[Cancelled] Rhein-Neckar Open 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

3x3x3 One-Handed Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Simon Kalhofer 2012KALH01 Germany 11.06 125 8.27 107
2 Philipp Weyer 2010WEYE01 Germany 11.13 134 7.77 62
3 Cornelius Dieckmann 2009DIEC01 Germany 11.56 198 9.43 312
4 Noah Kraft 2016KRAF01 Germany 12.90 480 9.44 322
5 Sebastian Weyer 2010WEYE02 Germany 13.03 527 11.17 982
6 Alexander Botz 2013BOTZ01 Germany 14.12 915 11.30 1054
7 Laura Holzhauer 2016HOLZ01 Germany 14.65 1143 11.10 934
8 Christian König 2015KOEN01 Germany 14.84 1263 11.51 1168
9 Malte Ihlefeld 2016IHLE01 Germany 15.95 1991 13.46 2771
10 Wilhelm Kilders 2010KILD02 Germany 16.58 2443 12.81 2162
11 Linus Buck 2016BUCK01 Germany 16.61 2464 12.10 1562
12 Jannis Grob 2018GROB02 Germany 17.84 3553 15.52 5090
13 Mark Zimmermann 2018ZIMM02 Germany 18.10 3830 13.66 2966
14 Linus Kunath 2017KUNA01 Germany 18.69 4404 13.45 2767
15 Dominik Beese 2013BEES01 Germany 19.09 4824 15.66 5277
16 Timo Brembeck 2011LUDW01 Germany 20.00 5838 16.06 5812
17 Michael Wittwer 2011WITT02 Germany 20.49 6420 15.70 5331
18 Matej Marković 2019MARK03 Croatia 21.75 7868 15.91 5597
19 Linus Frész 2011FRES01 Germany 22.48 8813 15.09 4572
20 Erik Zimmermann 2018ZIMM01 Germany 23.00 9505 19.25 10672
21 Fabian Auroux 2009AURO01 Germany 23.01 9526 18.51 9419
22 Helmut Heilig 2010HEIL02 Germany 24.29 11287 20.03 11928
23 Manuel Mulzer 2019MULZ01 Germany 25.78 13409 23.03 17164
24 Eugenio Del Hoyo Peña 2018PENA09 Mexico 26.45 14352 22.86 16869
25 Nils Thorben Lang 2019LANG04 Germany 27.61 16062 22.50 16257
26 Felix Schmidt 2018SCHM07 Germany 27.72 16211 22.76 16713
27 Eoin Dowling 2017DOWL01 Ireland 30.87 20433 24.07 18925
28 Roland Frisch 2016FRIS02 Germany 36.11 26935 30.30 28727
29 Nicolas Kepper 2016KEPP01 Germany 36.24 27088 27.35 24281
30 Jonathan Ewald 2020EWAL01 Germany 36.39 27245 33.68 33381
31 Fabian Simon 2011SIMO02 Germany 38.42 29523 29.31 27318
32 Christian Sachgau 2018SACH03 Germany 43.07 34062 38.82 39018
33 Erik Jahn 2020JAHN02 Germany 43.95 34753 32.65 32045
34 Rosch Nadjib 2016NADJ01 Germany 48.21 37802 39.40 39533
35 Linus Schukraft 2018SCHU16 Germany 48.55 38015 38.92 39098
36 Henning Lulei 2017LULE02 Germany 49.04 38337 41.57 41446
37 Eric Vissepo 2017VISS01 United States 49.89 38858 46.29 44951
38 Julian Schukraft 2018SCHU13 Germany 51.27 39563 35.94 36052
39 Jonas Sachgau 2018SACH04 Germany 57.68 42138 36.32 36472
40 Thomas Schukraft 2018SCHU17 Germany 59.86 42814 37.70 37938
Arne Einecke Germany
Lennon Braught 2019BRAU03 Germany
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