Taiwan Championship 2018

Dec 15 - 16, 2018
New Taipei City, Chinese Taipei

Shin Kong Building Conference Room

No.141, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Banqiao Dist.

17F, Shin Kong Building

Taiwan Championship 2018 website


WCA Delegates
Chia-Leo Lin (林珈樂), Jun-Yi Guo (郭君逸), Rui-Jun Liu (劉睿鈞), and Wang Junwen (王俊文)
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Please visit the competition website for more information.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 12:00 PM UTC and closed Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 3:59 PM UTC.

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Kai-Wen Wang (王楷文) won with an average of 7.62 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Ethan Jan finished second (8.19) and Antoine Cantin finished third (8.21).

Aidan Jan - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 67 14.13 15.35 United States 15.8715.1114.1318.5715.08
First round 85 15.07 16.57 United States 15.0717.0816.0817.1216.56
2x2x2 Cube Second round 24 3.50 4.81 United States 3.505.054.404.995.08
First round 42 3.83 5.90 United States 3.883.837.698.256.14
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 17 31 DNF United States 3831DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 37 35.68 United States 50.5135.68

Alyssa Chi (季家祺) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 79 14.74 16.62 Chinese Taipei 15.4820.5215.4418.9514.74
First round 96 12.67 17.74 Chinese Taipei 19.1017.5616.8212.6718.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 64 5.68 7.97 Chinese Taipei 8.615.688.057.259.64

Andrew Huang - Australia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 70 13.19 15.81 Australia 17.7613.1914.7015.6817.05
First round 76 13.33 15.71 Australia 17.6413.3314.1516.0216.95
2x2x2 Cube Second round 40 3.39 5.73 Australia 4.675.996.543.398.14
First round 15 3.38 4.34 Australia 4.025.364.164.853.38
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 36 34.53 Australia 36.2034.53
Pyraminx Final 1 2.20 3.36 Australia 2.203.643.423.025.51
Second round 1 2.88 3.72 Australia 4.272.964.124.082.88
First round 3 3.17 4.38 Australia 4.763.893.175.294.49
Skewb Second round 16 5.76 7.48 Australia 7.687.469.587.315.76
First round 20 5.45 8.08 Australia 8.296.905.459.059.50

Angeline Wijaya (黃千儀) - Indonesia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 36 10.33 12.29 Indonesia 14.5710.3312.4810.8913.51
Second round 29 11.33 11.81 Indonesia 11.5011.3313.0711.6912.25
First round 50 10.70 13.20 Indonesia 13.6413.8213.0510.7012.91
2x2x2 Cube First round 68 5.47 8.13 Indonesia 7.675.4714.147.988.74
4x4x4 Cube Second round 25 38.12 43.36 Indonesia 47.0046.0644.0238.1240.01
First round 33 38.22 45.27 Indonesia 43.2238.2244.3449.2048.24
5x5x5 Cube Second round 21 1:17.01 1:21.72 Indonesia 1:19.661:27.791:17.011:18.561:26.94
First round 20 1:10.68 1:19.13 Indonesia 1:15.871:19.881:10.681:21.641:21.82
6x6x6 Cube First round 22 2:35.38 2:41.18 Indonesia 2:45.652:42.512:35.38
7x7x7 Cube First round 26 4:30.81 Indonesia 4:30.81
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 28 20.68 26.30 Indonesia 24.9224.8029.1920.6829.33
Clock First round 16 15.60 16.41 Indonesia 17.8016.2915.6217.3215.60
Megaminx First round 24 1:37.20 1:53.64 Indonesia 1:56.831:37.202:06.122:19.371:37.97
Pyraminx Second round 16 7.02 8.77 Indonesia 8.1710.877.027.2613.81
First round 16 6.94 8.11 Indonesia 6.948.338.299.927.71
Skewb First round 29 4.83 9.45 Indonesia 7.967.224.8313.3013.16
Square-1 Final 6 12.73 16.64 Indonesia 25.2915.0314.9612.7319.94
First round 5 12.00 16.11 Indonesia 17.6212.7312.0019.5617.98

Antoine Cantin - Canada WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 3 6.45 8.21 Canada 6.968.649.029.726.45
Semi Final 3 6.99 8.20 Canada 9.886.997.317.4213.23
Second round 3 7.54 8.43 Canada 8.708.597.997.5411.64
First round 5 7.08 8.95 Canada 8.4012.1410.077.088.38
2x2x2 Cube Final 10 2.64 4.44 Canada 2.645.516.724.293.52
Second round 10 2.57 3.76 Canada 5.483.392.573.384.52
First round 2 2.40 2.91 Canada 2.572.403.083.085.22
4x4x4 Cube Final 7 28.86 35.84 Canada 39.1641.2632.8528.8635.50
Second round 3 29.30 33.19 Canada 34.1234.9930.4729.3045.19
First round 2 30.60 32.70 Canada 30.6033.8236.6933.6330.66
5x5x5 Cube Final 9 1:07.24 1:10.42 Canada 1:10.461:07.241:12.161:08.641:15.81
Second round 10 1:04.93 1:11.57 Canada 1:12.77DNF1:04.931:10.001:11.95
First round 13 1:07.59 1:08.93 Canada 1:09.221:08.621:08.941:07.591:14.04
6x6x6 Cube Final 10 2:10.17 2:16.78 Canada 2:23.632:16.542:10.17
First round 12 2:03.98 2:14.77 Canada 2:24.612:15.732:03.98
7x7x7 Cube Final 11 3:22.90 3:30.66 Canada 3:44.693:22.903:24.39
First round 9 3:25.01 3:28.45 Canada 3:25.013:27.963:32.39
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Canada DNFDNFDNF
First round 1 29.92 DNF Canada 29.921:05.45DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 3 31 33.33 Canada 323731
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 3 11.93 13.97 Canada 11.9317.4513.8813.7014.32
Second round 4 9.09 14.25 Canada 9.0915.8817.2411.3115.56
First round 2 11.19 12.10 Canada 12.7811.1912.1911.3312.99
Clock First round 23 11.77 DNF Canada 15.4911.77DNFDNF29.79
Megaminx Final 11 55.02 1:08.98 Canada 1:15.321:14.621:06.671:05.6455.02
First round 10 1:00.06 1:08.62 Canada 1:11.131:09.651:00.061:05.091:12.16
Pyraminx Final 4 2.77 4.12 Canada 2.776.123.823.295.26
Second round 4 3.83 4.71 Canada DNF5.033.834.005.10
First round 5 3.78 5.17 Canada 8.593.785.775.204.55
Skewb Final 8 2.74 5.73 Canada 6.172.748.393.697.34
Second round 3 3.48 4.37 Canada 3.485.614.175.003.93
First round 7 4.63 5.68 Canada 9.315.424.966.674.63
Square-1 Final 4 12.17 15.97 Canada 16.0716.3115.7612.1716.09
First round 6 11.27 16.26 Canada 22.1214.3411.2722.1312.33
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 5 DNF DNF Canada DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 With Feet Final 1 32.08 39.64 Canada 37.6241.7445.8239.5532.08

Arifumi Fushimi (伏見有史) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 4 7.92 8.30 Japan 8.189.667.928.118.62
Semi Final 2 6.92 8.04 Japan 8.538.027.906.928.20
Second round 4 6.70 8.68 Japan 8.896.708.429.158.74
First round 2 6.40 8.00 Japan 8.227.746.409.058.05
4x4x4 Cube Final 6 34.91 35.30 Japan 35.2335.1335.5434.9150.63
Second round 6 33.26 35.14 Japan 34.4736.4237.0033.2634.54
First round 3 27.28 33.23 Japan 29.9337.9427.2840.8531.81
5x5x5 Cube Final 8 1:00.75 1:08.08 Japan 1:14.091:00.751:16.641:02.331:07.82
Second round 5 1:02.91 1:07.55 Japan 1:07.281:11.961:02.911:10.211:05.17
First round 11 1:04.01 1:07.85 Japan 1:07.871:05.021:10.661:18.271:04.01
6x6x6 Cube First round 16 2:19.16 2:26.71 Japan 2:25.652:19.162:35.33
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 3 46.66 DNF Japan DNF46.66DNF
First round 5 1:06.15 DNF Japan 1:06.151:07.25DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 14 28 DNF Japan 2842DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 1 11.05 13.33 Japan 12.6914.1813.1211.0515.20
Second round 1 12.73 13.13 Japan 12.9013.2412.7314.7113.26
First round 3 10.98 13.26 Japan 17.8713.1311.4710.9815.18
Megaminx Final 3 40.15 46.34 Japan 48.9243.4040.1546.7051.55
First round 2 41.84 45.51 Japan 48.1244.7443.6741.8453.26

Chan Tak Chuen (陳德泉) - Hong Kong, China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 55 13.14 14.24 Hong Kong, China 14.1924.3413.1414.3914.14
First round 51 12.58 13.52 Hong Kong, China 14.7212.5814.7713.0712.77
2x2x2 Cube First round 49 4.12 6.32 Hong Kong, China 6.227.964.125.856.89
4x4x4 Cube First round 44 46.59 48.47 Hong Kong, China 48.0347.7446.5949.6359.75
5x5x5 Cube First round 38 1:31.47 1:38.11 Hong Kong, China 1:39.802:00.651:35.711:31.471:38.82
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 23 21.34 23.02 Hong Kong, China 23.2623.7926.6122.0221.34
Clock Final 10 7.30 12.88 Hong Kong, China 7.308.7811.69DNF18.16
First round 4 7.36 8.64 Hong Kong, China 8.0616.508.297.369.56
Square-1 First round 13 19.50 20.39 Hong Kong, China 20.6919.9820.5123.6319.50

Chang-Hong Tseng (曾菖宏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 90 15.49 18.16 Chinese Taipei 18.5717.4519.1315.4918.46
First round 98 15.92 17.82 Chinese Taipei 18.7616.1315.9218.5620.33
2x2x2 Cube Second round 39 4.79 5.57 Chinese Taipei 6.145.365.214.79DNF
First round 14 3.24 4.33 Chinese Taipei 4.763.784.464.743.24

Chao-Che Chung (鍾肇哲) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 21 9.30 10.99 Chinese Taipei 11.8311.669.3011.529.78
Second round 19 7.83 10.52 Chinese Taipei 10.727.8311.5811.679.27
First round 30 8.58 11.75 Chinese Taipei 8.5812.5411.4211.2815.78
2x2x2 Cube Final 4 1.59 3.17 Chinese Taipei 2.943.683.371.593.21
Second round 9 3.17 3.69 Chinese Taipei 9.623.683.173.923.48
First round 12 2.58 3.94 Chinese Taipei 3.472.584.604.363.98
4x4x4 Cube Final 8 33.90 36.70 Chinese Taipei 46.6337.0533.9035.0438.01
Second round 12 34.46 37.45 Chinese Taipei 34.4636.1636.3845.8239.81
First round 10 31.14 37.12 Chinese Taipei 31.1444.5443.3334.1533.87
5x5x5 Cube Final 11 1:04.37 1:10.97 Chinese Taipei 1:09.511:15.321:17.931:08.081:04.37
Second round 9 1:07.85 1:11.41 Chinese Taipei 1:07.851:15.341:09.661:09.231:18.13
First round 8 1:01.18 1:06.23 Chinese Taipei 1:01.181:07.201:05.131:11.581:06.36
6x6x6 Cube Final 6 1:58.20 2:03.57 Chinese Taipei 1:58.202:11.022:01.50
First round 5 2:04.10 2:07.54 Chinese Taipei 2:04.102:11.122:07.41
7x7x7 Cube Final 6 2:53.62 3:04.96 Chinese Taipei 2:53.623:15.213:06.05
First round 6 3:01.56 3:03.20 Chinese Taipei 3:06.063:01.973:01.56
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
First round 9 2:46.64 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF2:46.64DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 10 15.28 17.41 Chinese Taipei 17.3418.5718.7516.3115.28
Second round 11 15.05 18.46 Chinese Taipei 18.3219.5817.4922.2115.05
First round 13 16.63 18.09 Chinese Taipei 17.6220.6619.1617.4816.63
Clock Final 6 7.93 10.66 Chinese Taipei 8.8412.7511.247.9311.90
First round 9 9.79 11.36 Chinese Taipei 9.7910.0711.08DNF12.94
Megaminx Final 10 58.15 1:08.04 Chinese Taipei 58.151:09.191:05.521:15.301:09.40
First round 12 58.66 1:11.85 Chinese Taipei 58.661:26.501:18.141:09.101:08.32
Pyraminx Final 9 4.69 6.63 Chinese Taipei 4.6911.227.545.916.43
Second round 11 4.46 6.64 Chinese Taipei 6.604.466.3910.166.93
First round 17 7.95 8.33 Chinese Taipei 7.958.568.428.208.36
Skewb Final 4 3.61 5.14 Chinese Taipei 5.685.184.553.615.82
Second round 6 3.78 4.61 Chinese Taipei 3.783.945.244.646.72
First round 4 3.23 5.13 Chinese Taipei 5.606.245.423.234.37
Square-1 Final 3 13.60 15.54 Chinese Taipei 13.6016.0716.5514.0020.59
First round 4 11.94 15.33 Chinese Taipei 16.9413.6015.4619.7811.94
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 5 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNSDNS
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 2 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 6 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF
3x3x3 With Feet Final 9 1:37.51 1:49.51 Chinese Taipei 1:37.511:38.512:08.40DNF1:41.61

Chao-Feng Huang (黃兆逢) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 120 17.45 23.68 Chinese Taipei DNF17.4528.8223.7918.44

Che-Ting Chu (朱哲廷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 6 7.48 9.15 Chinese Taipei 8.829.669.039.607.48
Semi Final 6 8.20 9.02 Chinese Taipei
Second round 20 8.34 10.64 Chinese Taipei 11.6011.5611.309.078.34
First round 3 6.38 8.12 Chinese Taipei 9.167.697.5212.236.38
4x4x4 Cube Second round 36 46.52 49.45 Chinese Taipei 49.1050.3350.4646.5248.93
First round 30 41.91 43.92 Chinese Taipei 41.9144.8347.6842.8944.04
5x5x5 Cube First round 34 1:31.63 1:34.00 Chinese Taipei 1:49.201:31.631:34.151:35.241:32.62
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 17 20.47 21.92 Chinese Taipei 23.3420.8924.1521.5220.47
First round 19 18.24 22.26 Chinese Taipei 18.2422.2823.1029.3521.39

