Varaždin Open 2024

Dec 7 - 8, 2024
Varaždin, Croatia

IV. Osnovna škola Varaždin

Ulica Matije Antuna Reljkovića 36, 42000, Varaždin

Natjecanje će biti održano u sportskoj dvorani. / Competition will be held in the sports hall.

Organization team
Barbara Kralj, Danijel Bajsić, David Vujasić, and Lucijan Cvijetović
WCA Delegates
Barbara Kralj and David Vujasić
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.


Varaždin Open 2024 novo je natjecanje koje se po prvi put održava u Varaždinu. Bilo tko može sudjelovati, bez obzira na nacionalnost i starost, no svatko mora biti upoznat s WCA Pravilnikom.

Natjecanje je pod organizacijom Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska. Kotizacija pokriva trošak organizacije natjecanja. Mogući višak kotizacije ide u svrhu razvitka Udruge Speedcubing Hrvatska.

Za više informacija, proučite ostale kartice na stranici natjecanja.


Varaždin Open 2024 is a new competition that is held in Varaždin for the first time. Anyone can participate, no matter which nationality or age they are, but they need to be familiar with the WCA Regulations.

This competition is being organized by the Speedcubing Association Croatia. Registration fee covers the cost of the competition organization. Any extra money goes directly to support Speedcubing Association Croatia.

For more information, check other tabs on the competition website.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 70 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 90% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.



Prilikom registracije, dobit ćete mail koji govori "Vaša registracija za Varaždin Open 2024 je poslana i čeka na odobrenje." Ovo ne znači da ste sada na finalnoj registracijskoj listi. Natjecatelji neće biti prihvaćeni dok se ne izvrši plaćanje.

Obavite na vrijeme plaćanje kotizacije (predlažemo odmah nakon registracije) putem Stripe servisa. Registracija nije potpuna i neće biti procesirana dok ne platite 10 EUR kotizacije. Sistem funkcionira na principu "tko prvi, njegovo". Kontaktirajte organizatora ako imate dodatnih pitanja.

Lista čekanja

  • Kada se popuni limit od 70 natjecatelja, otvara se lista čekanja.
  • Morate platiti 10 EUR kotizacije kako bi bili dodani na listu čekanja.
  • Nove registracije će se dodavati na listu čekanja i sortirati po plaćenima, tj. neplaćenima.
  • Natjecatelji na listi čekanja će biti dodani na natjecanje samo ako netko od već prihvaćenih natjecatelja odustane.
  • Svi natjecatelji koji ostanu na listi čekanja nakon 29/11/2024 će dobiti potpuni povrat kotizacije.
  • Možete se javiti organizatoru i pitati o statusu vaše registracije i liste čekanja.

Brisanje registracija/Povrat kotizacije

  • Ukoliko ne možete doći na natjecanje, možete zatražiti povrat od 90% uplaćenih sredstava sve do 2 dana prije kraja registracija (27.11.2024. godine u 20:00h po hrvatskom vremenu).
  • Kako bi dobili povrat sredstava, morate se javiti organizatorima do 27/11/2024.
  • Javljanje o nedolasku na vrijeme nam omogućava da maksimiziramo prisutnost na natjecanju i da omogućimo natjecateljima s liste čekanja mogućnost natjecanja.
  • Možete si sami promijeniti svoje discipline unutar Registriraj se stranice sve do 29/11/2024 ili kontaktiranjem organizatora. Nakon tog datuma, promjene nisu više moguće.



Upon registering, you will receive an e-mail stating “Your registration for Varaždin Open 2024 is submitted and pending approval”. This does NOT mean that you are on the registration list. Competitors will not be approved until payment has been made.

Please ensure you have paid the registration fees via Stripe on the register page. Your registration is not complete and will not be processed until you have paid the 10 EUR registration fee. The system functions on first come - first serve basis. Contact the organisation team if you need help.

Waiting List

  • Once the competitor limit of 70 has filled, the waiting list will be opened.
  • You must pay the 10 EUR registration fee to be added to the waiting list.
  • New registrations will be added to a waitlist and sorted in the order of payment.
  • Waitlisted competitors will only be added to the competition if an existing competitors withdraws.
  • All competitors still on the waiting list after 29/11/2024 will be removed and provided with a full refund.
  • You may enquire about your position on the waiting list by contacting the organisation team.

