VIT Cube Open 2024

Apr 21, 2024
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Homi bhabha Gallery, Silver Jubilee Tower, VIT

Vellore Institute of Technology. Vellore - 632 014, Tamil Nadu

SJT421, 4th Floor


Chennai Cubing Club

SpeedCubers India, Sujai Shakthivel, and VIT Cubing Club
WCA Delegates
Arun Kannan, Rahul Venkatesan, and Sachin Arvind
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
  • We won't be allowing late entry in the competition under any exceptions. Make sure you will be available at the venue when your name is called.
  • Make sure you go through all the WCA regulations.
  • Kindly bring your ID card while entering the campus.
  • If you're participating in a WCA competition for first time or unaware of competition rules, make sure that you attend the tutorial session.
  • Participants must bring their own cubes
  • Dress code shall be formal or semi-formal. Please adhere to the University's dress code.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 12:30 PM UTC and closed Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 12:30 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Sundararajan won with an average of 8.79 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Aayush Sriram Bharadwaj finished second (8.80) and Mohith B (ಮೋಹಿತ್ ಬಿ) finished third (9.54).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Sundararajan 7.68 8.79 India 9.487.688.679.158.56
2x2x2 Cube Sundararajan 0.98 2.22 India 2.570.982.145.591.94
6x6x6 Cube Sujai Shakthivel 1:58.11 2:02.65 India 2:06.811:58.112:03.03
3x3x3 One-Handed Saseeth Srilok Majeti 10.96 12.28 India 12.1613.2411.6513.0310.96
Pyraminx Viswath Kumaraa Kesavaraj 2.34 3.00 India 4.303.533.032.432.34
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 16 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo51:00.00Top 16 advance to next round
6x6x6 CubeFinalBo1 / Mo35:30.001 attempt to get < 4:30.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinalBo2 / Ao51:30.002 attempts to get < 45.00
PyraminxFirst roundBo2 / Ao51:00.002 attempts to get < 15.00Top 16 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Silver Jubilee Tower , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is Asia/Kolkata.
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

Registration fee

Early Bird offer - INR 499 (If the participant registers and makes the payment on or before 7th March 2024)

Regular Payment - INR 999 (If the participant registers and makes the payment on or after 8th March 2024)

On -The - Spot Payment - INR 1499

Steps to complete registration
Step 1 - Register here by selecting the events you want to participate in.

Step 2
Make the payment using the UPI ID : SLOTS ARE FILLED
(Kindly send an email to with screenshot of UPI payment and participant name)

Step 3 - Wait upto 3 working days for your registration to be confirmed. Once your registration is confirmed, you will get a confirmation mail and your name will appear in the list of registered competitors

Important Note:

  1. Upon registering you will receive an email stating “Your registration for VIT Cube Open 2024 is submitted and pending approval”. This does NOT mean that you are on the registration list. Competitors will not be approved until payment has been made.
  2. Please ensure you have paid the registration fees via the above payment method on the register page. Your registration is not complete and will not be processed until you have paid the registration fee.
  3. If you fail to do online payment before registration closes, you won't be able to participate even if you had registered in WCA.

Important Note for On-The-Spot Registrations :
* The maximum total number of competitors allowed to attend the competition is 120.
* If all 120 slots are filled during online registrations, On-The-Spot (OTS) registrations may not be accepted.
* However, in the event of any no-shows, we will allocate the vacant slots to On-The-Spot registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.
* All On-The-Spot registrants must be present between 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM on the day of the competition.
* On-The-Spot registrations will not be accepted after 9:30 AM on the day of the competition.
* Due to organizational constraints, On-The-Spot (OTS) registration is not permitted for the 6x6 event. However, participants are still allowed to register for the remaining 4 events.
* Any discrepancies regarding the inclusion of On-The-Spot registrations will be determined at the discretion of the WCA Delegate, adhering to the fair assessment of WCA Rules and Regulations. The decision of the WCA Delegate will be final in such cases.

For those of you new to cubing, WELCOME!

We wanted to let you know this event is perfectly fine for cubers of ANY age and experience. We just ask you know a couple things before coming to compete...

First, please be familiar with the WCA Regulations, found here:

This video will explain most of what any cuber competing for the first time will need to know.

