[Cancelled] French Championship 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single, sort by average

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Maxime Madrzyk 2018MADR02 France 20.54 43 17.09 45
2 Arthur Garcin 2014GARC27 France 18.52 20 17.39 49
3 Charles Daloz-Baltenberger 2018DALO01 France 21.27 51 18.27 58
4 Quentin Rivault 2017RIVA09 France 24.32 88 19.87 95
5 Eddy Deturche 2014DETU01 France 31.48 197 23.93 203
6 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 32.09 208 24.95 233
7 Wilfrid Py 2016PYWI01 France 42.52 328 32.67 410
8 Nicolas Gertner Kilian 2013GERT01 France 55.21 488 34.67 463
9 William Phommaha 2015PHOM01 France 36.02 247 35.06 471
10 Lucas Maillard 2016MAIL01 France 59.13 545 39.53 559
11 Artur Miralles Hernàndez 2015HERN17 Spain 1:01.59 576 48.86 846
12 Alexia Plantivaux 2019PLAN02 France 57.49 522 49.78 879
13 Delphine Tran 2017TRAN24 France 1:25.55 910 54.22 992
14 Lucas Déglise 2015DEGL01 France 1:14.12 746 54.63 1005
15 Rémi Esturoune 2010ESTU01 France 1:12.91 730 56.54 1054
16 Marie Vincent 2016VINC01 France 1:21.84 851 57.06 1067
17 Noé Bourdon 2016BOUR01 France 2:02.21 1462 1:05.94 1308
18 Clément Cherblanc 2014CHER05 France 1:26.76 929 1:06.42 1321
19 Pauline Bonnaudet 2009BONN01 France 1:29.48 964 1:10.89 1443
20 Juliette Sébastien 2014SEBA01 France 1:26.00 919 1:11.27 1459
21 Diego Fraile 2013FRAI01 France 1:26.01 920 1:16.08 1621
22 Hippolyte Moreau 2008MORE02 France 1:44.28 1213 1:18.61 1699
23 Philippe Virouleau 2008VIRO01 France 1:38.74 1125 1:19.58 1740
24 Clément Valot 2010VALO01 France 2:46.67 2007 1:32.88 2192
25 Mathis Schecroun 2019SCHE12 France 1:38.15 2364
26 Pierre-Xavier Poncet 2021PONC02 France 1:39.09 2397
27 Timothé Ringeard 2016RING01 France 1:39.83 2422
28 Mayron Blain 2014BLAI02 France 2:09.08 1546 1:41.70 2502
29 Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France 2:38.53 1904 1:49.84 2784
30 Elian Beguec 2014BEGU01 France 3:15.26 2288 2:00.16 3135
31 Sebastian Weyer 2010WEYE02 Germany 3:36.55 2434 2:04.39 3279
32 Alexandre Carlier 2012CARL03 France 3:06.68 2217 2:19.53 3785
33 Anton Piau 2008PIAU01 France 4:39.85 2712 2:27.10 4041
34 Bryan Melao 2016MELA02 France 2:29.42 4106
35 Laurent Reynaud 2015REYN07 France 2:52.54 4872
36 Mario Laurent 2008LAUR01 France 5:21.33 2805 2:56.16 4964
37 Anthony Lafourcade 2014LAFO01 France 4:23.70 2661 2:57.65 5000
38 Louis-Marie Ratto 2019RATT02 France 3:06.69 5270
39 Rémy Abbate 2017ABBA01 France 3:24.99 5809
40 Amaury Michaux 2019MICH15 France 3:34.68 6087
41 Elodie Deconninck 2018DECO02 France 4:17.86 7109
42 Anael Champion 2017CHAM02 France 4:52.69 7787
43 Khévin Collin 2016COLL05 France 5:04.03 7966
44 Alexandre Ondet 2017ONDE01 France 5:51.63 8553
45 Axel Jeannin 2019JEAN03 France 5:59.21 8634
Alexandre Mercier 2019MERC01 France
Antoine Gérard 2019GERA04 France
Clara Lafourcade 2014LAFO02 France
Jérémie Audonnet 2019AUDO02 France
Samuel Jehanno 2018JEHA01 France
Thomas Bourhis 2018BOUR05 France
Théo Monteau 2019MONT03 France
Télian Delannoy 2016DELA03 France
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