Deleting Registration/Refunds

  • If you can no longer make the competition, you may request a partial refund of 90% of your registration fee until 2 days before the end of registration period (27th of November 2024 20:00 local Zagreb time).
  • To receive a partial refund, you must contact the organisational team by 27/11/2024.
  • Withdrawing enables us to maximise attendance and for competitors on the waiting list to attend.
  • You may change your registered events on the Register tab up to 29/11/2024 by your own or by contacting organisation team. After this date, it is no longer possible to add events.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Alexey Tsvetkov won with an average of 6.35 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Oskar Vidiček finished second (9.27) and Jakov Srečković finished third (9.53).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 5.00 6.35 Russia 6.467.176.366.235.00
2x2x2 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 1.25 1.33 Russia 1.311.321.351.701.25
4x4x4 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 29.39 31.60 Russia 29.9933.5629.3931.2534.40
5x5x5 Cube David Vujasić 57.84 59.07 NR Croatia 58.171:04.091:00.5757.8458.48
6x6x6 Cube David Vujasić 1:47.38 1:55.03 Croatia 1:54.881:47.382:02.84
7x7x7 Cube Oskar Vidiček 2:53.04 NR 3:02.00 NR Slovenia 3:03.512:53.043:09.44
3x3x3 One-Handed Alexey Tsvetkov 7.58 9.35 NR Russia 8.927.5813.558.3310.80
Clock Alexey Tsvetkov 4.41 5.14 Russia DNF5.405.314.414.70
Megaminx Oskar Vidiček 38.70 43.04 NR Slovenia 42.8543.1945.0038.7043.07
Pyraminx Alexey Tsvetkov 1.47 2.44 Russia 2.23DNF1.973.131.47
Skewb Alexey Tsvetkov 2.28 2.96 Russia 2.283.422.903.352.62


Valjanje registracije će se prihvatiti onim redom kojim su i primljene.

Zadnji rok za registraciju i promjene za "Varaždin Open 2024" je: 29. studenoga 2024. 20:00

Registracija se smatra potpunom nakon što se ispuni registracijska forma na WCA stranici i nakon što se plati puni iznos kotizacije putem Stripe servisa.
Kotizacija za ovo natjecanje iznosi 10 EUR te se plaća u tom iznosu.

Registracija se plaća putem Stripe servisa. Plaćanje se izvršava prilikom obavljanja same registracije na natjecanje. Provjerite stranicu Registriraj se za više informacija.

Povrat novca je moguće u 90%-tnom iznosu do 27. studenog 2024. 20:00 po hrvatskom vremenu.

Ukoliko imate bilo kakav problem oko plaćanja kotizacije ili želite promijeniti nešto oko svoje registracije, molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate: Organizacijski tim

Kako biste se registrirali za ovo natjecanje, morate imati WCA račun.

1. Nemam račun.
1.1. Nikad nisam bio/la na WCA natjecanju.
U ovom slučaju, morate kreirati novi WCA račun na stranici i ispuniti sve potrebne podatke (ime i prezime, datum rođenja, spol i država) i potvrditi svoju e-mail adresu. Nakon što je Vaš račun potvrđen, možete se registrirati za natjecanje!

1.2. Bio/la sam na WCA natjecanju, no nemam WCA račun.
Pratite korak 1.1., ali za zadnji korak spojite svoj WCA ID sa svojim računom. Kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom, možete se registrirati za natjecanje! Uzmite u obzir: WCA računi bez WCA ID-a se ne mogu registrirati!

2. Imam WCA račun.
2.1. WCA ID mi nije još povezan.
Prijavite se u Vaš račun i zatražite spajanje WCA ID-a s Vašim računom preko svog najbližeg Delegata. Kada je Vaš WCA ID spojen s Vašim WCA računom, možete se registrirati za natjecanje! Uzmite u obzir: WCA računi bez WCA ID-a se ne mogu registrirati!