Chen-An Yu (尤晨安) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 81 14.80 16.67 Chinese Taipei 14.80DNF17.1217.0715.83
First round 83 14.29 16.27 Chinese Taipei 14.7114.2918.6816.0418.06
2x2x2 Cube Second round 33 4.71 5.31 Chinese Taipei 5.924.714.875.136.69
First round 45 4.59 6.11 Chinese Taipei 6.286.626.275.774.59

Chen-Kuang Chiu (邱晨光) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 86 14.34 17.40 Chinese Taipei DNF16.3419.4514.3416.41
First round 74 14.99 15.39 Chinese Taipei 14.9915.0517.4015.9415.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 67 3.96 8.13 Chinese Taipei 12.437.547.629.243.96
6x6x6 Cube First round 32 5:35.59 Chinese Taipei 5:35.59
7x7x7 Cube First round 32 8:25.70 Chinese Taipei 8:25.70
Pyraminx First round 45 14.74 35.24 Chinese Taipei 43.3514.7436.0631.7037.95

Cheng-Han Chu (朱政翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 101 14.71 18.13 Chinese Taipei 19.9618.1216.3020.9514.71

Chi-Lun Hung (洪啟倫) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 61 12.01 14.58 Chinese Taipei 15.3012.0118.2713.8014.63
First round 59 13.59 13.96 Chinese Taipei 13.5914.0015.6514.2113.68
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 2 38.69 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF38.69
First round 4 33.58 44.03 Chinese Taipei 50.6747.8333.58
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 18 33 DNF Chinese Taipei 38DNF33
Skewb First round 38 6.38 13.47 Chinese Taipei 19.3615.0913.756.3811.56
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 2 7:20.79 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF7:20.79
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 1 15/18 54:01 Chinese Taipei 15/18 57:0215/18 54:01

Chi-Wei Ku (古騏瑋) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 89 14.87 17.83 Chinese Taipei 22.4523.3215.4214.8715.62
First round 71 13.75 15.01 Chinese Taipei 16.0317.5613.9115.0913.75
2x2x2 Cube First round 74 7.67 9.22 Chinese Taipei 9.187.6710.1213.348.37
4x4x4 Cube First round 63 58.43 1:13.02 Chinese Taipei 58.431:12.08DNF1:19.851:07.13

Chia-Leo Lin (林珈樂) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 51 10.74 14.13 Chinese Taipei 14.7915.8413.6014.0010.74
First round 58 11.54 13.92 Chinese Taipei 13.9614.7311.5415.6113.06
5x5x5 Cube First round 33 1:23.99 1:29.67 Chinese Taipei 1:31.651:35.431:23.991:30.771:26.58

Chia-Liang Tai (戴嘉良) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 66 12.45 14.78 Chinese Taipei 15.0212.4515.7713.5419.68
First round 67 11.56 14.64 Chinese Taipei 11.5614.7019.3115.4913.72
2x2x2 Cube Second round 50 5.61 6.55 Chinese Taipei 8.095.765.616.906.99
First round 37 4.67 5.50 Chinese Taipei 6.3310.365.304.674.86
4x4x4 Cube First round 56 53.65 57.39 Chinese Taipei 56.4655.4753.651:01.471:00.25
Clock Final 8 9.58 11.60 Chinese Taipei 11.0616.4712.449.5811.30
First round 11 10.36 12.60 Chinese Taipei 11.1410.36DNF14.4412.23
Pyraminx Final 2 2.56 3.55 Chinese Taipei 2.563.353.016.954.29
Second round 3 3.62 4.29 Chinese Taipei 6.674.903.624.223.76
First round 2 2.71 4.26 Chinese Taipei 4.284.408.054.092.71
Skewb Final 10 5.18 6.54 Chinese Taipei 6.825.1810.105.717.08
Second round 10 4.35 5.51 Chinese Taipei 4.354.965.536.546.04
First round 10 2.14 6.04 Chinese Taipei 2.145.836.586.515.78
Square-1 Final 9 17.61 18.92 Chinese Taipei 36.9117.6117.6221.4117.74
First round 11 14.97 18.57 Chinese Taipei 19.4019.6120.0816.7114.97
3x3x3 With Feet Final 5 1:01.65 1:09.01 Chinese Taipei 1:09.411:07.781:41.911:01.651:09.83

Chia-Yu Tsai (蔡家瑜) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 102 15.85 18.70 Chinese Taipei 20.2819.6120.6816.2015.85
2x2x2 Cube Second round 43 4.74 6.07 Chinese Taipei 6.326.415.616.284.74
First round 50 6.04 6.35 Chinese Taipei 6.326.436.306.0412.67
4x4x4 Cube First round 68 1:05.29 Chinese Taipei 1:20.211:05.29
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 11 43 45.00 Chinese Taipei 434547
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 42 39.56 Chinese Taipei 39.5649.24
Clock First round 24 30.82 Chinese Taipei 30.82DNF
Pyraminx Second round 19 7.33 9.23 Chinese Taipei 12.128.857.338.899.94
First round 15 7.09 7.66 Chinese Taipei
Skewb First round 37 3.99 12.84 Chinese Taipei 3.9914.3415.488.7019.13
3x3x3 With Feet Final 4 50.49 1:03.67 Chinese Taipei 1:15.501:04.641:05.971:00.3950.49

Chih-Yuan Su (蘇致源) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 86 15.46 16.75 Chinese Taipei 15.4618.0716.3115.8626.00
2x2x2 Cube First round 65 5.96 8.00 Chinese Taipei 26.565.967.868.887.25
4x4x4 Cube First round 70 1:12.36 Chinese Taipei 1:12.361:21.80

Chin-Shuan Wang (王至玄) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 104 16.00 18.99 Chinese Taipei 16.0019.7726.5820.1617.05
Clock First round 22 20.65 29.03 Chinese Taipei 20.6521.9641.3023.84DNF

Chin-Wei Chang (張晉維) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 59 11.26 14.47 Chinese Taipei 14.9114.1017.8714.3911.26
First round 52 12.18 13.57 Chinese Taipei 13.5513.2513.9012.1814.74

Chun-He Chen (陳淳和) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 74 14.91 16.04 Chinese Taipei 14.9121.1015.2815.5117.33
First round 77 14.34 15.73 Chinese Taipei 15.7518.3016.1114.3415.33
2x2x2 Cube Second round 13 3.59 4.12 Chinese Taipei 4.234.703.593.704.43
First round 27 4.11 4.93 Chinese Taipei 4.4310.
4x4x4 Cube First round 53 46.80 52.77 Chinese Taipei 48.4446.8055.5855.3954.49
5x5x5 Cube First round 40 1:37.52 1:39.14 Chinese Taipei 1:39.721:38.471:39.291:37.521:39.66
6x6x6 Cube First round 27 3:17.19 Chinese Taipei 3:17.19
Clock First round 19 22.90 26.11 Chinese Taipei 27.7323.3127.2927.8222.90
Skewb First round 23 6.54 8.30 Chinese Taipei 6.548.839.207.638.43
Square-1 First round 18 22.33 27.47 Chinese Taipei 27.0225.4729.9331.5522.33

Chun-Pao Ni (倪君寶) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 63 12.65 14.66 Chinese Taipei 14.7814.5514.6612.6515.22
First round 38 11.07 12.32 Chinese Taipei 11.4911.0711.8313.6314.02
6x6x6 Cube Final 9 2:09.05 2:14.48 Chinese Taipei 2:23.242:09.052:11.14
First round 9 1:56.69 2:08.84 Chinese Taipei 2:18.251:56.692:11.59
7x7x7 Cube Final 5 2:43.28 2:50.65 Chinese Taipei 2:57.802:50.872:43.28
First round 5 2:51.26 2:56.50 Chinese Taipei 2:51.262:51.883:06.35
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 20 20.95 23.98 Chinese Taipei 26.9327.6323.8221.2020.95
First round 18 18.78 21.73 Chinese Taipei 19.8122.5218.7822.8723.61

Chun-Ting Liu (劉淳庭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 80 14.53 16.66 Chinese Taipei 17.9916.5314.5319.9115.45
First round 84 14.12 16.35 Chinese Taipei 19.3217.5816.1015.3614.12
4x4x4 Cube First round 67 1:04.67 Chinese Taipei 1:09.511:04.67
5x5x5 Cube First round 46 1:35.88 1:45.21 Chinese Taipei 1:35.881:56.321:46.331:47.081:42.22
Megaminx First round 21 1:36.92 1:46.04 Chinese Taipei 1:47.301:48.091:36.921:42.721:59.20
Skewb Final 12 4.42 6.68 Chinese Taipei 8.01DNF4.804.427.22
Second round 4 4.02 4.47 Chinese Taipei 4.474.634.024.794.31
First round 14 2.97 7.00 Chinese Taipei
Square-1 First round 27 51.48 Chinese Taipei 1:11.2851.48

Chung-Han Hsu (許鍾瀚) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 41 10.43 12.81 Chinese Taipei 13.5313.5511.3615.9910.43
Second round 45 12.05 13.24 Chinese Taipei 13.0015.4814.4712.2612.05
First round 35 11.22 12.10 Chinese Taipei 12.9011.8317.4311.5811.22
4x4x4 Cube Second round 24 38.18 42.82 Chinese Taipei 43.3043.0844.3438.1842.09
First round 25 37.72 43.14 Chinese Taipei 46.6944.1737.7241.4143.83
6x6x6 Cube First round 33 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 19 3:37.42 3:53.37 Chinese Taipei 3:51.934:10.773:37.42
Megaminx Final 8 53.05 1:00.70 Chinese Taipei 1:04.9553.0559.881:14.6157.26
First round 11 1:02.90 1:09.18 Chinese Taipei 1:05.041:12.171:12.491:02.901:10.34

Chung-Yao Chiang (江仲堯) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 83 15.12 17.22 Chinese Taipei 19.4816.6017.2917.7815.12
First round 78 12.83 15.82 Chinese Taipei 15.4714.7017.2912.8318.68
2x2x2 Cube Second round 56 6.29 8.74 Chinese Taipei 9.656.298.048.5210.72
First round 55 5.68 6.53 Chinese Taipei 6.566.426.615.686.86
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 22 44 DNF Chinese Taipei 4460DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 39 37.87 Chinese Taipei 37.8738.59
Pyraminx First round 34 11.31 13.89 Chinese Taipei 11.3114.2716.6512.8214.58
Skewb First round 27 3.29 8.91 Chinese Taipei 3.2910.6211.196.0410.06

Cyuan-Jhong Wang (王詮中) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 110 15.05 21.11 Chinese Taipei 18.8626.4723.3115.0521.17
2x2x2 Cube Second round 57 4.55 8.76 Chinese Taipei 7.21DNF13.465.604.55
First round 31 3.17 5.16 Chinese Taipei 5.384.865.875.253.17

Darren Siew Ee Yaang (蕭奕暘) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 25 9.24 11.16 Malaysia 9.2412.0611.4111.4010.66
Second round 8 8.91 9.34 Malaysia 11.249.848.918.999.18
First round 37 10.66 12.25 Malaysia 11.3312.6019.2912.8310.66
2x2x2 Cube Second round 31 3.35 5.23 Malaysia 6.566.343.355.643.71
First round 28 3.48 4.94 Malaysia 4.253.487.854.865.71
4x4x4 Cube Second round 22 38.06 42.49 Malaysia 44.6241.0046.9241.8538.06
First round 22 36.92 41.76 Malaysia 36.9237.5347.1041.7546.01
5x5x5 Cube First round 29 1:18.22 1:25.85 Malaysia 1:28.171:27.93DNF1:18.221:21.46
6x6x6 Cube First round 29 3:21.26 Malaysia 3:21.26
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 4 39 41.00 Malaysia 423942
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 5 13.64 15.19 Malaysia 14.41DNF17.0713.6414.08
Second round 8 13.51 16.01 Malaysia 16.5013.5116.0815.4516.49
First round 10 12.74 16.68 Malaysia DNF12.7417.4913.9018.66
Clock Final 3 6.53 8.03 Malaysia 6.537.927.978.198.47
First round 5 7.39 8.76 Malaysia 7.398.388.789.11DNF
Megaminx Final 2 43.60 45.57 Malaysia 44.5247.4954.0143.6044.70
First round 3 41.83 46.67 Malaysia 49.3347.2941.8345.8246.89
Pyraminx Second round 14 5.12 8.14 Malaysia 5.1211.225.838.0110.57
First round 12 5.65 6.94 Malaysia 6.6613.275.657.436.73
Square-1 Final 1 12.07 14.42 Malaysia 16.8412.0716.2112.7814.26
First round 1 8.33 12.89 Malaysia 11.7017.1613.688.3313.28
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 6 DNF Malaysia DNSDNF

Eason Siew Ee Son (蕭奕晨) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 30 10.35 11.60 Malaysia 10.5114.7213.7210.3510.58
Second round 42 10.93 12.80 Malaysia 12.1416.2412.2214.0510.93
First round 40 10.40 12.44 Malaysia 13.0112.9113.5310.4011.39
5x5x5 Cube First round 27 1:11.04 1:22.50 Malaysia 1:27.901:11.041:26.641:20.761:20.10
6x6x6 Cube First round 23 2:41.57 2:52.05 Malaysia 2:41.573:03.732:50.86
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 5 2:04.57 DNF Malaysia DNFDNF2:04.57
First round 7 2:07.76 DNF Malaysia 2:07.76DNFDNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 22 44 DNF Malaysia 4544DNS
Clock Final 4 7.73 9.39 Malaysia DNF7.7311.119.147.92
First round 7 8.81 10.10 Malaysia 10.119.72DNF10.468.81
Megaminx Final 9 56.16 1:02.13 Malaysia 1:07.1557.201:02.041:07.2656.16
First round 7 54.93 59.94 Malaysia 1:02.151:03.121:01.4656.2254.93
Square-1 Final 8 13.58 18.83 Malaysia 17.0513.5824.1729.0915.28
First round 12 14.32 18.98 Malaysia 21.3014.3217.1118.5435.43
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 4 13:57.00 15:36.00 Malaysia 15:35.0017:15.0013:57.00
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 2 DNF DNF Malaysia DNFDNFDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 3 7/8 47:28 Malaysia 7/8 47:286/10 1:00:00

