Wyoming Summer 2022

Jun 4, 2022
Casper, Wyoming, United States

College Heights Baptist Church

1927 S Walnut St., Casper, WY

Parking lots are south of the building. The competition is in the large sanctuary/gym on the east side of the building.

Organization team
Benjamin Watts, Calvin Nielson, and Shawn Watts
WCA Delegates
Brendan Bakker and Calvin Nielson
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend this competition.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the WCA regulations.

Competitors are advised to bring their own pens.

Most competitors will be expected to judge.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC and closed Saturday, May 28, 2022 at 12:00 AM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Marcus Kamen won with an average of 9.62 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Raymos Castillo finished second (9.67) and Isaac Myers finished third (10.59).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Marcus Kamen 8.44 9.62 United States 9.698.4410.828.8810.30
2x2x2 Cube Miles Walcott 2.41 2.80 United States 2.413.962.672.892.84
5x5x5 Cube Raymos Castillo 58.27 1:05.62 United States 1:05.181:02.351:09.341:13.3358.27
3x3x3 Blindfolded Brendan Bakker 1:10.59 DNF United States 1:10.59DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Marcus Kamen 35 United States 35
3x3x3 One-Handed Marcus Kamen 16.50 18.27 United States 21.1022.4816.5017.0216.70
Clock Miles Walcott 5.32 6.77 United States 6.997.236.996.335.32
Pyraminx Marcus Kamen 1.52 2.00 United States 1.981.523.262.111.92
Square-1 Calvin Nielson 6.63 8.05 United States 8.546.637.268.359.83
EventRoundFormatTime limitCutoffProceed
3x3x3 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 8 advance to next round
2x2x2 CubeFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 8 advance to next round
5x5x5 CubeFinalBo2 / Ao53:30.002 attempts to get < 2:30.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinalBo315:00.00 cumulative*
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinalBo11 hour
3x3x3 One-HandedFinalBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00
ClockFinalBo2 / Ao51:30.002 attempts to get < 30.00
PyraminxFirst roundAo510:00.00Top 8 advance to next round
Square-1First roundBo2 / Ao53:00.002 attempts to get < 1:00.00Top 4 advance to next round
Schedules are subject to adjustments, especially once registration totals are known. Registered competitors will be notified by email of any major changes.

You are viewing the schedule for the venue College Heights Baptist Church , the sole venue for this competition.

The time zone for this venue is America/Boise.
Time Zone
You are viewing this schedule in the following timezone setting:

Competitors will be asked to judge throughout the course of the competition. Because of this, we ask that all competitors familiarize themselves with this tab.

Competitors with an internet-enabled device will be asked to use cubing.net's WCA inspection tool. Stopwatches will be provided to competitors who are unable to or wish not to use cubing.net's WCA inspection tool.

We will have a comprehensive judging tutorial during our competitor tutorial at the beginning of the day that we encourage all competitors to attend.

Competitors are encouraged to bring their own pens to this competition. We will supply pens for competitors who do not supply their own.

When you are done with all of your solves, you will be able to leave the station with your cube. Make sure you have signed all of your solves.

We will have a comprehensive competitor tutorial at the beginning of the day that we encourage all competitors to attend.

We recomend watching this video if you are new to competitions.

3x3 With Feet will be held with the help of Extra Events.

We will have one round of 3x3 With Feet, as seen on the schedule. Only those who register for the competition normally may register for the event.

Regulations for extra events at the EE website can be found here.

There is no additional registration cost for competing in 3x3 With Feet, but you must have an approved registration on the WCA website before registering. Registration for the event will close on May 25th, 2022, 8:00 PM local time.

Additional information for this event:

Format: Average of 5
Time Limit: 5:00.00
Cutoff: Best of 2 < 2:00.00
Competitor Limit: 50
Register for 3x3 With Feet using this link.

You can find groups and staffing assignments here.
Everyone in 3x3 With Feet will compete in the same group.
Everyone in 3x3 Fewest Moves will compete in the same group.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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