2.2. Već imam WCA račun i povezan mi je s WCA ID-om.
Jednostavno se prijavite i registrirajte!


Valid registrations will be accepted in the order we receive them.

The deadline of registration and changes for “Varaždin Open 2024” is: 29th of November, 2024 20:00

Registration is considered completed after filling out the registration form and paying the registration fee.
The registration fee for this competition is 10 EUR.

Registration fee is being paid through Stripe. You are mandatory to do the payment while doing the whole registration process. Check more information here Register.

There will be a possible refund in 90% amount until 17th of June, 2023 20:00 (Zagreb time).

If you have any problems with paying the registration fee, or if you would like to change your registration, please contact us: Organization team

For registering to the competition, you will have to have a WCA account.

1. I don’t have an account.
1.1. I have never been to a WCA competition before.
In this case, you need to create an account here, and fill in all the information required (first and last name, date of birth, gender and country), and confirm your e-mail address. After your account is validated, you can register to the competition!

1.2. I have been to a WCA competition, but I don’t have a WCA account yet.
Follow 1.1. but as the last step, request your WCA ID in your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!

2. I have a WCA account already.
2.1. It is not linked to my WCA ID yet.
Log into your account and request your WCA ID to be linked to your account. When your WCA ID is linked to your WCA account, you can register to the competition! Please note: WCA accounts without WCA IDs are not valid to register!

2.2. I have a WCA account and it is linked to my WCA account.
Simply sign in and register! :)


Najvažniji kriterij za sudjelovanje na natjecanju je poznavanje WCA Pravilnika.

Možete pronaći trenutni Pravilnik i Smjernice na slijedećim poveznicama:

WCA Pravilnik i Smjernice

Također, možete provjeriti WCA Natjecateljski tutorijal.

Molimo Vas da ih pročitate prije natjecanja!


The most important criteria of the participation for the competition is the knowledge of the WCA Regulation.

You can find the current regulations and guideline on the link below:

WCA Regulations and Guidelines

You can also check WCA competition tutorial.

Please read this before the competition!


Ovaj se popis ažurira ručno i možda nije ažuran.
Imajte na umu da morate platiti kotizaciju kako biste se upisali na listu čekanja.


This list is updated manually and might not be up-to-date.
Remember that you have to pay the registration fee in order to join the waiting list.

Lista čekanja / Waiting List

  1. Maja Zimonja
  2. Marcel Niedl
  3. Jan Gluhak
  4. Leo Adžijević
  5. Pavel Copot
  6. Jakov Ferlindeš
  7. Filip Aleksić

Zadnji put ažurirana / Last update: 29.11.2024. 17:30

Ovogodišnji sponzori natjecanja su / This year's sponsors are:

Varaždin Open 2024 ove godine sponzorira trgovina za kocke! Cuboss je internetska trgovina za kocke bazirana u Švedskoj te se specijalizira za profesionalne kocke i ostale slagalice. Cuboss sponzorira ovo natjecanje s poklon bonovima za tri najbolja natjecatelja u svakoj disciplini.

Varaždin Open 2024 is sponsored by the cube store! Cuboss is an online cube store based in Sweden, specializing in speedcubes and other types of puzzles. Cuboss is sponsoring the competition with gift cards for the three best competitors in every event as outlined below:

Najbolja tri natjecatelja u 3x3x3 disciplini bit će nagrađeni poklon bonovima od Cubossa prema sljedećem / Medalists in 3x3x3 are awarded gift cards from Cuboss as below:
1. mjesto: EUR 15
2. mjesto: EUR 10
3. mjesto: EUR 5

Najbolja tri natjecatelja u ostalim disciplinama bit će nagrađeni poklon bonovima od Cubossa prema sljedećem / Medalists in the other events are awarded gift cards from Cuboss as follows:
1. mjesto: EUR 8
2. mjesto: EUR 6
3. mjesto: EUR 4

  • Grad Varaždin

  • IV. osnovna škola Varaždin

IV. osnovna škola Varaždin

  • Udruga Speedcubing Hrvatska

Speedcubing Hrvatska

  • World Cube Association

World Cube Association

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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