Er-Sheng Kuo (郭爾陞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 29 8.96 11.51 Chinese Taipei 11.418.9613.42DNF9.70
Second round 32 10.08 11.95 Chinese Taipei 11.4815.0410.0812.5411.84
First round 79 9.54 15.87 Chinese Taipei 9.5422.5211.14DNF13.96
4x4x4 Cube Second round 15 33.30 39.21 Chinese Taipei 33.3045.5137.4842.4837.66
First round 8 33.97 36.37 Chinese Taipei 33.9734.9237.8440.6636.35
5x5x5 Cube Final 12 1:08.42 1:18.79 Chinese Taipei 1:08.421:19.771:24.261:12.331:27.62
Second round 11 1:07.00 1:11.64 Chinese Taipei 1:25.521:07.001:12.271:15.241:07.40
First round 18 1:12.23 1:17.57 Chinese Taipei 1:21.931:12.231:18.651:20.291:13.76
6x6x6 Cube First round 14 2:20.56 2:23.80 Chinese Taipei 2:24.272:20.562:26.56
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 15 30 DNF Chinese Taipei 37DNF30
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 13 13.31 19.45 Chinese Taipei 20.1119.4722.1018.7813.31
First round 12 13.56 17.80 Chinese Taipei 18.8717.9516.5823.1713.56
Skewb Second round 13 5.15 6.69 Chinese Taipei 5.366.858.807.855.15
First round 17 6.40 7.24 Chinese Taipei 7.317.277.156.407.65

Ethan Jan - United States WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 2 7.35 8.19 United States 8.638.267.357.68DNF
Semi Final 4 7.54 8.43 United States 8.548.339.127.548.42
Second round 9 7.48 9.41 United States 7.488.728.4312.0911.08
First round 10 7.85 9.60 United States 11.719.977.858.7310.10
2x2x2 Cube First round 82 2.81 DNF United States DNF3.68DNFDNF2.81
4x4x4 Cube Final 9 33.77 37.25 United States 42.2442.0133.9533.7735.79
Second round 7 31.17 35.76 United States 31.1732.6439.1535.5039.59
First round 15 36.07 38.49 United States 39.2041.9237.5738.7136.07
5x5x5 Cube Second round 16 1:09.63 1:15.19 United States 1:09.631:09.991:19.281:16.311:23.57
First round 15 1:12.08 1:14.85 United States 1:17.151:23.611:12.081:14.401:13.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 25 3:10.21 United States 3:10.21
7x7x7 Cube First round 27 4:36.18 United States 4:36.18
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 2 30 33.33 United States 403030
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 8 13.83 16.61 United States 15.5119.7623.1114.5713.83
Second round 5 12.10 14.42 United States 13.0414.3512.1019.8415.87
First round 9 10.49 15.80 United States 16.9517.7916.6910.4913.76
Megaminx First round 18 1:26.10 1:32.38 United States 1:39.471:29.491:26.101:39.391:28.27
Pyraminx Final 10 3.66 6.65 United States
Second round 7 5.06 5.92 United States 5.085.665.068.537.01
First round 8 4.58 6.06 United States 7.874.908.854.585.41
Skewb First round 25 6.98 8.66 United States 7.346.988.5110.5910.13
Square-1 First round 21 21.19 32.80 United States 45.5533.1632.4132.8421.19
3x3x3 With Feet Final 8 1:41.30 1:46.15 United States 1:41.302:27.501:46.741:50.091:41.63

Fong Wang (王丰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 77 15.05 16.21 Chinese Taipei 16.1915.0516.9017.5915.54
First round 89 16.03 16.93 Chinese Taipei 17.1317.5618.2916.0916.03
2x2x2 Cube First round 66 5.46 8.08 Chinese Taipei 8.329.876.065.469.87
4x4x4 Cube First round 59 52.51 58.96 Chinese Taipei DNF55.341:02.3259.2252.51
5x5x5 Cube First round 51 2:03.64 Chinese Taipei 2:03.642:21.47
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 29 23.80 29.99 Chinese Taipei 28.1930.1031.6723.8037.77
Skewb First round 40 8.72 16.23 Chinese Taipei 18.4024.1211.508.7218.78

Glen Goh Wee Zhuan (吴洧全) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 132 47.36 53.75 Singapore 47.3657.9758.8549.1554.14
2x2x2 Cube First round 80 14.04 17.59 Singapore 25.7914.0417.6218.2116.95
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 12 45 52.00 Singapore 614550
Pyraminx First round 44 14.58 24.20 Singapore 18.7331.8314.581:56.3022.05
Skewb First round 42 20.39 25.29 Singapore 29.0624.0024.2620.3927.62

Guan-Ting Pan (潘冠廷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 95 17.76 25.52 Chinese Taipei DNF20.0817.7619.1437.34
First round 91 15.50 17.08 Chinese Taipei 17.4218.0218.9215.8115.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 72 4.64 8.67 Chinese Taipei 8.9312.5811.534.645.54
4x4x4 Cube First round 73 1:37.12 Chinese Taipei 1:37.341:37.12
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 43 40.81 Chinese Taipei 54.1140.81
Pyraminx First round 41 12.58 17.49 Chinese Taipei 18.0912.5816.7623.7917.63
Skewb First round 43 8.02 27.33 Chinese Taipei 8.0230.4130.2534.1121.32

Guo-Lin Huang (黃國霖) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 85 15.20 17.37 Chinese Taipei 17.9915.2020.3618.7315.38
First round 82 13.82 16.14 Chinese Taipei 20.7214.6013.8217.0316.80
4x4x4 Cube First round 69 1:06.03 Chinese Taipei 1:06.031:09.87
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 34 31.90 Chinese Taipei 34.3831.90

Han-Di Shen (沈漢迪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 53 12.00 14.17 Chinese Taipei 12.0015.9214.0714.0814.35
First round 64 12.19 14.56 Chinese Taipei 14.5414.6412.1914.5015.25
2x2x2 Cube Second round 15 2.91 4.35 Chinese Taipei 4.194.867.462.913.99
First round 51 4.38 6.36 Chinese Taipei 6.057.547.115.914.38
4x4x4 Cube First round 46 43.02 49.55 Chinese Taipei 58.8845.5554.9448.1743.02
5x5x5 Cube First round 44 1:35.48 1:44.24 Chinese Taipei 1:39.041:53.721:41.081:35.481:52.61
Megaminx First round 13 1:11.30 1:16.77 Chinese Taipei 1:16.121:31.771:14.371:11.301:19.83

Han-Wei Huang (黃漢威) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 73 14.24 15.98 Chinese Taipei 14.2415.9814.8033.4717.16
First round 73 13.49 15.33 Chinese Taipei 15.1014.5713.4916.3117.91
4x4x4 Cube First round 45 42.98 49.14 Chinese Taipei 42.9848.8650.7256.1847.85
Megaminx First round 29 2:18.08 2:25.63 Chinese Taipei 2:18.083:10.572:29.052:27.812:20.04

He-Han Wu (吳和翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 15 9.44 11.59 Chinese Taipei 9.4411.0612.9011.2012.52
Semi Final 10 7.58 9.72 Chinese Taipei 9.9011.459.319.967.58
Second round 18 8.37 10.37 Chinese Taipei 8.3716.0211.099.2510.77
First round 19 7.95 10.78 Chinese Taipei 13.1610.099.4612.797.95
2x2x2 Cube Second round 47 3.78 6.41 Chinese Taipei 3.7813.376.845.397.00
First round 46 4.96 6.11 Chinese Taipei 6.346.684.965.328.83
4x4x4 Cube Second round 19 37.24 40.31 Chinese Taipei 41.2743.3737.6237.2442.03
First round 16 34.09 38.85 Chinese Taipei 39.2434.0939.3538.4838.82
5x5x5 Cube First round 35 1:25.12 1:34.67 Chinese Taipei 1:35.991:40.591:31.411:36.611:25.12
6x6x6 Cube First round 13 2:06.23 2:20.80 Chinese Taipei 2:26.272:29.892:06.23
7x7x7 Cube First round 23 3:55.50 4:04.79 Chinese Taipei 4:04.504:14.373:55.50
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 25 21.14 23.44 Chinese Taipei 23.6422.8033.4121.1423.87
Pyraminx First round 23 9.15 9.73 Chinese Taipei 9.1510.619.2515.279.34

He-Ping Zheng (鄭和平) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 5 8.00 8.86 Chinese Taipei
Semi Final 7 7.61 9.08 Chinese Taipei 8.727.6110.729.389.15
Second round 5 7.64 9.14 Chinese Taipei 7.648.549.47DNF9.42
First round 4 7.60 8.90 Chinese Taipei 10.0310.008.048.677.60
2x2x2 Cube Final 5 1.64 3.29 Chinese Taipei 2.863.783.221.643.80
Second round 4 2.46 2.74 Chinese Taipei 2.642.464.502.563.03
First round 16 2.79 4.39 Chinese Taipei 4.386.432.795.033.75
4x4x4 Cube Final 2 30.84 32.14 Chinese Taipei 32.4532.4230.8435.6431.54
Second round 4 30.35 34.18 Chinese Taipei 37.3233.0930.3539.4332.14
First round 5 29.98 34.44 Chinese Taipei 37.2029.9840.3432.9533.16
5x5x5 Cube Final 4 58.59 1:02.65 Chinese Taipei 58.5959.721:09.34DNF58.89
Second round 6 59.49 1:08.65 Chinese Taipei 1:10.6559.491:09.101:06.401:10.45
First round 4 57.34 1:05.07 Chinese Taipei 1:08.141:04.4057.341:09.771:02.66
6x6x6 Cube Final 8 2:04.55 2:11.90 Chinese Taipei 2:16.702:04.552:14.44
First round 6 1:58.70 2:07.75 Chinese Taipei 2:09.282:15.261:58.70
7x7x7 Cube Final 10 3:23.17 3:29.21 Chinese Taipei 3:30.693:23.173:33.76
First round 11 3:25.61 3:33.14 Chinese Taipei 3:25.613:45.353:28.45
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 6 13.16 15.36 Chinese Taipei 13.1617.8414.4313.8019.76
Second round 6 11.99 14.92 Chinese Taipei 16.0414.3315.7114.7311.99
First round 6 12.36 15.50 Chinese Taipei 13.4812.3615.6317.4019.77

Ho Hsieh (謝合) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 14 9.15 11.47 Chinese Taipei 9.1510.5612.9914.1710.86
Semi Final 16 7.98 10.58 Chinese Taipei 11.9410.4413.499.367.98
Second round 40 10.39 12.60 Chinese Taipei 13.5112.0712.2113.9310.39
First round 46 10.25 12.81 Chinese Taipei 10.2511.9212.9215.8213.58
2x2x2 Cube Final 2 2.52 3.00 Chinese Taipei 3.212.922.522.883.73
Second round 5 2.32 3.41 Chinese Taipei 2.623.763.8411.882.32
First round 6 2.95 3.66 Chinese Taipei 2.953.065.643.104.82
4x4x4 Cube Second round 13 34.99 38.48 Chinese Taipei 35.5539.8240.0742.3534.99
First round 11 33.49 37.33 Chinese Taipei 37.7743.3038.5235.7133.49
5x5x5 Cube Second round 17 1:12.67 1:15.52 Chinese Taipei 1:18.951:12.671:22.911:13.961:13.64
First round 19 1:15.72 1:18.23 Chinese Taipei 1:17.001:18.331:19.361:15.721:19.59
6x6x6 Cube First round 21 2:35.50 2:40.89 Chinese Taipei 2:51.422:35.752:35.50
7x7x7 Cube First round 15 3:31.24 3:43.85 Chinese Taipei 3:48.693:51.623:31.24
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 14 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 14 17.93 20.69 Chinese Taipei 21.7417.9321.5323.4918.80
First round 17 17.27 21.43 Chinese Taipei 22.6920.7621.9617.2721.56
Clock Final 9 11.25 12.75 Chinese Taipei 11.2513.1812.40DNF12.67
First round 12 11.23 13.74 Chinese Taipei 11.2315.35DNF14.3411.54
Megaminx First round 16 1:16.82 1:27.02 Chinese Taipei 1:35.191:17.041:28.821:38.531:16.82
Pyraminx Final 5 3.17 4.27 Chinese Taipei 3.176.454.133.774.92
Second round 6 4.69 5.60 Chinese Taipei 6.096.674.695.724.99
First round 6 4.94 5.51 Chinese Taipei 7.524.945.185.715.63
Skewb Second round 14 3.74 6.78 Chinese Taipei 5.927.047.567.393.74
First round 16 5.30 7.17 Chinese Taipei 6.3110.536.585.308.62
Square-1 First round 14 18.67 22.00 Chinese Taipei 24.0018.6723.7320.2522.01
3x3x3 With Feet Final 7 1:40.26 1:45.64 Chinese Taipei 1:40.261:55.101:40.591:41.222:15.87

Hong-An Lai (賴泓安) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 113 18.72 21.50 Chinese Taipei 18.7221.6920.8522.9921.96

Hong-Chih Chiang (江泓志) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 49 11.19 13.64 Chinese Taipei 13.5515.5513.5113.8511.19
First round 44 11.39 12.76 Chinese Taipei 12.4312.0911.3913.7516.14
2x2x2 Cube Second round 30 2.79 5.11 Chinese Taipei 5.694.984.6612.082.79
First round 26 3.63 4.92 Chinese Taipei 6.534.615.944.203.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 65 1:02.39 Chinese Taipei 1:02.391:05.03
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 14 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 19 21.52 23.03 Chinese Taipei 24.9422.7222.9023.4821.52
First round 22 19.67 23.01 Chinese Taipei 21.9723.1725.4523.8819.67
Clock First round 25 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNS
Megaminx First round 23 1:49.21 1:52.87 Chinese Taipei 1:49.211:49.232:01.541:57.151:52.23
Pyraminx First round 31 10.65 12.89 Chinese Taipei 13.7010.6910.6515.9114.27
Skewb First round 36 8.89 12.45 Chinese Taipei DNF11.7413.258.8912.36
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 6 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNS

Hsiang-Cheng Kan (闞祥誠) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 48 13.96 15.17 Chinese Taipei 13.9615.5616.9814.8115.15
Second round 48 11.99 13.56 Chinese Taipei 12.3711.9914.2914.8314.02
First round 61 13.45 14.19 Chinese Taipei 17.4513.4513.7713.9814.82
2x2x2 Cube Second round 54 4.99 7.36 Chinese Taipei 6.358.447.304.998.82
First round 30 4.03 5.14 Chinese Taipei 5.295.654.034.545.59
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 8 42 44.33 Chinese Taipei 474244
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 22 21.35 25.64 Chinese Taipei 24.9027.9621.3529.2324.06
First round 21 18.71 22.53 Chinese Taipei 23.2323.5518.7120.8028.58

Hsiao-Cheng Hsu (許孝丞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 93 16.24 19.63 Chinese Taipei 16.2421.5719.9118.8720.11
First round 88 13.17 16.93 Chinese Taipei 17.1018.2120.0315.4713.17
4x4x4 Cube First round 62 52.41 1:02.79 Chinese Taipei 56.421:23.931:13.5652.4158.39
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 31 26.53 32.50 Chinese Taipei 26.5333.1334.6429.7335.45

