[Cancelled] French Championship 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

Clock Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 4.65 252 3.56 227
2 Gabriel Luthun 2016LUTH01 France 6.27 803 5.15 912
3 Anthony Lafourcade 2014LAFO01 France 6.62 979 4.96 797
4 Télian Delannoy 2016DELA03 France 6.71 1030 5.38 1044
5 Clément Cherblanc 2014CHER05 France 7.29 1380 6.56 1929
6 Wilfrid Py 2016PYWI01 France 7.55 1554 6.39 1786
7 Nicolas Gertner Kilian 2013GERT01 France 7.89 1810 6.51 1896
8 Lucas Déglise 2015DEGL01 France 8.05 1919 6.65 2001
9 Elian Beguec 2014BEGU01 France 8.47 2212 6.68 2026
10 Maxime Madrzyk 2018MADR02 France 8.87 2527 8.08 3290
11 Rémi Esturoune 2010ESTU01 France 9.30 2887 7.55 2749
12 Ilona Ansel 2016ANSE02 France 10.19 3650 7.62 2816
13 Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France 10.42 3870 9.58 4969
14 Hippolyte Moreau 2008MORE02 France 10.57 3996 8.46 3687
15 Noé Bourdon 2016BOUR01 France 10.79 4220 9.30 4638
16 Eddy Deturche 2014DETU01 France 10.83 4258 8.86 4123
17 Alaric Pouchain 2019POUC01 France 10.91 4315 9.37 4722
18 Victor Wijsman 2016WIJS01 France 11.04 4446 9.78 5168
19 Anael Champion 2017CHAM02 France 11.50 4844 9.38 4733
20 Charles Daloz-Baltenberger 2018DALO01 France 15.89 8527 11.70 7309
21 Mayron Blain 2014BLAI02 France 18.80 10529 14.16 9727
Victoire Milis 2019MILI05 France
William Phommaha 2015PHOM01 France
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