[Cancelled] Rhein-Neckar Open 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

5x5x5 Cube Psych Sheet

Sorted by: average, sort by single

# Name WCA ID Representing Average WR Single WR
1 Sebastian Weyer 2010WEYE02 Germany 42.67 14 39.16 18
2 Mark Zimmermann 2018ZIMM02 Germany 44.90 26 40.55 32
3 Philipp Weyer 2010WEYE01 Germany 52.24 178 47.65 240
4 Alexander Botz 2013BOTZ01 Germany 55.22 343 48.04 260
5 Laura Holzhauer 2016HOLZ01 Germany 56.80 429 49.01 319
6 Malte Ihlefeld 2016IHLE01 Germany 58.14 513 51.93 530
7 Linus Buck 2016BUCK01 Germany 58.77 569 52.54 578
8 Linus Kunath 2017KUNA01 Germany 1:02.04 852 57.00 1013
9 Wilhelm Kilders 2010KILD02 Germany 1:07.05 1418 59.36 1288
10 Christian König 2015KOEN01 Germany 1:07.87 1518 1:02.13 1699
11 Erik Zimmermann 2018ZIMM01 Germany 1:08.11 1559 1:00.46 1445
12 Noah Kraft 2016KRAF01 Germany 1:09.03 1689 1:02.60 1758
13 Matej Marković 2019MARK03 Croatia 1:14.36 2521 1:04.83 2162
14 Linus Frész 2011FRES01 Germany 1:18.33 3286 1:09.65 3086
15 Michael Wittwer 2011WITT02 Germany 1:19.19 3456 1:10.70 3297
16 Nils Thorben Lang 2019LANG04 Germany 1:28.14 5400 1:22.95 6356
17 Dominik Beese 2013BEES01 Germany 1:30.68 5988 1:22.67 6276
18 Moritz Claußen 2019CLAU01 Germany 1:34.30 6919 1:32.39 8973
19 Melda Eksi 2013EKSI01 Germany 1:35.92 7340 1:22.95 6356
20 Fabian Auroux 2009AURO01 Germany 1:38.11 7885 1:25.02 6936
21 Eugenio Del Hoyo Peña 2018PENA09 Mexico 1:39.79 8345 1:31.33 8669
22 Timo Brembeck 2011LUDW01 Germany 1:44.52 9496 1:33.87 9427
23 Rui Reis 2015REIS02 Switzerland 1:47.74 10307 1:31.78 8801
24 Sophia Schmoll 2018SCHM05 Germany 1:53.83 11752 1:42.20 11711
25 Erik Jahn 2020JAHN02 Germany 1:55.69 12175 1:45.97 12731
26 Helmut Heilig 2010HEIL02 Germany 1:58.07 12689 1:44.11 12218
27 Nicolas Kepper 2016KEPP01 Germany 1:59.56 13004 1:41.32 11480
28 Eoin Dowling 2017DOWL01 Ireland 2:00.99 13276 1:43.37 12010
29 Linus Schukraft 2018SCHU16 Germany 2:05.39 14115 1:55.30 14950
30 Felix Schmidt 2018SCHM07 Germany 2:15.28 15760 2:08.18 17791
31 Thomas Schukraft 2018SCHU17 Germany 2:16.75 15968 2:05.82 17256
32 Christian Sachgau 2018SACH03 Germany 2:32.10 17855 2:12.40 18628
33 Roland Frisch 2016FRIS02 Germany 2:56.01 19586 2:28.93 21627
34 Fabian Simon 2011SIMO02 Germany 2:56.39 19600 2:30.54 21880
35 Eric Vissepo 2017VISS01 United States 3:16.10 20316 2:38.65 23261
36 Jonas Sachgau 2018SACH04 Germany 3:56.31 21040 2:33.25 22368
Jan Suhrheinrich 2019SUHR02 Germany 3:02.16 26339
Henning Lulei 2017LULE02 Germany 3:18.19 27988
Julian Schukraft 2018SCHU13 Germany 5:05.18 32704
Linus Bornheim Germany
Manuel Mulzer 2019MULZ01 Germany
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