Hua-Ting Lee (李華庭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 34 10.84 12.18 Chinese Taipei 12.7612.9012.6410.8411.14
Second round 35 10.59 12.14 Chinese Taipei 12.5511.0112.8710.5916.39
First round 32 10.23 11.86 Chinese Taipei 13.3010.4010.2311.8815.69
4x4x4 Cube First round 40 43.32 46.88 Chinese Taipei 54.2743.3246.7946.1747.68
5x5x5 Cube Second round 22 1:17.00 1:22.83 Chinese Taipei 1:20.181:17.001:19.911:28.391:31.19
First round 22 1:19.07 1:20.90 Chinese Taipei 1:22.111:28.481:20.181:19.071:20.42
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 6 3:09.68 DNF Chinese Taipei 3:53.12DNF3:09.68
First round 12 3:23.88 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF3:23.88
3x3x3 With Feet Final 2 39.34 NR 46.38 Chinese Taipei 47.661:14.6041.2539.3450.24

Hua-Ting Wang (王華定) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 88 14.03 17.69 Chinese Taipei 18.2116.4020.5314.0318.47
First round 66 13.47 14.61 Chinese Taipei 17.3716.4013.4913.4713.94

Huan-Teng Lin (林煥騰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 133 59.48 1:01.77 Chinese Taipei 1:01.871:02.661:03.9659.481:00.77

Huang-Bang Fang (房黃邦) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 26 8.77 11.18 Chinese Taipei 12.5311.808.7710.6611.08
Second round 16 7.41 10.25 Chinese Taipei 10.929.107.4111.0510.74
First round 11 8.74 10.03 Chinese Taipei 11.4810.499.989.628.74
2x2x2 Cube Final 9 2.15 4.35 Chinese Taipei 2.154.883.16DNF5.00
Second round 8 1.48 3.58 Chinese Taipei 3.114.466.161.483.17
First round 8 2.38 3.74 Chinese Taipei 5.623.002.382.59DNF
4x4x4 Cube First round 41 41.34 46.98 Chinese Taipei 56.861:02.9542.4541.3441.62
5x5x5 Cube First round 41 1:32.53 1:40.06 Chinese Taipei 1:45.191:34.641:52.251:40.351:32.53
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 21 18.90 25.16 Chinese Taipei 18.9027.6419.7028.1429.43
First round 20 16.00 22.53 Chinese Taipei 24.4821.3921.7216.0039.88
Megaminx First round 17 1:14.81 1:32.17 Chinese Taipei 1:22.691:14.811:23.901:49.93DNF
Pyraminx Second round 13 5.02 7.84 Chinese Taipei 6.225.0210.03DNF7.28
First round 14 5.43 7.53 Chinese Taipei DNF5.437.747.367.49
Skewb Final 11 4.19 6.66 Chinese Taipei 12.855.296.494.198.20
Second round 9 4.40 5.40 Chinese Taipei 6.784.939.014.484.40
First round 12 3.21 6.57 Chinese Taipei 5.887.
Square-1 First round 22 27.88 33.47 Chinese Taipei 43.2727.8828.2036.7235.49

Jia-Cheng Lin (林家成) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 103 16.01 18.71 Chinese Taipei 27.0622.6816.5816.0116.86
2x2x2 Cube First round 73 7.35 8.74 Chinese Taipei 9.137.359.629.687.46
4x4x4 Cube First round 74 2:08.72 Chinese Taipei 2:17.892:08.72

Jia-He Lai (賴佳禾) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 39 10.28 12.46 Chinese Taipei 11.0112.8213.7913.5410.28
Second round 33 10.44 12.02 Chinese Taipei 10.4413.5712.3010.7413.01
First round 12 9.52 10.05 Chinese Taipei 10.2012.669.5210.339.62
2x2x2 Cube Second round 53 2.52 6.79 Chinese Taipei DNF5.807.646.932.52
First round 21 3.28 4.50 Chinese Taipei
4x4x4 Cube Second round 28 36.89 45.28 Chinese Taipei 53.3640.2836.891:07.8142.20
First round 26 37.13 43.34 Chinese Taipei 45.7341.1044.9443.9837.13
5x5x5 Cube First round 28 1:16.61 1:23.87 Chinese Taipei 2:27.191:18.451:28.641:24.511:16.61
7x7x7 Cube First round 18 3:45.20 3:51.57 Chinese Taipei 3:45.203:46.924:02.60
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 15 18.39 20.90 Chinese Taipei DNF23.2019.8219.6718.39
First round 14 14.32 18.41 Chinese Taipei 19.0214.3218.6517.5521.20

Jia-Hong Lu (陸嘉宏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 55 11.24 13.79 Chinese Taipei 13.1115.2313.7614.4911.24
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 9 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
First round 3 31.55 DNF Chinese Taipei 31.5537.75DNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 1 3:05.85 NR DNF Chinese Taipei 3:05.853:51.13DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 1 7:53.15 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF7:53.157:53.69
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 2 13/15 1:00:00 Chinese Taipei 13/15 1:00:00DNS

Jia-Yi Zhou (周家誼) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 106 15.33 19.32 Chinese Taipei 26.1817.9517.1122.8915.33

Jie-Han Li (李杰翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 111 20.55 21.48 Chinese Taipei 21.5625.4620.5521.2421.65

Jing-Heng Ling (凌敬恒) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 65 13.71 14.77 Chinese Taipei 14.6722.6714.0713.7115.58
First round 87 13.79 16.92 Chinese Taipei 22.2416.8813.7917.2516.63
4x4x4 Cube First round 60 52.98 59.53 Chinese Taipei 1:00.9353.082:04.961:04.5952.98
5x5x5 Cube First round 36 1:33.17 1:37.35 Chinese Taipei 1:37.551:33.831:40.671:47.171:33.17
7x7x7 Cube First round 25 4:11.96 4:24.03 Chinese Taipei 4:27.504:11.964:32.63

Jr-Wei Jang (張智瑋) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 10 8.27 10.54 Chinese Taipei DNF10.319.988.2711.34
Semi Final 5 7.76 8.68 Chinese Taipei 9.068.2410.537.768.73
Second round 2 7.45 7.77 Chinese Taipei 7.857.457.6210.577.83
First round 7 8.18 9.24 Chinese Taipei 10.898.189.129.359.24
2x2x2 Cube Second round 14 2.43 4.29 Chinese Taipei 3.466.104.332.435.08
First round 52 4.32 6.42 Chinese Taipei 4.325.327.236.707.51
4x4x4 Cube Final 4 31.22 34.08 Chinese Taipei 33.5934.86DNF33.8031.22
Second round 2 29.72 32.09 Chinese Taipei 31.7734.5132.3429.7232.15
First round 4 29.85 33.26 Chinese Taipei 29.8535.9830.4133.3836.25
5x5x5 Cube Second round 13 58.93 1:12.50 Chinese Taipei 1:08.851:14.341:51.4358.931:14.31
First round 7 1:01.13 1:05.82 Chinese Taipei 1:01.131:06.741:03.621:11.311:07.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 8 3:18.30 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF3:18.30
First round 10 2:59.42 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF2:59.42
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 7 41 43.00 Chinese Taipei 454143
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 11 15.20 17.47 Chinese Taipei DNF19.1017.1916.1315.20
Second round 7 13.69 15.35 Chinese Taipei 16.4315.7613.8717.0613.69
First round 5 14.03 14.74 Chinese Taipei 16.3814.8114.4414.9614.03

Jun-Hao Hu (胡峻豪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 8 9.30 10.49 Chinese Taipei 11.069.3010.9111.549.49
Semi Final 12 8.41 9.98 Chinese Taipei 9.898.4110.959.6410.41
Second round 7 8.18 9.33 Chinese Taipei 8.839.4912.788.189.67
First round 21 10.02 10.93 Chinese Taipei 11.2910.30DNF10.0211.21
4x4x4 Cube Second round 20 35.50 41.20 Chinese Taipei 42.1541.0140.4547.2735.50
First round 12 37.64 37.79 Chinese Taipei 37.8437.6437.7342.7437.80
5x5x5 Cube Second round 15 1:01.65 1:13.68 Chinese Taipei 1:17.321:01.651:10.021:13.711:19.28
First round 6 59.21 1:05.59 Chinese Taipei 1:13.701:05.0759.211:09.431:02.28
6x6x6 Cube Final 3 1:46.29 1:56.51 Chinese Taipei 2:02.642:00.591:46.29
First round 7 1:58.58 2:07.83 Chinese Taipei 1:58.582:10.672:14.25
7x7x7 Cube First round 24 3:25.94 4:07.55 Chinese Taipei 3:25.944:19.874:36.84

Jun-Rui Rao (饒峻睿) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 9 9.73 10.52 Chinese Taipei 9.7312.7611.3410.369.87
Semi Final 9 8.78 9.61 Chinese Taipei 9.1110.138.7814.669.60
Second round 14 8.58 10.22 Chinese Taipei 9.4910.4810.778.5810.69
First round 6 8.17 9.13 Chinese Taipei 8.178.319.7814.429.31
2x2x2 Cube Final 3 1.28 3.05 Chinese Taipei 3.294.941.991.283.86
Second round 2 1.81 2.55 Chinese Taipei
First round 4 2.16 3.36 Chinese Taipei DNF2.582.163.753.76
4x4x4 Cube Final 3 32.53 33.68 Chinese Taipei 34.5833.2837.4332.5333.18
Second round 10 31.95 36.83 Chinese Taipei 38.2034.9943.1731.9537.29
First round 7 27.09 36.16 Chinese Taipei 36.5335.5236.4340.2527.09
5x5x5 Cube Final 5 55.10 1:04.07 Chinese Taipei 1:10.4655.101:06.411:02.281:03.53
Second round 7 1:06.23 1:09.69 Chinese Taipei 1:09.051:14.411:06.231:06.841:13.18
First round 9 1:02.87 1:07.05 Chinese Taipei 1:08.291:06.121:02.871:06.751:11.87
6x6x6 Cube Final 12 2:06.79 3:54.59 Chinese Taipei 7:20.992:16.002:06.79
First round 11 2:12.13 2:14.76 Chinese Taipei 2:12.132:12.682:19.47
7x7x7 Cube Final 12 3:24.26 3:35.67 Chinese Taipei 3:41.583:41.183:24.26
First round 10 3:21.51 3:31.93 Chinese Taipei 3:26.583:47.703:21.51
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 7 14.06 16.35 Chinese Taipei 14.0617.3317.8015.3916.34
Second round 9 12.93 16.70 Chinese Taipei 19.8715.7114.5121.1912.93
First round 11 14.92 17.36 Chinese Taipei 14.9217.3918.4622.1016.24
Skewb Second round 15 5.24 7.03 Chinese Taipei
First round 15 5.36 7.04 Chinese Taipei 8.005.8811.025.367.25
Square-1 First round 17 22.48 25.48 Chinese Taipei 24.4938.8429.4522.4922.48

Kai-Wen Wang (王楷文) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 1 6.87 7.62 Chinese Taipei 6.878.146.947.789.93
Semi Final 1 6.56 6.93 Chinese Taipei
Second round 1 6.32 7.52 Chinese Taipei 9.176.328.567.146.86
First round 1 6.75 7.55 Chinese Taipei 7.228.54DNF6.756.88
2x2x2 Cube Final 11 2.86 5.32 Chinese Taipei 2.863.815.816.337.49
Second round 3 1.95 2.74 Chinese Taipei 3.25DNF1.952.582.39
First round 3 1.80 2.97 Chinese Taipei
4x4x4 Cube Final 1 27.28 28.91 Chinese Taipei 27.6532.6028.4127.2830.66
Second round 1 26.63 28.03 Chinese Taipei 26.6327.5727.3929.1429.72
First round 1 27.08 29.04 Chinese Taipei 31.0928.0927.0828.5930.44
5x5x5 Cube Final 1 49.57 53.02 Chinese Taipei 1:02.2852.8254.3749.5751.86
Second round 1 50.40 59.40 Chinese Taipei 58.1058.6450.401:01.471:05.82
First round 1 48.92 53.49 Chinese Taipei 1:02.4349.7456.5548.9254.17
6x6x6 Cube Final 2 1:47.56 1:53.38 Chinese Taipei 1:54.051:47.561:58.52
First round 1 1:43.08 1:52.46 Chinese Taipei 2:00.641:53.651:43.08
7x7x7 Cube Final 1 2:23.60 2:41.27 Chinese Taipei 2:23.602:54.132:46.07
First round 2 2:33.83 2:44.27 Chinese Taipei 2:39.222:59.772:33.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 1 26.25 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF28.6226.25
First round 2 30.80 32.10 NR Chinese Taipei 30.8032.2133.28
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 4 12.92 14.46 Chinese Taipei 15.1319.9814.7912.9213.47
Second round 3 12.94 13.67 Chinese Taipei 13.1912.9414.5713.2414.96
First round 1 10.57 11.87 Chinese Taipei 12.3619.3312.3210.9210.57
Megaminx Final 6 52.32 58.74 Chinese Taipei 1:02.0658.0757.8752.321:00.29
First round 8 55.86 1:04.72 Chinese Taipei 1:26.8355.861:01.821:04.951:07.38
Skewb Final 2 3.25 4.31 Chinese Taipei 4.624.535.383.793.25
Second round 5 2.32 4.58 Chinese Taipei 4.872.323.547.725.33
First round 2 3.05 4.11 Chinese Taipei 5.163.525.863.663.05
Square-1 Final 11 14.92 20.89 Chinese Taipei 21.2823.4314.9220.4320.95
First round 8 13.69 17.85 Chinese Taipei 19.6117.5316.4013.6923.05
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 5 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded Final 2 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 4 3/4 7:25 Chinese Taipei 3/4 7:25DNS

Kai-Yi Mao (茆鎧驛) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 117 20.40 23.04 Chinese Taipei 22.5122.9323.6720.4031.38
2x2x2 Cube First round 69 6.24 8.36 Chinese Taipei 8.349.7210.267.036.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 72 1:35.08 Chinese Taipei 2:13.281:35.08
Pyraminx First round 42 10.52 18.47 Chinese Taipei 17.3421.2410.5218.2119.86
Skewb First round 34 3.88 11.82 Chinese Taipei 3.8814.3011.749.4314.90

Kaito Mori (森海斗) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 46 11.06 14.87 Japan 14.2123.8911.0615.8214.57
Second round 39 11.39 12.59 Japan 14.2511.6312.1811.3913.95
First round 33 10.43 11.98 Japan 13.6710.4310.9711.6813.29
2x2x2 Cube Second round 17 3.80 4.59 Japan 4.753.805.014.194.83
First round 18 4.09 4.45 Japan 11.374.424.844.094.09
Megaminx Final 5 45.60 51.87 Japan 50.0645.6051.8853.6754.86
First round 5 46.16 49.41 Japan 49.1848.7350.3352.0446.16
Skewb First round 28 6.06 8.92 Japan 8.599.0010.069.176.06