If you are stoked to compete and ready to sign up, head over to the 'General info' tab and it will guide you to the registration.


Q: Do I use my own cube to compete?
A: YES! You are responsible for your own hardware in order to compete. This means you should bring your own cube.

Q: What is the normal age of competitors at these events?
A: All ages are welcome, but in general competitors are between 10 and 20 years old. Don't let this stop you though, everyone can and should cube!

Q: How do I find results?
A: All results are posted on the WCA page within a week after the competition finishes. However, for the day of competing, go to to find information about current events. This is also where you will find information about upcoming rounds of events. Remember, the results are entered by a human so please be patient if you do not see your results immediately.

Q: Are there age divisions?
A: Nope! All competitors compete together.

Q: I want to attend, or I have friends/family who want to attend, but not compete. Do they need to pay as well?
A: No. All spectators are free to view the competition at no cost. There is payment only to compete. But in some cases, venue will be having restriction to allow spectators depending on the competition.

Q: Can I have fun at this event?
A: HECK YES! Cubing is amazing, and we sincerely hope you enjoy the competition!

If you have any further queries, please do mail the organizers & delegates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I change my events?
If you want to change or add any additional events, feel free to e-mail us and wait for some time to make the changes.

Q. What time should I arrive at the competition?
You should arrive for registration between 09:00am and 09:30am. You should always be at the venue ready to compete 30 minutes before you are scheduled. Sometimes we run ahead and if you are not available for your group you most likely will not be permitted to join a later group. Please note the schedule is subject to change on the day.

Q. How old do I have to be to compete?
Anyone can compete at any age! We encourage anyone considering to compete to register as it will be a great experience regardless of age.

Q. How fast do I have to be to compete?
To compete you only need to know how to solve the cube! Please check the events tab for information in time limits for each event.

Q. How can I prepare before the competition day?
Before attending you should have read and understood the WCA regulations. Here is condensed version of the competitor tutorial. . You may also like to watch this helpful competitor guide.

Q. What do I need to bring?
You need to bring a puzzle for each event you are signed up to compete in - make sure they are allowed per the WCA regulations.
Participants are not required to bring any timers, All timing equipment is provided by Chennai Cubing Club (C3).

Q. How do I find out if I've progressed to the second round?
Times will be uploaded through the day onto WCA Live. Please allow up to an hour from finishing your solves to them being uploaded. After all the times of a round has been entered, you can see if you are in the following round.

Q. Who can I ask for help on the day?
Your Delegates and Organizers for this competition will be wearing White Polo T-Shirts on the competition day, feel free to ask them any questions you may have on the day.

Q. Can I help on the day?
Of course! Throughout the day we will need judges and runners so please see our Delegates to ask how you can best assist.

Q. How do I find out about other upcoming competitions in Tamil Nadu?
You can find out about upcoming competitions in Tamil Nadu by following us in our Instagram Page Chennai Cubing Club Instagram.
Or join us in this WhatsApp Group C³ Announcements

Q: How do I get a WCA ID?
After official results are posted after the competitions you will receive an email with information on your WCA ID.

Q: I lost a puzzle at the competition, what should I do?
There are hundreds of puzzles at these events, make sure to keep yours together so you don't lose them! Keeping them in a bag and looking after it at all times is recommended. If you do lose a puzzle (or anything else), please speak to us at the event or contact the organisational team, it is possible someone has handed it in to us.

Schedule will be available after the Registration Closes

You can find an individual schedule here. Each competitor will be provided with a printed copy of their individual group assignments at registration.

Throughout the competition we will also need judges, runners and scramblers. All competitors will need to do some judging at the bare minimum, usually in other groups of your events, the more events you do the more your will need to help out. If you don't know how to help please come and ask, there is almost always something for you to do.

Live Results

Live results will be provided via WCALive. It may take up to an hour between times being set and them appearing online.

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) is
- 3km from the Katpadi Railway station
- 10km from the vellore new bus stand.
Share autos and autos will be available all the time

The entry to the VIT is through Gate no. 11, Parking is in SJT Ground.

The venue Homi bhabha gallery is in Silver Jubilee Tower which is within a km from the Gate 11 and 5 mins walk from SJT Ground in the Campus

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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