Ziyao Xu (徐子尧)

Completed Solves
China 2023XUZI02 Male 4 153

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3430 10233 28116 11.52 12.67 19795 7349 2465
2x2x2 Cube 641 2200 9202 2.21 3.26 5009 1279 362
4x4x4 Cube 2534 7264 21003 54.53 1:00.77 19751 6889 2446
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 300 961 3794 37 40.67 2476 629 225
3x3x3 One-Handed 1578 4472 12078 19.79 24.85 12578 4826 1753
Pyraminx 1271 3850 14373 5.05 7.83 13811 3953 1400
Skewb 1171 3556 13657 5.59 7.24 8374 2363 829
Square-1 146 570 2683 13.56 19.18 2865 636 163
3x3x3 Cube
Fires de Girona 2024 Semi Final 47 12.60 15.11 12.6017.5313.16DNF14.65
Second round 41 11.80 13.85 13.8413.8311.8014.7913.88
First round 37 12.10 13.24 14.0012.1615.1213.5712.10
Parets Open 2024 Second round 33 11.52 12.67 11.5212.2312.6713.4313.12
First round 45 12.09 13.41 DNF12.0914.5812.4313.23
Martorell Open 2023 Second round 35 16.12 16.83 16.1218.7616.5316.4017.57
First round 35 14.48 16.70 15.9219.4417.5414.4816.63
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