Kui-En Chiu (邱奎恩) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 44 9.95 13.42 Chinese Taipei 12.6515.8014.6113.019.95
Second round 21 8.84 10.77 Chinese Taipei 14.559.8912.118.8410.32
First round 34 9.49 12.08 Chinese Taipei 9.4917.1713.1711.4211.66
2x2x2 Cube Second round 23 3.27 4.78 Chinese Taipei 6.764.003.963.276.37
First round 17 2.86 4.43 Chinese Taipei 4.092.863.615.815.58
4x4x4 Cube Second round 23 36.56 42.75 Chinese Taipei 38.3051.4343.5036.5646.44
First round 35 36.04 46.27 Chinese Taipei 51.3936.0444.2243.2151.79
5x5x5 Cube First round 49 1:24.11 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF1:26.891:39.44DNF1:24.11
Pyraminx Final 3 3.14 3.66 Chinese Taipei 3.603.243.144.1513.62
Second round 9 2.63 6.43 Chinese Taipei DNF3.518.846.942.63
First round 1 3.35 4.23 Chinese Taipei 3.703.354.555.724.45

Kuo-Hau Wu (吳國豪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 12 7.85 10.80 Chinese Taipei 12.7710.5411.0510.827.85
Semi Final 13 9.48 10.27 Chinese Taipei 13.199.699.4810.9110.21
Second round 24 8.85 11.21 Chinese Taipei 12.9210.8821.618.859.82
First round 20 9.61 10.87 Chinese Taipei 11.5611.8610.1110.959.61
2x2x2 Cube Second round 26 4.45 4.88 Chinese Taipei 7.324.664.855.144.45
First round 22 3.31 4.58 Chinese Taipei 4.515.793.485.763.31
4x4x4 Cube Final 10 34.44 38.34 Chinese Taipei 36.1339.2939.6143.8334.44
Second round 9 30.63 36.58 Chinese Taipei 40.2233.2941.8436.2330.63
First round 14 34.64 38.48 Chinese Taipei 43.1737.0145.0235.2634.64
5x5x5 Cube Final 3 59.04 1:02.38 Chinese Taipei 1:03.541:03.141:00.461:04.2559.04
Second round 4 1:01.98 1:05.52 Chinese Taipei 1:05.211:10.611:01.981:06.751:04.61
First round 10 1:03.28 1:07.41 Chinese Taipei 1:09.771:06.511:03.281:05.961:16.33
6x6x6 Cube Final 1 1:50.53 1:52.28 Chinese Taipei 1:50.811:55.491:50.53
First round 2 1:50.42 1:59.98 Chinese Taipei 2:00.641:50.422:08.89
7x7x7 Cube Final 2 2:34.73 2:42.68 Chinese Taipei 2:37.092:56.222:34.73
First round 1 2:34.68 2:38.81 Chinese Taipei 2:34.682:42.902:38.85
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 4 2:01.43 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF2:01.43DNF
First round 11 3:00.25 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF3:00.25DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 6 38 41.33 Chinese Taipei 404638
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 16 19.82 21.41 Chinese Taipei 21.0827.2722.1621.0019.82
First round 15 16.80 19.09 Chinese Taipei 21.2117.5916.8020.9218.77
Megaminx First round 20 1:34.54 1:40.96 Chinese Taipei 1:39.741:46.601:34.541:44.981:38.17
Pyraminx First round 24 7.68 10.27 Chinese Taipei 17.7910.037.6812.987.80

Li-Hao Xiao (蕭力豪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 116 18.62 22.63 Chinese Taipei 18.6223.4019.8324.6639.16

Li-Wei Wu (吳立偉) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 76 13.84 16.21 Chinese Taipei 17.2514.9813.8419.8616.40
First round 72 13.00 15.18 Chinese Taipei 18.7113.0016.5813.8815.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 6 1:17.29 1:36.70 Chinese Taipei 1:42.041:50.761:17.29
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 3 9:37.35 DNF Chinese Taipei 11:41.009:37.35DNF

Manfred Siew Ee Sheng (蕭奕晟) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 45 12.86 13.58 Malaysia 14.2115.5212.8613.0213.51
Second round 41 9.00 12.64 Malaysia 13.3313.5213.129.0011.47
First round 57 11.00 13.81 Malaysia 11.3016.7016.9911.0013.43
4x4x4 Cube Final 12 36.54 42.24 Malaysia 43.0843.3641.4842.1736.54
Second round 11 32.54 37.44 Malaysia 36.4736.4940.8239.3732.54
First round 24 36.92 42.96 Malaysia 36.9248.4643.6444.1041.15
5x5x5 Cube Final 6 1:00.24 1:04.70 Malaysia 1:01.701:08.281:00.241:04.111:12.12
Second round 3 59.13 1:03.86 Malaysia 1:10.9259.131:00.451:00.201:16.88
First round 3 1:00.77 1:03.33 Malaysia 1:01.321:21.281:04.741:00.771:03.92
6x6x6 Cube Final 5 1:57.38 1:59.96 Malaysia 1:57.381:58.902:03.60
First round 8 2:01.48 2:08.14 Malaysia 2:14.422:01.482:08.52
7x7x7 Cube Final 4 2:44.07 2:49.47 Malaysia 2:59.272:44.072:45.08
First round 4 2:31.07 NR 2:45.33 Malaysia 2:31.072:38.883:06.04
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 21 39 DNF Malaysia DNF39DNS
Clock Final 2 6.04 7.30 Malaysia 10.727.366.836.047.72
First round 2 6.49 7.04 Malaysia 6.497.21DNF6.607.30
Square-1 First round 16 15.41 23.88 Malaysia 29.8915.4125.6328.6417.38

Meng-Jia Li (李孟家) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 62 13.41 14.58 Chinese Taipei 14.0914.3515.3025.3713.41
First round 68 12.68 14.74 Chinese Taipei 13.8914.3116.6216.0312.68
2x2x2 Cube Second round 37 5.25 5.53 Chinese Taipei 6.805.255.595.285.71
First round 44 5.22 5.96 Chinese Taipei 5.917.015.226.475.49
4x4x4 Cube First round 47 46.66 49.64 Chinese Taipei 49.8456.9647.3951.7046.66
5x5x5 Cube First round 48 1:38.78 1:48.41 Chinese Taipei 1:38.781:45.381:56.441:50.091:49.75
Pyraminx First round 29 10.69 12.17 Chinese Taipei 11.2710.6914.5013.4911.74

Meng-Ru Xiao (蕭孟汝) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 109 17.20 21.08 Chinese Taipei 17.2022.0425.9418.8222.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 77 8.33 10.25 Chinese Taipei 11.1310.1912.229.448.33
Pyraminx First round 40 12.82 16.03 Chinese Taipei 15.5416.0816.4612.8217.67
Skewb First round 39 9.36 16.08 Chinese Taipei 18.4016.909.36DNF12.93

Meng-Yi Li (李孟一) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 42 10.25 13.21 Chinese Taipei 13.3816.0511.9214.3310.25
Second round 31 10.95 11.94 Chinese Taipei 11.9411.8312.0412.3410.95
First round 25 10.93 11.15 Chinese Taipei 10.9310.9411.2411.5611.26
2x2x2 Cube Second round 19 4.08 4.62 Chinese Taipei 4.555.2010.504.124.08
First round 24 3.46 4.80 Chinese Taipei 4.803.465.015.224.58
4x4x4 Cube First round 38 42.05 46.74 Chinese Taipei 1:00.4742.0549.9446.3443.95
5x5x5 Cube First round 32 1:25.30 1:28.42 Chinese Taipei 1:25.301:32.601:28.931:29.411:26.92
6x6x6 Cube First round 30 3:26.68 Chinese Taipei 3:26.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 28 4:37.47 Chinese Taipei 4:37.47
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 20 38 DNF Chinese Taipei 38DNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 26 21.23 24.72 Chinese Taipei 24.7633.8227.3722.0421.23
Clock First round 18 20.51 23.82 Chinese Taipei 23.6420.5136.9821.3226.49
Megaminx First round 22 1:44.95 1:46.83 Chinese Taipei 1:44.951:47.081:46.701:56.601:46.71
Pyraminx First round 11 5.30 6.70 Chinese Taipei 6.746.925.306.459.80
Skewb First round 33 8.34 11.12 Chinese Taipei 16.839.468.3413.2410.65
Square-1 First round 24 17.61 37.84 Chinese Taipei 53.3917.6138.0237.4638.03

Pan-Yao Ting (潘曜廷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 119 18.55 23.59 Chinese Taipei DNF22.8423.1324.8018.55

Ping-Chien Wan (萬秉謙) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 108 18.25 20.80 Chinese Taipei 22.9618.2538.6920.5118.92
2x2x2 Cube Second round 49 5.60 6.47 Chinese Taipei 5.986.117.565.607.31
First round 59 5.07 6.98 Chinese Taipei
Pyraminx First round 37 12.64 15.35 Chinese Taipei 19.3114.4916.8914.6612.64

Po-Han Lin (林柏翰) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 72 13.87 15.84 Chinese Taipei 16.3514.1313.87DNF17.05
First round 70 13.94 14.97 Chinese Taipei 15.8814.2116.7013.9414.82
2x2x2 Cube Second round 51 5.69 6.60 Chinese Taipei 8.245.697.095.966.76
First round 56 4.16 6.67 Chinese Taipei 6.3710.064.168.505.14
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 33 31.33 Chinese Taipei 31.3347.62
Pyraminx First round 39 11.76 15.97 Chinese Taipei 15.1611.7617.3615.3919.87

Po-Jui Lin (林柏睿) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 131 33.34 46.83 Chinese Taipei 50.3537.8552.2852.8733.34

Ruei-Ying Huang (黃睿穎) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 56 13.77 14.29 Chinese Taipei 14.7513.7715.6913.8914.22
First round 56 13.24 13.80 Chinese Taipei 13.3716.0713.4214.6113.24
4x4x4 Cube First round 58 37.83 58.88 Chinese Taipei 1:04.2837.8359.491:07.6852.87
5x5x5 Cube First round 37 1:30.94 1:37.47 Chinese Taipei 1:53.871:47.651:33.371:30.941:31.40
6x6x6 Cube First round 28 3:19.38 Chinese Taipei 3:19.38
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 13 5:39.21 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF5:39.21
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 15 30 DNF Chinese Taipei 32DNF30
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 35 33.28 Chinese Taipei 41.4333.28
Clock First round 20 25.72 26.98 Chinese Taipei 25.9728.4425.7234.0626.52
Megaminx Final 12 1:06.03 1:13.37 Chinese Taipei 1:17.941:06.031:29.541:13.751:08.42
First round 9 57.80 1:06.01 Chinese Taipei 1:06.731:00.2457.801:11.071:17.75
Skewb First round 24 5.67 8.65 Chinese Taipei 10.437.535.6714.837.99

Rui-Jun Liu (劉睿鈞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 23 9.80 11.11 Chinese Taipei 11.2511.899.8011.8010.27
Second round 17 8.09 10.37 Chinese Taipei 10.819.2411.2111.068.09
First round 28 10.30 11.37 Chinese Taipei 10.3010.7012.4311.3312.09
2x2x2 Cube Final 8 3.79 4.24 Chinese Taipei 3.993.793.984.755.50
Second round 12 3.37 4.03 Chinese Taipei 4.923.593.374.613.89
First round 11 3.64 3.87 Chinese Taipei 3.664.285.333.683.64
4x4x4 Cube Second round 18 37.74 40.30 Chinese Taipei 40.7537.7438.6141.5343.78
First round 18 34.30 40.44 Chinese Taipei 43.8134.3040.7238.7941.80
5x5x5 Cube Second round 19 1:12.73 1:18.67 Chinese Taipei 1:12.731:17.851:18.931:19.301:19.24
First round 12 1:05.40 1:08.06 Chinese Taipei 1:09.551:21.281:07.671:06.961:05.40
7x7x7 Cube Final 8 3:09.65 3:21.56 Chinese Taipei 3:29.343:25.693:09.65
First round 8 3:25.52 3:26.96 Chinese Taipei 3:27.503:27.863:25.52
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 18 33 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF3336

Ryan Peh (白凯明) - Singapore WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 24 9.01 11.16 Singapore 12.8212.6911.199.619.01
Second round 10 8.09 9.55 Singapore
First round 17 9.46 10.57 Singapore 9.4613.319.5110.5311.66
2x2x2 Cube Final 12 3.34 5.72 Singapore 5.375.815.97DNF3.34
Second round 11 2.76 3.78 Singapore 3.542.764.233.58DNF
First round 13 3.48 4.27 Singapore 5.823.543.485.244.03
4x4x4 Cube First round 39 43.64 46.76 Singapore 48.6847.0144.59DNF43.64
5x5x5 Cube Second round 20 1:17.75 1:20.54 Singapore 1:17.751:18.841:19.161:25.201:23.62
First round 26 1:14.50 1:22.27 Singapore 1:14.501:30.461:19.711:21.001:26.10
6x6x6 Cube First round 19 2:30.88 2:37.94 Singapore 2:30.882:49.592:33.34
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 2 11.26 13.68 Singapore 18.5412.6814.7113.6611.26
Second round 2 11.22 13.23 Singapore 13.9411.2213.4812.2815.88
First round 4 12.55 13.44 Singapore 13.3312.8414.1515.7012.55
Clock Final 12 11.40 DNF Singapore DNF11.40DNF11.75DNF
First round 3 7.88 8.61 Singapore 8.268.497.889.09DNF
Skewb First round 18 3.04 7.34 Singapore 3.048.20DNF7.216.60
Square-1 Final 7 13.65 17.51 Singapore 13.6518.8216.3417.3718.84
First round 3 12.80 14.38 Singapore 20.1815.4112.8013.7713.97

