Ticino Open Sunday 2021
- Date
- Nov 7, 2021
- City
- Genestrerio, Switzerland
- Venue
Sala Multiuso Genestrerio
- Address
- Via Campagnola 13, 6852 Genestrerio
- Contact
- Organizers
- Mattia Pasquini and Swisscubing
- WCA Delegates
- Oleg Gritsenko and Tobias Peter
- Download all the competition's details as PDF .
- Information
[DE] Dies ist ein sogenannter Doppelwettbewerb mit Ticino Open Saturday 2021. Du kannst dich nur für einen dieser beiden Wettbewerbe anmelden.
Bitte überprüfe die COVID-Seite dieses Wettbewerbs. Wir verlangen insbesondere, dass du uns ein COVID-Zertifikat bei der Anmeldung vorlegst. Das Vorzeigen des Covid-Zertifikats ist für alle Teilnehmer und Gäste obligatorisch.Es gibt eine Begrenzung von einem Gast pro Teilnehmer.
This is a twin competition with Ticino Open Saturday 2021. You may only register for one of these two competitions.
Please check the COVID page of this competition. In particular, we require that you show us a COVID certificate. Having this certificate is compulsory for all participants and guests.There is a limit of one guest per competitor.
Questo è la doppia competizione con Ticino Open Saturday 2021. Puoi registrare solo uno dei questi due competizioni.
Per favore controlla la pagina COVID di questa competizione. In particolare, noi chiediamo che tu mostri un certificato Covid. Avere questo certificato è obbligatorio per tutti i partecipanti e ospiti.C'è un limite di un ospite per competitore.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitors
- 14
- Registration period
Online registration opened Monday, October 4, 2021 at 12:00 PM UTC and closed Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.
- Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 60 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is CHF20 (Swiss Franc).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC.
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC by contacting the organization team.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
[DE] Teilnehmer, die sich anmelden und nicht zum Wettkampf erscheinen, müssen bei ihrem nächsten Wettkampf in der Schweiz eine Entschädigung von 20,- CHF (oder 20 €) zahlen. Anmeldungen werden über die WCA-Website vorgenommen. Die Zahlung erfolgt beim Wettkampf.
[EN] A competitor who registers and doesn't show up at the competition will have to pay a compensation of 20.- CHF (or 20 €) at their next competition in Switzerland. Registrations are made through the WCA site. Payment will be done at the competition.
[IT] Un concorrente che si registra e senza venire alla gara (senza annunciarlo) dovrà pagare la quota di partecipazione di 20.- CHF (o 20 €) alla sua prossima gara in Svizzera. L'iscrizione si fa sul sito WCA. I partecipanti pagano alla gara.
- Highlights
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.
Chenlai Zhao won with an average of 9.42 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Tobias Peter finished second (11.48) and Marco Rota finished third (11.93).
Event | Name | Best | Average | Representing | Solves | |||||||
3x3x3 Cube | Chenlai Zhao | 8.90 | 9.42 | China | 9.38 | 9.00 | 8.90 | 11.52 | 9.88 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | Sandro Mattenberger | 2.84 | 3.46 | Switzerland | 3.97 | 4.15 | 2.84 | 3.09 | 3.32 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Tobias Peter | 34.63 | 36.85 | Switzerland | 34.63 | 38.40 | 34.79 | DNF | 37.35 | |||
Clock | Mattia Pasquini | 6.46 | 7.59 | Switzerland | 6.46 | 10.15 | 7.03 | 8.29 | 7.45 | |||
Pyraminx | Tobias Peter | 3.79 | 4.82 | Switzerland | 4.03 | 3.79 | 4.81 | 6.13 | 5.63 | |||
Square-1 | Marco Rota | 10.50 | 13.45 | Italy | 17.49 | 13.51 | 10.50 | 13.67 | 13.16 |
Event | Round | Format | Time limit | Cutoff | Proceed |
3x3x3 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | Top 75% advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 10:00.00 | |||
2x2x2 Cube | First round | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | Top 75% advance to next round | |
Final | Ao5 | 1:00.00 | |||
4x4x4 Cube | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 10:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 1:15.00 | |
Clock | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 2:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 30.00 | |
Pyraminx | Final | Ao5 | 2:00.00 | ||
Square-1 | Final | Bo2 / Ao5 | 2:00.00 | 2 attempts to get < 45.00 |
Sala Multiuso Genestrerio
Bus: Vom Bahnhof Mendrisio nimmst du den Bus 523 und steigst an der "Genestrerio Piazza" aus, die sich in der Nähe des Wettbewerbs befindet (2 Minuten zu Fuss).
Auto : Es gibt gratis Parkplätze bei der Venue
Bus: From the station Mendrisio, take bus 523 and get off at the "Genestrerio Piazza", which is close to competition (2 minutes walk)
Car: There are free parking in front of the venue.
Bus: Dalla stazione di Mendrisio, prendere il bus 523 e scendere alla fermata "Genestrerio Piazza" che si trova vicino alla competizione (2 minuti di camminata).
Auto: Ci sono i posteggi gratuiti davanti alla venue.
Ticino Open Sunday 2021 ist ein Wettbewerb für alle. Dies ist der zweite Speedcubing-Wettbewerb im 2021 in der Schweiz, organisiert von Mattia Pasquini und Swisscubing, delegiert von Oleg Gritsenko und Tobias Peter.
Wir hoffen, mit diesem Wettbewerb viele lokale Cuber anzulocken und ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich zu messen.
Wir laden auch Teilnehmer aus dem Ausland herzlich ein, um diesem Event eine spannende internationale Mischung zu geben.
