Juri-Benedict Gayed

Completed Solves
Germany 2019GAYE01 Male 3 113

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 774 10883 43406 13.39 14.72 33083 8312 604
2x2x2 Cube 743 12199 40457 3.98 4.31 14790 4591 278
4x4x4 Cube 404 4859 17217 50.58 59.64 18560 5187 423
5x5x5 Cube 553 6176 20198 2:17.65
3x3x3 One-Handed 464 6669 25704 27.89 30.32 20160 5159 356
Pyraminx 793 14223 44622 8.59 10.03 26674 8771 494
Skewb 518 9641 29770 9.07 11.08 21383 6983 366
3x3x3 Cube
Munich Open 2019 Second round 85 14.51 15.66 16.2918.4015.5415.1614.51
First round 70 13.39 14.72 15.8213.5417.9813.3914.81
German Nationals 2019 Second round 148 17.64 19.21 17.6419.5618.6519.4219.74
First round 140 17.96 18.51 20.5317.9618.6218.6018.30
Hamburg International 2019 Second round 65 19.80 21.60 23.8820.7424.3919.8020.18
First round 70 21.41 24.84 26.7524.6426.4723.4021.41
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