Shao-Heng Hung (洪紹恆) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 11 9.16 10.55 Chinese Taipei 10.5511.119.9811.759.16
Semi Final 14 9.53 10.34 Chinese Taipei 12.949.5310.4310.649.96
Second round 25 9.24 11.43 Chinese Taipei 13.7111.519.2410.5012.29
First round 39 10.77 12.37 Chinese Taipei 11.5217.0512.1313.4510.77
2x2x2 Cube Second round 16 2.13 4.47 Chinese Taipei 6.875.214.453.752.13
First round 9 2.72 3.76 Chinese Taipei 2.724.013.893.3810.58
4x4x4 Cube Second round 31 37.14 45.93 Chinese Taipei 51.1345.2153.7041.4637.14
First round 28 38.60 43.80 Chinese Taipei 45.3843.2738.6045.4842.75
6x6x6 Cube First round 17 2:13.28 2:30.85 Chinese Taipei 2:51.102:28.172:13.28
7x7x7 Cube Final 9 3:19.90 3:25.14 Chinese Taipei 3:27.743:19.903:27.79
First round 12 3:23.52 3:35.47 Chinese Taipei 3:54.043:23.523:28.86
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 9 43 44.33 Chinese Taipei 444643
Clock Final 1 6.12 6.36 Chinese Taipei
First round 1 5.19 5.71 NR Chinese Taipei 5.478.375.955.195.70
Megaminx First round 15 1:18.39 1:26.27 Chinese Taipei 1:46.581:26.771:18.391:28.391:23.66
Pyraminx Final 8 4.57 5.82 Chinese Taipei 6.2110.904.576.115.14
Second round 5 4.18 4.87 Chinese Taipei 4.184.955.286.484.37
First round 9 5.21 6.10 Chinese Taipei 6.565.216.346.705.39
Skewb Second round 19 7.49 9.02 Chinese Taipei 8.979.979.648.457.49
First round 9 5.46 5.98 Chinese Taipei 9.326.045.465.636.26
3x3x3 With Feet Final 3 52.59 56.07 Chinese Taipei 1:02.181:01.1052.5954.3952.73

Shao-Hua Hu (胡少華) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 78 14.65 16.55 Chinese Taipei 19.3717.6417.0514.9614.65
First round 75 12.15 15.40 Chinese Taipei 16.8516.5212.1514.2715.40
2x2x2 Cube Second round 38 2.32 5.57 Chinese Taipei 5.984.606.142.327.15
First round 25 3.51 4.84 Chinese Taipei 3.516.645.693.585.26
4x4x4 Cube First round 61 43.67 1:01.76 Chinese Taipei 1:20.6352.431:25.7243.6752.21
5x5x5 Cube First round 45 1:36.22 1:44.48 Chinese Taipei 1:44.371:38.291:36.221:50.781:54.00
6x6x6 Cube First round 31 3:41.68 Chinese Taipei 3:41.68
7x7x7 Cube First round 30 6:55.95 Chinese Taipei 6:55.95
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 41 39.26 Chinese Taipei 41.2939.26
Clock Final 7 10.03 10.79 Chinese Taipei 10.0311.2410.2610.8612.10
First round 6 8.54 9.67 Chinese Taipei DNF11.588.618.828.54
Megaminx First round 27 2:02.78 2:15.96 Chinese Taipei 2:22.342:16.282:26.292:02.782:09.26
Pyraminx First round 32 6.99 13.09 Chinese Taipei 8.7616.556.9913.97DNF
Skewb First round 22 2.98 8.20 Chinese Taipei 2.988.6011.047.438.57
Square-1 First round 25 33.28 43.04 Chinese Taipei 33.2841.5241.1946.4252.57

Sheng-Wen Wang (王聖文) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 50 11.05 13.88 Chinese Taipei 13.2914.3414.0116.7311.05
First round 69 11.36 14.93 Chinese Taipei 13.8211.3617.33DNF13.63
2x2x2 Cube Second round 45 4.92 6.25 Chinese Taipei 7.484.926.165.317.27
First round 53 4.73 6.42 Chinese Taipei 5.457.2515.256.564.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 20 33.68 41.26 Chinese Taipei 56.0846.2740.2837.2233.68
5x5x5 Cube First round 30 1:20.74 1:27.18 Chinese Taipei 1:30.211:23.641:27.701:30.211:20.74
6x6x6 Cube First round 33 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF
7x7x7 Cube First round 22 3:43.60 4:01.34 Chinese Taipei 4:25.313:43.603:55.10
Pyraminx First round 27 7.26 11.65 Chinese Taipei 14.0314.497.2612.838.08

Shi-Yan Yeh (葉士晏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 94 14.51 17.63 Chinese Taipei 16.6414.51DNF15.7720.47
2x2x2 Cube First round 47 4.88 6.16 Chinese Taipei 4.8810.395.036.287.17

Shih-Pu Hsu (許時溥) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 107 16.84 20.31 Chinese Taipei 22.52DNF19.0216.8419.38

Shu-Yii Luo (駱書翊) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 22 10.37 11.08 Chinese Taipei 11.4910.3711.3511.8210.39
Second round 30 11.27 11.91 Chinese Taipei 12.0311.7612.3211.2711.95
First round 13 8.52 10.12 Chinese Taipei 9.5510.1610.648.5211.64
2x2x2 Cube Second round 25 3.26 4.86 Chinese Taipei
First round 23 4.41 4.79 Chinese Taipei 4.414.485.354.556.12
4x4x4 Cube Second round 29 43.51 45.52 Chinese Taipei 44.9345.8945.7543.5146.91
First round 21 37.40 41.27 Chinese Taipei 39.2846.8037.7237.4047.79
5x5x5 Cube Second round 24 1:19.56 1:23.77 Chinese Taipei 1:24.991:24.201:49.101:19.561:22.12
First round 24 1:15.86 1:21.42 Chinese Taipei 1:23.791:16.951:15.861:25.731:23.51
6x6x6 Cube First round 18 2:25.58 2:35.72 Chinese Taipei 2:43.622:37.952:25.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 16 3:39.91 3:44.43 Chinese Taipei 3:41.983:51.403:39.91
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 12 16.11 18.53 Chinese Taipei 32.3019.6216.2016.1119.78
Second round 12 16.84 18.70 Chinese Taipei 18.0016.8418.7420.6919.35
First round 8 12.66 15.75 Chinese Taipei 18.0518.2012.9516.2412.66
Pyraminx Final 12 4.07 6.82 Chinese Taipei 4.0710.554.345.9310.20
Second round 8 4.85 6.23 Chinese Taipei 6.318.554.857.464.91
First round 7 4.73 6.01 Chinese Taipei 4.735.255.407.379.54
Skewb Final 9 4.58 6.53 Chinese Taipei 6.666.186.744.587.02
Second round 11 4.78 5.87 Chinese Taipei 4.786.9413.415.145.53
First round 21 3.15 8.19 Chinese Taipei 3.1513.229.238.686.66
3x3x3 With Feet Final 6 1:11.88 1:23.91 Chinese Taipei 1:21.361:26.051:11.881:31.221:24.32

Shun-Hsin Chang (張舜欣) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 37 10.92 12.30 Chinese Taipei 12.5610.9212.0612.2713.76
Second round 36 10.39 12.15 Chinese Taipei 10.3913.2412.6410.5913.22
First round 27 10.50 11.29 Chinese Taipei 12.4710.6511.2210.5011.99
4x4x4 Cube Second round 17 35.99 39.98 Chinese Taipei 40.9740.9146.2138.0735.99
First round 29 35.77 43.85 Chinese Taipei 43.0953.0140.3248.1535.77
Clock Final 5 7.74 10.03 Chinese Taipei 7.749.7910.0310.2710.71
First round 8 9.72 10.92 Chinese Taipei 12.4310.659.7211.3010.81
Megaminx Final 4 41.25 48.58 Chinese Taipei 46.7450.4748.5441.2550.50
First round 4 44.97 47.71 Chinese Taipei 45.7844.9750.0855.0247.27
Pyraminx First round 25 7.27 10.35 Chinese Taipei 11.479.0410.5412.627.27

Siau Hong Da (蕭宏達) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 18 10.01 10.69 Malaysia 10.9210.8310.0111.9010.32
Second round 27 10.95 11.60 Malaysia 11.4215.8312.0611.3110.95
First round 42 10.62 12.57 Malaysia 11.6417.2513.5812.4910.62
4x4x4 Cube Second round 34 43.63 47.79 Malaysia 50.7047.9151.4843.6344.77
First round 37 40.62 46.58 Malaysia 49.3749.4740.6251.5040.90
Pyraminx Final 7 4.25 4.94 Malaysia 4.474.254.327.646.03
Second round 10 4.35 6.53 Malaysia 5.759.796.397.444.35
First round 10 5.61 6.31 Malaysia 5.649.065.616.656.64
Skewb Final 3 2.76 4.43 Malaysia 5.342.765.003.784.51
Second round 1 3.36 3.84 Malaysia 3.365.143.804.233.48
First round 5 5.03 5.31 Malaysia 5.035.485.386.425.07

Siew Hann Wen (蕭漢文) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 127 26.74 31.19 Malaysia 26.7441.4237.1328.5327.92
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 13 56 66.00 Malaysia 775665
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 45 1:57.69 Malaysia 1:57.692:17.67
Clock Final 11 10.78 19.26 Malaysia 12.1810.7832.76DNF12.84
First round 10 10.69 11.79 Malaysia 12.9211.0310.6914.7611.43
Megaminx First round 25 1:52.33 2:02.38 Malaysia 2:00.562:52.462:02.591:52.332:03.99

Sinpei Araki (荒木慎平) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 68 14.51 15.43 Japan 15.4614.5114.5816.2417.08
First round 99 12.56 18.02 Japan 19.9920.8813.1921.4612.56
2x2x2 Cube Final 7 2.28 3.54 Japan 11.213.742.282.284.60
Second round 7 2.60 3.56 Japan 2.605.315.172.742.78
First round 5 2.40 3.56 Japan 2.402.405.828.102.45
Square-1 Final 12 20.24 21.64 Japan 20.3720.2443.8724.0920.46
First round 9 16.76 18.01 Japan 25.3017.0816.7618.6518.29

Song-Wei He (何崧瑋) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 129 30.19 33.04 Chinese Taipei 36.5030.1931.4031.2143.40

Tang-Kai Huang (黃堂愷) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 52 12.11 14.15 Chinese Taipei 12.1113.7215.8815.5913.13
First round 48 10.93 12.88 Chinese Taipei 12.0314.6911.9210.9316.05
2x2x2 Cube Second round 34 4.83 5.31 Chinese Taipei 4.856.434.835.016.07
First round 40 3.82 5.73 Chinese Taipei 3.825.496.485.227.92
4x4x4 Cube First round 43 46.53 48.46 Chinese Taipei 46.5351.8451.0647.1847.15
5x5x5 Cube Second round 25 1:23.47 1:28.11 Chinese Taipei 1:25.851:23.471:34.811:27.101:31.37
First round 25 1:18.29 1:21.71 Chinese Taipei 1:23.221:27.171:18.441:18.291:23.48
6x6x6 Cube First round 20 2:36.44 2:40.88 Chinese Taipei 2:41.662:44.532:36.44
7x7x7 Cube First round 17 3:37.12 3:45.28 Chinese Taipei 3:47.383:51.333:37.12
Clock First round 17 14.88 21.21 Chinese Taipei 14.88DNF31.7216.5015.41
Megaminx First round 14 1:21.63 1:24.58 Chinese Taipei 1:28.311:21.631:23.321:28.111:22.32
Pyraminx First round 33 8.90 13.80 Chinese Taipei 22.8413.7513.2414.408.90
Skewb Second round 17 5.32 7.88 Chinese Taipei 6.817.745.329.519.10
First round 6 3.77 5.42 Chinese Taipei 5.329.105.003.775.95
Square-1 Final 2 12.42 14.82 Chinese Taipei 14.6313.3916.4416.6912.42
First round 2 13.07 14.28 Chinese Taipei 13.0714.1914.7315.7013.91

Tiffany Soh (蘇明珠) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 126 27.41 31.10 Malaysia 28.2134.2234.2227.4130.87
2x2x2 Cube First round 79 10.41 14.74 Malaysia 17.1317.0810.4114.5612.58
7x7x7 Cube First round 31 7:47.27 Malaysia 7:47.27
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 44 49.47 Malaysia 49.4757.10
Clock First round 13 12.86 14.94 Malaysia 20.6313.0918.3912.8613.33
Pyraminx Second round 20 9.62 11.55 Malaysia 12.8413.7811.7310.079.62
First round 21 7.65 8.86 Malaysia 8.4110.108.649.527.65
Skewb First round 41 5.08 17.81 Malaysia 5.0819.9621.1314.6818.79

Ting-Ching Lin (林庭慶) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 87 15.45 17.68 Chinese Taipei 15.4522.7517.1519.0816.82
First round 92 12.73 17.26 Chinese Taipei 14.7621.1015.9325.1612.73
2x2x2 Cube Second round 42 4.90 6.02 Chinese Taipei 4.906.196.305.716.15
First round 57 3.86 6.69 Chinese Taipei 3.865.238.398.566.44
Pyraminx Second round 17 6.46 8.79 Chinese Taipei 9.469.387.529.506.46
First round 13 6.80 7.34 Chinese Taipei 6.807.427.019.147.58
Skewb First round 26 3.58 8.85 Chinese Taipei 3.5811.068.6412.436.84

Ting-Yu Liao (廖庭右) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 38 11.63 12.43 Chinese Taipei 14.8211.6311.6512.2013.43
Second round 44 11.69 13.00 Chinese Taipei 12.4815.8111.6913.7412.77
First round 54 9.41 13.77 Chinese Taipei 13.3613.2014.7515.849.41
2x2x2 Cube Second round 58 4.53 8.89 Chinese Taipei 12.968.114.5312.685.87
First round 29 3.22 5.02 Chinese Taipei 5.8816.653.265.913.22
4x4x4 Cube First round 51 46.13 51.61 Chinese Taipei 49.8049.0355.9946.131:03.48
5x5x5 Cube First round 31 1:12.55 1:27.75 Chinese Taipei 1:31.881:36.441:34.101:12.551:17.27
6x6x6 Cube First round 26 3:17.15 Chinese Taipei 3:17.15
7x7x7 Cube First round 29 5:15.54 Chinese Taipei 5:15.54
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 32 31.10 Chinese Taipei 34.0331.10
Pyraminx First round 38 12.69 15.65 Chinese Taipei 13.6512.6925.7513.6519.66
Skewb First round 35 9.52 12.28 Chinese Taipei 14.7510.4924.369.5211.61

