[Cancelled] Rhein-Neckar Open 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

4x4x4 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Sebastian Weyer 2010WEYE02 Germany 19.90 3 17.13 2
2 Philipp Weyer 2010WEYE01 Germany 26.95 119 23.17 130
3 Mark Zimmermann 2018ZIMM02 Germany 28.08 198 25.08 321
4 Jules Desjardin 2010DESJ01 France 28.55 235 23.84 193
5 Leon Schmidtchen 2010SCHM01 Germany 29.72 368 24.71 277
6 Patrick Hetco 2011HETC01 Germany 30.07 415 25.03 316
7 Linus Buck 2016BUCK01 Germany 31.83 714 23.83 192
8 Laura Holzhauer 2016HOLZ01 Germany 32.36 820 24.49 254
9 Alexander Botz 2013BOTZ01 Germany 32.64 884 28.16 937
10 Linus Kunath 2017KUNA01 Germany 33.30 1052 31.20 1943
11 Malte Ihlefeld 2016IHLE01 Germany 33.32 1056 27.63 811
12 Cornelius Dieckmann 2009DIEC01 Germany 33.60 1135 28.72 1086
13 Finn Ickler 2012ICKL01 Germany 33.67 1150 26.19 494
14 Matej Marković 2019MARK03 Croatia 34.54 1400 30.55 1692
15 Wilhelm Kilders 2010KILD02 Germany 35.04 1544 30.68 1745
16 Noah Kraft 2016KRAF01 Germany 35.97 1849 28.66 1072
17 Simon Kalhofer 2012KALH01 Germany 36.43 2008 31.05 1884
18 Christian König 2015KOEN01 Germany 36.53 2055 32.61 2542
19 Annika Stein 2014STEI03 Germany 36.96 2210 32.13 2320
20 Michael Wittwer 2011WITT02 Germany 38.66 2924 32.52 2506
21 Jannis Grob 2018GROB02 Germany 39.09 3122 32.61 2542
22 Dominik Beese 2013BEES01 Germany 40.43 3781 37.56 5518
23 Fabian Auroux 2009AURO01 Germany 41.16 4163 32.34 2411
24 Erik Zimmermann 2018ZIMM01 Germany 41.33 4265 33.88 3210
25 Timo Brembeck 2011LUDW01 Germany 43.79 5780 36.33 4664
26 Linus Frész 2011FRES01 Germany 44.45 6235 37.49 5459
27 Nils Thorben Lang 2019LANG04 Germany 45.04 6621 38.65 6287
28 Emil Ott 2019OTTE02 Germany 47.17 8137 43.37 10166
29 Malik Khaled 2019KHAL03 Germany 47.61 8437 43.60 10351
30 Simon Busko 2018BUSK02 Germany 47.68 8488 40.11 7425
31 Moritz Claußen 2019CLAU01 Germany 52.84 12551 49.71 15945
32 Finn Heukelbach 2017HEUK01 Germany 53.52 13113 48.36 14689
33 Erik Jahn 2020JAHN02 Germany 54.54 13927 52.08 18026
34 Rui Reis 2015REIS02 Switzerland 55.76 14959 48.81 15088
35 Sophia Schmoll 2018SCHM05 Germany 56.15 15316 47.73 14110
36 Eugenio Del Hoyo Peña 2018PENA09 Mexico 57.54 16443 49.60 15830
37 Melda Eksi 2013EKSI01 Germany 58.14 16908 48.01 14378
38 Helmut Heilig 2010HEIL02 Germany 59.01 17569 47.60 13994
39 Nicolas Kepper 2016KEPP01 Germany 1:00.11 18406 49.16 15446
40 Felix Schmidt 2018SCHM07 Germany 1:00.96 19014 56.41 21670
41 Eoin Dowling 2017DOWL01 Ireland 1:02.98 20479 53.48 19245
42 Manuel Mulzer 2019MULZ01 Germany 1:03.81 21057 56.36 21625
43 Matteo Pauli 2019PAUL05 Germany 1:06.32 22798 1:00.53 25041
44 Lina Tissier 2009TISS01 France 1:06.57 22952 56.73 21940
45 Linus Schukraft 2018SCHU16 Germany 1:09.93 25139 1:00.65 25157
46 Henning Lulei 2017LULE02 Germany 1:10.59 25539 59.76 24439
47 Fabian Simon 2011SIMO02 Germany 1:14.94 28091 1:08.63 31089
48 Jan Suhrheinrich 2019SUHR02 Germany 1:16.01 28707 1:02.98 26908
49 Jonas Sachgau 2018SACH04 Germany 1:16.26 28857 1:05.87 29120
50 Thomas Schukraft 2018SCHU17 Germany 1:21.06 31297 1:10.05 32097
51 Christian Sachgau 2018SACH03 Germany 1:21.10 31313 1:03.54 27297
52 Eric Vissepo 2017VISS01 United States 1:21.40 31477 1:09.31 31582
53 Jonathan Ewald 2020EWAL01 Germany 1:21.42 31486 1:06.78 29852
54 Roland Frisch 2016FRIS02 Germany 1:25.85 33512 1:14.25 35000
55 Julian Schukraft 2018SCHU13 Germany 1:28.46 34514 1:16.82 36693
56 Edward Khaitina 2018KHAI01 Germany 1:37.77 37450 1:21.44 39498
57 Timon Hilt 2020HILT01 Germany 2:00.16 41537 1:39.80 49064
Lukas Neumann 2019NEUM01 Germany 2:30.69 64235
Constantin Kammerer Germany
Daniel Fink Germany
Huy An Nguyen 2019NGUY37 Germany
Johannes Dobslaw Germany
Lennon Braught 2019BRAU03 Germany
Linus Bornheim Germany
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