Luxembourg Nationals 2024

Clock Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 César Essling 2022ESSL01 France 4.27 131 2.83 31
2 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 4.67 214 3.62 202
3 Niko Ronkainen 2010RONK01 Finland 5.26 377 4.66 564
4 Imanuel Leonid Müller 2022MULL02 Germany 6.06 614 5.15 779
5 Yanis Hadj Lazib 2022LAZI01 Germany 6.10 629 5.09 747
6 Justin Vinckenbosch 2016VINC03 Belgium 6.13 639 5.36 888
7 Dunhui Xiao (肖敦慧) 2018XIAO03 Germany 6.20 666 4.90 658
8 Sophia Schmoll 2018SCHM05 Germany 6.46 780 4.14 366
9 Remo Pihel 2017PIHE01 Estonia 6.93 999 4.96 681
10 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 7.09 1089 6.38 1568
11 Yanniko Zhechev 2023ZHEC01 Belgium 8.19 1793 6.56 1713
12 Joanna Hołdakowska 2016HOLD04 Poland 8.25 1839 6.52 1681
13 Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 2021VYSH01 Ukraine 8.55 2031 7.83 2731
14 Nicolas Dupuis 2022DUPU01 Belgium 8.88 2280 7.02 2048
15 Félicien Steux 2022STEU03 Belgium 8.98 2331 7.45 2389
16 Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France 10.42 3498 9.58 4524
17 Carlo Glod 2017GLOD01 Luxembourg 11.27 4199 9.44 4356
18 Ulrich Spies 2021SPIE02 Germany 12.17 4960 10.37 5318
19 Lorenz Hurlet 2019HURL03 Belgium 12.50 5245 11.06 6033
20 Paul Neumann 2017NEUM01 Germany 13.35 5956 12.36 7324
21 Alexander Richetta 2022RICH11 Bulgaria 13.42 6035 11.86 6831
22 Melvin König 2024KONI01 Germany 13.80 6349 11.67 6660
23 Lennert Smeets 2023SMEE02 Belgium 13.85 6393 12.92 7855
24 Samuel Janssen 2017JANS05 Belgium 13.88 6421 12.53 7468
25 Annika Stein 2014STEI03 Germany 14.65 7020 11.60 6611
26 Yinte Dik 2017DIKY01 Netherlands 14.76 7080 13.21 8135
27 Samuel Francis Ballas 2023BALL02 Germany 15.64 7670 9.04 3919
28 Kaat Schulpen 2020SCHU04 Belgium 16.22 8035 15.07 9749
29 Peter Hugosson-Miller 2021HUGO01 Sweden 16.83 8463 15.06 9739
30 Antoine Isselin 2014ISSE01 France 17.20 8699 12.85 7797
31 Tias Claeys 2024CLAE02 Belgium 18.39 9454 9.94 4865
32 Philippe Schwartz 2018SCHW02 Luxembourg 18.68 9613 15.95 10496
33 Christian Schüssler 2019SCHU08 Germany 20.07 10411 17.12 11394
Elizaveta Nesterenko 2021NEST01 Belgium 28.29 16946
Jill Stoltz 2023STOL02 Luxembourg
Marcus Apostol Romania
Philippe Mangen 2024MANG08 Luxembourg
Yining Shan Luxembourg
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