Tomohiro Kobayashi (小林知広) - Japan WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 32 9.77 11.98 Japan 11.0812.9611.919.7725.47
Second round 28 10.52 11.73 Japan 12.5910.5211.0911.9812.12
First round 23 9.27 10.97 Japan 13.3110.4910.919.2711.50
2x2x2 Cube First round 62 5.05 7.64 Japan 5.059.1515.596.607.18
4x4x4 Cube Second round 14 35.56 38.88 Japan 35.5638.1545.7839.4939.00
First round 13 32.87 38.28 Japan 32.8738.8142.8440.2935.74
5x5x5 Cube Final 10 1:08.77 1:10.58 Japan 1:09.471:14.111:12.691:09.571:08.77
Second round 12 1:05.65 1:12.19 Japan 1:18.391:05.651:15.591:07.881:13.10
First round 5 1:02.58 1:05.50 Japan 1:28.801:05.721:04.251:06.521:02.58
6x6x6 Cube Final 7 2:04.04 2:09.54 Japan 2:18.032:04.042:06.54
First round 10 2:05.93 2:11.44 Japan 2:22.102:06.302:05.93
7x7x7 Cube Final 7 3:07.62 3:13.71 Japan 3:13.653:19.873:07.62
First round 7 3:05.02 3:10.50 Japan 3:16.613:05.023:09.88
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 1 26 31.33 Japan 263335
3x3x3 One-Handed Second round 18 19.21 22.78 Japan 27.1119.2121.3127.6219.91
First round 16 16.25 20.10 Japan 35.5920.5819.7616.2519.97
Megaminx Final 7 50.41 59.74 Japan 1:02.1257.1550.4159.941:06.44
First round 6 51.71 57.78 Japan 56.4759.4751.7157.411:08.99
Skewb First round 13 6.17 6.72 Japan 6.177.786.966.806.40
Square-1 First round 15 20.49 23.60 Japan 25.8620.4924.0728.5420.86

Tsung-Che Lee (李宗哲) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 13 8.61 11.20 Chinese Taipei 10.8115.038.6110.3612.44
Semi Final 11 9.21 9.85 Chinese Taipei 9.2113.2010.189.499.87
Second round 6 8.53 9.14 Chinese Taipei 11.419.928.758.768.53
First round 15 7.84 10.23 Chinese Taipei 11.9910.459.2510.997.84
4x4x4 Cube Final 5 31.78 34.72 Chinese Taipei 32.2831.781:03.4234.4037.47
Second round 5 31.51 35.14 Chinese Taipei 31.5138.79DNF32.4234.22
First round 6 33.29 36.04 Chinese Taipei 43.2536.0133.2933.7138.40

Tun-Yang Chu (鞠敦揚) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 47 10.90 15.09 Chinese Taipei 14.1715.1317.2715.9810.90
Second round 47 11.45 13.30 Chinese Taipei 13.8413.1211.4512.9416.35
First round 53 12.76 13.69 Chinese Taipei 12.8713.3714.8312.7616.49
2x2x2 Cube Second round 36 4.71 5.36 Chinese Taipei 5.214.816.224.716.05
First round 48 5.17 6.17 Chinese Taipei 5.486.365.176.688.41
4x4x4 Cube First round 54 46.97 54.52 Chinese Taipei 57.7952.2346.9753.531:37.99

Tzu-Chia Huang (黃子家) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 125 21.65 26.03 Chinese Taipei 23.7228.6325.7530.4121.65
4x4x4 Cube First round 75 2:30.01 Chinese Taipei 2:30.012:38.97
5x5x5 Cube First round 53 4:01.48 Chinese Taipei 4:01.484:07.73
Megaminx First round 30 3:20.42 Chinese Taipei DNF3:20.42
Pyraminx First round 30 8.64 12.44 Chinese Taipei DNF8.6412.4414.4810.41

Tzu-Han Hung (洪梓菡) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 69 12.46 15.81 Chinese Taipei 14.7216.5512.4616.1717.04
First round 97 14.61 17.78 Chinese Taipei 18.1324.0019.2714.6115.94
2x2x2 Cube First round 76 5.97 9.59 Chinese Taipei 6.7214.317.745.9714.62
4x4x4 Cube First round 50 44.11 51.39 Chinese Taipei 44.1153.4649.5051.2155.39
Clock First round 25 DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNF
Skewb First round 30 5.22 9.90 Chinese Taipei 5.2212.0211.428.299.98
Square-1 Final 10 16.35 19.03 Chinese Taipei 24.7416.9020.1320.0516.35
First round 7 16.81 17.36 Chinese Taipei 16.8117.1628.5517.2017.72

Tzu-Heng Yu (游祖恆) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 130 31.78 37.35 Chinese Taipei 42.6932.5831.7844.6336.79

Wang Junwen (王俊文) - Malaysia WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 54 11.77 14.23 Malaysia 12.5214.6411.7715.5415.69
First round 29 10.62 11.70 Malaysia 12.5010.8511.7912.4610.62
2x2x2 Cube Second round 32 4.43 5.29 Malaysia 5.724.435.378.564.78
First round 39 3.72 5.72 Malaysia 4.747.616.675.763.72
Clock First round 15 13.54 15.89 Malaysia 16.3716.8513.5417.0214.45
Megaminx First round 26 1:51.28 2:05.59 Malaysia 2:27.252:02.822:10.891:51.282:03.06

Wei-Chieh Sun (孫韋傑) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 112 16.53 21.49 Chinese Taipei 22.2116.5320.8123.2221.46
2x2x2 Cube First round 71 7.53 8.61 Chinese Taipei 8.009.1110.088.737.53
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 24 58 DNF Chinese Taipei 58DNFDNF

Wei-Hsu Lin (林韋旭) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 122 22.69 24.90 Chinese Taipei 23.3124.1427.2422.6933.41
2x2x2 Cube Second round 21 3.09 4.75 Chinese Taipei 4.844.984.443.096.30
First round 34 4.86 5.30 Chinese Taipei 4.866.034.894.98DNF

Wei-Qi Liu (劉緯騏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 40 11.33 12.72 Chinese Taipei 13.2214.5911.3312.8412.10
Second round 37 10.56 12.41 Chinese Taipei 13.6911.9111.9113.4210.56
First round 36 11.37 12.12 Chinese Taipei 11.3714.7912.4812.2711.61
4x4x4 Cube Second round 33 43.06 47.41 Chinese Taipei 49.6347.0243.0646.7448.48
First round 36 45.01 46.54 Chinese Taipei 48.1346.0445.4645.0153.03
5x5x5 Cube First round 42 1:26.78 1:42.75 Chinese Taipei 1:38.341:45.741:26.782:01.741:44.16
3x3x3 Blindfolded First round 14 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNF
4x4x4 Blindfolded Final 5 DNF DNF Chinese Taipei DNFDNFDNS

William Lu (呂宇綸) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 33 10.53 12.04 Chinese Taipei 10.53DNF12.7211.8611.55
Second round 13 9.28 10.20 Chinese Taipei 11.669.459.489.2811.89
First round 14 8.38 10.20 Chinese Taipei 11.8911.388.938.3810.28
2x2x2 Cube First round 81 2.80 DNF Chinese Taipei 3.012.80DNF2.98DNF
4x4x4 Cube Second round 32 42.44 46.20 Chinese Taipei 43.1342.4449.7045.7752.51
First round 31 39.47 44.00 Chinese Taipei 39.4743.9245.3145.5242.76

Xiang-Fu Tian (田翔富) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 43 12.48 13.27 Chinese Taipei 13.0313.2113.5813.6812.48
Second round 46 9.71 13.27 Chinese Taipei 9.7114.7613.9811.0814.88
First round 43 10.71 12.71 Chinese Taipei 10.7113.0213.0212.4112.71
4x4x4 Cube Second round 21 38.16 42.09 Chinese Taipei 40.3638.1647.4443.6342.27
First round 19 39.25 41.21 Chinese Taipei 42.0441.6445.0839.9639.25
5x5x5 Cube Second round 23 1:14.17 1:23.16 Chinese Taipei 1:25.881:14.171:21.981:21.611:27.54
First round 23 1:17.53 1:21.40 Chinese Taipei 1:28.881:20.821:24.991:18.391:17.53
7x7x7 Cube First round 21 3:38.98 4:01.33 Chinese Taipei 4:09.923:38.984:15.10
3x3x3 Blindfolded Final 7 3:13.29 DNF Chinese Taipei 3:13.29DNFDNF
First round 8 2:33.31 2:50.14 Chinese Taipei 3:07.372:33.312:49.74
3x3x3 Multi-Blind Final 5 2/3 26:58 Chinese Taipei 2/3 26:58DNF

Yan-Hung Lai (賴彥宏) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 28 9.38 11.31 Chinese Taipei 12.6011.7510.019.3812.16
Second round 23 8.98 11.20 Chinese Taipei 12.8111.3112.549.758.98
First round 24 8.10 11.06 Chinese Taipei 12.2611.408.1010.4111.36
2x2x2 Cube Final 1 1.64 2.62 Chinese Taipei 1.884.241.641.745.44
Second round 1 1.41 2.04 Chinese Taipei 4.511.412.611.432.09
First round 1 1.90 2.63 Chinese Taipei 2.752.952.193.851.90
4x4x4 Cube Second round 35 41.70 48.75 Chinese Taipei 49.5449.6841.7047.0254.52
First round 32 42.40 44.55 Chinese Taipei 43.0947.7542.8042.4056.01
5x5x5 Cube Second round 14 1:09.62 1:13.34 Chinese Taipei 1:10.181:09.621:17.921:16.641:13.19
First round 17 1:11.08 1:15.47 Chinese Taipei 1:11.081:13.921:14.981:17.511:50.87
6x6x6 Cube First round 15 2:21.11 2:26.66 Chinese Taipei 2:29.462:29.422:21.11
7x7x7 Cube First round 14 3:33.66 3:41.68 Chinese Taipei 3:54.543:33.663:36.83

Yan-Jou Lin (林彥州) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 35 10.67 12.26 Chinese Taipei 15.4413.0510.6710.8612.86
Second round 34 10.93 12.05 Chinese Taipei 10.9313.6311.1413.6311.39
First round 49 12.77 13.10 Chinese Taipei 13.0213.5017.7412.7712.77
4x4x4 Cube First round 55 50.42 56.40 Chinese Taipei 1:05.1453.471:12.7150.6050.42
5x5x5 Cube First round 47 1:37.04 1:46.09 Chinese Taipei 2:11.731:44.311:37.131:56.841:37.04
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 4 39 41.00 Chinese Taipei 444039
Skewb Final 7 3.75 5.52 Chinese Taipei 7.953.756.316.483.77
Second round 8 4.37 5.35 Chinese Taipei 5.688.214.895.474.37
First round 11 2.23 6.53 Chinese Taipei 2.237.957.416.146.04

Yanfeng Zhu (朱艳枫) - China WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 94 17.24 20.12 China 17.2421.7421.9318.9919.63
First round 95 16.61 17.65 China 16.6117.3518.4321.9617.18
Square-1 First round 26 45.16 China 45.1658.06

Yen-Chun Hua (華彥鈞) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 92 16.00 19.07 Chinese Taipei 20.7917.5922.4016.0018.84
First round 93 16.41 17.56 Chinese Taipei 16.4116.9518.71DNF17.01
2x2x2 Cube First round 70 5.15 8.37 Chinese Taipei 6.955.1513.385.9112.25
4x4x4 Cube First round 52 47.33 51.89 Chinese Taipei 1:02.2453.2454.1547.3348.28
5x5x5 Cube First round 43 1:35.09 1:43.00 Chinese Taipei 1:52.521:39.041:38.301:51.671:35.09
6x6x6 Cube First round 24 3:04.65 Chinese Taipei 3:04.65

Yen-Pin Xiao (蕭彥平) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 27 10.53 11.27 Chinese Taipei 10.9511.9211.4810.5311.38
Second round 26 10.63 11.49 Chinese Taipei 11.4811.5311.4514.0810.63
First round 26 9.49 11.16 Chinese Taipei 10.4910.099.4912.8913.92
2x2x2 Cube Second round 18 4.06 4.59 Chinese Taipei 4.065.446.244.124.20
First round 7 3.40 3.67 Chinese Taipei 3.403.493.663.874.82
4x4x4 Cube First round 49 47.00 50.69 Chinese Taipei 54.1549.4658.5748.4747.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 24 22.23 23.23 Chinese Taipei 25.0223.6122.8023.2922.23
Skewb First round 32 8.79 10.81 Chinese Taipei 12.4710.299.6717.298.79
Square-1 First round 19 20.68 28.16 Chinese Taipei 30.5020.6832.6724.8529.13

Yen-Wei Li (李彥緯) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 64 11.45 14.72 Chinese Taipei 11.4515.76DNF15.8312.56
First round 47 11.29 12.86 Chinese Taipei 13.0413.1112.4414.3211.29
2x2x2 Cube Second round 29 4.44 5.09 Chinese Taipei 5.527.314.444.475.27
First round 19 2.97 4.46 Chinese Taipei 4.286.662.974.894.21
4x4x4 Cube Second round 30 38.55 45.75 Chinese Taipei 40.8338.5554.8343.9952.43
First round 34 41.24 45.58 Chinese Taipei 46.8446.4443.4541.2454.59
5x5x5 Cube First round 16 1:10.60 1:14.97 Chinese Taipei 1:14.711:14.711:15.481:35.761:10.60

Yi-Chia Huang (黃翊家) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
Pyraminx First round 35 11.93 14.31 Chinese Taipei 14.8311.9315.7916.1612.30

Yi-Fan Wu (吳一凡) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 115 17.27 21.98 Chinese Taipei 22.0132.3025.2717.2718.65
2x2x2 Cube Second round 48 4.90 6.46 Chinese Taipei 6.935.108.024.907.35
First round 58 6.04 6.95 Chinese Taipei
3x3x3 Fewest Moves Final 10 41 44.67 Chinese Taipei 514142
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 30 25.94 31.81 Chinese Taipei 29.7235.8629.861:04.4925.94
Clock First round 21 17.74 27.30 Chinese Taipei 23.17DNF39.1117.7419.63
Pyraminx First round 26 8.22 10.63 Chinese Taipei 10.2219.978.229.8611.81
Skewb First round 31 3.74 10.47 Chinese Taipei 3.748.6810.8716.6311.87
Square-1 First round 23 29.81 35.47 Chinese Taipei 37.0736.6832.6546.5129.81

Yi-Heng Lee (李宜衡) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 16 9.04 DNF Chinese Taipei DNF10.069.04DNF9.87
Semi Final 8 7.82 9.23 Chinese Taipei 7.8210.9913.858.618.09
Second round 11 8.45 10.04 Chinese Taipei 9.9611.0312.558.459.12
First round 8 7.65 9.28 Chinese Taipei 8.0510.979.809.997.65
2x2x2 Cube Second round 20 2.99 4.72 Chinese Taipei 3.842.993.897.696.42
First round 36 4.75 5.36 Chinese Taipei 5.955.234.754.90DNF
4x4x4 Cube Second round 16 33.05 39.47 Chinese Taipei 40.8837.3940.1448.4033.05
First round 27 37.89 43.64 Chinese Taipei 47.0144.9243.4637.8942.53
3x3x3 One-Handed Final 9 16.14 17.34 Chinese Taipei 16.8019.9916.1417.3017.91
Second round 10 14.30 17.14 Chinese Taipei 20.1423.6514.4116.8714.30
First round 7 14.12 15.53 Chinese Taipei 16.6614.1220.3415.3114.63