Die Ergebnisse des Ticino Open Sunday 2021 werden in die offizielle WCA-Weltrangliste aufgenommen.
Ticino Open Sunday 2021 is a competition for everyone. This is the second speedcubing competition in Switzerland in 2021, organized by Mattia Pasquini and Swisscubing, delegated by Oleg Gritsenko and Tobias Peter.
With this competition we hope to attract many local cubers and give them the chance to compete.
We also warmly invite competitors who come from abroad to give this event an exciting international mixture.
The results of the Ticino Open Sunday 2021 will be added to the official WCA World Rankings.
Ticino Open Sunday 2021 è una competizione aperta per tutti. Questa è la seconda competizione di speedcubing in Svizzera nel 2021, organizzata da Mattia Pasquini e Swisscubing, delegata da Oleg Gritsenko e Tobias Peter.
Con questa competizione speriamo di attrarre molti cuber locali e dare loro la possibilità di gareggiare.
Invitiamo calorosamente anche i partecipanti che vengono dall'estero di modo da alzare il livello della competizione.
I risultati del Ticino Open Sunday 2021 verranno aggiunte alle classifiche ufficiali della WCA.
Alle Personen (Teilnehmer und Gäste) müssen eine Covid-Bescheinigung vorweisen, ausgenommen Personen unter 16 Jahren.
Das Covid-Zertifikat erhaltest du wenn du:
- Vollständig geimpft bist;
- Genesen bist (gültig für 180 Tage ab dem Testergebnis);
- ein negatives Testergebnis (gültig für 48 Stunden) vorweist.
Wenn du nicht vollständig geimpft bist und die Krankheit noch nicht genesen bist, mache bitte vor dem Wettbewerb einen Test. Dieser Test kann in vielen Apotheken in der Schweiz durchgeführt werden. Ab dem 11. Oktober sind die Antigen-Schnelltests nicht mehr kostenlos, ausser für Personen unter 16 Jahren und andere Ausnahmefälle.
Wenn du nicht in der Schweiz wohnst und Zweifel hast, zögere nicht, das Organisationsteam zu kontaktieren.
Teilnehmer und Gäste, die keine oder eine ungültige Bescheinigung haben, werden nicht eingelassen.
Zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen:
- Pro Teilnehmer ist maximal ein Gast erlaubt.
- Die Teilnehmer müssen innerhalb des Veranstaltungsortes Masken tragen. Bitte bringen deine eigene Maske mit.
- Wir empfehlen den Teilnehmern, die eigenen Stifte zum Wettbewerb mitzubringen.
- Händedesinfektionsmittel wird zur Verfügung stehen. Wir empfehlen dir, es oft zu benutzen.
- Die Teilnehmer haben während des Wettkampfs feste Sitzplätze.
- Die Teilnehmer setzen den Timer vor ihrem Versuch zurück. Nach den Versuchen legen sie ihre Puzzles in den Deckel.
- Für den Scrambler gibt es Handschuhe.
- Am Ende jeder Runde werden die "Timer" und Tische desinfiziert.
All people (competitors and guests) are required to have a Covid-Certificate, except people under 16 age.
The Covid certificate is a way to certify:
- To be fully vaccinated;
- Have had the desease recently (valid for 180 days from the test result);
- The negative test result (valid for 48 hours).
If you are not fully vaccinated and haven't had the disease, please do a test before the competition. This test can be done in many pharmacies in Switzerland, from 11 October the rapid antigen tests will be not free except the under 16 age people and other exceptional cases.
If you do not reside in Switzerland and you have doubts, do not hesitate to contact the organization team.
If the partecipants and guests don't have the certificate or have invalid certificate, they will no be admitted.
Additional safety measures:
- There is a maximum of one guest per competitor.
- Competitors have to wear masks inside the venue. Please bring your own mask.
- We encourage competitors to bring their own pens to the competition.
- Hand sanitizers will be available for use. We encourage to use them frequently.
- The competitors will have fixed seats while they compete.
- Competitors will reset the timer before their attempt. After the attempts they will place their puzzles inside the cover.
- There will be the gloves for the scrambler.
- Every end of round, the timers and tables will be disinfected.
Tutte le persone (concorrenti e ospiti) sono tenute ad avere il Certificato Covid, eccetto le persone sotto 16 anni.
Il certificato è un modo per attestare:
- Di essere completamente vaccinato;
- La guarigione dal Covid (valido per 180 giorni a partire dal risultato del test);
- L'esito del tampone negativo (valido per 48 ore).
Se non hai fatto il vaccino oppure non hai contratto la malattia, sei pregato di fare un test prima della competizione. Quel test si può essere eseguito in molte farmacie in Svizzera, dall'11 Ottobre i test antigenici rapidi non saranno gratuiti eccetto le persone sotto 16 anni e altri casi eccezionali.
Se non risiedi in Svizzera e hai dei dubbi, non esitate di contattare il team organizzativo.
Se i partecipanti e gli ospiti non portano il certificato o portano il certificato non valido, non saranno ammessi.
Ulteriori misure di sicurezza:
- C'è il limite di un ospite per ogni competitore
- I concorrenti devono sempre indossare la mascherina all'interno della venue. Quindi sono pregati di portare la propria mascherina.
- Incoraggiamo ai concorrenti a portare le proprie penne alla competizione.
- Saranno disponibili i disinfettanti per le mani, invitiamo di usarli frequentemente.
- I partecipanti avranno i posti fissi mentre gareggiano.
- I partecipanti, dopo aver fatto il loro tentativo, loro sono pregati di mettere i loro puzzle all'interno della copertina.
- Ci saranno i guanti per gli scrambler.
- Ogni fine round, i timer e tavoli saranno disinfettati.
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.