[Cancelled] French Championship 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

4x4x4 Blindfolded Psych Sheet

Sorted by: single, sort by average

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 William Phommaha 2015PHOM01 France 2:40.20 32 2:14.72 52
2 Arthur Garcin 2014GARC27 France 3:43.39 67 2:17.73 60
3 Maxime Madrzyk 2018MADR02 France 3:02.68 130
4 Eddy Deturche 2014DETU01 France 5:27.10 121 3:40.15 190
5 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 5:57.81 150 4:49.65 324
6 Wilfrid Py 2016PYWI01 France 6:54.73 194 5:02.93 345
7 Lucas Maillard 2016MAIL01 France 6:37.38 560
8 Quentin Rivault 2017RIVA09 France 7:27.68 657
9 Delphine Tran 2017TRAN24 France 9:24.00 921
10 Rémi Esturoune 2010ESTU01 France 9:53.90 977
11 Artur Miralles Hernàndez 2015HERN17 Spain 14:20.00 336 10:45.00 1050
12 Lucas Déglise 2015DEGL01 France 12:10.00 1158
13 Philippe Virouleau 2008VIRO01 France 13:57.00 1284
14 Timothé Ringeard 2016RING01 France 15:47.00 1401
15 Hippolyte Moreau 2008MORE02 France 16:21.00 1424
Laurent Reynaud 2015REYN07 France
Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France
Télian Delannoy 2016DELA03 France
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