Luxembourg Nationals 2024

Pyraminx Psych Sheet

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# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Remo Pihel 2017PIHE01 Estonia 1.98 65 1.31 134
2 Félicien Steux 2022STEU03 Belgium 2.59 288 1.71 501
3 Andrey Che 2015CHEA01 Russia 2.63 308 1.55 344
4 Thomas Heiden 2019HEID03 Austria 2.85 445 1.67 454
5 Sophia Schmoll 2018SCHM05 Germany 2.96 529 1.67 454
6 Imanuel Leonid Müller 2022MULL02 Germany 3.48 1027 1.86 705
7 Jakob Schöley 2016SCHO08 Germany 4.19 1887 3.14 3777
8 Niko Ronkainen 2010RONK01 Finland 4.50 2402 2.32 1499
9 Carlo Glod 2017GLOD01 Luxembourg 4.62 2624 2.70 2416
10 Achim Spies 2021SPIE01 Germany 4.86 3085 3.32 4421
11 Elias Malomgré 2017MALO02 Belgium 4.91 3204 3.02 3365
12 César Essling 2022ESSL01 France 5.08 3553 3.20 3979
13 Yanniko Zhechev 2023ZHEC01 Belgium 5.31 4058 2.90 2966
14 Samuel Janssen 2017JANS05 Belgium 5.37 4203 3.57 5415
15 Konstantin Jaehne 2015JAEH01 Germany 5.41 4298 2.79 2641
16 Alexander Richetta 2022RICH11 Bulgaria 5.49 4472 4.20 8308
17 Andrea Thull 2017THUL01 Luxembourg 5.85 5435 2.97 3199
18 Dunhui Xiao (肖敦慧) 2018XIAO03 Germany 5.86 5465 3.52 5194
19 Justin Vinckenbosch 2016VINC03 Belgium 5.86 5465 3.69 5907
20 Joanna Hołdakowska 2016HOLD04 Poland 6.22 6538 4.91 12278
21 Louis Pamukcu 2022PAMU01 Belgium 6.40 7088 4.98 12708
22 Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 2021VYSH01 Ukraine 6.59 7742 3.21 4018
23 Lorenz Hurlet 2019HURL03 Belgium 6.68 8062 5.03 13025
24 Antoine Isselin 2014ISSE01 France 6.80 8465 2.72 2454
25 Jill Stoltz 2023STOL02 Luxembourg 6.94 8988 5.35 15161
26 Yinte Dik 2017DIKY01 Netherlands 6.96 9043 4.41 9371
27 Jérôme Carlier 2016CARL02 Belgium 7.02 9252 4.20 8308
28 Yanis Hadj Lazib 2022LAZI01 Germany 7.15 9771 4.24 8499
29 Annika Stein 2014STEI03 Germany 7.26 10253 3.80 6358
30 Nox Clémenceau 2015CLEM03 France 7.28 10338 3.51 5152
31 Victoria Géonet 2021GEON01 Belgium 7.47 11132 5.02 12955
32 Samuel Francis Ballas 2023BALL02 Germany 7.51 11289 4.92 12344
33 Melvin König 2024KONI01 Germany 7.77 12424 6.28 22048
34 Corentin Thomée 2018THOM07 Belgium 7.83 12729 4.74 11217
35 Nicolas Dupuis 2022DUPU01 Belgium 7.87 12937 5.12 13576
36 Eliot Evrard 2022ELIO01 Belgium 8.07 13862 4.75 11272
37 Lennert Smeets 2023SMEE02 Belgium 8.10 14030 6.46 23550
38 Tim Kalle Wenkel 2022WENK01 Germany 8.29 15011 6.37 22840
39 Kaat Schulpen 2020SCHU04 Belgium 8.52 16235 6.47 23645
40 Rahul Kannan 2022KANN02 Luxembourg 8.56 16447 4.56 10150
41 Ulrich Spies 2021SPIE02 Germany 8.79 17680 5.02 12955
42 Jonas van Lier 2019LIER03 Netherlands 8.79 17680 5.88 18975
43 Jesse Moens 2015MOEN01 Belgium 8.89 18256 6.59 24695
44 Christian Schüssler 2019SCHU08 Germany 9.22 20164 4.82 11729
45 Tias Claeys 2024CLAE02 Belgium 9.40 21205 4.86 11978
46 Helene Natsina 2018NATS01 Luxembourg 10.14 25842 8.58 42104
47 Nils Bernarding 2023BERN22 Germany 10.18 26097 5.81 18440
48 Elizaveta Nesterenko 2021NEST01 Belgium 10.24 26455 6.22 21573
49 Jacques Steichen 2023STEI14 Luxembourg 10.28 26714 7.99 36719
50 Yasna Zhechev 2023ZHEC02 Belgium 10.45 27858 7.75 34636
51 Felix Stuhlmann 2022STUH01 Germany 10.88 30669 9.36 49156
52 Philippe Mangen 2024MANG08 Luxembourg 11.30 33543 8.06 37350
53 Roland Frisch 2016FRIS02 Germany 11.34 33823 6.12 20798
54 Tom Zanin 2022ZANI02 Belgium 11.40 34220 6.24 21731
55 Corentin Uhoda 2019UHOD01 Belgium 11.78 36958 7.92 36137
56 Peter Hugosson-Miller 2021HUGO01 Sweden 11.98 38377 7.21 29921
57 Nils-Robin Bamberg 2023BAMB01 Germany 16.07 64352 8.01 36885
58 Wout Lormans 2024LORM01 Belgium 16.41 66156 8.92 45172
59 Maximilien Géonet 2022GEON02 Belgium 16.65 67429 12.44 72379
60 Chris Hermes 2018HERM11 Luxembourg 16.97 68950 11.27 64554
61 Kai Hayas 2024HAYA03 Germany 20.48 82094 17.49 92438
62 Philippe Lahr 2023LAHR02 Luxembourg 23.53 88755 19.23 95605
63 Kristina Nesterenko 2023NEST04 Belgium 34.97 97354 25.71 101147
64 Shuge Wu (吴书歌) 2024WUSH01 China 1:04.51 99455 37.06 103315
Alex van Asten Luxembourg
Andy Ronck Luxembourg
Deborah Burdet Luxembourg
Erik van Asten Luxembourg
Jiancheng Ma (马健程) China
Joé Arend Luxembourg
Kahn Hayas 2024HAYA04 Germany
Karol Pałosz Poland
Mateus Apostol Romania
Matis Malané 2024MALA01 Luxembourg
Mert Güneş 2022GUNE02 Turkey
Michele Fiore Italy
Nolan Cerff France
Néhémie Cangialosi 2024CANG01 France
Ole Loschky Germany
Yining Shan Luxembourg
Yiğit Güneş 2022GUNE03 Turkey
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