Yi-Ho Hsueh (薛以和) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 124 22.79 26.00 Chinese Taipei 28.7625.6238.6923.6322.79
Square-1 Final 5 14.09 16.61 Chinese Taipei 14.9315.3820.0419.5114.09
First round 10 17.08 18.06 Chinese Taipei 19.1417.0819.1517.1317.92

Yi-Jen Hsueh (薛以仁) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 20 8.71 10.97 Chinese Taipei 9.90DNF13.049.968.71
Second round 15 9.37 10.23 Chinese Taipei 9.8010.8410.2610.649.37
First round 9 8.85 9.55 Chinese Taipei 9.729.159.7812.518.85
2x2x2 Cube First round 20 3.71 4.48 Chinese Taipei 5.193.714.325.054.08
4x4x4 Cube First round 48 39.82 50.16 Chinese Taipei 56.3439.8251.9550.6747.85
5x5x5 Cube First round 39 1:33.54 1:38.53 Chinese Taipei 1:34.081:34.141:50.141:47.361:33.54

You-Hao Chen (陳宥豪) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 100 15.33 18.06 Chinese Taipei 17.5418.3315.3318.8218.32
2x2x2 Cube Second round 44 4.95 6.16 Chinese Taipei 5.506.614.956.367.37
First round 61 5.98 7.32 Chinese Taipei 5.987.166.728.088.61
4x4x4 Cube First round 66 1:03.87 Chinese Taipei 1:03.871:29.26
Pyraminx First round 43 12.39 21.87 Chinese Taipei 12.39DNF22.1624.0719.38

You-Xiang Chen (陳宥翔) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 121 22.36 24.62 Chinese Taipei 22.3626.7627.7923.3023.79
2x2x2 Cube First round 75 6.57 9.51 Chinese Taipei 9.1211.1110.708.726.57
Pyraminx Second round 21 5.49 11.63 Chinese Taipei 13.8514.2810.0111.025.49
First round 22 6.32 9.32 Chinese Taipei 6.327.0311.219.7111.64

Yu-Cheng Chang (張育誠) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 82 14.58 16.88 Chinese Taipei 18.3214.5818.9216.9515.38
First round 60 12.12 14.14 Chinese Taipei 14.3814.0612.1213.9915.39
2x2x2 Cube First round 63 7.30 7.71 Chinese Taipei 8.308.067.467.307.60
4x4x4 Cube First round 57 47.11 57.82 Chinese Taipei 1:01.6654.331:02.4647.1157.47
5x5x5 Cube First round 50 1:57.28 Chinese Taipei 1:57.282:02.44
Megaminx First round 28 2:07.98 2:23.77 Chinese Taipei DNF2:19.282:36.592:15.452:07.98

Yu-Cheng Wang (王禹程) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 75 12.85 16.11 Chinese Taipei DNF14.9015.5217.9212.85
First round 65 12.44 14.56 Chinese Taipei 13.4415.7212.4414.9415.29
2x2x2 Cube Second round 52 5.63 6.75 Chinese Taipei 7.496.206.555.638.18
First round 54 5.40 6.49 Chinese Taipei

Yu-Chia Sung (宋祐嘉) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 57 13.52 14.40 Chinese Taipei 14.8514.7713.5213.7514.68
First round 63 11.62 14.27 Chinese Taipei 13.2916.5913.3116.2011.62
2x2x2 Cube Second round 22 3.98 4.75 Chinese Taipei 4.883.986.104.015.35
First round 35 4.38 5.33 Chinese Taipei 5.594.385.644.756.43
4x4x4 Cube First round 64 1:01.07 Chinese Taipei 1:01.071:14.11
5x5x5 Cube First round 52 2:04.88 Chinese Taipei 2:04.882:23.49
Pyraminx First round 28 7.88 11.65 Chinese Taipei 12.5220.547.8811.6210.82

Yu-Chine Lin (林佑謙) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 17 8.70 10.65 Chinese Taipei 11.4212.8811.768.708.78
Second round 12 8.04 10.16 Chinese Taipei 9.7311.729.038.0412.09
First round 16 9.11 10.51 Chinese Taipei 11.6910.0511.169.1110.32
2x2x2 Cube Final 6 1.60 3.54 Chinese Taipei 2.883.795.611.603.94
Second round 6 2.20 3.48 Chinese Taipei 2.203.813.163.464.38
First round 10 2.61 3.86 Chinese Taipei 4.382.613.813.4010.73
4x4x4 Cube First round 42 44.39 47.01 Chinese Taipei 57.5244.4549.7544.3946.83

Yu-Fan Li (李育帆) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 123 19.30 25.80 Chinese Taipei 43.3523.2027.4019.3026.79

Yu-Fang Liu (劉語芳) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 71 13.73 15.82 Chinese Taipei 15.3315.5416.6013.73DNF
First round 41 11.55 12.45 Chinese Taipei 11.9812.9512.4211.5513.51
Skewb Final 1 3.06 4.03 Chinese Taipei 3.356.364.863.063.87
Second round 2 2.97 4.08 Chinese Taipei 5.612.973.744.963.53
First round 1 2.45 3.15 Chinese Taipei 3.653.602.842.453.01

Yu-Hao Lin (林宇顥) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 128 22.86 31.79 Chinese Taipei 35.4622.8634.4433.7527.19
2x2x2 Cube First round 78 8.38 10.36 Chinese Taipei 8.3910.2614.7712.428.38

Yu-Hsuan Chang (張祐瑄) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 84 14.97 17.36 Chinese Taipei 15.6818.6018.3114.9718.09
First round 90 14.94 17.08 Chinese Taipei 14.9415.4417.6619.2218.13
2x2x2 Cube Second round 41 4.08 6.02 Chinese Taipei 6.384.086.914.767.12
First round 41 4.46 5.73 Chinese Taipei 5.396.844.964.4610.64
Clock First round 14 12.68 15.78 Chinese Taipei DNF16.1617.8712.6813.30
Megaminx First round 19 1:27.28 1:36.28 Chinese Taipei 1:56.821:30.631:42.801:35.411:27.28
Pyraminx Second round 15 5.45 8.36 Chinese Taipei 9.347.568.209.335.45
First round 18 6.98 8.51 Chinese Taipei
Skewb Final 6 4.16 5.25 Chinese Taipei 5.437.706.084.234.16
Second round 12 4.27 6.34 Chinese Taipei 4.697.954.278.046.39
First round 8 2.82 5.69 Chinese Taipei 6.409.375.432.825.25
Square-1 First round 20 27.40 31.02 Chinese Taipei 28.5932.78DNF31.7027.40

Yu-Lun Su (蘇昱綸) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 58 13.30 14.42 Chinese Taipei 13.3314.9417.3015.0013.30
First round 80 14.85 15.95 Chinese Taipei 14.8914.8516.6716.9416.30
2x2x2 Cube Second round 28 3.04 5.09 Chinese Taipei 7.974.765.524.983.04
First round 32 3.63 5.17 Chinese Taipei 5.715.614.185.833.63
Pyraminx Second round 18 7.34 8.81 Chinese Taipei 9.978.0913.727.348.36
First round 20 6.98 8.77 Chinese Taipei 8.5011.028.908.916.98
Skewb Second round 18 6.56 8.01 Chinese Taipei 6.568.5010.608.896.64
First round 19 6.58 7.83 Chinese Taipei 8.408.368.356.586.79

Yu-Wen Wang (王裕文) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 60 13.68 14.55 Chinese Taipei 15.7213.9214.0213.6815.77
First round 62 11.03 14.21 Chinese Taipei 15.8814.1014.1211.0314.41
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 27 22.47 25.39 Chinese Taipei 32.1022.4723.8226.2026.15

Yueh-Lin Tsai (蔡岳霖) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Final 7 7.29 9.20 Chinese Taipei 8.9010.
Semi Final 15 9.20 10.42 Chinese Taipei 10.029.2010.8616.5710.38
Second round 38 10.28 12.48 Chinese Taipei 10.2812.9112.8115.9311.72
First round 22 10.16 10.94 Chinese Taipei 11.7010.6812.1910.4410.16
2x2x2 Cube Second round 27 3.75 4.98 Chinese Taipei 4.843.756.224.375.72
First round 38 4.89 5.66 Chinese Taipei 5.044.897.726.445.51
4x4x4 Cube Second round 27 41.16 44.45 Chinese Taipei 45.2241.1642.7046.5745.44
First round 17 37.53 39.85 Chinese Taipei 38.7844.2840.7040.0737.53
5x5x5 Cube Final 2 54.41 58.66 Chinese Taipei 54.4158.461:10.721:01.3956.13
Second round 2 56.34 1:01.88 Chinese Taipei 1:04.181:03.7056.3457.751:05.56
First round 2 56.45 1:01.41 Chinese Taipei 58.791:10.4756.451:02.781:02.66
6x6x6 Cube Final 4 1:50.76 1:59.49 Chinese Taipei 1:50.762:02.092:05.62
First round 3 1:59.69 2:03.66 Chinese Taipei 1:59.692:08.582:02.70
7x7x7 Cube Final 3 2:47.00 2:48.66 Chinese Taipei 2:50.722:48.262:47.00
First round 3 2:32.32 2:44.59 Chinese Taipei 2:32.322:56.532:44.93

Yun Han (韓雲) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 118 18.21 23.52 Chinese Taipei 18.2125.0821.0524.4235.76
2x2x2 Cube Second round 55 6.54 8.13 Chinese Taipei 41.026.767.989.666.54
First round 60 4.64 7.24 Chinese Taipei 10.577.777.975.974.64
4x4x4 Cube First round 71 1:32.92 Chinese Taipei 1:40.471:32.92
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 38 36.43 Chinese Taipei 47.3136.43
Pyraminx First round 36 11.40 15.10 Chinese Taipei 15.4116.4313.7316.1711.40

Yun-Rong Chiang (江昀容) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 31 10.15 11.86 Chinese Taipei 12.3211.4715.4010.1511.80
Second round 22 10.16 10.92 Chinese Taipei 10.1610.2613.2510.7111.78
First round 18 9.31 10.67 Chinese Taipei 10.789.3112.5710.7710.47
4x4x4 Cube Second round 26 39.26 43.87 Chinese Taipei 43.0947.91DNF39.2640.61
First round 23 37.74 42.68 Chinese Taipei 37.7440.6544.5845.0542.81
5x5x5 Cube Second round 18 1:13.35 1:16.84 Chinese Taipei 1:13.351:15.381:20.231:19.791:15.34
First round 21 1:15.32 1:20.53 Chinese Taipei 1:17.981:31.311:15.321:23.941:19.67
7x7x7 Cube First round 20 3:47.16 3:59.56 Chinese Taipei 3:47.164:01.644:09.89
Pyraminx Final 6 2.64 4.85 Chinese Taipei 2.655.522.646.38DNF
Second round 2 2.82 4.05 Chinese Taipei 3.904.793.462.825.00
First round 4 2.84 5.17 Chinese Taipei 5.387.015.174.972.84

Yun-Rui Chiang (江昀叡) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 45 10.10 12.77 Chinese Taipei 12.9014.8710.1013.0312.39
Megaminx Final 1 39.37 45.25 Chinese Taipei 53.2444.8845.2545.6139.37
First round 1 41.88 44.83 NR Chinese Taipei 42.9444.6741.8846.8947.82

Yung-Chun Tsai (蔡詠竣) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 114 17.23 21.51 Chinese Taipei 24.4720.2017.2324.3120.02

Zi-Xian Liao (廖子賢) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Semi Final 19 9.46 10.84 Chinese Taipei 10.3410.8113.4211.369.46
Second round 43 11.46 12.99 Chinese Taipei 13.3611.4613.7011.9214.84
First round 31 10.88 11.76 Chinese Taipei 11.9912.3610.8811.2012.10
4x4x4 Cube Final 11 36.13 38.46 Chinese Taipei 36.1336.4045.7041.1637.82
Second round 8 34.02 36.06 Chinese Taipei 34.0334.0244.7336.1138.04
First round 9 34.63 36.94 Chinese Taipei 35.8039.0034.6336.0341.25
5x5x5 Cube Final 7 1:04.01 1:07.54 Chinese Taipei 1:04.011:09.481:09.091:17.091:04.04
Second round 8 1:05.57 1:09.94 Chinese Taipei 1:11.221:07.111:05.571:17.031:11.50
First round 14 1:06.40 1:09.59 Chinese Taipei 1:09.471:06.401:11.161:16.311:08.14
6x6x6 Cube Final 11 2:10.16 2:18.47 Chinese Taipei 2:10.162:19.932:25.33
First round 4 2:04.84 2:07.39 Chinese Taipei 2:04.842:08.802:08.53
7x7x7 Cube First round 13 3:08.93 3:36.42 Chinese Taipei 3:12.334:28.013:08.93

Zih-Yang Chen (陳子揚) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Second round 91 15.94 18.29 Chinese Taipei 25.8119.7915.9416.5818.50
First round 81 15.17 16.00 Chinese Taipei 16.7515.2017.3715.1716.04
2x2x2 Cube Second round 46 5.72 6.28 Chinese Taipei 5.927.207.025.895.72
First round 43 5.43 5.90 Chinese Taipei 6.006.435.965.745.43

Zong-Xing Yang (楊宗興) - Chinese Taipei WCA profile

Event Round # Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube First round 105 15.39 19.25 Chinese Taipei 20.1318.3719.2420.3015.39
2x2x2 Cube Second round 35 4.84 5.35 Chinese Taipei 4.844.916.724.966.19
First round 33 4.52 5.29 Chinese Taipei 4.576.685.186.134.52
3x3x3 One-Handed First round 40 39.17 Chinese Taipei 39.6339.17
Pyraminx Final 11 5.54 6.69 Chinese Taipei 6.157.995.546.667.25
Second round 12 5.83 6.76 Chinese Taipei 9.307.715.976.615.83
First round 19 5.82 8.77 Chinese Taipei 5.827.5513.799.529.23
Skewb Final 5 4.06 5.16 Chinese Taipei 6.474.075.724.065.68
Second round 7 3.60 5.25 Chinese Taipei 7.295.993.605.244.52
First round 3 3.52 4.38 Chinese Taipei 4.334.923.883.525.03
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