for example, playing a cube in the library, we will not be able to use the facilities in the future.


  • 18歳未満の方の参加には、保護者の同意が必要です。
  • 個人情報の取扱は、WCAプライバシーポリシーに準じます。
  • 参加者の計測結果、名前、国籍、性別はインターネット上に公開されます。
  • 生年月日および連絡先は、本人の同意なく公開されません。
  • 広報活動や記録を目的に、撮影した写真や映像を大会運営者のHPなどで使用することがあります。
  • 各種メディアにより、大会の様子が撮影されたり、大会参加者が取材を受けることがあります。
  • COVID-19感染予防対策により、大会の中止がイベント直前に告知される場合があります。

Please agree the following precautions before registration:

  • If you are under 18 years of age, please get the consent of your parent before registration.
  • Personal data treatment follows WCA Privacy Statement.
  • Participant's name (full name), nationality, and gender will be disclosed on the Internet.
  • Birth date and contact information will not be disclosed to the outside without the consent of the person.
  • For the purpose of recording and PR, organizer may take photos / videos of the competition and use them on the website, SNS etc.
  • Competition may be filmed, and competitor may be interviewed by some media.
  • Competition may be canceled even after your registration is approved from some reason related to COVID-19.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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